MATERIALS AND METHODS: A nationwide web-based questionnaire targeting doctors was sent through social media (Facebook, WhatsApp and Telegram) and Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) mailing lists between 1 October 2020 - 5 February 2021.
RESULTS: In all 415 survey responses were analysed from doctors of various grades namely medical officers to consultants. A total of 404 (97.35%) encountered patients with asthma in their daily practice. According to specialty: 169 (40.72%) were from primary care, 121 (29.16%) internal medicine, 50 (12.05%) pulmonary medicine and 75 (18.07%) others. Only 163 (39.28%) were aware of BPT as a tool to diagnose asthma. 232 (55.90%) and 124 (29.88%) regarded BPT as an important test and felt confident to refer patients for BPT respectively. Of those participants who were not confident to refer: 35.17% were unsure of BPT indications, 33.21% were unsure of centres providing BPT, 8.17% cited logistic reasons, 6.04% were concerned of possible BPT side effects. 387 (93.25%) wanted more training in BPT. The median BPT knowledge score was 20% (1 out of 5). Awareness and knowledge were affected by specialty but not by: region of practice, gender, age and grade from logistic regression analysis.
CONCLUSION: Various national level programs and targeted local interventions are much needed to increase the awareness, knowledge and uptake of BPT in Malaysia.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a retrospective study record review using data from the Stop Smoking Services registry and patient file card between January 2017 and Jun 2019. Independent variables included in this analysis are sociodemographic data, comorbidity, number appointments attended, duration of smoking, age of starting smoking, previous attempt to quit, fagerstrom score and type of treatment. The outcome of interest, is unsuccessful quitters defined as those who continued to smoke at 6 months after attending the service. A total of 427 sample randomly cases selected from 490 eligible sample was analysed. Logistic regression was used to model factors associated with unsuccessful quitters.
RESULTS: The study suggested that clients who attended 0-3 clinic sessions (AdjOR 6.57; 95% CI: 4.14, 10.43) and being single, unmarried (AdjOR: 2.78; 95%CI: 1.07, 7.18) was associated with increased risk of being unsuccessful quitters among smokers in Northern state of Malaysia CONCLUSION: The number of clinic sessions attended and marital status were factors associated with unsuccessful quitters among smokers in the State of Perlis, of Malaysia.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eighty patients who fulfilled the UK Working Party's Diagnostic Criteria for Atopic Dermatitis were included in the cross-sectional study. A standardized case report form was formulated to collect the demographic data and disease profile of the participants. AD severity was evaluated using the EASI and SCORAD score. All patients underwent a complete ophthalmological evaluation.
RESULTS: The prevalence of ocular manifestations among the patients with AD was 48.8%. Fifty-four (67.5%) patients had facial dermatitis and 37 (46.2%) showed periorbital signs. The mean AD disease duration was 10.99 ± 11.20 years. Majority of the patients had mild to moderate AD. The most frequent ocular manifestation was allergic conjunctivitis (18.75%) followed by cataract (8.75%) and ocular hypertension (8.75%). Among the patients with ocular manifestations, 27 (69.2%) patients regularly applied topical corticosteroids on the face. The use of systemic corticosteroids was seen in 19 (42.2%) patients. Prolonged AD duration was significantly associated with the development of ocular manifestations.
CONCLUSIONS: Nearly half of the patients with AD were complicated with ocular disease regardless of the AD severity, facial dermatitis and presence of periorbital signs. Long disease duration is associated with ocular manifestations, especially steroid related complications.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a retrospective, crosssectional study involving snakebite patients presented at the Emergency Department (ED), Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim (HSAH), Kedah from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2019. The cases were extracted from the computerized system and the case records of patients were retrieved from the Medical Record Unit. Patients that met the study criteria were included and their sociodemographic features, clinical presentations including use of anti-venom were collected. Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the factors associated with severe envenomation.
RESULTS: A total of 220 snakebite cases with the mean age of patients was 39.66 (SD±21.79) years old. Majority of them were Malay and males. 41.4% of snakebite cases occurred in late evenings and the mean time-lapsed to arrive at HSAH was 108.6 minutes. 81.4% of snakebite cases occurred while engaging in outdoor activities and 43.6% of the snakebite cases involved work-related incidents. 58.2% of the patients were bitten in the lower limb. 78.6% of patients were bitten by the identified snake species, predominantly from Viperidae family. The prevalence of severe envenomation was 50.9%. Malay ethnicity (adj. OR =2.549, 95% CI =1.277,5.089), bite to the upper limb (adj. OR =2.125, 95% CI =1.192, 3.790), and bite by snakes from Viperidae family (adj. OR =3.017, 95% CI =1.613, 5.642) were found to have significant associations with severe envenomation of snakebite.
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of severe envenomation was more than 50% of snakebite cases. Malay ethnicity, upper limb snake bites, and snakebite from a Viperidae family had a higher chance of severe envenomation.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective search was carried out on all patients with a diagnosis of achalasia cardia in Hospital Tuanku Ja'afar (HTJ), Seremban, Malaysia between 2014 and 2018. Demographic data, patient symptomatology, and definitive management options were determined from the records. Telephone interviews were conducted to evaluate patient satisfaction with the outcome of treatment.
RESULTS: There were 30 patients with a newly diagnosed achalasia cardia in that 5-year period, with an equal incidence among men and women. The mean age of presentation was 44.63 ± 18.21 years. Malays formed the largest group. The mean weight and body mass index were 46.8 ± 10.4 kg and 18.0 ± 4.4 kg/m2 respectively. There was a wide range of duration of symptoms at presentation with a mean of 30.11 ± 35.29 months. Almost all patients presented with dysphagia (96.7%) while 70% also noted loss of weight. All patients underwent oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGDS) and 26 patients (86.7%) had barium swallow as part of diagnostic workup. A total of 18 patients underwent a laparoscopic Heller myotomy with or without Dor Fundoplication and/or cruroplasty while two patients (6.7%) underwent pneumatic dilatation as first treatment. Iatrogenic mucosal perforations were detected in 8 patients who underwent myotomy and fundoplication and were repaired intraoperatively. Of the patients who underwent myotomy and fundoplication, the mean weight increase was 15.6kg, increasing from 43.0 ± 8.4 kg to 58.6 ± 13.7 kg. All the patients who underwent treatment were satisfied with their treatment outcomes.
CONCLUSION: Most patients with achalasia cardia deemed suitable for surgery and counselled accordingly accept surgery resulting in high levels of satisfaction and weight gain in almost all these patients. A small minority who opt for pneumatic dilatation may also achieve satisfactory outcomes comparable to surgery in the short term. Although rare, clinicians should be able to recognise this disease early as early intervention often leads to satisfactory longterm outcomes.