Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 1032 in total

  1. Elsoragaby S, Yahya A, Mahadi MR, Nawi NM, Mairghany M
    Heliyon, 2019 Apr;5(4):e01427.
    PMID: 30984885 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e01427
    In paddy cultivation, harvesting is the most important operation, which needs suitable machinery. Thus, this study was carried out to compare field performances and energy and environmental effect between the conventional 5 m cutting width NEW HOLLAND CLAYSON 8080, 82 kW@2500 rpm combine harvester running on a total net area of 42.78 ha of plots for two rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation seasons and the new mid-size 2.7 m cutting width WORLD STAR WS7.0, 76 kW@2600 rpm combine harvester running on a total net area of 16.95 ha of plots for two rice cultivation seasons. The conventional combine as compared to mid-size combine showed 14.4% greater mean fuel consumptions (21.13 versus 18.46 l/ha), 31.1% greater mean effective field capacity (0.69 versus 0.53 ha/h), 5.23% greater cornering time (turning time) percentage of total time (8.28% versus 3.05%) and 1.41% greater reversing time percentage of total time (7.2% versus 5.79%) but 20.90% lesser mean operational speed (3.24 versus 4.10 km/h), 11.69% lesser effective time percentage of total time (60.0%versus 71.69%h/ha), 10.8% lesser mean field efficiency (64.3% versus 72.1%). In terms of total energy use the conventional combine showed 24.64% greater mean total energy use in the harvesting operation (1445.81 versus 1160.00 MJ/ha), 14.46% greater mean fuel energy (1010.014 versus 882.39 MJ/ha), 56.47% greater mean machinery energy (431.32 versus 275.65 MJ/ha) and 59.25% greater mean human energy (3.48 and 2.18 MJ/ha), this cause 26.12% greater mean total Green House Gas emission (GHG) than the mid-size combine. The results revealed that the mid-size combine is more suitable in conducting the harvest operation in rice field in Malaysia than the conventional combine.
  2. Lund LA, Omar Z, Khan I
    Heliyon, 2019 Mar;5(3):e01345.
    PMID: 30949601 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e01345
    This study investigates the numerical solutions of MHD boundary layer and heat transfer of the Williamson fluid flow on the exponentially vertical shrinking sheet, having variable thickness and thermal conductivity under effects of the velocity and thermal slip parameters. It is also assumed that shrinking/stretching velocity, as well as the wall temperature, has the exponential function form. In this study, the continuity, momentum and energy equations with buoyancy parameter and Hartmann number are incorporated especially in the Williamson fluid flow case. Similarity transformation variables have been employed to formulate the ordinary differential equations (ODEs) from partial differential equations (PDEs). The resultant ODEs are solved by shooting method with Runge Kutta of fourth order method in Maple software. The effects of the different applied non-dimensional physical parameters on the boundary layer and heat transfer flow problems are presented in graphs. The effects of Williamson parameter, Prandtl number, and slip parameters on velocity and temperature profiles have been thoroughly demonstrated and discussed. The numerical results show that the buoyancy force and the slip parameters contribute to the occurrence of the dual solutions on the boundary layer and heat transfer flow problems. Furthermore, the stability analysis suggests that the first solution is stable and physically possible.
  3. Le AT, Pung SY, Sreekantan S, Matsuda A, Huynh DP
    Heliyon, 2019 Apr;5(4):e01440.
    PMID: 31008388 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e01440
    Effluent discharges from industry and domestic waste containing unknown inorganic pollutants. In this work, different mechanisms of heavy metal ions removal using ZnO particles were studied. ZnO particles were synthesized using solid precipitation technique. The morphology of ZnO particles was rod-like shape. The average length and diameter of ZnO particle were 497.34 ± 15.55 and 75.78 ± 10.39nm, respectively. These particles removed effectively heavy metal ions such as Cu(II), Ag(I) and Pb(II) ions with efficiency >85% under exposure of 1 hour of UV light. However, poor removal efficiency, i.e. <15% was observed for Cr(VI), Mn(II), Cd(II) and Ni(II) ions. The removal of these heavy metal ions was in the forms of metals or metal oxide via reduction/oxidation or adsorption mechanism.
  4. Al-Akwaa AA, Asmawi MZ, Dewa A, Mahmud R
    Heliyon, 2020 Jul;6(7):e04588.
    PMID: 32775735 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04588
    Background: Vitex pubescens has been used traditionally in hypertension treatment but not yet scientifically assessed. The objective of the study is to investigate the antihypertensive and vasorelaxant activities of V. pubescens, study its underlying pharmacological mechanisms, and identify the relevant vasoactive compounds.

    Methods: Successive extractions of V. pubescens leaf were carried out to produce petroleum ether (VPPE), chloroform (VPCE), methanol (VPME), and water (VPWE) extracts. Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) received a daily oral administration of the extracts (500 mg/kg/day; n = 6) or verapamil (15 mg/kg/day; n = 6) for 2 weeks, while the systolic and diastolic blood pressures were measured using non-invasive tail-cuff method. Vasorelaxation assays of the extracts were later conducted using phenylephrine (PE, 1 μM) pre-contracted aortic ring preparation. Mechanisms of vasorelaxation by the most potent fraction were studied using vasorelaxation assays with selected blockers/inhibitors. GC-MS was conducted to determine the active compounds.

    Results: VPPE elicited the most significant diminution in systolic and diastolic blood pressure of treated SHRs and produced the most significant vasorelaxation in the aortic rings. Vasorelaxant effects of F2-VPPE were significantly reduced in endothelium-denuded aortic rings by glibenclamide (1 μM), whereas calcium chloride and PE-induced contractions were significantly suppressed. Endothelium removal of the aortic rings or incubation with indomethacin (10 μM), atropine (1 μM), methylene blue (10 μM), propranolol (1μM) and L-NAME (10 μM) did not significantly alter F2-VPPE-induced vasorelaxation. Seven compounds were identified using GC-MS, including spathulenol.

    Conclusion: F2-VPPE exerted its endothelium-independent vasorelaxation by inhibition of vascular smooth muscle contraction induced by extracellular Ca+2 influx through trans-membrane Ca+2 channels and/or Ca+2 release from intracellular stores, and by activation of KATP channels. The vasorelaxation effects of V. pubescens could be mediated by the compound, spathulenol.

  5. Ahmed Juvale II, Che Has AT
    Heliyon, 2020 Jul;6(7):e04557.
    PMID: 32775726 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04557
    The pilocarpine animal model of status epilepticus is a well-established, clinically translatable model that satisfies all of the criteria essential for an animal model of status epilepticus: a latency period followed by spontaneous recurrent seizures, replication of behavioural, electrographic, metabolic, and neuropathological changes, as well as, pharmacoresistance to anti-epileptic drugs similar to that observed in human status epilepticus. However, this model is also characterized by high mortality rates and studies in recent years have also seen difficulties in seizure induction due to pilocarpine resistant animals. This can be attributed to differences in rodent strains, species, gender, and the presence of the multi-transporter, P-glycoprotein at the blood brain barrier. The current paper highlights the various alterations made to the original pilocarpine model over the years to combat both the high mortality and low induction rates. These range from the initial lithium-pilocarpine model to the more recent Reduced Intensity Status Epilepticus (RISE) model, which finally brought the mortality rates down to 1%. These modifications are essential to improve animal welfare and future experimental outcomes.
  6. Arumugam K, Ahmad MF, Yaacob NS, Ikram WM, Maniyam MN, Abdullah H, et al.
    Heliyon, 2020 Jul;6(7):e04556.
    PMID: 32775725 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04556
    Natural growth-promoting nutrients extracted from aquaculture sludge waste can be used to maximise microalgal growth. This study identified the influence of aquaculture sludge extract (SE) on four microalgae species. Conway or Bold's Basal Media (BBM) was supplemented with SE collected from a Sabak Bernam shrimp pond (SB) and Kota Puteri fish pond (KP), and tested using a novel microplate-incubation technique. Five different autoclave extraction treatment parameters were assessed for both collected SE, i.e., 1-h at 105 °C, 2-h at 105 °C, 1-h at 121 °C, 2-h at 121 °C, and 24-h at room temperature (natural extraction). Microalgae culture in the microplates containing control (media) and enriched (media + SE) samples were incubated for nine days, at 25 °C with the light intensity of 33.75 μmol photons m-2 s-1 at 12-h light/dark cycle. The total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) in KP SE were 44.0-82.0 mg L-1 and 0.96-8.60 mg L-1. TDN (8.0%-515.0%) and TDP (105%-186 %) were relatively higher in KP SE compared to SB SE. The growth of microalgae species Nannochloropsis ocenica showed significant differences (p < 0.05) between the five extraction treatments from SB and the control. However, Chlorella vulgaris, Neochloris conjuncta, and Nephroclamys subsolitaria showed no significant differences (p > 0.05) in SB SE. N. ocenica, C. vulgaris, and N. conjuncta showed significant differences (p < 0.05) between five extraction treatments from KP and the control while N. subsolitaria showed no significant difference (p > 0.05). The specific growth rate (SGR) in the exponential phase of all microalgae species were relatively higher in SB SE compared to KP SE. While the organic matter content of KP SE was relatively higher, there were no significant differences in microalgae growth compared to SB SE. Nonetheless, modified SE did influence microalgae growth compared to the control. This study shows that modified SE could be used as enrichment media for microalgae cultivation.
  7. Balasubramaniam V, June Chelyn L, Vimala S, Mohd Fairulnizal MN, Brownlee IA, Amin I
    Heliyon, 2020 Aug;6(8):e04654.
    PMID: 32817893 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04654
    Three species of Malaysian edible seaweed (Eucheuma denticulatum, Sargassum polycystum and Caulerpa lentillifera) were analyzed for their carotenoid composition using a combination of high-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS), while the antioxidant capacities were determined by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assays. The HPTLC analysis exhibited a distinct carotenoid pattern among the three seaweed groups. The UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS analysis showed fucoxanthin as the major carotenoid present in S. polycystum while lutein and zeaxanthin in E. denticulatum. For C. lentillifera, β-carotene and canthaxanthin were the major carotenoids. Some of the carotenoids, such as rubixanthin, dinoxanthin, diatoxanthin and antheraxanthin, were also tentatively detected in E. denticulatum and S. polycystum. For antioxidant activity, S. polycystum (20 %) and E. denticulatum (1128 μmol TE/g) showed the highest activity in the DPPH and ORAC assays, respectively. The findings suggest the three edible varieties of seaweeds may provide a good dietary source with a potential to reduce antioxidative stress.
  8. Weerkamp-Bartholomeus P, Marazziti D, Chan E, Srivastava A, van Amelsvoort T
    Heliyon, 2020 Aug;6(8):e04660.
    PMID: 32802985 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04660
    Background: Generally, neuropsychiatric patients share different symptoms across nosological categories, such as, amongst other, psychological distress, mood alterations, anxiety, and self-regulation disturbances.ReAttach is a novel psychological intervention with its key elements being external affect and arousal regulation, stimulation of multiple sensory processing, conceptualization, affective mentalization, and associative memory processing. ReAttach has been hypothesized to be effective in reducing symptom severity in different psychiatric conditions. Given the limited information currently available, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of main ReAttach elements called "Wiring Affect with ReAttach" (W.A.R.A.) on negative affect (N.A.), and to compare it with "Distraction," another well-established affect-regulating strategy.

    Methods: We used a single-blind, randomized controlled crossover equivalence design to compare the efficacy on N.A. regulation of W.A.R.A. versus Distraction in 101 patients with different neuropsychiatric disorders.

    Results: The results showed a significant difference (p < 0.001) in response to W.A.R.A. vs. Distraction, with W.A.R.A. being significantly more effective in regulating N.A., with a large effect size (dRMpooled = 2.38) and a high probability (95%) of success.

    Limitations: The heterogeneity of the study population makes generalization and clear recommendations for specific patient groups difficult. The Numeric Rating Scale might have prevented detection of increased N.A. when the baseline scores were high. More in-depth research is needed to explore the W.A.R.A. technique and the extent of confounding variables such as the placebo effect.

    Conclusions: The findings suggest that W.A.R.A. may be an effective, accessible, and brief intervention reducing negative affect. Although premature, these first results are encouraging.

  9. Fatmawati S, Yuliana, Purnomo AS, Abu Bakar MF
    Heliyon, 2020 Jul;6(7):e04396.
    PMID: 32685725 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04396
    Cassia alata or locally known as Ketepeng Cina (Indonesia) and Gelenggang (Malaysia) has been used as a traditional medicine to treat various diseases, especially skin diseases. In addition, C. alata has been reported to have potential anti allergic, anti inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, antidiabetic, and antifungal. Metabolite compounds that have been isolated from C. alata include flavones, flavonols, flavonoids glycosides, alatinon, alanonal and β-sitosterol-β-D-glucoside. The compounds have been isolated mainly from the leaves. Further identification is needed to discover the secondary metabolites from other parts of the plant such as seed, flower and bark which are reported to have potent antibacterial and antifungal activity. Therefore, this article highlights the secondary metabolites and biological activity of this plant which has been shown to have pharmacological properties against selected diseases.
  10. Sai A, Furusawa T, Othman MY, Tomojiri D, Wan Zaini WFZ, Tan CSY, et al.
    Heliyon, 2020 Jul;6(7):e04414.
    PMID: 32743089 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04414
    Compared with females, little research on muscularity and the sociocultural influences on this domain has been conducted with males in non-Western societies. The current study explored these sociocultural predictors of drive for muscularity among Malaysian male college students, specifically in terms of ethnicity and exposure to media (i.e., Internet and social media). In total, 166 male college students from two universities in Kuala Lumpur were asked to rate the questionnaires as to muscularity-oriented attitudes and behaviours. Multivariable general linear model analyses revealed that being Chinese was a strong predictor of muscularity-oriented attitudes and behaviours. In addition, modern media, particularly, Internet use and the number of followers on Instagram, was found to significantly predict males' drive for muscularity. Overall findings suggest that males of particular ethnic groups may be at higher risk for negative body image compared to the other ethnic populations and modern media use may accelerate drive for muscularity, which may also in turn place males at higher risk for excess muscularity-oriented thoughts and behaviours.
  11. Awosolu OB, Yahaya ZS, Farah Haziqah MT, Simon-Oke IA, Fakunle C
    Heliyon, 2021 Jan;7(1):e05975.
    PMID: 33521357 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e05975
    Background: Malaria is a severe global public health challenge that causes significant morbidity and mortality worldwide, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. This study was designed to determine the prevalence, parasite density, and risk factors associated with malaria infection transmission among residents of two urban communities of Ibadan, southwestern Nigeria.

    Materials and methods: A cross-sectional hospital-based study was carried out on 300 participants. Blood samples were obtained. Thick and thin blood films were prepared and viewed using the standard parasitological technique of microscopy. Moreover, data on sociodemographic and environmental variables were obtained using a pre-tested standard questionnaire.

    Results: Of the 300 participants examined, a total of 165 (55.0%) were found positive for Plasmodium falciparum with a mean (S.D) parasite density of 1814.70 (1829.117) parasite/μL of blood. The prevalence and parasite density of malaria infection vary significantly (P < 0.05) with age group. Children <5 years old were more likely to have malaria infection and high parasite densities than adults (p < 0.05). Similarly, in relation to gender, males significantly (P < 0.05) had a higher prevalence (60.2%) and mean (S.D) parasite density of malaria infection [2157.73 (1659.570) parasite/μL of blood] compared to females. Additionally, those without formal education had the highest prevalence (73.0%) and mean (S.D) parasite density of infection [2626.96 (2442.195) parasite/μL of blood]. The bivariate logistic regression analysis shows that age group 6-10 (Crude Odds Ratio, COR 0.066, 95% CI: 0.007-0.635), presence of streams/rivers (COR 0.225, 95% CI: 0.103-0.492), distance from streams/rivers within ≤1 km (COR 0.283, 95% CI: 0.122-0.654) and travel to rural area (COR 4.689, 95% CI: 2.430-9.049) were the significant risk factors.

    Conclusions: Malaria infection is prevalent in the study area and was greatly influenced by traveling activities from the rural areas to urban centers and vice versa. Multifaceted and integrated control strategy should be adopted. Health education on mosquito prevention and chemoprophylaxis before and during travel to rural areas are essential.

  12. Nurcahyo R, Zulfadlillah, Habiburrahman M
    Heliyon, 2021 Jan;7(1):e05537.
    PMID: 33506119 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05537
    Previous research has emphasized the need to further investigate the impact of ISO 9001 on company performance in the manufacturing sector of developing countries. Indonesia is one of those developing countries where the implementation of ISO 9001 is yet to be adequately researched. The Indonesian automotive manufacturing industry is still unable to compete with Malaysia and Thailand even though many companies have implemented ISO 9001. This study aimed to examine the relationship between ISO 9001 and operational (productivity, customer satisfaction, and product quality) and business (sales growth, profit rate, and market share) performance of Indonesian automotive component manufacturing industries. It also aimed to identify major obstacles in the effective implementation of ISO 9001. Multiple linear regression analyses about operational and business performance were employed for this purpose. The sample size comprised 50 automotive component manufacturing industries located in the Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi region of Indonesia. The study demonstrates that the implementation of the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system has a significant positive impact on the operational performance as well as the business performance. Additionally, the operational performance has a significant positive impact on the business performance. This study also reveals the major obstacles in the effective implementation of ISO 9001 in the manufacturing industry, which include a lack of qualified personnel, inadequate training, employee resistance, and lack of commitment among top-level management executives. It offers clear implications for managers who focus on elements that will enhance the effectiveness of ISO 9001 implementation by choosing the correct strategies, allocating sufficient resources, and improving their firm's performance. The novelty of this study lies in filling the existing research gap, which involves a detailed examination of the relationship between the implementation of ISO 9001 and the company's performance, particularly in manufacturing industries of developing countries.
  13. Hashemi SA, Arzamani K, Abdollahpour G, Beheshti N, Alavinia M, Azimian A, et al.
    Heliyon, 2021 Jan;7(1):e05983.
    PMID: 33506135 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e05983
    Leptospirosis is an important zoonotic bacterial disease caused by Leptospira spp. Earlier studies from North Khorasan province (Iran) reported the presence of Leptospira in wild canines and rodents. To date, there is no data on the seroprevalence of leptospirosis among humans in this province. This study was performed to determine the prevalence of human leptospiral infection among people with different occupations. The study was conducted in urban and rural areas of the province. Among the serum samples collected from 278 subjects, 3 (1.1%) showed positive reaction with titer of 1:100 by the microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Positive reactions were detected against Leptospira interrogans Canicola and L. interrogans icterohemorrhagic and all these samples were from livestock farmers (n = 3/106, 2.7%). The current study revealed that, though Leptospira infection is low in North Khorasan province, regular monitoring of the livestock and the farmers are important.
  14. Forcina G, Camacho-Sanchez M, Tuh FYY, Moreno S, Leonard JA
    Heliyon, 2021 Jan;7(1):e05583.
    PMID: 33437884 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05583
    Background and aims: Wildlife conservation has focused primarily on species for the last decades. Recently, popular perception and laws have begun to recognize the central importance of genetic diversity in the conservation of biodiversity. How to incorporate genetic diversity in ongoing monitoring and management of wildlife is still an open question.

    Methods: We tested a panel of multiplexed, high-throughput sequenced introns in the small mammal communities of two UNESCO World Heritage Sites on different continents to assess their viability for large-scale monitoring of genetic variability in a spectrum of diverse species. To enhance applicability across other systems, the bioinformatic pipeline for primer design was outlined.

    Results: The number of loci amplified and amplification evenness decreased as phylogenetic distance increased from the reference taxa, yet several loci were still variable across multiple mammal orders.

    Conclusions: Genetic variability found is informative for population genetic analyses and for addressing phylogeographic and phylogenetic questions, illustrated by small mammal examples here.

  15. Mustafa HM, Hayder G
    Heliyon, 2021 Jan;7(1):e06040.
    PMID: 33537482 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06040
    The objective of this study was to investigate the performance of different weight of Salvinia molesta plants in biological treatment of domestic wastewater. Three treatment systems containing 280g (GS1), 140g (GS2) and 70g (GS3) of S. molesta plants were used for the phytoremediation process. Physicochemical analysis such as pH, colour, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and biological oxygen demand (BOD5) of the influent and effluent water samples were performed according to spectrophotometric methods. The outcome of the study demonstrated that the different weight of S. molesta plants played a significant role in improving the quality of the wastewater samples, in which GS1 removed 96.8% (colour), 91% (BOD5), and 82.6% (COD). While up to 88.6% (colour), 87.1% (BOD5), and 81.1% (COD) reduction was observed for GS2 treatment systems, and GS3 was efficient in removing 85.5% (colour), 86.1% (BOD5), and 68.3% (COD). Also, a pH value of 6.29-7.19, 5.97-7.07, and 6.17-7.42 was obtained from GS1, GS2 and GS3 treatment systems, respectively. Thus, the treatment system with the highest quantity of S. molesta (GS1) demonstrated better performance compared to the other two systems (GS2 and GS3). The findings of this research can be applied in addressing the goals of sustainable development through the use of green technology to reduce the threat of water pollution in natural water bodies. Perhaps existing and future water scarcity can be resolved through the use of phytoremediation technology.
  16. Ishak NA, Tahir NI, Mohd Sa'id SN, Gopal K, Othman A, Ramli US
    Heliyon, 2021 Feb;7(2):e06048.
    PMID: 33553773 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06048
    Recent advances in phytochemical analysis have allowed the accumulation of data for crop researchers due to its capacity to footprint and distinguish metabolites that are present within an organisms, tissues or cells. Apart from genotypic traits, slight changes either by biotic or abiotic stimuli will have significant impact on the metabolite abundances and will eventually be observed through physicochemical characteristics. Apposite data mining to interpret the mounds of phytochemical information from such a dynamic system is thus incumbent. In this investigation, several statistical software platforms ranging from exploratory and confirmatory technique of multivariate data analysis from four different statistical tools of COVAIN, SIMCA-P+, MetaboAnalyst and RIKEN Excel Macro were appraised using an oil palm phytochemical data set. As different software tool encompasses its own advantages and limitations, the insights gained from this assessment were documented to enlighten several aspects of functions and suitability for the adaptation of the tools into the oil palm phytochemistry pipeline. This comparative analysis will certainly provide scientists with salient notes on data assessment and data mining that will later allow the depiction of the overall oil palm status in-situ and ex-situ.
  17. Manikan V, Nazir Y, Hamid AA
    Heliyon, 2021 Jan;7(1):e06085.
    PMID: 33553753 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06085
    Thraustochytrids are getting increasingly popular due to their high potential role as alternative producers of the high-valued ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). While most thraustochytrids prefer glucose as the major carbon source, few strains have been reported to prefer fructose. One such strain is Aurantiochytrium sp. SW1. In this study, the effect of fructose on DHA accumulation by SW1 was investigated using a two-level full factorial design. Besides, biomass, lipid and DHA accumulation profiles of SW1 cultivated in fructose and glucose media were compared. Results revealed that fructose has a very significant positive effect on the volumetric DHA content. Meanwhile, its involvement in affecting DHA biosynthetic capacity, though significant, is not very profound. It was also found that when cultivated in fructose medium, SW1 had a less steep log phase compared to that of glucose medium. However, after 48h of cultivation, biomass and lipid accumulation in fructose medium outweighed the other. Volumetric DHA content in fructose medium at 96h was 11% higher than that of glucose medium. Overall, fructose was found to be a more suitable substrate for biomass, lipid and DHA accumulation in SW1 compared to the conventional source, glucose.
  18. Wijayati N, Lestari LR, Wulandari LA, Mahatmanti FW, Rakainsa SK, Cahyono E, et al.
    Heliyon, 2021 Jan;7(1):e06058.
    PMID: 33553744 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06058
    Methoxylation is a relevant technological process applied in the production of high-value α-pinene derivatives. This report investigates the use of potassium alum [KAl(SO4)2 · 12H2O] as a catalyst in the methoxylation of α-pinene. In this study, the methoxylation reaction was optimized for the highest conversion of α-pinene and selectivity, assessed for the factors, catalyst loading (0.5; 1.0; and 1.5 g), volume ratio of α-pinene: methanol (1:4, 1:7, 1:10), reaction temperature (50, 55, 60 and 65 °C), and reaction time (72, 144, 216, 288, 360 min). The highest selectivity of KAl(SO4)2∙12H2O in the methoxylation of α-pinene was achieved under an optimal condition of 1 g of catalyst loading, volume ratio of 1:10, as well as the reaction temperature and incubation time of 65 °C and 6 h, respectively. GC-MS results revealed the yields of the methoxylated products from the 98.2% conversion of α-pinene, to be 59.6%, 8.9%, and 7.1% for α-terpinyl methyl ether (TME), fenchyl methyl ether (FME), bornyl methyl ether (BME), respectively. It was apparent that a lower KAl(SO4)2∙12H2O loading (0.5-1.5 g) was more economical for the methoxylation reaction. The findings seen here indicated the suitability of the KAl(SO4)2 · 12H2O to catalyze the methoxylation of α-pinene to produce an commercially important ethers.
  19. Ngatiman M, Jami MS, Abu Bakar MR, Subramaniam V, Loh SK
    Heliyon, 2021 Jan;7(1):e05931.
    PMID: 33490684 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e05931
    The formation of struvite crystals or magnesium ammonium phosphate (MgNH4PO4) in palm oil mill effluent (POME) occurs as early as in the secondary stage of POME treatment system. Its growth continues in the subsequent tertiary treatment which reduces piping diameter, thus affecting POME treatment efficiency. Hypothesis. The beneficial use of the crystal is the motivation. This occurrence is rarely reported in scientific articles despite being a common problem faced by palm oil millers. The aim of this study is to characterize struvite crystals found in an anaerobic digester of a POME treatment facility in terms of their physical and chemical aspects. The compositions, morphology and properties of these crystals were determined via energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), elemental analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and x-ray diffraction (XRD). Solubility tests were carried out to establish solubility curve for struvite from POME. Finally, crystal growth experiment was done applying reaction crystallization method to demonstrate struvite precipitation from POME. Results showed that high phosphorous (P) (24.85 wt%) and magnesium (Mg) (21.33 wt%) content was found in the struvite sample. Elemental analysis detected carbon (C), hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) below 4 wt%. The crystals analysed by XRD in this study were confirmed as struvite with 94.8% struvite mineral detected from its total volume. Having an orthorhombic crystal system, struvite crystals from POME recorded an average density of 1.701 g cm-3. Solubility curve of struvite from POME was established with maximum solubility of 275.6 mg L-1 at pH 3 and temperature 40 °C. Minimum solubility of 123.6 mg L-1 was recorded at pH 7 and temperature 25 °C. Crystal growth experiment utilizing POME as the source medium managed to achieve 67% reduction in phosphorous content. This study concluded that there is a potential of harnessing valuable nutrients from POME in the form of struvite. Struvite precipitation technology can be adapted in the management of POME in order to achieve maximum utilization of the nutrients that are still abundant in POME. At the same time maximization of nutrient extractions from POME will also reduce pollutants loading in the final discharge.
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