OBJECTIVES: To assess the optimal mode of delivery in women with, or carriers of, bleeding disorders.
SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Coagulopathies Trials Register, compiled from electronic database searches and handsearching of journals and conference abstract books. We also searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group's Trials Register as well as trials registries and the reference lists of relevant articles and reviews. Date of last search of the Group's Trials Registers: 21 June 2021.
SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled trials and quasi-randomised controlled clinical trials investigating the optimal mode of delivery in women with, or carriers of, any type of bleeding disorder during pregnancy were eligible for the review.
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: No trials matching the selection criteria were eligible for inclusion.
MAIN RESULTS: No trials matching the selection criteria were eligible for inclusion.
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: The review did not identify any randomised controlled trials investigating the safest mode of delivery and associated maternal and foetal complications during delivery in women with, or carriers of, a bleeding disorder. In the absence of high quality evidence, clinicians need to use their clinical judgement and lower level evidence (e.g. from observational trials, case studies) to decide upon the optimal mode of delivery to ensure the safety of both mother and foetus. Given the ethical considerations, the rarity of the disorders and the low incidence of both maternal and foetal complications, future randomised controlled trials to find the optimal mode of delivery in this population are unlikely to be carried out. Other high quality controlled studies (such as risk allocation designs, sequential design, and parallel cohort design) are needed to investigate the risks and benefits of natural vaginal and caesarean section in this population or extrapolation from other clinical conditions that incur a haemorrhagic risk to the baby, such as platelet alloimmunisation.
DESIGN: Systematic literature review.
DATA SOURCES: Seven databases were searched from inception to 31 August 2020. A focused search was performed to supplement the results.
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Studies which reported either healthcare resource utilisation or costs associated with HSV-related healthcare, including screening, diagnosis and treatment of genital HSV infection and neonatal herpes prevention and treatment.
DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: Two independent reviewers extracted data and assessed the risk of bias using the Larg and Moss's checklist. All data were summarised narratively.
RESULTS: Out of 11 443 articles, 38 were included. Most studies (35/38, 94.6%) were conducted in high-income countries, primarily the United States, and were more often related to the prevention or management of neonatal herpes (n=21) than HSV genital ulcer disease (n=17). Most analyses were conducted before 2010. There was substantial heterogeneity in the reporting of HSV-related healthcare resource utilisation, with 74%-93% individuals who sought care for HSV, 11.6%-68.4% individuals who received care, while neonates with herpes required a median of 6-34 hospitalisation days. The costs reported were similarly heterogeneous, with wide variation in methodology, assumptions and outcome measures between studies. Cost for screening ranged from US$7-100, treatment ranged from US$0.53-35 for an episodic therapy, US$240-2580 yearly for suppressive therapy, while hospitalisation for neonatal care ranged from US$5321-32 683.
CONCLUSIONS: A paucity of evidence exists on healthcare resource utilisation and costs associated with HSV infection, especially among low-income and middle-income countries. Future research is needed on costs and healthcare utilisation patterns to improve overall understanding of the global economic burden of HSV.