Displaying publications 4841 - 4860 of 5664 in total

  1. Suppiah S, Ching SM, Nordin AJ, Vinjamuri S
    Med J Malaysia, 2018 06;73(3):141-146.
    PMID: 29962497
    BACKGROUND: Imaging such as Tc99m-HMPAO single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and positron emission tomography/ computed tomography (PET/CT) amyloid scans are used to aid the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD).

    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to correlate the ability of these modalities to differentiate Probable AD and Possible AD using the clinical diagnosis as a gold standard. We also investigated the correlation of severity of amyloid deposit in the brain with the diagnosis of AD.

    METHODS: A retrospective study of 47 subjects (17 Probable AD and 30 Possible AD) who were referred for PET/CT amyloid scans to our centre was conducted. Hypoperfusion in the temporo-parietal lobes on Tc99m-HMPAO SPECT and loss of grey-white matter contrast in cortical regions on PET/CT Amyloid scans indicating the presence of amyloid β deposit were qualitatively interpreted as positive for AD. SPECT and PET/CT were also read in combination (Combo reading). The severity of amyloid β deposit was semiquantitatively assessed in a visual binary method using a scale of Grade 0-4. The severity of amyloid β deposit was assessed in a visual binary method and a semi-quantitative method using a scale of Grade 0-4.

    RESULTS: There was significant correlation of Tc99m-HMPAO SPECT, PET/CT amyloid findings and Combo reading with AD. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV were 87.5%, 73.7%, 58.3% and 93.3% (SPECT); 62.5%, 77.4%, 58.8% and 80.0% (PET/CT) and 87.5%, 84.2%, 70.0% and 30.0% (Combo reading) respectively. The grade of amyloid deposition was not significantly correlated with AD (Spearman's correlation, p=0.687).

    CONCLUSION: There is an incremental benefit in utilizing PET/CT amyloid imaging in cases with atypical presentation and indeterminate findings on conventional imaging of Alzheimer's disease.

  2. Chan WK, Yeoh KY, Lim CY, Lai SM, Lee JL, Leow AHR, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2018 06;73(3):137-140.
    PMID: 29962496 MyJurnal
    INTRODUCTION: There have been no published data on the transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection among children of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) positive mothers in Malaysia.

    METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study of all the children of HBsAg-positive mothers who delivered at the University of Malaya Medical Centre between 1993 and 2000.

    RESULTS: A total of 60 HBsAg-positive mothers and their 154 children participated in the study. HBsAg was detected in four children (2.6%) while IgG antibody to the hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc IgG) was detected in seventeen children (11.0%). The mother's age at childbirth was significantly lower in the children with detectable HBsAg (22.5±6.1 years vs. 29.7±4.5 years, p=0.043) and anti-HBc IgG (26.6±6.1 years vs. 30.0±4.3 years, p=0.004). Children born in the 1980s were significantly more likely to have detectable HBsAg (18.8% vs. 0.7%, p=0.004) and anti-HBc IgG (37.5% vs. 8.0%, p=0.000) compared with those born later. All children with detectable HBsAg were born via spontaneous vaginal delivery, and hepatitis B immunoglobulin was either not given or the administration status was unknown. The majority of mothers with chronic HBV infection (70.4%) were not under any regular follow-up for their chronic HBV infection and the main reason was the lack of awareness of the need to do so (47.4%).

    CONCLUSION: Transmission of HBV infection among children of HBsAg-positive mothers in Malaysia is low. However, attention needs to be given to the high rate of HBsAgpositive mothers who are not on any regular follow-up.

  3. Tan YL, Voon HY, Ngeh N
    Med J Malaysia, 2018 06;73(3):170-171.
    PMID: 29962501
    We report the peculiar case of a patient who consumed raw rice daily and had iron-deficiency anaemia secondary to menorrhagia with underlying polycystic ovarian syndrome. A 32-year-old lady of Asian descent presented with symptoms of fatigue, lethargy and prolonged, irregular periods for the last two months. There was noticeable increase in body weight, male pattern alopecia and facial acne. In addition, she experienced sudden, unexplained predilection towards consumption of raw rice (up to 300- 400g/day). The patient was treated with oral iron and cyclical progestin. After three weeks, her haemoglobin improved and her ryzophagia subsided. Gynaecologists should be vigilant of pica, which can occur outside of the context of pregnancy and also poses potential health risks including tooth attrition, electrolyte imbalance, intestinal obstruction and poisoning.
  4. Nasir NM, Ariffin F, Yasin SM
    Med J Malaysia, 2018 06;73(3):163-169.
    PMID: 29962500 MyJurnal
    INTRODUCTION: Medication adherence has been found to be an important determinant in achieving glycaemic control in Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) patients. In other patient populations, physician-patient interaction satisfaction was found to influence medication adherence. It is then important to identify if this is also a factor amongst T2DM patients on insulin as poor adherence was associated with increased all-cause mortality.

    METHODS: This was a cross sectional study involving 197 T2DM patients on insulin from two government primary health clinics in Gombak. Physician-patient interaction satisfaction was assessed using Skala Kepuasan Interaksi Perubatan (SKIP-11) consisting of 3 subdomains (Distress Relief, Rapport and Interaction Outcome). Medication adherence level was measured using a single item selfreport question. Data analysis for descriptive, inferential and multivariate analysis statistics were performed.

    RESULTS: The mean age of the study participants was 57.12 (SD: 9.27). Majority were Malay, female, unemployed with mean BMI of 27.5. Majority reported full adherence (62.9%). High scores in the Interaction Outcome subdomain was associated with better adherence. Factors associated with high scores in this subdomain included patient education level, number of oral hypoglycaemic agent and type of insulin regime taken. This study also found that high scores in the Interaction Outcome domain is associated with lower HbA1c (p<0.05).

    CONCLUSION: Physician-patient interaction satisfaction is an important factor in achieving better medication adherence which also leads to better glycaemic control in this group of patients. There is a need to identify strategies to improve satisfaction in this domain to improve patient adherence.

  5. Wong TH, Tan TH, Chin SC, Lee BN
    Med J Malaysia, 2018 06;73(3):181-182.
    PMID: 29962506
    Recently, encapsulated follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma has been reclassified as non-invasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features (NIFTP) to emphasize the benign nature of this entity. In our institution, we have assessed 455 patients treated with radioiodine ablation for differentiated thyroid carcinoma and 20 of them were retrospectively found to fulfill the new NIFTP criteria. There was no evidence of metastasis on post radioiodine whole body scans for NIFTP cases and these patients were in remission subsequently. The benign features of these patients' whole body scans and good clinical outcome following treatment further support NIFTP as a low risk thyroid neoplasm.
  6. Vijayaraghavan R, Thay WY
    Med J Malaysia, 2018 06;73(3):175-176.
    PMID: 29962503 MyJurnal
    Fontan and Baudet described the procedure in 1971 and was very useful to improve the quality of life in many complex cyanotic heart diseases. It has gone through various modifications since then to improve the outcome. The mortality was reported as 2.1% and survival rate of at 5 years, 10 years, 15 years and 20 years were 91%, 80%, 73%and 69% respectively. Though it was a useful palliative procedure to improve the quality of life, it has complications which may affect the morbidity and mortality like Protein loosing enteropathy ,reduced exercise capacity thromboembolism. The patients with protein losing enteropathy present with Pleural effusion, ascites, and edema and they need periodic replacement of Albumin and frequent reviews and close follow up in the management to reduce the mortality and to improve the quality of life .These complications we come across and they need our support in the management at district level hospitals.
  7. Ishak A, Mat Saad AZ, Azman WS, Halim AS
    Med J Malaysia, 2018 06;73(3):172-174.
    PMID: 29962502 MyJurnal
    Partial scalp alopecia is a common problem that can lead to severe social and psychological problems. Tissue expansion, although an old concept, provides a surgical alternative to manage areas of alopecia. We describe a case of alopecia secondary to repaired occipital encephalocele that was successfully treated using tissue expansion technique.
  8. Lim KG
    Med J Malaysia, 2018 06;73(3):180.
    PMID: 29962505
    No abstract provided.
  9. Huei TJ, Lip HTC, Rahmat O
    Med J Malaysia, 2018 06;73(3):177-179.
    PMID: 29962504 MyJurnal
    Tracheobronchial injuries are uncommon and a high level of suspicion is needed for immediate diagnosis and prompt treatment. In this case series, two rare cases of tracheobronchial injuries is described showing variable clinical presentations with different levels of injury. Our first case was seen in a 20 years old male whom had a direct impact on the neck and presented with upper tracheal injury. On arrival, this patient was in respiratory distress and had bilateral pneumothorax. Bilateral chest tube was inserted with subsequent neck exploration. During the neck exploration, anastomosis of the injured trachea was performed. The second case was represented by a 35 years old man with right main bronchial injury. Upon initial presentation, this patient appeared well and was comfortable under room air. However he gradually deteriorated one week after the trauma requiring surgical intervention. Eventually a thoracotomy with primary anastomosis of the bronchial tear was performed. Details of both cases including clinical presentation, imaging and procedures done will be discussed in this article.
  10. Zaharudin I, Azizi ZA, Govindarajanthran N
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 Aug;71(4):220-222.
    PMID: 27770128 MyJurnal
    Blunt trauma to the right proximal subclavian artery is uncommon and tends to be associated with pseudoaneurysm formation. We report a patient with right proximal subclavian artery pseudoaneurysm after blunt chest trauma following a motor vehicle accident. The condition was successfully treated with a combined insertion of a covered stent and carotid-carotid bypass as a hybrid procedure. Duplex scans at 6 month and 1 year follow-up documented good stent-graft positioning and no pseudoaneurysm recurrence.
  11. Yong C, Teo YM, Kapur J
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 Aug;71(4):193-198.
    PMID: 27770118
    To evaluate the performance of contrastenhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in the risk stratification of indeterminate renal lesions picked up incidentally on abdominal imaging, in patients with renal impairment.
  12. Wong CH, Tan TR, Heng HY, Ramesh T, Ting PW, Lee WS, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 Aug;71(4):186-192.
    PMID: 27770117
    Open disclosure is poorly understood in Malaysia but is an ethical and professional responsibility. The objectives of this study were to determine: (1) the perception of parents regarding the severity of medical error in relation to medication use or diagnosis; (2) the preference of parents for information following the medical error and its relation to severity; and (3) the preference of parents with regards to disciplinary action, reporting, and legal action.
  13. Mohamed M, Hussein Z, Nazeri A, Chan SP
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 Aug;71(4):177-185.
    PMID: 27770116 MyJurnal
    The aim of the study was to re-evaluate the relationship between hospital based diabetes care delivery and prevention of complications.
  14. Mohd Suan MA, Tan WL, Soelar SA, Cheng HP, Osman M
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 Aug;71(4):161-165.
    PMID: 27770113 MyJurnal
    Jellyfish stings are the most frequently reported marine animal envenomation worldwide. However, data on jellyfish sting from Malaysia remains obscure due to inadequate research.
  15. Tan MS, Teoh EJ, Hor CP, Yeoh AA
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 Aug;71(4):157-160.
    PMID: 27770112 MyJurnal
    INTRODUCTION: Children who develop any hypersensitivity reaction to eggs are routinely referred to hospital for Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccination as inpatients to prevent anaphylaxis. We aimed to study the association between hypersensitivity reactions after egg exposure and similar reactions after MMR immunisation; and examine the necessity of hospital admission for vaccination.
    METHODS: A prospective observational study was conducted in Paediatric Department in Bukit Mertajam Hospital, Penang, between March and December 2014. Children referred from local polyclinics for inpatient MMR vaccination because of a history of egg allergy were recruited. The children were observed in the ward for post vaccination allergic reactions. Concurrently, a group of children without egg allergy was recruited from those admitted for other illnesses but had recent MMR vaccination at polyclinics. Parents of these children were interviewed and asked if they had observed any reactions post vaccination. In both groups, sociodemographics, medical history and family history of atopy were collected.
    RESULTS: Eighty-seven subjects were recruited in this study. Fifty-four infants with egg allergy had previous mild allergic reactions after exposure to eggs or egg-related products. They were associated with a family history of egg hypersensitivity, personal history of acute gastroenteritis and upper respiratory tract infections. Two of them developed cutaneous rashes post vaccination during observation, but none developed anaphylactic or anaphylactoid reactions. Two infants among those without egg allergy had post vaccination fever. There was no association between egg allergy and hypersensitivity reactions to MMR vaccine (p=0.632).
    CONCLUSIONS: MMR vaccine can be safely administered to children with mild egg allergy, hence admission for vaccination in the hospital is not warranted. Risk stratification is required to ensure only infants with severe reactions will be admitted for vaccination.
  16. Nik Muhamad NA, Hawari R, Shafie H
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 Aug;71(4):213-214.
    PMID: 27770125 MyJurnal
    Aluminium phosphide (ALP) is highly toxic and poisoning can result in high mortality rates. A 26-year-old female who allegedly ingested a toxic dose of ALP presented with vomiting and diarrhoea. She developed cardiac arrest with refractory pulseless ventricular tachycardia. Despite aggressive resuscitation, she succumbed to death seven hours following ingestion. In cases like this, a better outcome can be achieved with early arrival, prompt diagnosis, aggressive resuscitation and intensive monitoring.
  17. Othman MY, Singaravel S
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 Aug;71(4):211-212.
    PMID: 27770124
    Foreign body ingestion among children is common and most usually pass through the gastrointestinal tract without requiring any intervention. Magnets, however, pose a greater threat especially when more than one are ingested. We report a case of multiple bowel perforation secondary to ingestion of magnetic beads in a 3-year-old.
  18. Wan Zaidi WA, Wan Jamaludin WF, Tumian NR, Abdul Wahid F
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 Aug;71(4):209-210.
    PMID: 27770123 MyJurnal DOI: 10.1183/09031936.00080209
    Pulmonary toxicity is a rare complication of Rituximab therapy. Although Rituximab is relatively safe and can be administered in an outpatient setting, Rituximab-associated lung disease has been reported and may cause mortality despite early detection. Typically the pulmonary toxicity occurs at around the fourth cycle of Rituximab. High index of suspicion is crucial and other concurrent pathology such as infective causes should be excluded. Radiological imaging and histological confirmation should be obtained and early treatment with corticosteroid should be initiated. Patients should receive counselling regarding respiratory symptoms and possible pulmonary toxicity.
  19. Choon SE, Ngim CF, Supramaniam P, Tey KE, Madhavan NN
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 Aug;71(4):171-176.
    PMID: 27770115 MyJurnal
    Limited information exists regarding paediatric psoriasis and its association with body mass index (bMI) in Asia.

    Study site: Department of Dermatology in Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor.
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