We present a rare case of a multifocal sclerosing haemangioma of the lung in a 49-year-old lady. A left pneumonectomy with complete excision of the tumour seems to be the curative treatment. The recent literature on this unusual presentation is reviewed.
Temporal bone carcinoma may masquerade as an infective process causing late diagnosis. A delay in treatment as a result of missed diagnosis would carry a poor prognosis as the disease progresses to an advanced stage. We present a lady with history of chronic otorrhea, who developed left sided otalgia associated with hearing loss in her sixth decade. She underwent surgery which revealed left mastoiditis and cholesteatoma. After a year, she had a mass in her left ear and pus discharge which was initially treated as an infection. The biopsy of the mass was proven to be squamous cell carcinoma. High index of suspicion is necessary when encountering patients presenting with a mass in the ear canal with prior history of chronic otorrhea or cholesteatoma. Proper tissue biopsy is crucial. Early referral to tertiary centre is required for further management of the patient.
Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma is an exceedingly rare tumor in adult. We report an embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the ethmoid in a 59-year-old Iban lady who presented with proptosis and complete ptosis of her left eye for two months. Imaging investigations showed left ethmoidal and left orbital soft tissue mass with extradura and dura involvement. The patient was planned for chemotherapy. Unfortunately, in such an advanced disease, she succumbed before treatment.
We studied two similar cases of severe subglottic stenosis secondary to trauma with different treatment modalities. One had laryngotracheal reconstruction with cartilage augmentation and the other had laryngotracheal resection anastomosis. We wish to compare the two popular choices of surgery for laryngotracheal stenosis from two cases with similar nature and severity thus highlighting the complexity of managing severe subglottic stenosis in adult.
Malaysia experienced the first outbreak of chikungunya (CHIK) in Klang in late 1998 due to CHIK virus of Asian genotype. The CHIK virus of Asian genotype reemerged causing outbreak in Bangan Panchor, Perak in March 2006. CHIK virus of Central/East African genotype was first detected from a patient who returned from India in August 2006. In December 2006, CHIK virus of Central/East African genotype was re-introduced into Malaysia from India and caused an outbreak in Kinta district, Perak but was successfully controlled following an early detection and institution of intensive vector control measures. In late April 2008, CHIK virus of Central/East African genotype was laboratory confirmed as the cause of CHIK outbreak in Johore which spread to other parts of Malaysia by August 2008. Phylogenetic analysis based on the 254-bp fragment of the virus envelope protein gene as the genetic marker showed that three different strains of CHIK virus of Central/East African genotype were introduced into Malaysia on three separate occasions from 2006 to 2008. The strain that was introduced into Johor state was responsible for its subsequent spread to other parts of Malaysia, inclusive of Sarawak.
We evaluated the performance of four rapid influenza diagnostic test methods (RIDT) compared to real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR), for the detection of the novel swine-origin influenza A (H1N1) virus (S-OIV) in August 2009. A total of 270 respiratory specimens were tested with rRT-PCR, where 74 of these were tested by BinaxNow (Inverness), 80 by QuickVue (Quidel), 37 by Influenza A Antigen Rapid Test (Rockeby Biomed) and 79 by Directigen (BD). The sensitivities ranged from 4.4% to 37.0%, specificities 90.9% to 100.0%, positive predictive values 75.0% to 100.0% and negative predictive values 32.3% to 75.0%. RIDT were able to detect S-OIV but the sensitivities were low. The limitations of RIDT must be considered when interpreting results for clinical management.
A one year study was carried out to determine the outcome of the seminal fluid parameters collected via masturbation and coitus interruptus in 151 patients who were undergoing intrauterine insemination (IUI) and patients who came for seminal analysis. There were no statistically significant differences in terms of volume, concentration, progressive motility and normal morphology from specimens collected via coitus interruptus compared to specimens collected via masturbation. Pregnancy outcomes were also comparable.
Cavernous hemangioma is a vascular tumor composed of large dilated blood vessels and containing large blood-filled spaces. The formation is due to dilation and thickening of the walls of the capillary loops. Most cavernous hemangiomas present at birth or soon after. On the other hand, jugular phlebectasia is an abnormal benign sacculofusiform dilatation of jugular veins. It should be considered as one of the differential diagnosis of neck swelling. Majority of the reported cases occurred in a young child. We reported a case of an elderly woman who was diagnosed clinically as anterior jugular vein phlebectesia. Histologically the mass turned out to be a cavernous hemangioma.
Faecal incontinence is a debilitating chronic clinical condition which may affect the patient and care givers. Modality of treatment is based on severity of the symptoms as well as the anatomical defect itself, availability of resources and expertise. We describe a modified technique of dynamic graciloplasty as neoanal sphincter for the treatment severe faecal incontinence who has failed previous over lapping sphincteroplasty. In our modified version, instead of using implanted intramuscular electrodes and subcutaneous neurostimulator to provide continuous stimulation, the patient will undergo an external stimulation on the nerve of transplanted gracilis periodically and concurrent biofeedback therapy. We believe the technique is relatively easy to learn and very cost effective without any electrodes or neurostimulator related complications.
We report seven cases of naturally acquired human Plasmodium knowlesi infections which were admitted to our centre from July 2007 till June 2008. Diagnosis was confirmed by nested PCR. Cases of P. knowlesi infections, dubbed the fifth type of human malaria, have been reported in East Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak) as well as in the state of Pahang in Peninsula Malaysia. These seven patients appear to be the first few reported cases of P. knowlesi infection in the Klang valley, Peninsula Malaysia. We then discuss the characteristics of human P. knowlesi infections, which include its natural hosts, responsible vectors, clinical presentation, and the treatment of such infections.
Acute sinusitis is most often a mild self-limiting disease. However, it may progress into severe and life threatening complications. One of the commonest being orbital complication of which visual loss is a direct consequence. In this 10 year retrospective study, the nature of orbital complication, clinical presentation and treatment modalities and outcome seen in children with acute sinusitis in a tertiary referral institute were reviewed. Of six patients, there was a case of preseptal cellulitis, 4 cases of subperiosteal abscess and one case of orbital abscess. Periorbital swelling was a common presenting feature. In 5 cases this was associated with proptosis with one case of impending optic nerve compression. The value of computed tomography and opthalmological examination as a component in the management plan is highlighted. All patients were treated with intravenous antibiotics but evidence of abscess collection warranted urgent surgical drainage in 5 patients, 3 being endoscopic drainage while external approach was done for the remaining 2 patients. Thus a child exhibiting orbital complication of acute sinusitis, prompt diagnosis and treatment is essential in obtaining the best outcome for the child.
Several modifiable risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) have been identified such as sleeping prone or on the side, sleeping on a soft surface, bed-sharing, no prenatal care and maternal ante-natal smoking. A cross-sectional survey of infant sleep and care practices was conducted among parents of babies aged below 8 months to determine the prevalence and predictors of non-supine sleep position and the prevalence of other high-risk infant care practices for SIDS. Of 263 infants, 24.7% were placed to sleep in the non-supine position and age of infants was a factor positively associated with this (adjusted odds ratio 1.275, 95% CI=1.085, 1.499). The most common modifiable risk factor was the presence of soft toys or bedding in the infants' bed or cot (89.4%). Results from this study indicate that although the predominant sleep position of Malaysian infants in this population is supine, the majority of infants were exposed to other care practices which have been shown to be associated with SIDS.
Dengue fever is a major public health threat in Malaysia, especially in the highly urbanized states of Selangor and the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. It is believed that many seek treatment at the primary care clinics and are not admitted. This study aims at establishing the fact that primary care practitioners, as the first point of patient contacts, play a crucial role in advising patients suspected of having dengue to take early preventive measures to break the chain of dengue transmission. A total of 236 patients admitted to two government hospitals for suspected dengue fever were interviewed using a structured questionnaire over a one week period in December 2008. It was found that 83.9% of the patients had sought treatment at a Primary Care (PC) facility before admission to the hospital, with 68.7% of them seeking treatment on two or more occasions. The mean time period for seeking treatment at primary care clinic was one and a half (1.4) days of fever, compared to almost five (4.9) days for admission. The majority of patients (96-98%) reported that primary care practitioners had not given them any advice on preventive measures to be taken even though 51.9% of the patients had been told they could be having dengue fever. This study showed the need for primary care providers to be more involved in the control and prevention of dengue in the community, as these patients were seen very early in their illness compared to when they were admitted.
Cervical cancer is the second most common female cancer after breast cancer both in Malaysia and worldwide although it can be mostly prevented. The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge level and attitude of University Kebangsaan Malaysia female students in the Faculties of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences on the prevention of cervical cancer. A total of 675 respondents were recruited for this cross-sectional study involving pre-tested questionnaires. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 15.0. There was significant association between grade and mean score of knowledge with different faculties and year of education (p<0.05). However, significant association was shown only between grade of knowledge with different programs in the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences. For mean score of knowledge, significant difference only existed among different races (p<0.05). Mass media was the most common source of information. In conclusion, the knowledge level of respondents on cervical cancer and its prevention was not satisfactory despite their positive attitude on prevention. Thus, more awareness programs should be conducted in University campuses to provide students with knowledge on prevention of cervical cancer.
The occurrence of congenital diaphragmatic hernia in a pregnant adult is rare. In contrast to neonatal diaphragmatic hernias, most of the adult patients present with vague gastrointestinal symptoms mimicking other diseases hence the importance of high index of suspicion. We report a case of a young pregnant lady with congenital diaphragmatic hernia presenting with symptoms and clinical signs suggestive of acute pancreatitis. The patient had a laparotomy performed to reduce the hernial content and the diaphragmatic defect was successfully repaired.
We report a case of a 61 year-old man who presented with refractory non-insulin mediated hypoglycaemia. A chest radiograph showed a right lung opacity, which was confirmed as a large intra-thoracic mass by computed tomography (CT) of the thorax. CT-guided biopsy with histological examination revealed features of a solitary fibrous tumour of low malignant potential. We discuss the association of solitary fibrous tumour of the pleura (SFTP) with hypoglycaemia, and the management of such rare tumours.
A pregnant lady in her third trimester presented with a rapidly growing right-sided nasal mass associated with epistaxis and nasal obstruction for two months. Examination showed a non tender, protruding mass completely occluding her right nostril. Wide surgical excision was done under local anaesthesia. Histopathology revealed capillary haemangioma. In a gravid patient with a rapidly growing intranasal lesion, capillary haemangioma should be considered as a differential diagnosis. Due to the rapidity of growth, presentation with epistaxis and its macroscopic appearance which often mimics malignancy; histologic confirmation is crucial.
Vitamin E is found to reverse the effects of nicotine on bone and this study aimed to determine its mechanism. Male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into four groups and treated for 3 months: Group 1 was the control group (RC). Groups 2 (N), 3 (N+TT) and 4 (N+ATF) received nicotine 7 mg/kg throughout the treatment period. In addition, groups 3 and 4 received tocotrienol 60 mg/kg and alpha-tocopherol 60 mg/kg respectively during months 2 and 3. Parameters measured were serum osteoprotegerin (OPG), serum receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL), femoral and lumbar bone calcium content and body weight. Nicotine did not affect OPG or RANKL levels but reduced bone calcium content suggesting the calcium loss is not due to increase osteoclastogenesis. OPG was increased in N+ATF while RANKL was slightly increased in N+TT. Both vitamin E supplements restored bone calcium loss induced by nicotine. Nicotine impaired weight gain in all treatment groups starting week 4 however, N+TT group was comparable to RC from week 6 onwards. Bone protective effects of ATF, but not TT, may be partly due to inhibition of osteoclastogenesis.
This study examined auditory functionality and early use of speech in a group of paediatric cochlear implant users. Parents of 33 implanted children from the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Cochlear Implant Program were interviewed using the Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale (MAIS) and the Meaningful Use of Speech Scale (MUSS). In general, higher MAIS scores post-implantation were significantly associated with higher MUSS scores suggesting that those with better functional hearing with the implant were also better in using spontaneous speech to communicate. Multiple regression analyses showed that several time factors significantly correlated with the MAIS scores post-implantation but not with the MUSS.
This paper validates the Brief COPE Scale in Malaysian women with breast cancer. Test-retest evaluation was undertaken at two/three weeks and ten weeks following surgery. Internal consistencies ranged from 0.25 to 1.00. Meanwhile, the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) ranged from 0.05 to 1.00. Sensitivity of the scale was indicated by the mean differences as observed in most of the domains with Effect Size Index (ESI) ranged from 0 to 0.53. Significant differences between mastectomy and lumpectomy were observed for Active coping, Planning and Acceptance. Brief COPE Scale showed fairly good reliability and validity.