Displaying publications 101 - 120 of 1461 in total

    Med J Malaya, 1961 Mar;15:102-12.
    PMID: 14469397
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Medicine*
    World Med J, 1957 Nov;4(6):330-1; French transl 346-7 pasim.; Spanish transl 364-5 passim.
    PMID: 13496810
    Matched MeSH terms: Medicine*
  3. Sandosham AA
    Med J Malaya, 1968 Dec;23(2):83-5.
    PMID: 4240825
    Matched MeSH terms: Tropical Medicine*
  4. Sathiah R
    Med J Malaya, 1965 Jun;19(4):247-50.
    PMID: 4220847
    Matched MeSH terms: Medicine*
    Minerva Chir, 1955 Feb 28;10(4):190-1.
    PMID: 14369790
    Matched MeSH terms: Medicine*
  6. Jorgensen HS, Singh A
    Med J Malaysia, 1977 Sep;32(1):28-32.
    PMID: 609340
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Medicine/manpower*
    Med J Malaya, 1957 Jun;11(4):308-11.
    PMID: 13482568
    Matched MeSH terms: Aerospace Medicine*
  8. Kohl SE, Van Tilburg C, Flaherty GT
    J Travel Med, 2019 Jan 01;26(1).
    PMID: 30535106 DOI: 10.1093/jtm/tay145
    Matched MeSH terms: Travel Medicine/trends*
  9. Ahmad K, Ariffin MFM, Deraman F, Ariffin S, Abdullah M, Razzak MMA, et al.
    J Relig Health, 2018 Oct;57(5):1649-1663.
    PMID: 29075949 DOI: 10.1007/s10943-017-0507-9
    This study was conducted to identify and describe the patients' perceptions of Islamic medicine based on gender, age, marital, educational level and working status among the Malaysian Muslim population. A nationwide interviewer-administered questionnaire survey was conducted in 2013. An open-ended questionnaire pertaining to Islamic medicine was used to increase the probability of capturing maximum data. This survey implemented a multistage design, stratified by state, proportionate to the size of the state population and was representative of the Malaysian population. Post-survey classification of results was performed accordingly. Complex data analysis was carried out using SPSS 16.0. The discussion was identified and categorised into various sections. The paper concludes that Islamic medicine has a major influence in the Malaysian Muslim community compared to other alternatives. Further, its potential for growth and importance especially for treating spiritual ailments cannot be denied. The respondents indicated that two factors motivate Islamic medicine in Malaysia: (1) the Muslim community opts for alternative healing because of their dissatisfaction with conventional methods; (2) Islamic medicine focuses only on healing spiritual-related problems. The average perception of respondents is that the function of Islamic medicine in healing physical diseases is undervalued and that it is not suitable to replace the functions of modern health institutions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Religion and Medicine*
  10. Adnan MSB, Hart A, Hertelendy AJ, Tin D, Abelanes SM, Issa F, et al.
    Prehosp Disaster Med, 2022 Dec;37(6):836-842.
    PMID: 36373499 DOI: 10.1017/S1049023X22002187
    INTRODUCTION: Despite the increasing risks and complexity of disasters, education for Malaysian health care providers in this domain is limited. This study aims to assess scholarly publications by Malaysian scholars on Disaster Medicine (DM)-related topics.

    METHODOLOGY: An electronic search of five selected journals from 1991 through 2021 utilizing multiple keywords relevant to DM was conducted for review and analysis.

    RESULTS: A total of 154 articles were included for analysis. The mean number of publications per year from 1991 through 2021 was 5.1 publications. Short reports were the most common research type (53.2%), followed by original research (32.4%) and case reports (12.3%). Mean citations among the included articles were 12.4 citations. Most author collaborations were within the same agency or institution, and there was no correlation between the type of collaboration and the number of citations (P = .942). While a few clusters of scholars could build a strong network across institutions, most research currently conducted in DM was within small, isolated clusters.

    CONCLUSION: Disaster Medicine in Malaysia is a growing medical subspecialty with a significant recent surge in research activity, likely due to the SARS-CoV-2/coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) global pandemic. Since most publications in DM have been on infectious diseases, the need to expand DM-related research on other topics is essential.

    Matched MeSH terms: Disaster Medicine*
  11. Flaherty GT, Piyaphanee W
    J Travel Med, 2023 Feb 18;30(1).
    PMID: 36208173 DOI: 10.1093/jtm/taac113
    Matched MeSH terms: Travel Medicine*
  12. Laderman C
    Med Anthropol, 1991 Jun;13(1-2):83-97.
    PMID: 1881301 DOI: 10.1080/01459740.1991.9966042
    Matched MeSH terms: Medicine, Traditional*
  13. Roy P, Abdulsalam FI, Pandey DK, Bhattacharjee A, Eruvaram NR, Malik T
    Pharmacognosy Res, 2015 Jun;7(Suppl 1):S57-62.
    PMID: 26109789 DOI: 10.4103/0974-8490.157997
    Swertia cordata and Swertia chirayita are temperate Himalayan medicinal plants used as potent herbal drugs in Indian traditional systems of medicine (Ayurvedic, Unani and Siddha).
    Matched MeSH terms: Medicine, Ayurvedic; Medicine, Traditional
  14. Patwardhan B, Wieland LS, Aginam O, Chuthaputti A, Ghelman R, Ghods R, et al.
    Complement Ther Med, 2023 Oct;77:102970.
    PMID: 37591416 DOI: 10.1016/j.ctim.2023.102970
    Matched MeSH terms: Medicine, Traditional*
  15. Baashar Y, Alkawsi G, Wan Ahmad WN, Alomari MA, Alhussian H, Tiong SK
    PMID: 36900951 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20053940
    Head-mounted displays (HMDs) have the potential to greatly impact the surgical field by maintaining sterile conditions in healthcare environments. Google Glass (GG) and Microsoft HoloLens (MH) are examples of optical HMDs. In this comparative survey related to wearable augmented reality (AR) technology in the medical field, we examine the current developments in wearable AR technology, as well as the medical aspects, with a specific emphasis on smart glasses and HoloLens. The authors searched recent articles (between 2017 and 2022) in the PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and ScienceDirect databases and a total of 37 relevant studies were considered for this analysis. The selected studies were divided into two main groups; 15 of the studies (around 41%) focused on smart glasses (e.g., Google Glass) and 22 (59%) focused on Microsoft HoloLens. Google Glass was used in various surgical specialities and preoperative settings, namely dermatology visits and nursing skill training. Moreover, Microsoft HoloLens was used in telepresence applications and holographic navigation of shoulder and gait impairment rehabilitation, among others. However, some limitations were associated with their use, such as low battery life, limited memory size, and possible ocular pain. Promising results were obtained by different studies regarding the feasibility, usability, and acceptability of using both Google Glass and Microsoft HoloLens in patient-centric settings as well as medical education and training. Further work and development of rigorous research designs are required to evaluate the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of wearable AR devices in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Medicine*
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