Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 600 in total

  1. Mohd Ariff S, Joehaimey J, Ahmad Sabri O, Zulmi W
    Malays Orthop J, 2011 Nov;5(3):28-31.
    PMID: 25279033 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1111.004
    Langerhans cell histiocytosis of the spine frequently presents as a solitary lesion and rarely results in neurological deficit. Involvement of thyroid tissue is also rare, even in multifocal disease presentations. We present an unusual variant of Langerhans cell histiocytosis in a 37-year-old man presenting with profound quadriparesis and incidental thyroid involvement. MR imaging and skeletal radiographs revealed widespread involvement of the spine. The patient underwent surgical resection of the tumour and stabilization of the spine. Diagnosis was confirmed by histological and immunohistochemistry analysis. Langerhans cell histiocytosis should be included in the differential diagnosis of radiolucent lesions of the spine in adults.
  2. Mohd Ariff S, Joehaimey J, Ahmad Sabri O, Abdul Halim Y
    Malays Orthop J, 2011 Nov;5(3):24-7.
    PMID: 25279032 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1111.003
    Spinal neurofibromas occur sporadically and typically occur in association with neurofibromatosis 1. Patients afflicted with neurofibromatosis 1 usually present with involvement of several nerve roots. This report describes the case of a 14- year-old child with a large intraspinal, but extradural tumour with paraspinal extension, dumbbell neurofibroma of the cervical region extending from the C2 to C4 vertebrae. The lesions were readily detected by MR imaging and were successfully resected in a two-stage surgery. The time interval between the first and second surgery was one month. We provide a brief review of the literature regarding various surgical approaches, emphasising the utility of anterior and posterior approaches.
  3. Soh C, Sivapathasundaram N, Parthiban R, Ramanand A
    Malays Orthop J, 2011 Nov;5(3):20-3.
    PMID: 25279031 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1111.002
    We present here a technique of fracture stabilization using the Tightrope procedure in a patient with a widely displaced Neer type IIB distal clavicle fracture. The Tightrope system, typically used for stabilization of acromioclavicular joint dislocation, has not been widely described for distal clavicle fractures. The patient achieved satisfactory results after surgery; we feel that this technique is appealing as it is simple, reproducible and avoids the complications associated with extensive metalwork. This technique may also appeal to the arthroscopic surgeon.
  4. Shahrulazua A, Samsudin A, Iskandar M, Amran A
    Malays Orthop J, 2013 Mar;7(1):41-8.
    PMID: 25722806 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1303.015
    Despite its claimed therapeutic effects, the action of sea cucumber (known as gamat in the Malay language) on human osteoblast cells is still unknown. We performed in vitro studies utilising extract of Stichopus sp1 (gamat) to elucidate its effects on cell viability and functional activity. We found an inverse relationship between gamat concentration and its effect on osteoblast cell viability (p<0.001). Only gamat concentration at 1mg/ml significantly promoted cell viability at day 3 of incubation. There was a trend towards increased osteoblast cell function in the presence of gamat at 5mg/ml and 10mg/ml but this observation was not consistent at different incubation periods.
  5. Ariff M, Zulmi W, Faisham W, Nor Azman M, Nawaz A
    Malays Orthop J, 2013 Mar;7(1):56-62.
    PMID: 25722809 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1303.018
    We reviewed the surgical treatment and outcomes of 13 patients with pelvic osteosarcoma treated in our centre in the past decade. The study sample included 9 males and 4 females with a mean age of 28.1 years. Four patients had ileal lesions, five had acetabulum lesions, one had a ischiopubis lesion, and three had involvement of the whole hemipelvis. Seven patients presented with distant metastases at diagnosis. Limb salvage was performed in 6 patients and amputation in 7. In 60% of cases in the limb salvage surgery group, we attempted wide resection with positive microscopic margin compared to only 16.7% in the amputation group. Local recurrence was higher in the limb salvage group. Overall survival was 18 months for mean follow up of 14.8 months. Median survival was 19 months in the limb salvage group compared to 9 months in amputation group. The outcome of surgical treatment of pelvic osteosarcoma remains poor despite advancements in musculoskeletal oncology treatment.
  6. Anuar Ramdhan I, Zulmi W, Hidayah A, Kamel M, Fadhil M, Anwar Hau M
    Malays Orthop J, 2013 Mar;7(1):52-5.
    PMID: 25722808 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1303.017
    Coaptive film (i.e., Steri-Strips™) is an adhesive tape used to replace sutures in wound closure. The use of coaptive film for wound closure after long bone fracture fixation has not been well documented in the literature.
  7. Taran S, Nawfar S
    Malays Orthop J, 2013 Mar;7(1):79-81.
    PMID: 25722813 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1303.004
    Traumatic brachial plexus injuries rarely recover spontaneously and if the window period for neurotisation has elapsed, the only option for restoration of function lies in a salvage procedure. Many such salvage procedures have been described in the literature with variable functional results. We report the case of a 16-year-old boy who presented after unsuccessful treatment for a complete brachial plexus injury; we performed a pectoralis major tendon transfer to attain elbow flexion. Postoperatively, the elbow was splinted with flexion at 100°. After 4 weeks of immobilization the splint was removed and the patient could actively flex his elbow from 30° to 100°.
  8. Chew PC, Julaihi B, Ibrahim Z
    Malays Orthop J, 2013 Mar;7(1):70-3.
    PMID: 25722811 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1303.002
    Spontaneous atypical fractures of the femur have been reported in patients on long-term antiresorptive bisphosphonate therapy. Here, we report a case of subtrochanteric stress fracture in a seventy-year-old female patient on long-term alendronate therapy, and accompanying management challenges. Potential measures to prevent this complication of antiresorptive treatment for osteoporosis include the following: setting strict criteria for prescribing antiresorptive therapy, limiting the duration of continuous antiresorptive therapy, and increasing the use of bone anabolic agents.
  9. Dhillon KS
    Malays Orthop J, 2014 Nov;8(3):42-7.
    PMID: 26401236 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1411.010
    We are all aware that there has been a dramatic increase in the number of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstructions that are carried out here in Malaysia as well as around the world. The numbers of ACL injuries have undoubtedly increased over the years with greater participation of young adults in sporting activities. However it is not certain whether the increase in the numbers of reconstructions can be accounted for by the increasing numbers of ACL injuries. Without doubt commercial interests as well the influence of the biomedical companies have a role to play. In the past the rationale for surgical treatment of an ACL tear was that the ACL is vital for knee function and that in the long term ACL deficiency will lead to more injuries of the meniscus and more degeneration of the joint. This belief was prevalent because the natural history of an ACL deficient knee and the ultimate outcome of reconstruction of the ACL were both not known. However in recent years a substantial amount of research has been published, which has elucidated the natural history of ACL deficient knees as well as the long term outcome of reconstruction of the ACL.
  10. Anuar-Ramdhan IM, Azahari IM, Med Orth M
    Malays Orthop J, 2014 Nov;8(3):33-6.
    PMID: 26401234 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1411.008
    The diaphyseal tibia fracture is best treated with intramedullary nail but in some cases where the nail is not applicable, plate fixation will be the next option of fixation. The extensile anterior approach is normally used for conventional compression plate fixation in tibia shaft fractures. The extensive surgical dissection may devitalizes the bony fragments and interfere with the fracture union as well as soft tissue healing. Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis (MIPO) provides good preservation of blood supply and fracture hematoma at the fracture site thus promotes biological bone healing. The use of indirect reduction techniques and small skin incisions to introduce the plate is technically demanding and requires fluoroscopy exposures throughout the surgery, being some of its drawbacks. We recommend MIPO for conventional compression plate fixation in tibial shaft fractures in view of the reduced surgical trauma to the surrounding soft tissue and good functional outcome.
  11. Chiu CK, Chan C, Kwan MK
    Malays Orthop J, 2014 Nov;8(3):27-9.
    PMID: 26401232 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1411.006
    A method of transpedicular bone grafting using contrast impregnated bone to improve the visualization of bone graft on the image intensifier is reported. A - 36-year old man who had sustained traumatic burst fracture of T12 vertebra, with Load-Sharing Classification (LSC) score of 8, was treated with posterior short segment fusion from T11 to L1 with transpedicular bone graft of T12 vertebra. We were able to correct the kyphotic end plate angle (EPA) from 19º to 1.4º. Anterior bone graft augmentation was achieved with contrast enhaced transpedicular bone grafts. At six months follow up, CT scan showed good bony integration of the anterior column with EPA of 4.5º and two years later, radiographs showed EPA of 7.6 º.
  12. Muhammad-Lutfi AR, Zaraihah MR, Anuar-Ramdhan IM
    Malays Orthop J, 2014 Nov;8(3):22-6.
    PMID: 26401231 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1411.005
    Good knowledge and practice regarding diabetic foot care will reduce the risk of diabetic foot complications and ultimately amputation. This study is conducted to assess patients' knowledge and compliance of diabetic foot care. A cross sectional study performed on patients who were admitted to HSNZ from the 1st September 2013 to 30th April 2014 for diabetic foot infections. They were interviewed with a questionnaire of 15 'yes' or 'no' questions on foot care knowledge and practice. Score of 1 was given for each 'yes' answer. The level of knowledge and practice, whether good or poor, was determined based on the median score of each category. The result was tested using a chi-square test in SPSS version 17. A total of 157 patients were included in this study with a mean age of 56.33 years (31-77). There were 72 male (45.9%) and 85 female (54.1%) patients with the majority of them being Malays (154 patients, 98.1%). Majority of the patients (58%) had poor foot care knowledge while 97 patients (61.8%) had poor diabetic foot care practice as compared to the median score. Based on the chi square test of relatedness, there was no significant association between knowledge and practice with any of the variables. In conclusion, the majority of patients admitted for diabetic foot infections had poor knowledge and practice of diabetic foot care. Education regarding foot care strategies should be emphasized and empowered within the diabetic population.
    Study site: Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah, Kuala Terengganu,Terengganu, Malaysia
  13. Anizar-Faizi A, Hisam A, Sudhagar KP, Moganadass M, Suresh C
    Malays Orthop J, 2014 Nov;8(3):1-6.
    PMID: 26401227 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1411.001
    The aim of this study was to assess the outcome of surgical treatment in displaced acetabular fractures in our local facilities. Previous studies reveal good outcome via open reduction method with achievement of congruent joint. We note that studies in this respect have not been conducted in our region. We retrospectively analyzed thirty patients with acetabular fractures who underwent open reduction and internal fixation. The data collection was performed over a 4-year period, from 2008 to 2011. The results showed 20 out of 30 patients (66.7%) had excellent/good results (Harris Hip Score equal or more than 80). Post operative complications were deep infection (6.7%), iatrogenic sciatic nerve injury (10.0%), avascular necrosis (16.7%), heterotopic ossificans (3.3%), degenerative changes in hip joint (43.3%) and loss of reduction (3.3%). In conclusion, surgical treatment of displaced acetabular fractures produces good functional outcome despite the complications.
  14. Chilmi MZ, Desnantyo AT, Widhiyanto L, Wirashada BC
    Malays Orthop J, 2020 Jul;14(2):145-148.
    PMID: 32983392 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.2007.025
    In Indonesia, arthrodesis becomes a choice of treatment in the absence of ankle arthroplasty implants for young adults. Arthrodesis on ankle osteoarthritis (OA) often leads to functional impairment. Low tibiofibular osteotomy is an alternative and it has been known to be the preferable option for those in the productive-ages. A 22-year-old male with a previous history of a motorbike accident, operated eight years ago, came with persistent pain on the left ankle that has worsened over the years. Plain radiography with a tibial-ankle surface angle (TAS) of 74o (normally 88o-93o) indicated varus deformity. Osteotomy was performed on distal tibia above the syndesmotic joint, as well as on the middle third of fibula. Open wedge osteotomy of the tibia was corrected until the normal TAS angle was reached by fluoroscopy. Cortical allograft was used to fill the osteotomy gap. Instrumentation was performed using a clover leaf® plate with 6 screws insertion for fixation stability. All results were satisfactory. Twelve weeks post-operatively, the patient was performing activities normally. Four-month post-operative radiological evaluation showed fusion of graft and the angle of TAS of 89°. Post-operative functional assessment using the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeon (AAOS) Foot and Ankle Measurement (FAM) questionnaires showed significant improvement (pre 89, post 38).
  15. Thuraikumar K, Wan KL, Ong KL, Lim SW
    Malays Orthop J, 2020 Jul;14(2):141-144.
    PMID: 32983391 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.2007.024
    Gouty arthritis commonly affects peripheral joints and is associated with hyperuricaemia. Spinal manifestations of gouty arthritis are not common, and majority of published articles worldwide were case reports. This is a case report of spinal gouty arthritis that presented with spinal vertebrae destruction and cauda equina syndrome. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed destruction of L5/S1end plates with cystic collection mimicking infective changes. The tissue histological examination confirmed presence of urate crystal needles that displayed negative double refraction on light microscopy. Spinal gouty arthritis is part of the differential diagnoses in gouty arthritis patients.
  16. Tan SY, Leong WH, Ong LH, Mohd-Amin MZ
    Malays Orthop J, 2020 Jul;14(2):138-140.
    PMID: 32983390 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.2007.023
    Lateral femoral wall perforation is a rare intra-operative complication in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgery. However, it can be challenging to manage if it occurs. We share our experience on lateral femoral wall perforation managed by a large fragment washer. A 25-year-old man with right ACL injury presented with knee instability despite physiotherapy. Anterior drawer test (ADT) and Lachman test were grade 3, glide on pivot shift was positive. During ACL reconstruction, the lateral femoral wall was perforated. Due to unavailability of the rescue endobutton and budget constraint, we passed the endobutton through a washer and allowed it to sit on the washer over the lateral femoral wall. ADT and Lachman test on post-operative 6, 12 and 24 weeks were grade 1, with a negative pivot shift test. Lysholm knee score improved from 69 pre-operatively to 98 post-operatively. Conventionally, lateral femoral wall perforation can be managed by rescue endobutton, or screw and washer post technique. As this complication is rare, the rescue endobutton may not be available at all times, and the cost of the implant is also another important factor to consider. A washer can be used as an alternative technique to manage lateral femoral wall perforation in ACL reconstruction as it is not only cost-effective but also provides stable fixation with good functional outcome.
  17. Teh KH, Ruben JK, Chan CK, Abbas AA
    Malays Orthop J, 2020 Jul;14(2):134-137.
    PMID: 32983389 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.2007.022
    Avascular necrosis and non-union are two most dreaded complications of femoral neck fracture fixations. Hip replacement seems to be a simple solution for this complex problem. However, the long-term efficacy of prosthetic replacement in the young population with higher functional demand is still questionable. Femoral head preserving valgus subtrochanteric osteotomies in properly selected cases have strong support from literature. The conventional technique of valgus subtrochanteric osteotomy involves lateral based wedge resection. Alternatively, a simpler sliding oblique subtrochanteric osteotomy without any wedge removal can also be performed. We hereby describe a successful case of sliding subtrochanteric osteotomy with 135° dynamic hip screw (DHS) plate fixation in treating non-union neck of femur fracture in a young gentleman.
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