Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 1112 in total

  1. English JS
    Matched MeSH terms: China/ethnology
  2. Ganeson D, Chattopadhyay PK, Sunderland E, Woolley V
    Ann Hum Biol, 1982 May-Jun;9(3):283-5.
    PMID: 7103408
    Matched MeSH terms: China/ethnology
  3. Holland B
    Hum Biol, 1989 Aug;61(4):591-8.
    PMID: 2591915
    A marked seasonality of births for the two main ethnic groups of peninsular Malaysia, far exceeding the cyclic fluctuations in births in the United States and Canada, was reported for the 1960s. A 36% excess of births over the average monthly number was observed among Malays each January. Among the ethnic Chinese in Malaysia a regular periodicity in the numbers of births was also found, but it was far less marked and the peak occurred in October or November. The peaks in both groups were due in large measure to conceptions that correlate with religious observances or holidays. Here I report on cyclic birth patterns in peninsular Malaysia for the period 1970-1985. Rapid economic development has occurred during this time and has brought with it demographic changes, such as a massive rise in contraceptive use and a decline in birth rates. These demographic changes have been accompanied by the loss of the pronounced seasonal pattern of births among the Malays. The seasonality of Malay births is now of roughly the same magnitude as the seasonality in the United States and Canada, whereas seasonality of births among the Chinese in Malaysia remains essentially unchanged.
    Matched MeSH terms: China/ethnology
  4. Galloway D
    Matched MeSH terms: China/ethnology
  5. Hughes W
    Matched MeSH terms: China/ethnology
  6. Cosgrave AK, Samuel J
    Matched MeSH terms: China/ethnology
  7. Kelkar SK
    A case of intra-uterine normal pregnancy with an extra-uterine abdominal full term dead foetus (lithopaedion) is described. The impossibility of differentiation from twin uterine pregnancy until after birth of first baby is pointed out.
    Matched MeSH terms: China/ethnology
  8. Ponniah RD, Chin YH
    Med J Malaysia, 1976 Sep;31(1):36-7.
    PMID: 1023011
    Matched MeSH terms: China/ethnology
  9. Cox R
    Lancet, 1914;184:945-6.
    DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(00)46719-X
    Matched MeSH terms: China/ethnology
  10. Chiew L, Das U
    Stroke is the most important cause of death and foremost cause for dysfunction around the globe. As a result increase in the numberof elderly population the incidence of stroke has emerged as an important public health problem. Major developments have taken place in the field of medication for the prevention and treatment of stroke during the past decade. In spite of major interventions proposed by several organizations and the government, the present scenario of the stroke management facilities is still not promising. This article intends to investigate the health care facilities present for the elderly individuals with high risk of strokereoccurrence through proper analysis of the health system in Malaysia. The objectives are to find out evidence-based, reasonably priced and endurable measures to control the recurrences of stroke and to evaluate the outcomes of these interventions. It was noticed that in Malaysia though there many amenities for stroke patients are available but reorganizing and strengthening of few aspects such as human resource by multidisciplinary input is necessary for proper management of senior stroke patients. Moreover monitoring is essential to support patients after discharge from the hospital. The ethical variations among patient with stroke recurrence and the risk factor associated with stroke is not fully understood by healthcare workers. So, this study attempts to guide the stroke patient, their families and the health care workers to prevent stroke recurrence.
    Keywords: Stroke, Stroke Interventions, Stroke in Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: China/ethnology
  11. Harrower G
    Matched MeSH terms: China/ethnology
  12. Monteiro ES
    Matched MeSH terms: China/ethnology
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