Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 669 in total

  1. Muthupalaniappen L, Jamani N, Muhammad M, Adawiyah J, Aziz N
    Malays Fam Physician, 2010;5(2):99-100.
    PMID: 25606196 MyJurnal
    A 24-year-old lady presented with four days history of fever, non-pruritic rash, ankle pain and swelling. She had consumed herbal supplement five days before the onset of symptoms. Examinations revealed erythematous maculo-papular lesions of varying sizes on sun exposed areas. Patient was suspected to have Drug Induced Lupus Erythematosus (DILE) and subsequently symptoms subsided rapidly on withholding the herbal medication.
  2. Rosdina AK, Leelavathi M, Zaitun A, Lee VKM, Noor Azimah M, Majmin SH, et al.
    Malays Fam Physician, 2010;5(2):91-4.
    PMID: 25606194 MyJurnal
    A cross-sectional study was conducted on patients attending a primary care facility to determine the prevalence of self reported hearing loss using a single question, "Do you have hearing loss?" Pure tone audiometry was performed to compare the accuracy of the self report. A total of 111 patients were recruited. The prevalence of self reported hearing loss using a single question and pure tone audiometry was 24.3% and 36.9% respectively. By using pure tone audiometry at a cut-off-level of 25 dBHL (decibels Hearing level), the single question yielded a sensitivity of 41.4% and specificity of 85.0%.The single question performed better at 40 dBHL pure tone audiometry with sensitivity of 55.0% and specificity of 82.0%. In conclusion, the prevalence of hearing loss in elderly was high and the single question self reported hearing loss performed satisfactorily with moderate hearing loss.
  3. Lee PY, Ong TA, Muna S, Syed Alwi SAR, Kamarudin K
    Malays Fam Physician, 2010;5(1):41-3.
    PMID: 25606185
    A health screening was done in UNIMAS in August 2008 for 237 undergraduate students. Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) and blood pressure (BP) were measured for all subjects. Total cholesterol and glucose levels were checked for those who fulfilled the screening criteria. The proportion of participants with cardiovascular (CVD) risk factors was high. The strategies for health promotion should not only be targeted to the older community but also to the younger community.
  4. Khoo SB
    Malays Fam Physician, 2010;5(3):139-44.
    PMID: 25606206 MyJurnal
    This case history illustrates the real life experience and dilemma of an 80-year-old woman in pursuit of medical care for her left shoulder pain. Points for discussion range from clinical features of Pancoast tumor, importance of pain management, good principles of Family Medicine and Palliative care to ethical issues of conspiracy of silence, limited treatment plan and palliative versus curative radiotherapy treatment without a known biopsy report. This paper provides opportunity for analysis of a real complex clinical situation, application of medical knowledge to problem solving in clinical practice and relevant topics for discussions. (For anonymity sake, the names of patient, doctors, general and private hospitals are not mentioned. The aim of this paper is solely for continuous medical education without any intention to ridicule any party).
  5. Chew BH
    Malays Fam Physician, 2010;5(2):101-4.
    PMID: 25606197 MyJurnal
    This case reports a 57-year-old lady presented with cough of two months duration despite repeated treatments from multiple general practitioners. It took her another two months to know her diagnoses and a further couple of months to be relieved of her cough and became asymptomatic. Chronic cough management in primary care often needs an empiric integrative approach and requires good doctor-patient rapport with informed follow ups and continuity of care to be successful.
  6. Ramli M, Nora M, Zafri A, Junid M, Umeed A, Hajee M
    Malays Fam Physician, 2009;4(2-3):77-82.
    PMID: 25606168 MyJurnal
    BACKGROUND: High prevalence of high-risk behaviours and concurrent medical illnesses among opioid drug users would influence the outcome of Methadone Maintenance Programme. It would also require a special medical attention to contain these issues.
    OBJECTIVES: This study explored patients' characteristics and their high-risk behaviours in order to understand more about opioid dependent users in Malaysia.
    METHODS: A total of 172 patient case notes at Methadone Clinic Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA) were retrieved for relevant data.
    RESULTS: Many of the patients were engaged in high-risk behaviours such as needle sharing, unsafe sex and criminal activities. A large number of the subjects had contracted blood-borne diseases such as HIV and hepatitis infections.
    CONCLUSIONS: Education on the issue of medical and psychosocial complications related to high risk behaviours is essential. Medical professionals dealing with this group have to pay attention and update their knowledge on the medical issue.
    KEYWORDS: Methadone therapy; high-risk behaviours; opioid dependence
    Study site: Methadone clinic, Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
  7. Ahmad Hassali MA, Awaisu A, Shafie AA, Saeed MS
    Malays Fam Physician, 2009;4(2-3):71-6.
    PMID: 25606167 MyJurnal
    AIM: This pilot study aimed to explore the perceptions of general medical practitioners (GPs) towards the professional training and roles of community pharmacists.
    METHODS: A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to all private clinics (n=160) run by GPs in a northern state of Malaysia. The instrument contained questions to evaluate the practitioners' level of agreement using a 5-point Likert-type scale.
    RESULTS: Of 160 GPs, 80 returned the questionnaire (response rate 50%). The respondents agreed that: GPs should consider the community pharmacists' recommendations whenever there is/are any problem(s) with the prescriptions given by them (46.3%); community pharmacists are the best healthcare professionals to educate patients about safe and appropriate use of medications (52.5%); the pharmacy profession had undergone a major metamorphosis from a product-oriented profession to a more patient-centred and outcome-oriented one (61.3%); if dispensing separation is implemented, they will work closely with the community pharmacists in monitoring patients' pharmacotherapeutic outcomes (77.5%).
    CONCLUSION: The current findings suggest that GPs would support an extension of the role of the community pharmacists in number of activities of patient care activities such as medication counselling. Thus, suggesting potential collaborative care between GPs and community pharmacists towards patient care and the needs to develop and incorporate topics on inter-professional relationship in the current medical and pharmaceutical education curriculums.
    KEYWORDS: Community pharmacists; general practitioners; perceptions; roles; training
  8. Ng CH, Nur-Aishah T
    Malays Fam Physician, 2009;4(2-3):66-70.
    PMID: 25606166 MyJurnal
    Breast cancer is becoming more important in Asia since it affect the younger age group. Question arises whether it is safe for breast lesions to be left in-situ if all the elements in triple assessment are benign. The aim of this study is to audit all the excision biopsies of breast lumps done in the University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), to review the association of age with the type of pathological finding and to evaluate the rate of carcinoma in these biopsies.
  9. Khoo SB
    Malays Fam Physician, 2009;4(2-3):51-6.
    PMID: 25606163 MyJurnal
    Many cluster headache (CH) patients waited several years to be accurately diagnosed because their symptoms are often mistaken for sinusitis or a dental disorder.1 Patients have also been mistakenly diagnosed as analgesic drug abusers or suffering from a psychiatric illness. This case report illustrates how a young lady was diagnosed to have cluster headache after several years of consultations with ophthalmologists for eye swelling and redness. It also highlights the importance of pain assessment and a general and holistic approach to medical care which is the main distinguishing feature of Family Medicine.
  10. Das Gupta E
    Malays Fam Physician, 2009;4(2-3):48-50.
    PMID: 25606162 MyJurnal
    No screening test is ideal for detecting rheumatic diseases; diagnosis depends on appropriate history and thorough physical examination. Sometimes, laboratory investigations may be useful in confirming or ruling out rheumatic disease after a clinical diagnosis is considered. Once a rheumatic disease has been diagnosed, certain laboratory tests can help in assessing prognosis or determining the extent of the disease. Laboratory tests may also help the physician monitor certain rheumatic diseases, guide treatment or assess potential drug toxicity.
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