Malignant melanocytic melanoma is a rare sinonasal malignancy. We present a case report of an elderly lady who presented with epistaxis and intranasal polyps. Computed tomography revealed soft tissue mass in the oropharynx, nasopharynx, left ethmoid and entire maxillary sinus. The mass was removed via endoscopic medial maxillectomy. Histopathology examination revealed sinonasal melanocytic malignant melanoma. At present 17 months postoperatively she is symptom free with no recurrence and under regular follow up.
A 13 year old boy presented with a huge mass on his right arm of 6 months duration. Histopathological examination revealed sheets of malignant small round blue cells with immunopositivity for LCA, CD43, CD45Ro, CD30, EMA, ALK-1 and CD99, and negativity for CD20, TdT, myogenin, myoD1, NSE, bcl-6, bcl-2 and CD10. Fluorescent In-Situ Hybridization (FISH) testing excluded the diagnosis of Ewing's sarcoma/PNET. Pathologists need to be aware of the diagnosis of a small cell variant of ALCL, as well as of the fact that CD99 expression commonly occurs in cases of ALK-positive ALCL, in order to distinguish this entity from Ewing's sarcoma/PNET.
Synchronous cancers are defined as malignant tumours that occur simultaneously, each of which must be distinct with no possibility of one being the metastasis of the other. A 65 year old gentleman presented to us with two month history of epigastric pain associated with anaemia, loss of appetite and weight. He has no history of malignancy in his family. Colonoscopy revealed tumours at transverse colon and caecum. Intra-operatively, tumours were sited at caecum, transverse colon and jejunum. Tumours were diagnosed as synchronous adenocarcinoma histopathologically with loss of expression of MLH1 and MSH2. From literature search, this is the first reported triple synchronous tumours of the caecum, transverse colon and jejunum. We believe that this gentleman developed triple synchronous tumour through the sporadic MSI pathway.
Occupational divers are exposed to hazards which contribute to the risk of developing decompression illnesses (DCI). DCI consists of Type I decompression sickness (DCS), Type II DCS and arterial gas embolism (AGE), developed from formation of bubbles in the tissues or circulation as a result of inadequate elimination of inert gas (nitrogen) after a dive. In Malaysia, DCI is one of the significant contributions to mortality and permanent residual morbidity in diving accidents. This is a case of a diver who suffered from Type II DCS with neurological complications due to an occupational diving activity. This article mentions the clinical management of the case and makes several recommendations based on current legislations and practise implemented in Malaysia in order to educate medical and health practitioners on the current management of DCI from the occupational perspective. By following these recommendations, hopefully diving accidents mainly DCI and its sequalae among occupational divers can be minimized and prevented, while divers who become injured receive the proper compensation for their disabilities.
A 74-year-old woman was incidentally found to have a left breast mass. The mass could not be adequately compressed to be visualized on mammography. Ultrasonography showed a heavily-calcified rounded mass in the left axillary tail of the left breast. Chest radiograph confirmed that the mass was a migrated humeral head. Remotely-displaced fracture-dislocations of the humeral head are very rare and to our knowledge, displacement into the breast, clinically mimicking a breast mass, has not been previously described.
The study was designed to assess retrospectively clinical pattern of insulinoma at a national referral center in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. All cases of insulinoma recorded at King Khalid University Hospital Riyadh between January 1987 and December 2006 were reviewed. During the 20-year period five patients were seen comprising three females (ages 38, 40, and 70 years) and two males (17 and 34 years). The duration of symptoms prior to diagnosis ranged between one and eight years. The commonest mode of presentation before diagnosis was inability to observe Ramadan fasting. Other notable symptoms included dizziness and loss of consciousness. All the five patients proceeded to operation. At surgery all were found to be benign tumors. Post-operatively, three of the patients developed pseudocyst, which resolved upon undergoing second surgery. Though clinical presentation of insulinoma in Saudi subjects is similar to those reported in the literature, our study revealed prominent symptoms occurring during yearly ramadan religious fast could be a useful information in history taking. Further studies on a larger population are needed to further characterize our findings.
Accidental swallowing of fish bone, which arrested in esophagus, is fairly common. However the incidence of esophageal perforation due to fish bone swallowing is low. Delayed posterior mediastinal abscess as a result of the esophageal perforation is a rare manifestation and may lead to fatal outcome. Two cases of delayed formation of posterior mediastinal abscess following esophageal perforation due to accidental fish bone ingestion are described here. In these cases patients presented with interscapular back pain. In one of the cases the patient died because of the presentation was misdiagnosed hence leading to delay in the intervention. Radiological findings and surgical management namely esophagoscopy and neck exploration are briefly described.
Tubercular tenosynovitis is an uncommon condition and usually affects the upper limb. We report a case of a patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus who presented with wrist swelling. The clinical findings were suggestive of rheumatoid nodules, but the radiographic finding of calcification associated with the nodules and marked erosive changes primarily of the radio-carpal joint with sparing of the metacarpal joints led the radiologist to believe that the nodules may not be rheumatoid nodules. The presence of solid and fluid nature of the nodule and hyperechoic small echogenic foci (matted rice bodies within thickened synovium) on ultrasound suggested the presence of chronic synovitis of tuberculous infection rather than rheumatoid nodule as in our case. We recommend the use of ultrasound to determine the nature of nodular swellings seen clinically in patients with arthropathy.
In Malaysia, transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) is a relatively new procedure performed only in a handful of respiratory centres. We reviewed TBNA of mediastinal lymph node performed in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA) to determine the yield and its complications. Data was retrieved from endoscopy databases and patients' records, CT thorax images and all cytological and histological slides were reviewed. Twenty-five patients had TBNA performed. TBNA was positive in 15 patients (60%). Overall, 80% had confirmed malignancy after bronchoscopy. Only four patients had documented bleeding after TBNA and in two of them, bleeding stopped spontaneously and another two patients required diluted adrenaline to stop the bleed. No mortality was reported from this procedure. Hence, TBNA is a safe procedure.
Non ulcer dyspepsia is one of the most common problems encountered in primary care practice. The underlying pathophysiology of non ulcer dyspepsia is not fully understood, but it is known that this condition is associated with H. pylori infection and motility disorder. The presenting abdominal symptoms are non specific: they include bloating, belching, flatulence, excessive fullness after eating and nausea. Psychological condition such as anxiety, depression and stress do play a role in the recurrence of symptoms. Upper GI endoscopy is necessary in patients who presents with alarm symptoms suggestive of possible underlying organic condition before one makes the diagnosis of non ulcer dyspepsia. Pharmacological therapy using H2 receptor antagonist and proton pump inhibitors are effective for symptom relief. Patient's education and supportive care should be part of the management strategy in recurrent chronic dyspepsia.
Tako Tsubo cardiomyopathy is rare, stress related and indistinguishable from acute myocardial infarction clinically. Proper diagnosis is essential to avoid unnecessary thrombolysis and life long management of coronary artery disease.
A review of 45 patients who underwent endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy (EDCR) from 1998 to 2005 was done. Only patients who had complete notes and had Jones tube removed at least three months before the study were included. Our experience with EDCR concludes it to be an easy, efficient treatment for nasolacrimal duct obstruction with minimal complications.
The chorea-acanthocytosis syndrome (CHAC) is a rare disorder beginning in late adolescent or adult life in association with acanthocytosis, a normal lipid profile and characterized by progressive neurological disease. The inheritance is usually autosomal recessive, although apparent sporadic and autosomal dominant instances are also known. We report here a young man who presented with choreo-athetoid movement, dystonia, tics, symmetrical axonal polyneuropathy with normal cognitive function. The subsequent peripheral blood film reveals acanthocytes > 5%. Diagnosis of neuroacanthocytosis was made.
We describe a rare case of vertebra (intraosseous) hemangioma with bilateral and symmetrical epidural extension causing cord compression in a 24-year-old woman. The epidural component was isointense to cord on both T1 and T2 sequences, and enhanced markedly and homogenously following gadolinium administration. The gradual in onset and progressive nature with the typical enhancing pattern lead the neurosurgeon to the more common diagnosis of spinal meningioma. Epidural extension of vertebral hemangiomas causing cord compression is rarely reported. Review of literatures reveal that cases that have been reported are of unilateral extension into epidural space and of cavernous type. This is the first case report of capillary vertebral (intraossous) hemangioma with bilateral extension through both intervetebral foramen into the epidural space causing myelopathy.
The use of laryngeal mask airway (LMA) as an alternative to the endotracheal tube (ETT) is becoming more popular in the practice of anesthesia. It is undeniable that this device has numerous advantages over endotracheal tube, however it does not provide an airtight seal between the airway and atmospheric gases. This may lead to pollution of the operating room environment with nitrous oxide. One hundreds adult patients undergoing general anaesthesia were divided into two groups. The airway in Group I was maintained with LMA with spontaneous ventilation and ETT with intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) was used for Group II. The result demonstrated that the ETT group recorded concentrations of nitrous oxide that were well above the NIOSH recommended eight hour time weighted average of 25ppm throughout the duration of surgery when compared to patients using LMA.
We sought to review the current practice of sedation and analgesia in intensive care units (ICUs) in Malaysian public hospitals. A questionnaire survey was designed and sent by mail to 40 public hospitals with ICU facility in Malaysia. The anaesthesiologists in charge of ICU were asked to complete the questionnaire. Thirty seven questionnaires were returned (92.5% response rate). Only 35% respondents routinely assess the degree of sedation. The Ramsay scale was used prevalently. A written protocol for sedation was available in only 14 centers (38%). Although 36 centers (95%) routinely adjust the degree of sedation according to patient's clinical progress, only 10 centers (14%) interrupt sedation on a daily basis. Most respondents agreed that the selection of agents for sedation depends on familiarity (97%), pharmacology (97%), the expected duration for sedation (92%), patient's clinical diagnosis (89%) and cost (73%). Midazolam (89%) and morphine (86%) were the most commonly used agents for sedation and analgesia, respectively. Only 14% respondents still frequently use neuromuscular blocking agents, mostly in head injury patients. Our survey showed similarity in the choice of sedative and analgesic agents in ICUs in Malaysian public hospitals comparable to international practice. Nevertheless, the standard of practice could still be improved by implementing the practice of sedation score assessment and daily interruption of sedative infusion as well as having a written protocol for sedation and analgesia.
A six year retrospective study of the demography, clinical and laboratory features of patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) was carried out in Selayang Hospital. There were 61 cases seen between January 2000 and December 2005. Of these, 55 (90.2%) were females and 6 (9.8%) were males. Twenty-eight (45.9%) were Malays, 24 (39.3%) were Chinese and 9 (14.8%) were Indians. The mean age of onset was 38.8 years. Thirty-nine (64.0%) had limited cutaneous SSc, 21 (34.4%) had diffuse cutaneous SSc and one had localized morphoea. Raynaud's phenomenon was present in 82.6%, telangiectasia in 45.9%, calcinosis in 11.5%, sclerodactyly in 83.6%, digital pitting scars in 42.6%, digital infarcts/ulcers/gangrene in 23.0%, arthralgia/arthritis in 49.2% and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in 47.5%. Forty-three (70.5%) patients had interstitial lung disease. Seven patients had associated myositis, 7 systemic lupus erythematosus and 2 rheumatoid arthritis. Three had two other connective tissue diseases. Antinuclear antibodies were positive in 83.6% and anti-Scl 70 antibodies in 34.4%. This study demonstrates that limited cutaneous SSc is more common and there is a high incidence of interstitial lung disease in our population.
Study site: Selayang Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
First line Anti-TB therapy with rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol/streptomycin is very effective. However, major adverse reactions to antituberculous drugs can cause significant morbidity and mortality. Cutaneous adverse drug reaction (CADR) is one of the commonly observed major adverse events. This retrospective study looked at the cases of TB treated in Respiratory Unit, Penang Hospital from January 2004 to December 2005. Of 820 patients treated for active TB, 47 patients (25 females; 22 males) developed CADR (5.7%). CADRs observed include morbiliform rash (72.3%), erythema multiforme syndrome (8.5%), urticaria (8.5%) and others (which include exfoliative dermatitis and lichenoid eruption). Ninety-seven percent of events occurred within two months after the initial dose. Incidence rate of CADR among the first line anti-TB drugs, pyrazinamide was the commonest offending drug (2.38%), followed by streptomycin (1.45%), ethambutol (1.44%), rifampicin (1.23%) and isoniazid (0.98%). Various clinical characteristics of patients with CADR identified include Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection (27.7%), polypharmacy (21.3%), elderly (19.1%), autoimmune disorders (6.4%), pre-existing renal impairment (4.3%), pre-existing liver disorders (4.3%). In conclusion, CADR is common and majority of cases occurred within two months after initiation of anti-TB treatment, particularly in HIV infected patients. Pyrazinamide is the commonest offending drug.
In 1998, a novel paramyxovirus (order Mononegavirales, family Paramyxoviridae, subfamily Paramyxovirinae, genus Henipavirus) emerged in peninsular Malaysia causing fatal encephalitis in humans and severe respiratory illness with encephalitis in pigs. The virus was successfully isolated in cultured mammalian cells. Transmission electron microscopy of infected tissue culture cells played a crucial role in the early preliminary identification of the causative agent of the outbreak. This in turn was pivotal to determine the correct direction of control measures that subsequently brought the epidemic under control. In light of this investigation, and indeed identification of infectious agents associated with other disease episodes, electron microscopy will remain an important frontline method for rapid diagnostic virology and investigation of any future outbreak of new and unusual cases of illness suspected of an infectious aetiology.