Many of our chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients venture into complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) to seek a cure for the disease beyond conventional management. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and pattern of CAM usage; and its association with the progression of CKD in our population. This was a cross-sectional survey recruited CKD patients from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC). Data was collected via interview using questionnaires which explore the demographics, type and pattern of CAM use. Patients’ comorbidities and serum creatinine were extracted from the medical notes to assess the association between progression of CKD and usage of CAM. Chi-square, Independent Samples t-test, Mann-Whitney U test and logistic regression were used to evaluate for an association. Three hundred and seventy two eligible patients were recruited. The prevalence of CAM use was 29% in the past year. Younger age, higher education and higher income level were associated with significantly more usage of CAM. Natural products were the commonest type of CAM used (86.1%). The belief in the effectiveness of CAM was the main reason for its uptake and about 57.8% revealed their practice to their physician. We found that the use of CAM in Malaysian CKD patients did not influence the progression of the disease.
Employment among patients with schizophrenia is known to positively influence patients’ recovery. In their crucial supporting role for patients, caregivers’ burden of care and quality of life may also be influenced by the employment status of patients. This study aimed to investigate the association between employment among patients with schizophrenia and burden and quality of life (QOL) of their caregivers. It was a cross-sectional survey among the primary caregivers of patients meeting DSM-IV-TR’s diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia who were under outpatient or community care at Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta. Socio-demographic data, including patients’ employment status, were collected. The Burden on Family Interview Schedule (BFS) and the 36-Item Short Form (SF-36) questionnaires were used to evaluate caregiver burden and quality of life, respectively. Altogether, 201 primary caregivers of patients with schizophrenia participated. Most caregiver burden was experienced in the aspects of finance and routine family activities. There was significant association between patient employment status (p
The most common extra-articular manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is interstitial lung disease (ILD). RA related ILD (RA-ILD) is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. The main objective of this study was to determine the correlation between the rheumatoid factor (RF) serotypes and the severity of RA-ILD based on computed tomography (CT) findings. We recruited a total of 100 RA patients who were tested for IgA RF, IgG RF and IgM RF and had high resolution CT chest performed. Seventy-two patients had ILD changes on HRCT of the chest and were included in this study. We found that the the CT scores for ground glass showed significant positive correlation with disease duration and IgA RF levels whereas the fibrosis scores had significant relationship with multiple clinical covariates i.e age, disease duration, IgA RF levels, IgG RF levels and anti-CCP levels. On multivariate analysis, only IgA levels remained significantly (p
Androgen ablation therapy using gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists is reported to be associated with metabolic abnormalities. Annatto tocotrienol (AnTT) is reported to reduce the expression of genes related to adipogenesis but the mechanism remains elusive. This study sought to determine the effects of annatto tocotrienol on body composition (lean and fat mass), serum adiponectin, leptin, and glucose levels in male rats treated with buserelin, a testosterone ablation agent. Three-month-old male Sprague Dawley rats (n=32) were randomly divided into four groups. The normal control (n=8) was given corn oil orally daily and normal saline subcutaneously daily. The remaining groups were injected with buserelin subcutaneously (75μg/kg/day). The buserelin group (n=8) was given corn oil orally, while the treatment groups were supplemented orally with AnTT at 60 or 100 mg/ kg (n = 8/group). After treatment of 12 weeks, rats were euthanized. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry was performed to determine the lean and fat mass of the rats. Blood was collected for the evaluation of adiponectin, leptin and glucose levels. After 12 weeks, the lean mass, fat mass, adiponectin and leptin levels for all groups increased significantly compared to their respective baseline levels irrespective of their treatment (P
Bystander rate of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is still low worldwide because of inadequate skills and knowledge. Training the public on CPR is one of the methods to increase the bystander CPR rate. This study aimed to compare the efficacy in acquiring and retaining CPR skills and knowledge among secondary school students in Klang Valley trained by school teachers and medical students. We recruited five school teachers and five medical students as trainers. They were trained in several sessions by American Heart Association (AHA)-certified instructors using the video-assisted CPR training module. The recipients were 44 secondary school students divided between the teacher’s group and the medical student’s group. We compared knowledge and psychomotor skills between these two groups prior, immediately after and at three months after CPR training. Students in the teacher’s group showed a higher increase in knowledge comparable to the medical student’s group (median score difference 3 vs 2, p>0.05) and in psychomotor skill (median score difference 5 vs. 7, p
Hypertension has been recognised as an important public health issue, affecting paediatric population. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of hypertension and its relationship with obesity among different ethnic, gender primary school children in Kuching division, Sarawak. It was a cross-sectional study using multistage sampling. Data was collected using anthropometric equipment and digital blood pressure monitor. Data was analysed using SPSS version 20. A total of 1314 respondents participated. 36.9% of the respondents were overweight and obese, 31% were overfat and obese, 29% had abnormal waist circumference and 32.8% had abnormal waist-height ratio (WHtR). About 22.1% of the respondents were found to be in pre-hypertension and hypertension stage. There were significant differences in overweight and obese, overfat and obese, WHtR between males and females. Indigenous Sarawak reported to have the highest number of hypertensive at risk, overweight and obese, overfat and obese, abnormal waist circumference and WHtR. Those respondents who were hypertensive were found to be overweight and obese, overfat and obese, with abnormal waist circumference and WHtR. Screening of potential risk factors at a young age would help to reduce the incidents of chronic disease in the adulthood. Blood pressure measurement should be included in the routine physical examination, to identify high risk children for further investigation.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) epidemic remains a significant burden in Malaysia. Stigma related to HIV and its effect on the quality of life (QOL) of persons living with HIV (PLHIV) remains under-reported. The aim of the present study was to assess self-perceived stigma amongst PLHIV attending an urban community clinic and its influence on their QOL. Data was collected using HIV Stigma Scale and WHO-QOL HIV BREF Scale. The overall stigma experienced by PLHIV in this community was higher than previous studies (mean ± SD; 103.37 ±18.14). Majority participants had fear disclosing their disease status, while personalized stigma or the experience of prejudice and rejection was the least experienced. The overall QOL was low and was significantly impaired in social relationship domain (mean ± SD; 12.72 ± 3.59). However, their ability to perform daily activities was not affected by the illness (mean ± SD; 14.48 ± 2.91). PLHIV with higher spiritual values demonstrate lower perception of negative self-image and inferiority (r= -0.54). This finding was unique to PLHIV in this study and suggested the importance of spirituality and personal beliefs on their self-esteem. In conclusion, stigma remains as a significant problem among PLHIV in this community. Primary care offers the best platform to promote a holistic management of PLHIV, where the integration between counselors, religious experts, family and non-governmental associations could come together. The management of PLHIV is unique in every community, hence individualized approach based on cultural norms and beliefs could assist in the overall management of PLHIV.
Keywords: HIV, quality of life, social stigma
Research on the medical benefit of stingless bee honey (kelulut honey) is rather new although it has been used as traditional food and additive for ages. The primary objective of our study was to evaluate the antioxidant properties of kelulut honey and its effect on lymphoblastoid cell line. We analysed the antioxidant properties of kelulut honey by ferric reducing antioxidant potential assay, total phenolic and flavonoid contents using UV spectrophotometry. The total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and ferric reducing antioxidant potential of Malaysian kelulut honey produced by Trigona spp. were found to be 844.45 mg RE/kg honey, 78.29 mg RE/kg honey and 1132.66 mM FE/kg honey, respectively. Our findings showed a strong correlation between total phenolics and flavanoids contents with its antioxidant potential at R2 = 0.920 and R2 = 0.951, respectively. The effect of honey on cell viability of lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL) was also investigated. The cells were cultured in RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 0 - 500 μg/mL of kelulut honey for 24 hours. Cell viability was quantitated using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol- 2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium, MTS assay showed that honey supplementation boosted the viability of LCL up to 164.64% (p< 0.01). The significant increase in cell viability might be modulated by the antioxidant properties of kelulut honey.
Palm oil tocotrienol-rich fraction (TRF) containing majorly of αα, β, γ and δ-tocotrienols and some αα-tocopherols, was reported to have anti-ageing effects in both human and non-human model organisms, but still remains unexplored in the yeast model. It was reported to have the ability to extend the lifespan of several organisms. Chronological lifespan is one of the means to measure ageing in yeasts. The effect of TRF on the viability of three strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (wild-type, CTT1ΔΔand GPx2Δ) was studied. Phenotypic growth analysis of all strains was carried out for 15 hours by measuring the absorbance at OD600nm and cell counting. The optimum dose of TRF was optimised by determining the number of colony-forming unit by the wild-type strain at the end of a 24-hour treatment with TRF (ranging from 0μg/ml to 300μg/ml). TRF at 300 μg/mL showed the best result, and selected as a working dose. Treatment of cells with 300 μg/mL of TRF improved the viability of the wild-type strain in the initial stationary phase, but not on the knockout strains. These finding suggests that TRF has a potential in prolonging the chronological lifespan of S. cerevisiae, and perhaps other organisms as well.
The endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) rs1799983 polymorphism is known to increase the risk towards stroke, but data is under-reported in Malaysian population. Therefore, this study sought to investigate this association in a Malaysian population and in a comprehensive meta-analysis. Genotyping of the eNOS rs1799983 polymorphism was performed for 241 Malaysians using a hydrolysis probe. Odd ratio with 95% confidence interval was calculated. Meta-analysis was conducted using the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software ver. 2.2.064. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Overall, our results showed that the presence of eNOS rs1799983-T allele increases the risk towards stroke, particularly in males, fast-food goers and Malaysian Chinese. The meta-analysis showed that the rs1799983 polymorphism is significantly associated with an increase ischemic stroke risk in the recessive and allelic models. After stratified with population, these associations remain significant in the Asian population but not in the Caucasian population. In summary, this study establishes a significant relationship between the eNOS rs1799983 polymorphism with gender, lifestyle and ethnicity differences towards stroke risk in the Malaysian population. In addition, our meta-analysis suggests that the eNOS rs1799983 polymorphism is associated with an increase risk of ischemic stroke.
Overweight and obesity have become a global concern and estimated with more than 1.9 billion adults worldwide were overweight and more than 650 million were obese in 2016. Nurses in Malaysia were no exception to overweight and obesity. This research was conducted with the aim to identify the prevalence of overweight among nurses on shift duty in a teaching hospital and to understand the relationship between abnormal eating behavior and body mass index. A total of 280 respondents participated in this research and Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire was used. Body Mass Index (BMI) score was categorized according to Clinical Practice Guidelines 2004. Results showed that 68.5% of the nurses were either overweight (37.1%) or obese (31.4%). The nurses’ BMI does not showed any association with socio-demographic data except age (r=0.156). As age increases, the nurses’ BMI also increase. This research also showed that there was no association between emotional and external eating behavior to BMI. However, there was a statistically significant differences in BMI for restraint eating (F=6.056, p=0.003). In conclusion, restraint eating behavior was the most practiced form of eating behavior in an attempt to achieve the ideal body weight but unfortunately lead to overweight among the nurses. Overweight or obese nurses will have a negative impression to the society and even reduce their confidence towards nurses’ health education. Overweight or obesity also ruined the nurses’ working performance and quality of care for patients. This issue requires immediate action and interventions to promote healthy lifestyles and eating habits among nurses should be conducted in the hospital.
Door to needle (DTN) time for thrombolysis in the Emergency Department, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (ED, UKMMC) is an indicator that can reduce mortality and morbidity of patients with ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI). This study was conducted to determine factors that influence DTN time for acute ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) and whether it has achieved the recommended time of 30 minutes. A cross-sectional study was conducted among patients diagnosed with acute STEMI and thrombolysed in ED, UKMMC from June 2016 until March 2017. A data collection sheet was used to collect patient’s demographic data and clinical data which included time of arrival to ED, time of initial electrocardiogram (ECG), time of drug preparation and time of thrombolytic delivery to the patient. A total of 98 patients were included in this study. Majority of patients (77.6%) were thrombolysed more than 30 minutes following ED arrival. Mean DTN in ED, UKKMC was 59.28 + 36.01 minutes. The mean door to ECG time was 7.19 + 8.08 minutes and the mean drug preparation time was 9.86 + 7.51 minutes. Out of 76 (77.6%) patients that were thrombolysed after 30 minutes of ED arrival, 59.2% (n=45) were due to multiple disciplinary referral. Other factors were delay in performing initial ECG 19.8% (n=15), incorrect initial ECG interpretation 9.2% (n=7) and unavoidable need for prior resuscitation 9.2% (n=7). As a conclusion this study showed that there was an unacceptable delay in hospital thrombolysis for acute STEMI.
The use of simulation as a teaching methodology in medical institutions has been in Malaysia for over two decades. This study aimed to evaluate the current scenarios of simulation impact and utilization in Malaysian academic healthcare institutions (AHIs). We conducted a population-based survey on all AHIs in Malaysia including public and private. We performed an online survey followed by a face-to-face interview evaluating the number of institutions that used simulation, duration of experience, purpose, funding, users’ category and healthcare domain, research activities, dedicated-trained staff and the challenges faced. Out of 75 healthcare institutions approached, 38 agreed to participate in this study. Twenty-two (57.9%) were public hospitals while 16 (42.1%) were private institutions. Thirty-five (92.1%) out of 38 institutions used simulation as a teaching method. The majority (15, 42.9%) had less than five years’ experience, and about a third (11, 31.4%) used simulation for teaching, training and performance assessment. Nurses (30, 26.1%) were the main users followed by physicians and paramedic (19, 16.5% each respectively). In-hospital and procedural group were the top two domains of utilizers. Almost three quarters (25, 71.4%) have dedicated support staff to manage the centre. Funding was mainly from internal institutional support mechanisms. Seven different categories of challenges were identified, the biggest being financial support. In summary, even though healthcare simulation has been in Malaysia for the past two decades but the most substantial impact happened over the last five years. Utilization was mainly for teaching, training, and performance assessment with minimal use in research.
Mature cystic teratoma is the commonest ovarian germ cell tumour which accounts for 70% of all benign ovarian neoplasms in the reproductive age groups. Being a pluripotent germ cell tumour, mature cystic teratoma has at least two out of three mature embryonic germ cell components: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. The presence of multiple cystic spaces within the tumour wall, also known as pneumatosis cystoides-like appearance is rarely described but a characteristic feature in cystic teratoma of the ovary. Currently, there is little information concerning the mechanism of its formation. Herein, we described an unusual case of ovarian mature cystic teratoma in a 31-year-old pregnant female with multiple sieve-like areas resembling pneumatosis cystoides of the intestine. Macroscopic and histological examination of the ovary revealed features diagnostic of mature cystic teratoma. Intriguingly, multiple cystic spaces of variable sizes were found within the cyst wall histologically. They were lined partially or completely by foamy histiocytes and foreign body type multinucleated giant cells, exhibiting strong CD68 immunoreactivity. Vascular endothelial markers (CD31 and CD34) and epithelial marker (cytokeratin AE1/AE3) were negative. A diagnosis of mature cystic teratoma with pneumatosis cystoides-like feature was rendered. The patient was discharged well with no signs and symptoms of early labour. The etiopathogenesis of this intriguing histological feature is briefly discussed in this article.
Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) is an uncommon disorder which usually presents with prolonged and significant primary eosinophilia with end-organ dysfunction. Damaging proteins released by the eosinophilic granules are responsible for the tissues and organ system damage. Here we report two cases of idiopathic HES. Both the patients were young lady presented with high grade fever and concomitant symptoms. Laboratory findings showed leucocytosis with predominant neutrophilia and marked eosinophilia. A diagnosis of idiopathic HES was made after excluding secondary causes of eosinophilia. However, the first patient was complicated with multiple venous thrombosis and intravenous heparin was started which was later changed to subcutaneous low molecular weight heparin (LMWH). The patient developed pleural effusion and consolidation. Intravenous Tazoscin, tablet Prednisolone and tablet Hydroxyurea was started and the patient responded well. Despite treatment, two weeks later, suddenly the patient collapsed and unfortunately succumbed. On the other hand, the second patient was complicated with fever, thrombocytopenia, haemolytic anaemia, acute renal failure and neurological deficit which were part and parcel of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). Plasma exchange was commenced and patient’s condition had slowly improved. Nevertheless, the hypoxia which she sustained during the multiple episodes of fits had resulted in permanent brain injury and thus requiring a tracheostomy for prolonged ventilatory support. Currently, there is no cure for HES. The main aim of treatment is to minimise the tissue damage caused by the hypereosinophilia. Early diagnosis and intervention are therefore crucial in preventing the spread of the disease and the end-organ damage.
Few cases of chalazia secondary to bortezomib are reported in literature. However, it is not a recognized ocular adverse effect. We hereby report a case of recurrent chalazia secondary to bortezomib. A 40-year-old male with light chain myeloma on ten weeks of chemotherapy with bortezomib was treated for left eye inflamed chalazion with bilateral meibominitis. Severe chalazia persisted despite treatment, which necessitated cessation of chemotherapy. The patient’s condition improved on oral doxycycline and chemotherapy was recommenced but his chalazia recurred, necessitating incision and curretage. His chalazia responded to oral azithromycin without further cessation of chemotherapy. Bortezomib’s association with chalazia has been characterized as a possible adverse drug reaction according to the World Health organization classification, and its recognization as an established adverse reaction to will allow earlier identification and appropriate co-management of the patient.
Presented herein is a case of one different morphological anomaly of pronator quadratus (PQ) muscle. Here, the shape of PQ was not similar to the normal morphology of the muscle. The PQ muscle appeared to be in distinct triangular-shaped instead of quadrangular-shaped. In addition, this triangular-shaped was found in two sites i.e. proximal and distal. Significantly, the PQ muscle consisted of two fleshy red fibres and white aponeurosis. Proximally placed portion had a wide base and a narrower apex. The larger base was attached to the ulna and formed of fleshy red fibres which converged laterally to be continuous with aponeurosis ending on the radius. In contrast, the distal triangular portion had the fleshy fibres attached to the radius and converged medially to be continuous with aponeurotic portions on the ulna. Each portion were referred as pronator triangularis proximalis and pronator triangularis distalis. These variations might affect atypically in cases of forearm pronation. Information of these variations is important in hand surgeries and provide an additional knowledge on the relationship between morphology of PQ muscle and the limitation or the strength in the action of it.
Ludwig angina is a fulminant condition that is potentially lethal. If left unrecognized or untreated, this condition carries a mortality rate of up to 50%. We illustrate a case of 43-year-old male who presented with signs and symptoms of Ludwig angina over a period of two days. The patient had history of tooth extraction prior to the onset of symptoms. Despite typical clinical presentation, Ludwig angina was not considered during the first visit to medical. Ludwig angina is a clinical diagnosis that requires high index of suspicion. Delay in the diagnosis increase the risk of airway obstruction due to its rapidly spreading oedema of the upper airway.
It is rare for anterior chamber migration of an Ozurdex® implant from vitreous cavity, but it is seen more frequently in aphakic eyes or in pseudophakic cases with zonular dehiscense. We describe a case of a middle-aged gentleman who had persistent diabetic macular oedema not responding to anti-VEGF (vascular endothelium growth factor), who was treated with intravitreal Ozurdex® in his post vitrectomized eye and developed anterior migration of the implant to the anterior chamber. Anterior dislocation of an intravitreal implant of dexamethasone can be managed by repositioning it to the vitreous cavity or removing it through a corneal limbal incision. Ozurdex® is a friable implant, especially after a few weeks of implantation. Therefore, removal of the implant by grasping or aspiration may lead to its fracture or dispersion of the implant material. This is a report of a simple,fast and effective technique to remove a migrated Ozurdex® from the anterior chamber using a modified silicone tip.
Proximal stability consists of core and hip stability play a significant role in supporting the body weight in stationary and in motion. Thus, proximal stability could contribute to knee osteoarthritis (OA). Therefore, this study was carried out to determine the core stability and hip stability of knee OA patients. A total of thirty-two women aged between 45 to 60 years had volunteered to participate in this study, comprised of 16 knee OA patients and 16 normal. Hip stability was assessed using hip crossover test and core stability was assessed using core muscle endurance, core muscle strength and core muscle flexibility. Data of hip stability, core muscle strength and flexibility were analyzed using chi-square; and core muscle endurance data were analyzed using independent sample t-test. Compared to normal subjects, knee OA patients have poor hip stability [Hip Crossover Test (λ=0.500, p=0.033)] and core stability. Core stability was assessed based on core muscle strength [abdominal muscles (χ=12.157, p