Displaying publications 61 - 71 of 71 in total

  1. Kamaliah MN, Jaafar S, Ehsan FZ, Safiee I, Ismail F, Mohd Saleh N, et al.
    DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-9-S1-A7
    Introduction. Malaysian health care is a parallel system with both public and private sectors. The MOH (Ministry of Health) is the main provider of health services in the country, delivering comprehensive medical, health, dental and pharmaceutical services at primary, secondary and tertiary levels of care. The public health services are heavily subsidized by the government. The practice of financial distribution within the Ministry of Health of Malaysia has traditionally been dependent on historical information, i.e., looking at past performance. Any additional increment has been based on arbitrary predictions of the consumer index or inflation. A more appropriate distribution would be based not only on the volume of patients, but also on the morbidity profiles of these populations. Because of the development of the TPC (Tele-Primary Care) electronic system, considerable data is now collected, and there exists a vast potential for data-mining. One potential area of study is to account for the differences in the health status of populations and their anticipated need for healthcare services. An earlier project demonstrated that the TPC dataset provides viable data that can be used for understanding differences in case mix and resource need by various population sub-groups. This was the first step in a multi-stage process to demonstrate the benefits of integrating case mix into the Malaysian healthcare system. As a result of the first project, an increased understanding of the TPC database was gained, which is providing usable data. However, to make full and effective use of TPC, a resource-use measure based on micro-costing information needed to be developed and validated. This project evaluated the plausibility of recently developed cost measures. This new resource-use measure would enable a clearer understanding of the resource consumption based on the morbidity profile of populations across regions, as well as individual clinics.
    Methods. The primary sources of data for this project came from public, primary care clinics using the TPC system; an alternative electronic system; a small group practice of private primary care clinics using a separate electronic system; and the network of a private medical insurance group with nationwide enrollees. The objective of the project was, first, to take the analyses a step further by incorporating new data input streams from private providers, and then to validate that the newly developed micro-costing information was meaningful. In addition, the project sought to assess the ability to link patient information across different providers, re-analyze the results from Phase 1 using the new resource measure, and then develop a program targeted at improving data quality. Lastly, the aim was to compare differences in service delivery patterns between TPC facilities and providers to assess the efficiency of resource use.
    Results. a) The success of the coding-quality training programs to ensure continually improved data quality in TPC over time was demonstrated. The data quality is sufficiently high to create more sophisticated models. Models to identify "high risk" patients or "high cost" patients are already possible.
    b) The ACG system has been proven to work with Malaysian TPC data, and the micro-costing data works for the TPC population and allows us to better understand differences in resource allocation/need. The 2008 Total Visits model is extremely predictive. However, the cost data for health clinics needs to be improved before the Total Cost can be used to predict costs with the same predictive ability as the Total Visit models.
    c) The analyses of the UPIN's (Unique Patient Identification Number) ability to link data to better capture the services being provided from multiple providers show that existing challenges are surmountable. A better understanding of the differences in service delivery in public vs. private sectors is imperative before a national capitation scheme is possible.
    d) The profiling of providers on a regional basis as the initial step to determining the viability of a morbidity-based capitation formula was successful.
    Conclusions. The initial project successfully demonstrated the ability of Malaysia to apply readily available diagnostic and other clinical information to develop state-of-the-art case-mix measures relevant to medical and fiscal management activities using the TPC database. It also offered an example of how risk adjustment tools can be used to monitor the TPC data collection process. The ACG system has been proven to work with Malaysian data, and it works very well for Total Visits where they can now be used to predict Total Visits with a very high certainty. Where the data quality has improved, the predictive modeling has improved in tandem. The data quality is sufficiently high to create more sophisticated models. Models to identify “high risk” patients or “high cost” patients are already possible.
  2. Ahmad NA, Silim UA, Rosman A, Mohamed M, Chan YY, Mohd Kasim N, et al.
    BMJ Open, 2018 05 14;8(5):e020649.
    PMID: 29764882 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020649
    INTRODUCTION: An estimated 13% of women in the postnatal period suffer from postnatal depression (PND) worldwide. In addition to underprivileged women, women who are exposed to violence are at higher risk of PND. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between intimate partner violence (IPV) and PND in Malaysia.

    METHODS: This survey was conducted as a nationwide cross-sectional study using a cluster sampling design. Probable PND was assessed using a self-administered Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Demographic profiles and IPV were assessed using a locally validated WHO Multicountry Study on Women's Health and Life Events Questionnaire that was administered in a face-to-face interview. An EPDS total score of 12 or more and/or a positive tendency to self-harm were used to define PND.

    RESULTS: Out of 6669 women, 5727 respondents were successfully interviewed with a response rate of 85.9%. The prevalence of probable PND was 4.4% (95% CI 2.9 to 6.7). The overall prevalence of IPV was 4.9% (95% CI 3.8 to 6.4). Among the women in this group, 3.7% (95% CI 2.7 to 5.0), 2.6% (95% CI 1.9 to 3.5) and 1.2% (95% CI 0.9 to 1.7) experienced emotional, physical and sexual violence, respectively. Logistic regression analysis revealed that women who were exposed to IPV were at 2.3 times the risk for probable PND, with an adjusted OR (aOR) of 2.34 (95% CI 1.12 to 4.87). Other factors for PND were reported emotional violence (aOR 3.79, 95% CI 1.93 to 7.45), unplanned pregnancy (aOR 3.32, 95% CI 2.35 to 4.69), lack of family support during confinement (aOR 1.79, 95% CI 1.12 to 2.87), partner's use of alcohol (aOR 1.59, 95% CI 1.07 to 2.35) or being from a household with a low income (aOR 2.99; 95% CI 1.63 to 5.49).

    CONCLUSIONS: Exposure to IPV was significantly associated with probable PND. Healthcare personnel should be trained to detect and manage both problems. An appropriate referral system and support should be made available.
  3. Jaafar S, Mohd Noh K, Abdul Muttalib K, Othman NH, Healy J, Maskon K, et al.
    ISBN: 978-92-9061-584-2
    Citation: Jaafar S, Mohd Noh K, Abdul Muttalib K, Othman NH, Healy J, Maskon K, et al. Malaysia Health System Review. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2013

    Malaysia is a federation of 13 states and 2 territories in a parliamentary democracy, with the Prime Minister the head of government and a constitutional monarch elected by the Sultans. Malaysia is a multicultural society and a secular state with Sunni Islam as the official religion. Classified by the World Bank as an upper middle-income country, its society and economy were transformed by rapid economic growth in the latter half of the 20th century. Malaysia’s population (now numbering over 28 million with 70% living in urban areas) has benefited from a well developed health care system, good access to clean water and sanitation, and strong social and economic programmes. Life expectancy at birth is 73 years. Noncommunicable diseases now account for most mortality and morbidity but communicable diseases remain a concern. Section 2 describes the organization and governance of the health system. Health care services consist of tax-funded and governmentrun primary health care centres and hospitals, and fast-growing private services mainly located in physician clinics and hospitals in urban areas. Public sector health services are administered by the Ministry of Health through its central, state and district offices. The Ministry of Health regulates the private sector, pharmaceutical industry and food safety and plans and regulates its own health care services. Legislation governing health care professionals requires them to register with statutory professional bodies. Section 3 reports on health care financing. Malaysia’s public health system is financed mainly through general revenue and taxation collected by the federal government, while the private sector is funded principally through out-of-pocket payments from patients and some private health insurance. Spending on health reached 4.6% of GDP in 2009 with the majority from public spending, reaching 56% of total health expenditure (THE) in 2009. The main sources of THE in 2008 were the Ministry of Health (42%), followed by household out-of-pocket expenditure at nearly 34%. The Ministry of Health funds public facilities through line item budgets and patients pay private physicians and private hospitals on a fee-for-service basis. Physical and human resources are described in Section 4. The number of public primary care facilities (currently 802 centres and over 2000 small community clinics) and dental clinics were expanded steadily in earlier decades, particularly to reach people in under-served rural areas. Secondary care is offered in smaller public hospitals and more complex tertiary care, in regional and national hospitals (including university teaching hospitals run by the Ministry of Higher Education). Growth has slowed in recent years, however, and public services in urban areas have not kept pace with rapid urbanization, while the population ratio of hospital beds has declined slightly. Private clinics and hospitals in urban areas have grown rapidly over the last decade. The supply of health professionals remains seriously below the required number, although the government has increased the number of training places. Section 5 looks at provision of services. National health policies stress public health and health promotion, that is, ‘a wellness’ as well as a ‘disease’ perspective. The Ministry of Health has developed an extensive network of public primary care centres and also dental services especially for children, but these services are under strain and have staff shortages, so patients often encounter long waits. Primary care exerts only a limited gatekeeper function since people can bypass a referral from a general practitioner and for a small additional fee (if in the public sector) can go directly to specialists and hospitals. Government services increasingly serve the poor and private services the better-off people who live in urban areas. Hospital policy currently has three main thrusts: strengthening specialty care in large public hospitals; increasing the number of day surgery centres; and expanding top-end private hospital care to cater to the medical tourism market (with 35 participating hospitals in 2010). Malaysia has a large pharmaceutical manufacturing sector that exports to other countries and also supplies 30% of domestic demand. The principal health care reforms are discussed in Section 6. The government has stepped up its surveillance and early response to infectious disease outbreaks as a result of recent pandemics such as SARS and avian flu, which had a major impact on the country’s economy. The Ministry of Health has maintained its extensive vaccination programmes, has consolidated its primary health care clinics and upgraded its hospitals, and is slowly introducing information communication technology into its public facilities. The government has increased training places to counter shortages of health professionals, has strengthened food and drug safety regulation, is considering price xv regulation of pharmaceuticals, and is positioning the country as a medical tourism destination. Section 7 provides an assessment of the health system. Malaysia has a strong population health tradition and well-established and extensive health care services. Although total health expenditure at 4.6% of GDP in 2008 is in the range for middle-income countries, the government is concerned about future sustainable financing. Successive administrators have prioritized the provision of cost-effective, preventative and mainly free primary health care in public clinics. The rapid growth of private health care means that private spending has risen faster than public spending, including out-of-pocket payments by the public, with the government share (from general revenue) just above half (56%) of health expenditure in 2009. In conclusion, Malaysia has achieved impressive health gains for its population with a low-cost health care system funded through general revenue that provides universal and comprehensive services. Like many other countries in the region, Malaysia has struggled to produce an adequate supply of health professionals, and to integrate and regulate its rapidly growing private health sector. Public services have not kept pace with population growth in urban areas and those with higher purchasing power use private rather than public doctors and hospitals, which leaves the public sector with more poorer and sicker patients. The Malaysian Government recently revived the debate over options for a national social health insurance scheme. The financing challenge is to agree on a scheme for fair and sustainable funding and its respective contributions from general revenue and private payments. The regulatory challenge for the Malaysian Government is to strengthen its governance of both public and private health services in order to ensure high quality and safe services and fair charges. The structural challenge is to determine the balance between public and private sector delivery and to engage in a more productive partnership between public and private sectors. The administrative challenge is to consider whether the community would be better served by more decentralized and responsive services. As Malaysia seeks to attain high income country status, and as demographic and epidemiological transitions continue and new technology expands the possibilities for intervention, the demand for xvi health care by the population will continue to rise. The government will need to address growing concerns about equity, efficiency and budgetary constraints and balance conflicting policy principles. Pressures are building up for health system reform in Malaysia looking towards the year 2020 and beyond.
  4. Bearden T, Ratcliffe HL, Sugarman JR, Bitton A, Anaman LA, Buckle G, et al.
    Gates Open Res, 2019;3:1654.
    PMID: 32529173 DOI: 10.12688/gatesopenres.13059.1
    Empanelment is a foundational strategy for building or improving primary health care systems and a critical pathway for achieving effective universal health coverage. However, there is little international guidance for defining empanelment or understanding how to implement empanelment systems in low- and middle-income countries. To fill this gap, a multi-country collaborative within the Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage developed this empanelment overview, proposing a people-centered definition of empanelment that reflects the responsibility to proactively deliver primary care services to all individuals in a target population. This document, building on existing literature on empanelment and representing input from 10 countries, establishes standard concepts of empanelment and describes why and how empanelment is used. Finally, it identifies key domains that may influence effective empanelment and that must be considered in deciding how empanelment can be implemented. This document is designed to be a useful resource for health policymakers, planners and decision-makers in ministries of health, as well as front line providers of primary care service delivery who are working to ensure quality people-centered primary care to everyone everywhere.
  5. Muhammad Nawawi KN, Mokhtar NM, Wong Z, Mohd Azman ZA, Hsin Chew DC, Rehir R, et al.
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e12425.
    PMID: 34820182 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.12425
    Background: The incidence rate of colorectal cancer (CRC) in Asian countries is increasing. Furthermore, recent studies have shown a concerning rise in the incidence of CRC among younger patients aged less than 50 years. This study aimed to analyze the incidence trends and clinicopathological features in patients with early-onset CRC (EOCRC) and later-onset CRC (at age ≥ 50 years).

    Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed on 946 patients with CRC diagnosed from 1997 to 2017 at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre. The time trend was assessed by dividing the two decades into four 5-year periods. The mean age-standardized and age-specific incidence rates were calculated by using the 5-year cumulative population of Kuala Lumpur and World Health Organization standard population. The mean incidence was expressed per 100,000 person-years.

    Results: After a stable (all age groups) CRC incidence rate during the first decade (3.00 per 100,000 and 3.85 per 100,000), it sharply increased to 6.12 per 100,000 in the 2008-2012 period before decreasing to 4.54 per 100,000 in the 2013-2017 period. The CRC incidence trend in later-onset CRC showed a decrease in the 2013-2017 period. Contrariwise, for age groups of 40-44 and 45-49 years, the trends showed an increase in the latter 15 years of the study period (40-44 years: 1.44 to 1.92 to 2.3 per 100,000; 45-49 years: 2.87 to 2.94 to 4.01 per 100,000). Malays' EOCRC incidence rate increased from 2008-2012 to 2013-2017 for both the age groups 40-44 years (1.46 to 2.89 per 100,000) and 45-49 years (2.73 to 6.51 per 100,000). Nearly one-fifth of EOCRC cases were diagnosed at an advanced stage (Dukes D: 19.9%), and the majority of them had rectal cancer (72.8%).

    Conclusion: The incidence of EOCRC increased over the period 1997-2017; the patients were predominantly Malays, diagnosed at a later stage, and with cancer commonly localized in the rectal region. All the relevant stakeholders need to work on the management and prevention of CRC in Malaysia.

  6. Yoshino T, Arnold D, Taniguchi H, Pentheroudakis G, Yamazaki K, Xu RH, et al.
    Ann Oncol, 2018 01 01;29(1):44-70.
    PMID: 29155929 DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdx738
    The most recent version of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) consensus guidelines for the treatment of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) was published in 2016, identifying both a more strategic approach to the administration of the available systemic therapy choices, and a greater emphasis on the use of ablative techniques, including surgery. At the 2016 ESMO Asia Meeting, in December 2016, it was decided by both ESMO and the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology (JSMO) to convene a special guidelines meeting, endorsed by both ESMO and JSMO, immediately after the JSMO 2017 Annual Meeting. The aim was to adapt the ESMO consensus guidelines to take into account the ethnic differences relating to the toxicity as well as other aspects of certain systemic treatments in patients of Asian ethnicity. These guidelines represent the consensus opinions reached by experts in the treatment of patients with mCRC identified by the Presidents of the oncological societies of Japan (JSMO), China (Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology), Korea (Korean Association for Clinical Oncology), Malaysia (Malaysian Oncological Society), Singapore (Singapore Society of Oncology) and Taiwan (Taiwan Oncology Society). The voting was based on scientific evidence and was independent of both the current treatment practices and the drug availability and reimbursement situations in the individual participating Asian countries.
  7. Ng CG, Abousheishaa AA, Low SY, Zainal NZ, Thong KS, Awaluddin AB, et al.
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2023 Aug 01;24(8):2583-2591.
    PMID: 37642043 DOI: 10.31557/APJCP.2023.24.8.2583
    OBJECTIVE: Vortioxetine is a monoaminergic drug with a novel multimodal mechanism of action. We investigated its efficacy on depressive symptoms, cognitive function, and quality of life among cancer patients.

    METHODS: In this multicenter, open-label, single-arm, observational study, patients received flexible doses of Vortioxetine for a period of six months. All participants were assessed at baseline and scheduled for monitoring at weeks 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24. Depression severity was assessed using Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) and the Clinical Global Impression (CGI) scale. The Perceived Deficiency Questionnaire (PDQ-5) assessed the perceived cognitive difficulties in concentration, executive functioning, and memory. The European Organization for the Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC) was used to assess the patients' quality of life. Side effects of vortioxetine were monitored using the Antidepressant Side-Effect Checklist (ASEC).

    RESULTS: Patients experienced a reduction in MADRS scores from 29.89 ± 5.997 at baseline to 11.59 ± 4.629 by Week 24. The PDQ-5 scores showed significant change from Week-4, whereas the EORTC role, emotional, and cognitive functioning scores showed a significant change from Week 2 onwards. CGI-Severity scores decreased from a baseline of 4.39 ± 0.746 to 2.41 ± 1.085 by Week 24. During the 24-Weeks of therapy, around three-quarters of the patients (73.3%) had one or more adverse events reported on the ASEC. The most frequently reported TEAEs were dry mouth, insomnia, somnolence, and headache, with more than a 30% incidence rate.

    CONCLUSION: Vortioxetine seems promising in the management of depression and enhancement of cognitive function and quality of life of cancer patients with Major Depressive Disorder.

  8. Saad M, Alip A, Lim J, Abdullah MM, Chong FLT, Chua CB, et al.
    BJU Int, 2019 09;124(3):373-382.
    PMID: 31077523 DOI: 10.1111/bju.14807
    OBJECTIVE: To examine the results of the Malaysian Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (MyAPCCC) 2018, held for assessing the generalizability of consensus reached at the Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC 2017) to Malaysia, a middle-income country.

    METHODS: Six key sections were chosen: (1) high-risk localized and locally advanced prostate cancer, (2) oligometastatic prostate cancer, (3) castration-naïve prostate cancer, (4) castrate resistant prostate cancer, (5) use of osteoclast-targeted therapy and (6) global access to prostate cancer drugs. There were 101 consensus questions, consisting of 91 questions from APCCC 2017 and 10 new questions from MyAPCCC 2018, selected and modified by the steering committee; of which, 23 questions were assessed in both ideal world and real-world settings. A panel of 22 experts, comprising of 11 urologists and 11 oncologists, voted on 101 predefined questions anonymously. Final voting results were compared with the APCCC 2017 outcomes.

    RESULTS: Most voting results from the MyAPCCC 2018 were consistent with the APCCC 2017 outcomes. No consensus was achieved for controversial topics with little level I evidence, such as management of oligometastatic disease. No consensus was reached on using high-cost drugs in castration-naïve or castration-resistant metastatic prostate cancer in real-world settings. All panellists recommended using generic drugs when available.

    CONCLUSIONS: The MyAPCCC 2018 voting results reflect the management of advanced prostate cancer in a middle-income country in a real-world setting. These results may serve as a guide for local clinical practices and highlight the financial challenges in modern healthcare.

  9. Markby J, Shilton S, Sem X, Chan HK, Md Said R, Siva S, et al.
    BMJ Open, 2021 Dec 24;11(12):e055142.
    PMID: 34952885 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055142
    INTRODUCTION: To achieve the elimination of hepatitis C virus (HCV), substantial scale-up in access to testing and treatment is needed. This will require innovation and simplification of the care pathway, through decentralisation of testing and treatment to primary care settings and task-shifting to non-specialists. The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of decentralisation of HCV testing and treatment using rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) in primary healthcare clinics (PHCs) among high-risk populations, with referral of seropositive patients for confirmatory viral load testing and treatment.

    METHODS: This observational study was conducted between December 2018 and October 2019 at 25 PHCs in three regions in Malaysia. Each PHC was linked to one or more hospitals, for referral of seropositive participants for confirmatory testing and pretreatment evaluation. Treatment was provided in PHCs for non-cirrhotic patients and at hospitals for cirrhotic patients.

    RESULTS: During the study period, a total of 15 366 adults were screened at the 25 PHCs, using RDTs for HCV antibodies. Of the 2020 (13.2%) HCV antibody-positive participants, 1481/2020 (73.3%) had a confirmatory viral load test, 1241/1481 (83.8%) were HCV RNA-positive, 991/1241 (79.9%) completed pretreatment assessment, 632/991 (63.8%) initiated treatment, 518/632 (82.0%) completed treatment, 352/518 (68.0%) were eligible for a sustained virological response (SVR) cure assessment, 209/352 (59.4%) had an SVR cure assessment, and SVR was achieved in 202/209 (96.7%) patients. A significantly higher proportion of patients referred to PHCs initiated treatment compared with those who had treatment initiated at hospitals (71.0% vs 48.8%, p<0.001).

    CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated the effectiveness and feasibility of a simplified decentralised HCV testing and treatment model in primary healthcare settings, targeting high-risk groups in Malaysia. There were good outcomes across most steps of the cascade of care when treatment was provided at PHCs compared with hospitals.

  10. Senin A, Noordin NM, Sani JAM, Mahat D, Donadel M, Scobie HM, et al.
    PLoS One, 2024;19(3):e0298730.
    PMID: 38483868 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0298730
    INTRODUCTION: A lateral flow rapid diagnostic test (RDT) enables detection of measles specific immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibody in serum, capillary blood, and oral fluid with accuracy consistent with enzyme immunoassay (EIA). The objectives of the study were: 1) to assess measles RDT inter-reader agreement between two clinic staff; 2) to assess the sensitivity and specificity of the measles RDT relative to standard surveillance testing in a low transmission setting; 3) to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of staff in clinics using the RDT; and 4) to assess the impact of RDT testing on the measles public health response in Malaysia.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The clinic-based prospective evaluation included all suspected measles cases captured by routine measles surveillance at 34 purposely selected clinics in 15 health districts in Malaysia between September 2019 and June 2020, following day-long regional trainings on RDT use. Following informed consent, four specimens were collected from each suspected case, including those routinely collected for standard surveillance [serum for EIA and throat swabs for quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR)] together with capillary blood and oral fluid tested with RDTs during the study. RDT impact was evaluated by comparing the rapidity of measles public health response between the pre-RDT implementation (December 2018 to August 2019) and RDT implementation periods (September 2019 to June 2020). To assess knowledge, attitudes, and practices of RDT use, staff involved in the public health management of measles at the selected sites were surveyed.

    RESULTS: Among the 436 suspect cases, agreement of direct visual readings of measles RDT devices between two health clinic staff was 99% for capillary blood (k = 0.94) and 97% for oral fluid (k = 0.90) specimens. Of the total, 45 (10%) were positive by measles IgM EIA (n = 44, including five also positive by RT-qPCR) or RT-qPCR only (n = 1), and 38 were positive by RDT (using either capillary blood or oral fluid). Using measles IgM EIA or RT-qPCR as reference, RDT sensitivity using capillary blood was 43% (95% CI: 30%-58%) and specificity was 98% (95% CI: 96%-99%); using oral fluid, sensitivity (26%, 95% CI: 15%-40%) and specificity (97%, 95% CI: 94%-98%) were lower. Nine months after training, RDT knowledge was high among staff involved with the public health management of measles (average quiz score of 80%) and was highest among those who received formal training (88%), followed by those trained during supervisory visits (83%). During the RDT implementation period, the number of days from case confirmation until initiation of public response decreased by about 5 days.

    CONCLUSION: The measles IgM RDT shows >95% inter-reader agreement, high retention of RDT knowledge, and a more rapid public health response. However, despite ≥95% RDT specificity using capillary blood or oral fluid, RDT sensitivity was <45%. Higher-powered studies using highly specific IgM assays and systematic RT-qPCR for case confirmation are needed to establish the role of RDT in measles elimination settings.

  11. Yoon SY, Wong SW, Lim J, Ahmad S, Mariapun S, Padmanabhan H, et al.
    J Med Genet, 2022 Mar;59(3):220-229.
    PMID: 33526602 DOI: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2020-107416
    BACKGROUND: Identifying patients with BRCA mutations is clinically important to inform on the potential response to treatment and for risk management of patients and their relatives. However, traditional referral routes may not meet clinical needs, and therefore, mainstreaming cancer genetics has been shown to be effective in some high-income and high health-literacy settings. To date, no study has reported on the feasibility of mainstreaming in low-income and middle-income settings, where the service considerations and health literacy could detrimentally affect the feasibility of mainstreaming.

    METHODS: The Mainstreaming Genetic Counselling for Ovarian Cancer Patients (MaGiC) study is a prospective, two-arm observational study comparing oncologist-led and genetics-led counselling. This study included 790 multiethnic patients with ovarian cancer from 23 sites in Malaysia. We compared the impact of different method of delivery of genetic counselling on the uptake of genetic testing and assessed the feasibility, knowledge and satisfaction of patients with ovarian cancer.

    RESULTS: Oncologists were satisfied with the mainstreaming experience, with 95% indicating a desire to incorporate testing into their clinical practice. The uptake of genetic testing was similar in the mainstreaming and genetics arm (80% and 79%, respectively). Patient satisfaction was high, whereas decision conflict and psychological impact were low in both arms of the study. Notably, decisional conflict, although lower than threshold, was higher for the mainstreaming group compared with the genetics arm. Overall, 13.5% of patients had a pathogenic variant in BRCA1 or BRCA2, and there was no difference between psychosocial measures for carriers in both arms.

    CONCLUSION: The MaGiC study demonstrates that mainstreaming cancer genetics is feasible in low-resource and middle-resource Asian setting and increased coverage for genetic testing.

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