Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 116 in total

  1. Azlina MF, Nafeeza MI, Khalid BA
    Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 2005;14(4):358-65.
    PMID: 16326642
    Rats exposed to stress developed various changes in the gastrointestinal tract and hormones. The present study was designed to compare the impact of tocopherol and tocotrienol on changes that influence gastric and hormonal parameters important in maintaining gastric mucosal integrity in rats exposed to restrain stress. These include gastric acidity, gastric tissue content of parameters such as malondialdehyde, prostaglandin (PGE(2)), serum levels of gastrin and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). Sixty male Sprague-Dawley rats (200-250 g) were randomly divided into three equal sized groups, a control group which received a normal rat diet (RC) and two treatment groups each receiving a vitamin deficient diet with oral supplementation of either tocopherol (TF) or tocotrienol (TT) at 60 mg/kg body weight. Blood samples were taken from half the number of rats (non-stressed group) after a treatment period of 28 days before they were killed. The remaining half was subjected to experimental restraint-stress, at 2 hours daily for 4 consecutive days (stressed groups), on the fourth day, blood samples were taken and the rats killed. The findings showed that the gastric acid concentration and serum gastrin level in stressed rats were significantly (P<0.05) reduced compared to the non-stressed rats in the control and TF groups. However, the gastric acidity and gastrin levels in the TT group were comparable in stressed and non-stressed rats. These findings suggest that tocotrienol is able to preserve the gastric acidity and serum gastrin level which are usually altered in stressed conditions. The PGE(2) content and the plasma GLP-1 level were, however, comparable in all stressed and non-stressed groups indicating that these parameters were not altered in stress and that supplementation with TF or TT had no effect on the gastric PGE2 content or the GLP-1 level. The malondialdehyde, an indicator of lipid peroxidation was higher from gastric tissues in the stressed groups compared to the non-stressed groups. These findings implicated that free radicals may play a role in the development of gastric injury in stress and supplementation with either TF or TT was able to reduce the lipid peroxidation levels compared to the control rats. We conclude that both tocopherol and tocotrienol are comparable in their gastro-protective ability against damage by free radicals generated in stress conditions, but only tocotrienol has the ability to block the stress-induced changes in the gastric acidity and gastrin level.
  2. Ahmad B, Khalid BA, Quek KF, Anuar Z, Phipps ME
    Med J Malaysia, 2013 Aug;68(4):309-14.
    PMID: 24145258 MyJurnal
    A cross-sectional study involving seven Orang Asli
    settlements located in three different states in Peninsular
    Malaysia; Johor, Selangor and Perak.
  3. Thai AC, Mohan V, Khalid BA, Cockram CS, Pan CY, Zimmet P, et al.
    Diabetes Res Clin Pract, 2008 May;80(2):224-30.
    PMID: 18207602 DOI: 10.1016/j.diabres.2007.12.003
    In this paper, the islet autoimmunity status and relation to clinical characteristics, beta cell function and cardio-metabolic risk factors in young-onset Asian diabetic patients are evaluated at baseline. The study population consisted of 912 patients (from China, India, Malaysia and Singapore) with age 12-40 years and diabetes duration <12 months. Autoantibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GADA) and tyrosine phosphatase (IA-2A), beta cell function and cardio-metabolic risk parameters were assessed. Among our young patient cohort, 105 (11.5%) patients were GADA and/or IA-2A positives (Ab +ve). Ab +ve patients were younger, leaner, had more severe hyperglycaemia and lower beta cell function. The frequency of metabolic syndrome was significantly lower in Ab +ve patients (27%) compared to Ab -ve patients (54%). However, a substantial proportion of patients in both groups of patients had atherogenic dyslipidaemia, hypertension and albuminuria (micro or macro). In our study cohort, only one in 10 Asian youth with new-onset diabetes had evidence of islet autoimmunity. At least 60% of Ab +ve and 50% of Ab -ve patients demonstrated classical features of type 1 and type 2 diabetes respectively. Regardless of autoimmunity status, the cardio-metabolic risk factors, in particular atherogenic dyslipidaemia, hypertension and albuminuria were common in our patients with young-onset diabetes.
  4. Gendeh BS, Doi M, Selladurai BM, Khalid BA, Jegan T, Misiran K
    Med J Malaysia, 2006 Aug;61(3):343-8.
    PMID: 17240587
    Surgery for pituitary tumours at our institution was performed by rhinosurgical route by combined procedure by otolaryngologist and neurosurgeons. A retrospective review of case records of patients who had endonasal endoscopic transphenoidal approach for pituitary tumours from September 1998 to December 2004 was performed. A total of 81 trans-sphenoidal surgeries were performed during this study period. Only 68 case records with adequate information were available for review, 56 patients were included in the study and 12 were excluded. There were 24 males (42%) and 32 females (58%). The ethnic distribution, were 29 Malays, 24 Chinese, 2 Indian and 1 others. The age ranged from 16 years to 76 years, with a mean of 46 years. The majority of our patients presented with visual symptoms (38), headache (28), menstrual cycle disturbance or impotence (14) and acromegalic features (16). Forty patients had macroadenoma (71%) and 16 had microadenomas (29%). Thirty-six patients out of 40 macro-adenomas had suprasellar extensions (90%). Only eleven patients had lumbar drain inserted prior to commencement of the surgery and the majority of these were macroadenomas. The common complications encountered were diabetes insipidus (4), cerebrospinal fluid leak (2), meningitis (3), epistaxis (2), septal perforation (2), intercavernous sinus haemorrhage (3) and anterior pituitary insufficiency (2). Our study reveals that endonasal trans-sphenoidal approach is a safe and effective method of management of pituitary adenomas.
  5. Ng LC, Teng LC, Ng ML, Sazali BS, Khalid BA
    Malays J Pathol, 2000 Dec;22(2):73-8.
    PMID: 16329538
    Detection of microalbuminuria is important in the management of diabetic patients since it is predictive of development of proteinuria and nephropathy. Two sensitive and specific in-house ELISAs for microalbuminuria were established and validated. One of the ELISAs was based on antigen coating while the other employed antibody coating. Recovery and linearity experiments gave acceptable results of 100 +/- 10%, while precision results were <10% for intra-assay and <12% for inter-assay coefficients of variation (CVs). The standard curve ranged from 10-625 ug/l, equivalent to 0.2-12.5 mg/l for urine samples diluted 1:20 fold. When the antibody coated ELISA was compared to antigen coated ELISA, a correlation of r=0.996 was obtained. When compared to commercial kits, the in-house ELISAs gave good correlations of r=0.961 versus the Boehringer Mannheim Micral Test strips and r=0.940 versus Ames Microalb Turbidimetry. The normal microalbumin reference ranges determined for 12h, first morning and random urine samples were 0.7-5.3 mg, 0.1-10.2 mg/l and 0.8-26.1 mg/l respectively. The normal albumin excretion rate (AER) was 1.0-7.3 ug/min while untimed urine samples gave results of 0.1-0.9 and 0.2-1.6 mg/mmol after dividing by creatinine concentrations. The ELISAs were used to detect microalbuminuria in 338 random urine samples from diabetic patients. A high percentage 47.9% was found to be positive for microalbuminuria and 18.0% had macroalbuminuria >25 mg/mmol. Thus screening for microalbuminuria together with creatinine measurements using random urine samples can be used for management of diabetic patients.
  6. Wan Nazaimoon WM, Siaw FS, Sheriff IH, Faridah I, Khalid BA
    Ann. Clin. Biochem., 2001 Jan;38(Pt 1):57-8.
    PMID: 11270843
  7. Nawawi HM, Muhajir M, Kian YC, Mohamud WN, Yusoff K, Khalid BA
    Diabetes Res Clin Pract, 2002 Jun;56(3):221-7.
    PMID: 11947970 DOI: 10.1016/s0168-8227(02)00009-8
    This cross-sectional study compared serum lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)] concentrations in type 1 and type 2 diabetic subjects and examined the determinants of Lp(a) concentrations in both types of diabetes. Serum Lp(a) was measured in 26 type 1 and 107 type 2 diabetic patients and 126 non-diabetic controls. HbA(1c), fasting lipids and urinary albumin were also assayed. Lp(a) concentrations were higher in both type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients compared with controls (P<0.0001 and P<0.0001, respectively), and were higher in type 1 than type 2 diabetic patients (P<0.05). Waist-hip ratio (WHR) was an independent determinant of Lp(a) concentrations in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
  8. Nawawi H, Sazali BS, Kamaruzaman BH, Yazid TN, Jemain AA, Ismail F, et al.
    Ann. Clin. Biochem., 2001 Nov;38(Pt 6):676-83.
    PMID: 11732650
    The effect of ambient temperature on the analytical and clinical performance of a glucose meter was examined. A total of 114 venous whole blood samples were analysed for glucose by a reference method, and by a glucose meter at 21-22 degrees C, room temperatures, 26-27 degrees C and 33-34 degrees C. Glucose meter readings at each temperature were compared with the reference values and evaluated by analysis of variance, Spearman's correlation, the percentage of glucose meter readings within +/- 10% of the reference value and error grid analysis. Analysis of covariance was used to determine the effect of temperature on glucose meter readings. There were no significant differences in the glucose meter readings and in accuracy of the meter readings between different temperatures. Temperature was not a significant independent determinant of the glucose meter readings. For each glucose concentration, the precision of the meter and clinical performance were comparable between the different temperatures. In conclusion, ambient temperature does not affect the accuracy, precision and clinical performance of the Omnitest Sensor.
  9. Nawawi HM, Yazid TN, Ismail NM, Mohamad AR, Nirwana SI, Khalid BA
    Malays J Pathol, 2001 Dec;23(2):79-88.
    PMID: 12166596
    The objectives of this study were to: (i) evaluate the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the biochemical bone markers: serum total alkaline phosphatase (TALP), bone specific alkaline phosphatase (BSALP) and urinary deoxypyridinoline (Dpyr) in postmenopausal osteoporosis, (ii) compare the bone turnover of postmenopausal osteoporotic patients without and with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) against controls and (iii) identify the correlation between these bone markers and bone mineral density (BMD). We examined 42 postmenopausal women with BMD proven osteoporosis and 35 control subjects. Serum TALP, BSALP and urinary Dpyr were measured. All three biochemical bone markers showed comparable moderate diagnostic sensitivity but Dpyr had the highest diagnostic specificity. There were significantly higher serum TALP, BSALP and urinary Dpyr levels in non-HRT treated patients compared to controls (p<0.005, <0.0001 and <0.005 respectively). There were no significant differences in the levels of all three bone markers between HRT treated patients and control subjects. There was no significant correlation between TALP, BSALP or Dpyr and BMD in both controls and patients. In conclusion, the biochemical bone markers are not useful in diagnosis of postmenopausal osteoporosis but may have a role in monitoring progress and response to treatment. HRT treatment reduces bone turnover of postmenopausal osteoporosis.
  10. Lo MS, Ng ML, Wu LL, Azmy BS, Khalid BA
    Malays J Pathol, 1996 Jun;18(1):43-52.
    PMID: 10879224
    Since conventional radioimmunoassays (RIA) for measurement of 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) in serum samples require a laborious solvent extraction step, a direct and rapid in-house RIA was developed for early diagnosis and management of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). In-house rabbit anti-17-OHP antiserum, tritium labelled 17-OHP and dextran-coated charcoal were used in assay buffer with low pH 5.1 and preheated serum samples. Both inter- and intra-assay CVs were < 10% and the sensitivity was 1.2 nmol/l or 12 fmol/tube. Results from the direct assay correlated well with values from an extraction assay, r = 0.88 in samples from CAH patients, r = 0.85 in adults and children, 0.69 and 0.40 in term and preterm neonates respectively, 0.66 and 0.63 in luteal phase and third trimester pregnancy; p < 0.001 in all groups except p < 0.05 in preterm neonates. However, results from the direct assay were two to three times higher in serum samples from CAH patients, normal adults and children, but were five to seven times higher in pregnancy and term neonates and thirty times higher in preterm neonates. The markedly elevated levels measured by the direct assay are probably due to cross-reactivities with water-soluble steroid metabolites such as 17-hydroxypregnenolone sulphate and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS). Although the direct assay is only useful as a screening test for preterm babies, it can be used for both diagnosis and monitoring of treatment of CAH in all other age groups.
  11. Ong FB, Wan Ngah WZ, Top AG, Khalid BA, Shamaan NA
    Int. J. Biochem., 1994 Mar;26(3):397-402.
    PMID: 7910569
    1. The effects of alpha-tocopherol and gamma-tocotrienol on glutathione S-transferase (GST) and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (gamma-GT) activities in cultured hepatocytes prepared from rats treated with diethylnitrosamine (DEN) and 2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF) were investigated. 2. Both the alpha-tocopherol and gamma-tocotrienol treated hepatocytes showed significantly higher (P < 0.05) GST activities than untreated hepatocytes prepared from the carcinogen treated rats in the first 3 days of culture. Treatment with alpha-tocopherol and gamma-tocotrienol generally resulted in a tendency to increase the GST activities above that in the untreated hepatocytes. 3. Treatment with high doses (125-250 microM) of alpha-tocopherol and low doses (12.5-25 microM) of gamma-tocotrienol generally resulted in a significant reduction in gamma-GT activities at 1-3 days. gamma-GT activities are reduced as the dose of alpha-tocopherol and gamma-tocotrienol are increased.
  12. Ali O, Tan TT, Sakinah O, Khalid BA, Wu LL, Ng ML
    Diabetes Care, 1993 Jan;16(1):68-75.
    PMID: 8422835 DOI: 10.2337/diacare.16.1.68
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of diabetes mellitus and IGT in different ethnic groups living in the same physical environment and to find their relationship to nutritional status and dietary intake.

    RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: The study was conducted among Malays and Orang Asli in six rural and urban locations in Malaysia. OGTTs were performed on 706 adult subjects > or = 18 yr of age. WHO criteria were used for diagnosing diabetes mellitus and IGT.

    RESULTS: The overall prevalence of diabetes mellitus and IGT among Orang Asli was 0.3 and 4.4% compared with 4.7 and 11.3%, respectively, among Malays. This increased prevalence of glucose intolerance among Malays was associated with higher levels of social development. Among rural Malays, the crude prevalence of diabetes in a traditional village was 2.8% and in the land scheme was 6.7%, whereas urban Malays had a prevalence of 8.2%. In contrast, the prevalence of IGT (10.5-14.8%) was higher among rural Malays, compared with 9.6% among urban Malays. Ethnic group, > or = 40 yr of age, an income > M$250, fewer daily activity, and obesity were associated with a higher prevalence of diabetes.

    CONCLUSIONS: Diabetes mellitus and IGT, which were more common among Malays than Orang Asli, were associated with more affluent life-styles and modernization.
  13. Osman A, Zaleha MI, Iskandar ZA, Tan TT, Ali MM, Roslan I, et al.
    East Afr Med J, 1996 Apr;73(4):259-63.
    PMID: 8706612
    A significant difference in the levels of thyroxine (T4), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroid volume among settlements at various selected Orang Asli locations is reported. The levels improved according to the level of socio-economic development. No significant difference was found in mental performance by location.
  14. Makpol S, Shamaan NA, Jarien Z, Top AG, Khalid BA, Wan Ngah WZ
    Gen. Pharmacol., 1997 Apr;28(4):589-92.
    PMID: 9147029
    1. alpha-Tocopherol (alpha-T) and gamma-tocotrienol (gamma-T) were supplemented continuously for 8 weeks in the diets of normal rats and rats chemically induced with cancer using diethylnitrosamine (DEN), 2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF) and partial hepatectomy. Hepatocarcinogenesis was followed by determining the plasma gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase (GGT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activities as well as placental glutathione S-transferase (PGST) and GGT activities histochemically, at 4-week intervals. 2. Male Rattus norvegicus were supplemented alpha-T and gamma-T at two different doses of 30 and 300 mg/kg diet. The supplementation was started at three different times: simultaneously with DEN administration; 4 weeks; and 8 weeks after DEN administration. 3. Elevation of plasma GGT activities and formation of PGST and GGT positive foci were attenuated significantly (P < 0.05) when alpha-T and gamma-T were supplemented simultaneously with cancer induction. Supplementation begun 4 and 8 weeks after cancer induction did not affect plasma enzyme activities and formation of enzyme-positive foci. 4. alpha-T was more effective than gamma-T, and a lower dose of 30 mg/kg was found to be more effective in reducing the severity of hepatocarcinogenesis.
  15. Nazaimoon WM, Ng ML, Osman A, Tan TT, Wu LL, Khalid BA
    Med J Malaysia, 1993 Sep;48(3):297-302.
    PMID: 8183142
    Fasting growth hormone (GH) level is an important reference level in dynamic tests of GH secretion. Other studies have demonstrated sex and age variation in the rate of GH secretion. We analysed fasting serum samples from 377 normal subjects (193 males and 184 females, age range 6 to 81 years old), using our in-house enzyme immunoassay. We found sex differences in fasting GH levels to be only significant in the prepubertal children (Tanner stage I), being higher in girls than in age-matched boys (p < 0.05). Both sexes showed age-dependent changes in fasting GH levels (p < 0.001); highest levels were achieved at puberty and subsequently declined with advancing age. Hence, the physiological sex difference and age-dependency in GH secretion can also be demonstrated in single fasting samples.
  16. Khalid BA, Usha R, Ng ML, Norella Kong CT, Tariq AR
    Med J Malaysia, 1990 Mar;45(1):8-13.
    PMID: 2152075
    A survey was done to determine the prevalence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and renal disease, as well as extent of diabetic control, amongst the workers of Malaysian Railways. The prevalence of diabetes was high at 6.6%, with 3.8% of these being insulin dependent diabetes. The highest prevalence was in Indians (16.0%) followed by Chinese (4.9%) and Malays (3.0%). Using HbA1 measurements, diabetic control was poor in 70.6% of the diabetics. Hypertension was found in 37% and proteinuria in 35%. Renal impairment was present in 30% of the diabetics. This survey shows that diabetes, hypertension and renal disease are high amongst the railway workers in Malaysia.
  17. Nabishah BM, Morat PB, Alias AK, Kadir BA, Khalid BA
    Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol, 1992 Dec;19(12):839-42.
    PMID: 1335381
    1. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were made either hyper- or hypothyroid with thyroxine or 4-methyl-2-thiouracil, respectively. Bronchial smooth muscle (BSM) contractility and lung cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) content were measured in both conditions. 2. Bronchial smooth muscle contractility was significantly weaker in hyperthyroid rats, while the BSM contractility of hypothyroid rats was the same as controls. 3. The cAMP content of hyperthyroid rat lungs was similar to controls but was decreased in hypothyroid rats. 4. These studies demonstrated that both the hyper- and hypothyroid states affect respiration, although the mechanisms involved with different for each condition.
  18. Ismail IS, Nazaimoon WM, Mohamad WB, Letchuman R, Singaraveloo M, Pendek R, et al.
    Diabetes Res Clin Pract, 2000 Jan;47(1):57-69.
    PMID: 10660222 DOI: 10.1016/s0168-8227(99)00104-7
    Recent studies have shown that good glycaemic control can prevent the development of diabetic complications in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. We wished to observe the glycaemic control in patients from different centres in Peninsular Malaysia and the factors that determine it. We recruited 926 patients with diabetes diagnosed before age 40 years from seven different centres, with proportionate representation from the three main ethnic groups. Clinical history and physical examination were done and blood taken for HbA1c and fasting glucose. The overall glycaemic control was poor with geometric mean HbA1c of 8.6% whilst 61.1% of the patients had HbA1c greater than 8%. Glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes varied between various centres and ethnic groups, with the best control obtained in Chinese patients. Significant predictors of HbA1c in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes include access to nurse educators, ethnic background and WHR. In type 2 diabetes, use of insulin was a significant predictor, while in type 1 diabetes, household income was a significant predictor. Socioeconomic status did not have a significant effect in type 2 diabetes. There were no significant differences in the glycaemic control in patients with different educational status. In conclusion, glycaemic control in big hospitals in Malaysia was poor, and was closely related to the availability of diabetes care facilities and ethnic group, rather than socioeconomic status.
  19. Norlinah MI, Hamizah R, Md Isa SH, Wan Nazaimoon WM, Khalid BA
    Indian J Med Sci, 2009 Apr;63(4):131-8.
    PMID: 19414982
    BACKGROUND: The role of endothelial injury and circulating adhesion molecule in the development and progression of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in the long-term has been established previously.
    AIMS: To study the effects of short-term glycemic control using insulin and oral hypoglycemic agent therapy (OHA) on the peroneal nerve function and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and advanced glycation endproducts (AGE) levels in type 2 diabetic patients.
    SETTINGS AND DESIGN: A randomized controlled study involving poorly controlled (HbA1c, 7.5%-11%) type 2 diabetic patients attending the endocrinology outpatient center in a tertiary hospital in Kuala Lumpur.
    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-nine patients were randomized to receive insulin (n=15) or OHA (n=14) for 8 weeks. The glycemic variables (HbA1c, fasting plasma glucose [FPG], fructosamine), VCAM-1, serum AGE and the peroneal motor conduction velocity (PMCV) were measured at baseline and at 4-week intervals.
    STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Paired 't' test or Kruskal Wallis test; and the unpaired 't' test or Mann-Whitney U test were used for within-group and between-group analyses, respectively. Correlation was analyzed using Spearman's correlation coefficient.
    RESULTS: Within-group analysis showed significant progressive improvement in HbA1c at weeks 4 and 8 in the insulin group. The PMCV improved significantly in both groups by week 8, and by week 4 (P = 0.01) in the insulin group. PMCV correlated negatively with VCAM-1 (P = 0.031) and AGE (P = 0.009) at week 8.
    CONCLUSION: Aggressive glycemic control with insulin improves the peroneal nerve function within 4 weeks. Improvement in the serum VCAM-1 and AGE levels correlated significantly with improvement in peroneal nerve conduction velocity only in the insulin group.
    Study site: Tertiary endocrinology outpatient center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  20. Md Isa SH, Najihah I, Nazaimoon WM, Kamarudin NA, Umar NA, Mat NH, et al.
    Diabetes Res Clin Pract, 2006 Apr;72(1):48-52.
    PMID: 16253380 DOI: 10.1016/j.diabres.2005.09.011
    We studied the efficacy of four different treatment regimens (sulphonylurea and metformin+/-acarbose versus glimepiride and rosiglitazone versus glimepiride and bedtime NPH insulin versus multiple actrapid and NPH insulin injections) in poorly controlled type 2 diabetes subjects on hs-CRP, VCAM-1 and AGE at 4, 8 and 12 weeks of treatment. Multiple insulin injections rapidly improved HbA(1c) by 0.6+/-0.9% (p<0.005), 1.2+/-1.3% (p<0.0005) and 1.3+/-1.4% (p<0.0005) at week 4, at week 8 and week 12, respectively. Subjects who continued their existing combination treatment of sulphonylurea, metformin+/-acarbose also showed a significant reduction in HbA(1c) (p<0.05). Although effective in reducing glycemic parameters, there was no reduction in CRP levels in either treatment group. The treatment regimen consisting of rosiglitazone and glimepiride significantly lowered hs-CRP by -2.6 (3.9) mg/L (p<0.05) at week 12 in spite of no improvement in blood glucose. AGE improved in all groups irrespective of type of treatment, glycaemic control and CRP levels. Our data indicate rapid glycaemic control alone does not necessarily result in improvement in markers of inflammation in type 2 diabetes patients.
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