Displaying publications 1181 - 1200 of 1933 in total

  1. Saravanan C, Alias A, Mohamad M
    J Affect Disord, 2017 10 01;220:108-116.
    PMID: 28618312 DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2017.05.037
    BACKGROUND: Students who go to other countries for higher education face various psychological problems, particularly homesickness and depression. The objectives of this study were to: (a) identify differences between students who did and did not receive brief individual cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for depression to reduce homesickness; (b) identify whether brief individual CBT for depression reduces the level of homesickness in students between pre-, post- and follow-up assessment; and (c) compare the scores of students experiencing only homesickness and those experiencing both homesickness and depression.

    METHOD: The sample consisted of 520 first-year undergraduate international students. The experimental group contained students who were diagnosed with depression and homesickness and received seven sessions of brief individual CBT for depression to reduce homesickness. The control group contained students who were diagnosed with depression and homesickness and received one session of advice and suggestions. The comparison group contained students who experienced only homesickness and did not receive any interventions. The study used the comparison group to determine if an interaction effect existed between students experiencing only homesickness and students experiencing both homesickness and depression.

    RESULTS: Students who received brief individual CBT displayed a significant reduction in their homesickness and depression scores compared to the scores of students in the control group. Students who experienced only homesickness exhibited a significant reduction in the scores on homesickness in the post-assessment compared to the control group's post-assessment homesickness scores.

    LIMITATION: The results of this study cannot be generalized as data were collected from three universities in Malaysia. The follow-up assessment was conducted six months after the post-assessment, which also limits generalizability beyond six months.

    CONCLUSION: Overall, homesickness is considered a normal reaction. Brief individual CBT for depression is effective in reducing homesickness and depression among international students.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology*
  2. Ong HH, Khor FV, Balasupramaniam K, Say YH
    Psychol Health Med, 2018 Feb;23(2):160-170.
    PMID: 28610454 DOI: 10.1080/13548506.2017.1338737
    Three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in alcohol-metabolizing genes - ADH1B (Arg47His), ADH1C (Ile350Val) and ALDH2 (Glu504Lys) have been extensively associated with flush reaction and alcoholism. Therefore, we investigated the association of these three SNPs with alcohol-induced reactions (AIRs), alcoholism risk, personality and anthropometric traits among Malaysian university students. AIRs, Self-Rating of the Effects of Alcohol (SRE) and Ten-Item Personality were surveyed, anthropometric measurements and DNA samples were taken. Among 264 valid drinkers (111 males, 153 females; 229 ethnic Chinese, 35 ethnic Indians), the minor allele frequencies for ADH1B, ADH1C, ALDH2 among Chinese/Indians were .45/.07, .33/.40, .32/.41, respectively; distribution of ADH1B alleles significantly different between ethnicities. Current/former experiences of flushing, hives, heart palpitations after alcohol consumption; and sleepiness, headache reactions, early and overall SRE were significantly different between ethnicities and genders, respectively. Overall SRE score was associated with ADH1C and ALDH2 alleles. 'Openness to Experiences' was associated with ALDH2 genotypes and alleles; Glu/Glu or Glu carriers showed significantly higher means. ADH1B Arg/Arg and Arg carriers showed significantly higher total body and subcutaneous fats but association was abolished after controlling for ethnicity. In conclusion, gender and ethnicity, but not alcohol-metabolizing gene variants, play a role in influencing the manifestation of AIRs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students*
  3. Kirwan GH, Fullwood C, Rooney B
    Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw, 2018 Feb;21(2):123-128.
    PMID: 29048944 DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2016.0714
    Social networking sites (SNSs) can provide cybercriminals with various opportunities, including gathering of user data and login credentials to enable fraud, and directing of users toward online locations that may install malware onto their devices. The techniques employed by such cybercriminals can include clickbait (text or video), advertisement of nonexistent but potentially desirable products, and hoax competitions/giveaways. This study aimed to identify risk factors associated with falling victim to these malicious techniques. An online survey was completed by 295 Malaysian undergraduate students, finding that more than one-third had fallen victim to SNS scams. Logistic regression analysis identified several victimization risk factors including having higher scores in impulsivity (specifically cognitive complexity), using fewer devices for SNSs, and having been on an SNS for a longer duration. No reliable model was found for vulnerability to hoax valuable gift giveaways and "friend view application" advertising specifically, but vulnerability to video clickbait was predicted by lower extraversion scores, higher levels of openness to experience, using fewer devices, and being on an SNS for a longer duration. Other personality traits were not associated with either overall victimization susceptibility or increased risk of falling victim to the specific techniques. However, age approached significance within both the video clickbait and overall victimization models. These findings suggest that routine activity theory may be particularly beneficial in understanding and preventing SNSs scam victimization.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology*
  4. Ling CY, Loo FC, Hamedon TR
    Med Probl Perform Art, 2016 12;31(4):201-204.
    PMID: 27942698
    Performance injuries among musicians have been widely discussed for decades. However, despite the growing number of classical pianists, this is still a new issue in Malaysia. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the level of knowledge of playing-related musculoskeletal disorders (PRMDs) among tertiary music students in Malaysia. A survey was conducted among classical piano students at tertiary institutions of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. Out of 192 respondents, 76% knew that piano playing can cause PRMDs. Slightly over three-quarters of respondents (77.1%) learned about PRMDs from music educators. The survey revealed that the belief in "no pain, no gain" was still ingrained in their minds, as 50.5% respondents believed that pain experienced while playing the piano was normal and 51.6% of them considered that pain must be experienced to improve their piano skill. The respondents were also scored on questions on terminologies of pianist injury and specific PRMD examples: 7.8% of respondents scored high in the questions on the general terminology, while 99.5% of them scored low in the questions on the specific examples of PRMDs. This finding indicated a lack of knowledge of specific musicians' injuries among classical piano students. The attitudes to pain and the level of understanding of the significance of potential injuries indicate that increasing PRMD awareness and introducing courses on PRMD prevention at tertiary institutions are warranted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students*
  5. Russell V, Clarke M, Loo CE, Bharathy A, Vasudevan U, Byrne E, et al.
    Acad Psychiatry, 2019 Apr;43(2):157-166.
    PMID: 30069698 DOI: 10.1007/s40596-018-0960-0
    OBJECTIVE: The study's objective was to determine the educational value of participation in a consultation/liaison psychiatry service to primary care clinics, from the perspective of Malaysian medical undergraduates.

    METHODS: A mixed method design was used. Fourth-year medical students participated in a consultation/liaison psychiatry service to two government-operated primary care clinics. Each student attended two half-day consultations to the clinics during the psychiatry clinical clerkship. Students joined in discussions with primary care clinicians, performed supervised clinical assessments, and administered a depression screening instrument. The learning experience was evaluated through four focus groups, each with 9-10 participants, held throughout the academic year. An end-of-year, anonymous, online questionnaire survey was administered to the entire class. Thematic analysis of focus group transcripts was performed and quantitative statistics were calculated (Stata version 13).

    RESULTS: Focus group themes included the following: (a) active learning opportunities in primary care psychiatry consultation had perceived added educational value, (b) students benefited from contact with patients with previously undiagnosed common mental disorders, and (c) students' primary care experience raised their awareness of societal and professional responsibilities. Of the class of 113 students, 93 (82%) responded to the questionnaire. The survey responses reflected the qualitative themes, with 79 respondents (85%) stating that the learning experience met or exceeded their expectations.

    CONCLUSIONS: Academic psychiatry has been criticized for its overreliance on secondary care settings in undergraduate clinical teaching. Our findings suggest that supervised clinical placements in primary care are feasible and provide added educational value as a routine component of the undergraduate psychiatry clinical clerkship.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  6. Hadie SNH, Hassan A, Ismail ZIM, Asari MA, Khan AA, Kasim F, et al.
    Anat Sci Educ, 2017 Sep;10(5):423-432.
    PMID: 28135037 DOI: 10.1002/ase.1683
    Students' perceptions of the education environment influence their learning. Ever since the major medical curriculum reform, anatomy education has undergone several changes in terms of its curriculum, teaching modalities, learning resources, and assessment methods. By measuring students' perceptions concerning anatomy education environment, valuable information can be obtained to facilitate improvements in teaching and learning. Hence, it is important to use a valid inventory that specifically measures attributes of the anatomy education environment. In this study, a new 11-factor, 132-items Anatomy Education Environment Measurement Inventory (AEEMI) was developed using Delphi technique and was validated in a Malaysian public medical school. The inventory was found to have satisfactory content evidence (scale-level content validity index [total] = 0.646); good response process evidence (scale-level face validity index [total] = 0.867); and acceptable to high internal consistency, with the Raykov composite reliability estimates of the six factors are in the range of 0.604-0.876. The best fit model of the AEEMI is achieved with six domains and 25 items (X2  = 415.67, P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  7. Flaherty GT, Leong SW, Geoghegan R
    J Travel Med, 2018 01 01;25(1).
    PMID: 30239844 DOI: 10.1093/jtm/tay085
    Matched MeSH terms: Students/statistics & numerical data*
  8. Wong LP, Alias H, Sam IC, Zimet GD
    J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol, 2019 Apr;32(2):158-164.
    PMID: 30395984 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpag.2018.10.010
    STUDY OBJECTIVE: To assess the knowledge and beliefs regarding human papillomavirus (HPV) and the HPV vaccine among girls before and after vaccination in the Malaysian HPV Immunisation Programme.

    DESIGN: A nationwide longitudinal survey.

    SETTING: Thirty-two randomly selected schools from 13 states and 3 federal territories in Malaysia from February to March 2013, and October to November 2013.

    PARTICIPANTS: Form One female students (13 years old).


    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Mean knowledge score of HPV infection.

    RESULTS: A total of 2644 students responded to the prevaccination survey, of whom 2005 (70%) completed the postvaccination survey. The mean knowledge score was 2.72 (SD ± 2.20) of a maximum score of 10 in the prevaccination survey, which increased significantly to 3.33 (SD ± 1.73) after the 3 doses of HPV vaccine (P = .001). Many answered incorrectly that, "Only girls can get HPV infection" (91.5%, n = 1841 prevaccination vs 96.1%, n = 1927 postvaccination), and only a few were aware that, "Vaccinating boys helps to protect girls against HPV infection" (11.4%, n = 229 for prevaccination vs 10.2%, n = 206 for postvaccination). The mean knowledge score was significantly higher postvaccination among higher-income families and those with parents of a higher occupational status. Regarding beliefs about the HPV vaccine, 89.4% in the prevaccination survey held the view that they would not get a HPV infection, and the percentage remained similar in the postvaccination survey. Perceived severity of HPV infection also remained low in the pre- and postintervention groups. Only 21.5% reported receiving health information about HPV along with the provision of the HPV vaccine; those who received health information showed higher levels of knowledge.

    CONCLUSION: Findings revealed a general lack of knowledge and erroneous beliefs about HPV and the HPV vaccine even after receiving vaccination. This suggests that imparting accurate knowledge about HPV along with vaccine administration is essential. Specifically, girls from lower socioeconomic groups should be a target of educational intervention.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students/statistics & numerical data
  9. Vashe A, Devi V, Rao R, Abraham RR, Pallath V, Umakanth S
    Adv Physiol Educ, 2019 Dec 01;43(4):522-528.
    PMID: 31642706 DOI: 10.1152/advan.00067.2019
    Today most education institutions around the world have adopted the philosophy of outcome-based education. The emphasis in outcome-based education is achievement of outcomes; hence the curriculum should be designed in a way that it includes the components targeted specifically at achieving these outcomes. A discipline-based approach results in fragmentation of learning and lack of clinical applicability. Integrated teaching could be a solution to achieve required outcomes in a holistic way. Hence, the aim of this study was to develop, implement, and evaluate an integrated teaching module. Temporal coordination of the basic sciences, along with correlation of learned topics to clinical settings, was done in the first year of the undergraduate medical program. The module was evaluated by obtaining qualitative and quantitative feedback from students. Student assessment was conducted with a test that had case vignettes and multiple-choice questions. In addition, students' change in learning approaches and self-directed learning readiness were collected. Students' perception regarding the educational environment was also obtained. Analysis of the data showed positive feedback from the students regarding the integrated teaching. Students' average score in the test was 86%. There was a significant increase in the scores for the deep approach and self-directed learning readiness in the posttest compared with the pretest. Moreover, students were found to be satisfied with the educational environment. Evaluation of integrated teaching revealed that it was well accepted by the students. Moreover, it facilitated the achievement of the students' outcomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  10. T'ng ST, Ho KH, Sim DE, Yu CH, Wong PY
    Psych J, 2020 Feb;9(1):96-107.
    PMID: 31797557 DOI: 10.1002/pchj.320
    Insufficient attention has been given to the integration of the mediating effect of Internet gaming disorder (IGD) symptoms on loneliness and four components of aggression-physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger, and hostility-in the Malaysian context. In the present study, 410 participants with (a) at least 1 year of Internet gaming experience and (b) between ages 20- to 39 years were recruited using the probability proportional to size sampling method. Participants were undergraduate students and working adults. Self-reported questionnaires (the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale, University of California, Los Angeles Loneliness Scale, and the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire) were used. The present study found that loneliness positively predicted four components of aggression (i.e., anger, hostility, physical aggression, and verbal aggression) and symptoms of IGD. Relationships between loneliness and the four components of aggression were partially mediated by IGD symptoms. The present study enriches and consolidates existing empirical evidence, particularly in the Malaysian context. If the mediating effect is not emphasized, it may lead to spurious conclusions that can significantly diminish the effectiveness of interventions that are meant to manage aggression.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology*
  11. de Vries M, Cader S, Colleer L, Batteux E, Yasdiman MB, Tan YJ, et al.
    J Autism Dev Disord, 2020 Apr;50(4):1281-1294.
    PMID: 31901119 DOI: 10.1007/s10803-019-04343-z
    Cultural background might influence knowledge and attitudes regarding autism, influencing willingness to interact. We studied whether beliefs, knowledge, contact, and attitude differed between the UK and Malaysia. With mediation analyses, we studied how these factors influenced willingness to interact. Autism was more often linked to food in the UK, and to upbringing in Malaysia. Knowledge, contact, and acceptance were greater in the UK. When excluding psychology students, Malaysian students were less willing to interact with autistic people. Knowledge and contact appeared to improve acceptance, but acceptance did not mediate the relation between country, beliefs, knowledge, and experience; and willingness to interact. Knowledge and contact regarding autism might improve acceptance in different cultures, but how acceptance could improve interaction is unclear.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology*
  12. Fam JY, Murugan SB, Yap CYL
    Scand J Psychol, 2020 Jun;61(3):410-415.
    PMID: 32086948 DOI: 10.1111/sjop.12627
    The transition to university can be stressful for first-year university students. Despite the fact where the feeling of worry is a shared symptom by various mental health issues, there is a lack of studies that investigate into this matter. As worry is a domain-specific construct, there is a need for a valid and reliable measure of worry specifically for university students. Hence, this study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Student Worry Scale (SWS), particularly in terms of its validity and reliability. For this purpose, the current study recruited a sample of 295 first-year students to evaluate the psychometric properties of SWS. Exploratory factor analysis yielded a five-factor structure of SWS, which explained 55.7% of the total variance. The yielded five factors were general worries, financial-related concerns, significant other's well-being, academic concerns, and social adequacy concerns. Inter-correlations between the five factors were all significant (r ranged between 0.395 and 0.625). The SWS demonstrated good internal consistency in this study (Cronbach's alpha ranged between 0.786 and 0.941). Overall, the SWS is psychometrically evidenced to be a reliable and valid content-based worry measure specifically for university students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology*
  13. Lee SWH
    Curr Pharm Teach Learn, 2019 03;11(3):292-295.
    PMID: 30904152 DOI: 10.1016/j.cptl.2018.12.010
    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To describe the development and assessment of a health education campaign and determine its potential for integration into a bachelor of pharmacy curriculum.

    EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY AND SETTING: Pharmacy students developed a "hands-on" health campaign for delivery to university students. A health promotion topic was chosen and delivered each year for 2015-2017; sexual health, diabetes, and antimicrobial resistance, respectively. All health campaign participants were screened for cardiovascular risk factors. University students who participated in the health campaign in 2017 also completed a questionnaire assessing their understanding and knowledge of antimicrobial resistance.

    FINDINGS: In the three health campaigns conducted from 2015 to 2017, 1010 university students and adults were screened. Pharmacy students expressed a high level of professional achievement and satisfaction and felt that the activities provided a meaningful learning experience. Similarly, supervising pharmacists reported satisfaction with students' competency.

    SUMMARY: The use of a health education campaign is an alternative model to educate pharmacy students on communication and critical thinking skills, as well as provide an opportunity for service learning.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Pharmacy/statistics & numerical data*
  14. Aris A, Khalid MZM, Yahaya H, Yoong LO, Ying NQ
    Curr Diabetes Rev, 2020;16(4):387-394.
    PMID: 31433762 DOI: 10.2174/1573399815666190712192527
    BACKGROUND: Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a preventable condition. Targeting those who are at risk of getting this disease is essential.

    OBJECTIVE: To examine T2D risk among university students in Malaysia and determine its relationship with socio-demographic characteristics and physical activity.

    METHODS: The study was conducted cross-sectionally on 390 students selected using quota sampling method from 13 faculties in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. A short form of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and Finnish Diabetes Risk Score were used to measure the physical activity and T2D risk.

    RESULTS: The T2D risk was found to be low (M = 5.23, SD = 3.32) with more than two-third of the student population at the low risk level while a significant proportion of 23.8%, 5.6% and 0.3% having slightly elevated, moderate and high risk respectively. The T2D risk was significantly related to their age (rho = 0.197, p < 0.000), gender (U = 12641, p = 0.011), ethnic group (Χ2 = 18.86, p < 0.000), marital status (Χ2 = 6.597, p = 0.037), residence (U = 10345, p = 0.008), academic year (Χ2 = 14.24, p = 0.007) and physical activity (rho = -0.205, p < 0.000 and Χ2 = 13.515, p = 0.001). Of these, only age (β=0.130) and physical activity (β=-0.159) remained significant in the regression analysis.

    CONCLUSION: The findings call for a radical change in the nursing practice to target the amendable factors that are significant in order to prevent the progression of the risk towards type 2 diabetes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students/statistics & numerical data*
  15. Al-Naggar RA, Bobryshev YV
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2012;13(11):5627-32.
    PMID: 23317228
    BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of shisha smoking and associated factors among medical students in Malaysia.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Management and Science University from December 2011 until March 2012. The questionnaire consisted of five sections including socio-demographic, social environment, knowledge about shisha, psychosocial factors, and personal shisha smoking behavior. Obtained data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS 13). T-test was used to determine the relationships between shisha smoking and socio-demographic characteristic.

    RESULTS: A total number of 300 medical students participated in this study. Mean age was 22.5±2.5 years. The majority were female, Malay, single, from urban areas (67%, 54%, 97%, 73%; respectively). The prevalence of shisha smoking among medical students was found to be 20%. The study revealed that many students believed that shisha does not contains nicotine, carbon monoxide, does not lead to lung cancer, dental problems and does not lead to cardiovascular diseases (25%, 20.7%, 22.3%, 29%, 26.7%; respectively). Age and sex were found to be significantly associated with smoking shisha status among medical students (p=0.029, p<0.001; respectively). Furthermore, having parents, siblings and friends smokers of shisha were found to be significantly associated with shisha smoking status (p<0.001, p<0.001, p<0.001; respectively). Furthermore, family problems, problems with friends, financial problems and university life were found to significantly associated with shisha smoking status among medical students (p<0.001, p=0.002, p<0.001, p=0.002; respectively).

    CONCLUSIONS: There is a high prevalence of shisha smoking and a poor knowledge about its impact on health among medical students. More attention is needed to focus on medical education in this regard. The policies that are currently employed in order to reduce the cigarettes smoking should be applied to shisha smoking and shisha products.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  16. Yasin SM, Ismail N, Noor NM, Mohd Azman MS, Taib H, Jusop JM, et al.
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2013;14(1):303-8.
    PMID: 23534742
    BACKGROUND: Medical students' views may provide some direction for future policy considerations.

    AIM: The aim of this study was to assess gender differences in future doctors' receptiveness to currently implemented anti-smoking messages and the effectiveness of those messages.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: We administered a questionnaire to all students at a medical university in Malaysia, asking how frequently they noted anti- smoking policies, anti-smoking campaigns, and anti-smoking messages in schools. In addition, the questionnaire investigated most effective methods to convey these messages.

    RESULTS: A total of 522 (59.7%) students responded. Students were least likely to approve of total bans on cigarettes and increasing the price of cigarettes, and most likely to approve of bans on use of cigarettes in public places and sales to individuals less than 16 years old. Approval of total bans on cigarettes was more common in female students than in males OR=0.39 (95%CI: 0.18- 0.86). Furthermore, compared to the female students, the male students thought that printed media; OR=2.32 (95%CI: 1.31-4.10), radio; OR=1.93 (95%CI: 1.15-3.22) and the internet; OR=1.96 (95%CI: 1.15-3.33) were very effective at delivering anti-smoking messages.

    CONCLUSIONS: Gender differences existed in the future doctors' perception of the effectiveness of anti-smoking initiatives. Taking this gender difference into account may increase the receipt of anti-smoking messages in adolescents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  17. Myint K, Jacobs K, Myint AM, Lam SK, Henden L, Hoe SZ, et al.
    PLoS One, 2021;16(6):e0252668.
    PMID: 34081742 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252668
    The effects of stress on the neuroendocrine, central nervous and immune systems are extremely complex. The kynurenine pathway (KP) of the tryptophan metabolism is recognised as a cross-link between the neuroendocrine- and immune systems. However, the effects of acute stress from everyday life on KP activation have not yet been studied. This study aims to investigate changes in the levels of the KP neuroactive metabolites and cytokines in response to stress triggered by academic examinations. Ninety-two healthy first year medical students benevolently participated in the study. Parameters were measured pre- examination, which is considered to be a high-stress period, and post-examination, as a low-stress period. Stress induced by academic examinations significantly increases the perceived stress scores (p<0.001), serum cortisol levels (p<0.001) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels (p<0.01). It decreased IL-10 levels (p<0.05) but had no effect on IL-6 and TNF-alpha levels. Only the KP neuroactive metabolite, 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-HK) significantly increased (p<0.01) in the post-examination period. In addition, the stress scores positively correlated with the levels of cortisol (r2 = 0.297, p<0.01) at post examination. Acute stress triggered by academic examinations increases cortisol and BDNF production and suppresses the anti-inflammatory cytokine, IL-10, but did not increase significantly the levels of other pro-inflammatory cytokines, tryptophan, kynurenine and downstream KP metabolites. The concomitant increased levels of BDNF under the duress of acute examination stress appear to limit the levels pro-inflammatory markers, which may attenuate the action of cortisol and the neuroinflammatory branch of the KP.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  18. Wong LP, Mohamad Shakir SM, Tong WT, Alias H, Aghamohammadi N, Arumugam K
    Inform Health Soc Care, 2018 Dec;43(4):335-347.
    PMID: 29035606 DOI: 10.1080/17538157.2017.1364248
    Medical students' use of online medical journals as a source of information is crucial in the learning pathway to become medical doctors. We conducted a cross-sectional survey study among University medical students between December 2012 and March 2013 to assess their awareness, perceived usefulness, practices, and barriers to seeking information from online academic databases and medical journals. The response rate was 67.53%. The majority of the students knew of the availability of online academic databases and medical journals. The mean score for awareness (4.25 of possible 11.0), perceived usefulness (13.95 of possible 33.0), and practice (10.67 of possible 33.0) were low. The mean barrier score toward using online academic databases and medical journals was 25.41 (of possible 45.0). Multivariate findings showed that significant barriers associated with overall usage of online databases and medical journals were 1) not knowing where or how to locate databases and 2) unsureness of using the Boolean operators. Availability of full text subscriptions was found to be an important factor in using online databases. Study findings highlighted the need to increase awareness of academic databases' availability and increase training on ways to search online academic databases and medical journals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/statistics & numerical data*
  19. Ball V, Chiu CS, Lian YP, Lingeswaran L
    Physiother Theory Pract, 2018 Jan;34(1):54-57.
    PMID: 28816591 DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2017.1360423
    BACKGROUND: Newly qualified physiotherapists may be required to interpret an unreported chest X-ray (CXR) as part of their physiotherapy assessment in "on call" situations. Their interpretation may influence the patient management strategies they adopt. There is no research published which have tested the reliability of final year physiotherapy students in CXR interpretation.

    METHODS: Twenty-five final year physiotherapy students were asked to view and interpret the findings of six CXRs, together with a brief vignette, typical of a single commonly encountered diagnosis. Students were also asked if they had received additional CXR training on placement or had a desire to specialize in respiratory care.

    RESULTS: The CXR interpretations were scored as incorrect 0, partially correct 1 (abnormality detected but not able to diagnose or missed some detail) and 2 correct. Scores for each of the six CXRs were added to give a total score (out of 12). The median score was 3 out of 12, (range 0-9). Median scores were slightly higher at 4 out of 12 in those students with additional training or a desire to specialize (range 1-7), but this was not statistically significant (p = 0.43).

    CONCLUSIONS: Final year physiotherapy students were not able to reliably interpret CXRs. These findings were consistent with previous published research involving medical students. Therefore on graduation before starting "on call" duties it is recommended newly qualified physiotherapists receive additional training in CXR interpretation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Health Occupations*
  20. Funston G, Piper RJ, Connell C, Foden P, Young AM, O'Neill P
    Med Teach, 2016 Oct;38(10):1041-1048.
    PMID: 27008336 DOI: 10.3109/0142159X.2016.1150981
    BACKGROUND: Engaging and inspiring the next generation of physician-scientists at an early stage is recognised as key to ensure the future of medical research. However, little is known about medical student perceptions of research.
    OBJECTIVES: We attempted to ascertain perceptions of research and research-orientated careers from medical students studying in different countries.
    METHODS: An online questionnaire was developed, piloted, and promoted to medical students in various countries.
    RESULTS: 1625 responses were collected from 38 countries. Analysis was restricted to data collected from countries with >100 responses (n = 890). Less than half the respondents felt their medical school provided adequate research training. Key perceived barriers to research participation as a student included lack of time and difficulty finding mentors or projects. A significant gender disparity existed in research ambitions of students with females desiring less research involvement. The importance of barriers and satisfaction with research training differed significantly between countries.
    CONCLUSIONS: Students perceive a number of key barriers to research involvement and pursuit of research-orientated careers. Programmes designed to engage students with research should focus on overcoming identified barriers. Greater effort is needed to engage female students who report more significant barriers and less desire to follow research-orientated careers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
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