Displaying publications 141 - 160 of 463 in total

  1. Yaacob I, Abdullah ZA
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 1994;7(2):88-91.
    PMID: 7946655 DOI: 10.1177/101053959400700202
    A questionnaire survey on smoking was conducted among 395 medical students (40% males, 60% females) at the School of Medical Sciences, University Sains Malaysia at Kubang Kerian, Kelantan. Thirty-five students (9%), all of them males, were current smokers. Twenty-eight percent of the smokers smoked more than ten cigarettes per day and 88% began smoking before entering the medical school. Social influence and cigarette advertisements were the main reasons given for starting smoking. Both smokers and nonsmokers were adequately informed of the common adverse effects of smoking. Ninety percent of smokers had tried to give up smoking but failed. Among the ex-smokers and nonsmokers, the main reasons given for not smoking was that smoking was useless. Among the female students, one-third felt that cigarette smoking was socially unacceptable among females. This was one of the three main reasons for not smoking. Very few of the students (4.6%) considered that doctors' advice would play an important role in smoking prevention.
  2. Chen CJ, Jallaludin RL
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2000;12(1):12-6.
    PMID: 11200211
    In recent years, the concept of a Health-Promoting School has received much interest. In Malaysia, dental nurses are ideally placed to play a lead role in promoting Oral Health within the school setting. This study aims to provide information on the knowledge, perception and perceived role of Oral Health Promotion in schools, among dental nurses. A postal questionnaire was used to measure dental nurses' knowledge, perception and perceived role of Oral Health Promotion. The majority (60%) of dental nurses had good knowledge of Oral Health Promotion. Generally, they perceived that they play an important role in promoting Oral Health in schools. However, a sizeable proportion (25%) did not think they had a role to play in working together with school authorities to provide children with healthy food choices in school canteens. The majority (60%) of dental nurses did not perceive Oral Health Promotion to be important as a whole. They had a good perception of the concepts: it supports behaviour change, it has appropriate goals, it integrates oral health and general health and relieves anxiety. However, they had a poorer perception of the concepts; diverse educational approaches, participation, focus on prevention, early intervention, "spread of effect" of dental health education and "make healthier choices the easier choices". Years of service was not significantly associated with knowledge and perception of Oral Health Promotion. Dental nurses should be reoriented towards a more holistic practice of Oral Health Promotion. Workshops that invite active participation from dental nurses should be conducted to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills.
  3. Awang Mahmud AB, Sallam AA
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 1999;11(2):71-6.
    PMID: 11195161 DOI: 10.1177/101053959901100204
    An analysis of birth weight was undertaken on secondary data derived from the Malaysian Family Life Survey II. A total of 1629 last singleton live birth infants was analysed with the aim of identifying from the variables available potential risk factors for low birth weight. Univariate and subsequently multivariate analyses were carried out for this purpose. The incidence of low birth weight was 11.8 percent. Race, parity and prematurity were found to be significantly associated with low birth weight after controlling of the other variables. The findings indicate that more work needs to be done to establish the underlying reasons for low birth weight in Malaysia.
    Study name: Malaysian Family Life Survey (MFLS-2)
  4. Mafauzy M, Mokhtar N, Mohamad WB, Musalmah M
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 1999;11(1):16-9.
    PMID: 10829822 DOI: 10.1177/101053959901100104
    Two thousand five hundred and eight subjects from the state of Kelantan in North-East Peninsular Malaysia were included in this study to determine the prevalence of diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance and their association with cardiovascular risk factors. The overall prevalence of diabetes mellitus was 10.5% and impaired glucose tolerance was 16.5%. There was no difference in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus between males and females but the prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance was higher in females (19.0%) than in males (11.5%). Subjects with diabetes mellitus were more obese (38.4%) than normal subjects (24.1%). They also had a higher prevalence of hypertension (12.9%) and hypercholesterolaemia (71.9%) than normal subjects. Subjects with impaired glucose tolerance also had a higher prevalence of obesity (35.5%), hypertension (9.0%) and hypercholesterolaemia (63.0%) than normal subjects. In conclusion, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance was high and they were associated with a high prevalence of obesity, hypertension and hypercholesterolaemia.
  5. Hwei-Mian Lim, Heng-Leng Chee, Mirnalini Kandiah, Sharifah Zainiyah Syed Yahya, Rashidah Shuib
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2002;14(2):75-84.
    PMID: 12862411
    The objective of this study was to identify sociodemographic, work, living arrangement and lifestyle factors associated with morbidity of electronics women workers in selected factories in Selangor, Malaysia. The research design was a cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey. Most of the 401 respondents were young single Malay women. Morbidity was high as 85.5% of the women reported experiencing at least one chronic health problem, and 25.7% said that an illness or injury prevented them from carrying out normal activities within the last two weeks. Major acute illness symptoms were the common cold, backache, and diarrhoea while chronic health problems such as persistent headache, eye problems, menstrual problems, and persistent backache were also reported. After logistic regression, chronic health problems was significantly associated with room sharing; while illness that prevented normal activities within the last two weeks was significantly associated with overtime work and exercise. Further research is recommended to understand the complex inter-relationship between morbidity and working and living conditions.
  6. Ee-Ming Khoo, Kidd MR
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2002;14(2):59-63.
    PMID: 12862408
    The Australian and Malaysian systems of general practice were examined and compared. The issues of similarity and difference identified are discussed in this paper. Quality clinical practice and the importance of compulsory vocational training prior to entry into general practice and continuing professional development is one important area. A move towards preventive health care and chronic disease management was observed in both countries. Practice incentive programmes to support such initiatives as improved rates of immunisation and cervical smear testing and the implementation of information technology and information management systems need careful implementation. The Medicare system used in Australia may not be appropriate for general practitioners in Malaysia and, if used, a pharmaceutical benefit scheme would also need to be established. In both countries the corporatisation of medical practice is causing concern for the medical profession. Rural and aboriginal health issues remain important in both countries. Graduate medical student entry is an attractive option but workforce requirements mean that medical education will need individual tailoring for each country. Incorporating nurses into primary health care may provide benefits such as cost savings. The integration model of community centres in Malaysia involving doctors, nurses and allied health professionals, such as physiotherapists, in a single location deserves further examination.
  7. Zaini A, Nayan NF
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2002;14(1):44-6.
    PMID: 12597518 DOI: 10.1177/101053950201400110
    WHO's Declaration of the "Health for All" (HFA) goal was pronounced in 1978 in Alma Ata, and it was planned that HFA would be achieved through primary health care programmes and approaches by 2000. However, it is now 2002 and despite the technological advancements in medicine, science, and ICT, Health for All is far from reality. Instead, more and more conflicts are emerging with lethal consequences, such as, bioterrorism, biological agent abuse, global-terrorism, and environmental destruction is occurring at a greater scale that we have witnessed before. We may have the latest technology and knowledge today, but ironically, we are using them to inflict more suffering and pain in the world. In the Asia-Pacific, the past 30 years has seen dramatic advancement and lifestyle changes. We are now paying a high price for such progress in terms of risk factors to the health of the population, such as, ageing diseases, obesity, smoking, diabetes, hypertension, and related conditions. The social, political, economic and environmental factors appeared to have deterred and negated WHO's HFA goal to attain basic human rights and health care for all. The HFA will not be achieved in the future if we do not learn from history and start taking measures now.
  8. Yusof K, Neoh KH, bin Hashim MA, Ibrahim I
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2002;14(1):29-34.
    PMID: 12597515
    The equitable access to quality healthcare by Malaysians has consistently been the primary objective of the Ministry of Health (MOH). The epidemiological transition to chronic illnesses, advances in medical technology, escalating healthcare costs and rising patient expectations has necessitated the strategic use of information systems in healthcare delivery. Malaysia has broken new ground by implementing a nationwide network to address inadequate access to healthcare, as well as to lower costs and achieve better health outcomes. Teleconsultation refers to the electronic transmission of medical information and services from one site to another using telecommunication technologies. This technology transforms the healthcare system by rapidly matching patient needs with the appropriate level of care however geographically remote they may be. Our findings suggest that even in these early stages of implementation, teleconsultation has led to cost savings, a more efficient allocation of resources, enhanced diagnostic options and better health outcomes.
  9. Kananatu K
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2002;14(1):23-8.
    PMID: 12597514
    This paper presents an overview of the Malaysian healthcare system and its method of financing. The development of the healthcare delivery system in Malaysia is commendable. However, the strength and weaknesses of the public healthcare system and the financing problems encountered are also discussed. Cost of healthcare and funding of both the public and private sectors were also revealed. One must optimise the advantages of operating a health financing scheme which is affordable and controllable which contribute towards cost-containment and quality assurance. Thus, there is a need for the establishment of a National Healthcare Financing, a mechanism to sustain the healthcare delivery network and operate it as a viable option. A model of the National Health Financing Scheme (NHFS) was proposed.
  10. Hassan NB, Choudhury SR, Naing L, Conroy RM, Rahman AR
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2007;19(3):45-51.
    PMID: 18333302 DOI: 10.1177/101053950701900308
    The objective of the study is to translate the Rose Questionnaire (RQ) into a Bahasa Melayu version and adapt it cross-culturally, and to measure its inter-rater and intrarater reliability. This cross sectional study was conducted in the respondents' homes or workplaces in Kelantan, Malaysia. One hundred respondents aged 30 and above with different socio-demographic status were interviewed for face validity. For each inter-rater and intra-rater reliability, a sample of 150 respondents was interviewed. Inter-rater and intra-rater reliabilities were assessed by Cohen's kappa. The overall inter-rater agreements by the five pair of interviewers at point one and two were 0.86, and intrarater reliability by the five interviewers on the seven-item questionnaire at poinone and two was 0.88, as measured by kappa coefficient. The translated Malay version of RQ demonstrated an almost perfect inter-rater and intra-rater reliability and further validation such as sensitivity and specificity analysis of this translated questionnaire is highly recommended.
  11. Htut Y, Shahrul K, Poi PJ
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2007;19(3):58-67.
    PMID: 18330404
    The provision of optimum care for the ageing population is dependent on the understanding of their views and values on end of life issues. A qualitative descriptive study was conducted to describe views of elderly Malaysians on Advanced Care Planning (henceforth ACP) and Advanced Directives (henceforth AD), and explore factors influencing these views. Fifteen elderly subjects with ages ranging from 65 to 83 years, representing different ethnic and religious groups in Malaysia were selected for in-depth interviews guided by a questionnaire. Five core themes were extracted from the interviews: 1) Considering the future 2) Contingency plans for future illnesses 3) Attitudes towards life prolonging treatment procedures 4) Doctor-patient relationships and 5) Influence of religion on decisions related to future illness. Despite the lack of knowledge on ACP and AD, older respondents were very receptive to their concept. Although the majority agreed on the importance of planning for future medical management and having open discussion on end of life issues with their doctor, they felt it unnecessary to make a formal written AD. Most felt that the future was best left to fate or God, and none had made any contingency plan for severe future illnesses citing religion as reason for this view. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, mechanical ventilation and dialysis were considered by most to be invasive life prolonging treatments. We suggest that doctors initiate discussions on end of life care with every older patient and their family so as to promote awareness and introduce the concept of ACP/AD to a Malaysian setting.
  12. Elias SM, Hashim Z, Marjan ZM, Abdullah AS, Hashim JH
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2007;19(3):29-37.
    PMID: 18330402
    A cross-sectional study was conducted to identify the relationship between blood lead concentration and nutritional status among primary school children in Kuala Lumpur. A total of 225 Malay students, 113 male and 112 female, aged 6.3 to 9.8 were selected through a stratified random sampling method. The random blood samples were collected and blood lead concentration was measured by a Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The nutrient intake was determined by the 24-hour Dietary Recall method and Food Frequency Questionnaire. An anthropometric assessment was reported according to growth indices (z-scores of weight-for-age, height-for-age, and weight-for-height). The mean blood lead concentration was low (3.4 +/- 1.91 ug/dL) and was significantly different between gender. Only 14.7% of the respondents fulfilled the daily energy requirement. The protein and iron intakes were adequate for a majority of the children. However, 34.7% of the total children showed inadequate intake of calcium. The energy, protein, fat and carbohydrate intakes were significantly different by gender, that is, males had better intake than females. Majority of respondents had normal mean z-score of growth indices. Ten percent of the respondents were underweight, 2.8% wasted and 5.4% stunted. Multiple linear regression showed inverse significant relationships between blood lead concentration with children's age (beta = -0.647, p < 0.001) and per capita income (beta = -0.001, p = 0.018). There were inverse significant relationships between blood lead concentration with children's age (beta = -0.877, p = 0.001) and calcium intake (beta = -0.011, p = 0.014) and positive significant relationship with weight-for-height (beta = 0.326, p = 0.041) among those with inadequate calcium intake. Among children with inadequate energy intake, children's age (beta = -0.621, p < 0.001), per capita income (beta = -0.001, p = 0.025) and protein intake (beta = -0.019, p = 0.027) were inversely and significantly related with blood lead concentration. In conclusion, nutritional status might affect the children's absorption of lead and further investigation is required for confirmation.
  13. Wong JS, Tan F, Lee PY
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2007;19(3):16-21.
    PMID: 18330400 DOI: 10.1177/101053950701900304
    Achieving treatment targets has been difficult in treating diabetic patients. This cross-sectional study describes the lipid profiles of patients with diabetes mellitus at a public primary health care centre in Sarawak, Malaysia. The targets for lipid control were based on the International Diabetes Federation recommendation (2002). 1031 patients (98% Type 2 Diabetes) were studied. Fasting lipid profiles were available in 990 (96%) patients. The mean total cholesterol was 5.3 +/- 1.0 mmol/L, Triglycerides 1.90 +/- 1.26 mmol/L, HDL-C 1.28 +/- 0.33 mmol/L and LDL-C 3.2 +/- 0.9 mmol/L. Overall, 22% of patients achieved the treatment target for LDL-C level < 2.6mmol/L. 67% of patients had HDL-C > 1.1 mmol/L and 42% of patients had a target TG level below 1.5 mmol/L. Of the 40% of patients who received lipid-lowering drug, 17% achieved LDL-C target, 50% had LDL-C 2.6-4.4 mmol/ L and 33% have LDL-C > 4.0 mmol/L. For the remaining 60% not receiving any lipid lowering therapy, 68% had LDL-C between 2.6-4.0 mmol/L and 7% had LDL-C level > 4 mmol/L. Dyslipidemia is still under-treated despite the availability of effective pharmacological agents and the greatly increased risk of cardiovascular diseases in diabetic patients.
  14. Selasawati HG, Naing L, Wan Aasim WA, Winn T, Rusli BN
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2007;19(2):29-36.
    PMID: 18050561 DOI: 10.1177/10105395070190020601
    This study was carried out to determine the associated factors and the reasons for inappropriate utilisation of Emergency Department (ED) services at Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital. A case-control study was conducted with 170 cases from ED and 170 controls from the Outpatient Department (OPD). A self-administered questionnaire was designed and used to obtain sociodemographic data, knowledge on the functions of ED and OPD, health seeking attitude and behaviour, and reasons for seeking treatment at ED. The study found that gender, marital status, family size, shift work, perceived illness, and knowledge on the role and functions of ED and OPD were significant associated factors. The three most common reasons for inappropriate utilisation of ED were as follows: "due to severity of illness" (85%), "can't go to OPD during office hours" (42%), and "ED near my house" (27%).

    Study site: Emergency department, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM)
  15. Noran NH, Salleh N, Zahari M
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2007;19(2):23-8.
    PMID: 18050560
    The objective of this study is to evaluate the relationship between reproductive exposures and age-related cataract among women. This was a hospital based case-control study. The study population included female patients, aged 50 years and above who attended the Eye clinic at the University of Malaya Medical Centre. The outcome measurement was based on ophthalmologic examination by an ophthalmologist. The data on exposure was obtained from face to face interview using a structured questionnaire. In order to reduce the recall bias, patients' medical records were used to substantiate the exposure status. Multiple logistic regression was used to assess the association of age-related cataract with exogenous estrogen usage (HRT and OCP) and duration of menses. Important confounders such as age, history of diabetes, cigarette smoking and steroids usage were controlled for in the analysis. Females with 29 years or less of endogenous estrogen exposure of, have almost three times the risk of developing age related cataract (adjusted OR 3.42: 95% CI: 1.28, 9.16), similarly among those with exposure of 30-32 years (adjusted OR 3.64: 95% CI: 1.08, 12.26). Hormone Replacement Therapy used for more than three years was found to be a protective factor of age-related cataract. There is evidence that reproductive exposure may play a role in reducing the occurrence of age-related cataract among Malaysian women.
    Study site: Eye clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  16. Hyder AA, Waters H, Phillips T, Rehwinkel J
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2007;19(2):16-22.
    PMID: 18050559
    This paper reviews economic evaluations of motorcycle helmet interventions in preventing injuries. A comprehensive literature review focusing on the effectiveness of motorcycle helmet use, and on mandatory helmet laws and their enforcement was done. When helmet laws were lifted between 1976-80, 48 states within the U.S.A. experienced a cost of $342,047 per excess fatality of annual net savings. Helmet laws in the USA had a benefit-cost ratio of 1.33 to 5.07. Taiwan witnessed a 14% decline in motorcycle fatalities and a 22% reduction of head injury fatalities with the introduction of a helmet law. In Thailand, where 70-90% of all crashes involve motorcycle, after enforcement of a helmet law, helmet-use increased five-fold, the number of injured motorcyclists decreased by 33.5%, head injuries decreased by 41.4%, and deaths decreased by 20.8%. There is considerable evidence that mandatory helmet laws with enforcement alleviate the burden of traffic injuries greatly. For low and middle-income countries with high rates of motorcycle injuries, enforced, mandatory motorcycle helmet laws are potentially one of the most cost-effective interventions available.
  17. Iyer L, Vadivelu J
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2006;18(3):33-41.
    PMID: 17153080
    The genetic diversity or clonality among Vibrio cholerae O1, O139 and non-O1/ non-O139 of clinical and environmental origin using ribotyping and PFGE was performed in order to ascertain the public health implications of the different genotypes circulating within the Malaysian environment. Using an in-house typing scheme, of the 214 strains included, 202 strains were isolated locally between 1992 and 1998, seven were obtained from Bangladesh and five were reference strains. Amongst the 176 El Tor O1 strains, 152 clinical strains demonstrated five ribotypes--E1a, E1b, E2a, E3 and E1c. E1b was the most predominant ribotype demonstrated by 84% of the El Tor O1 strains and was present in all years demonstrating that this strain was intrinsic to Malaysia. PFGE analysis of these strains demonstrated minimal variation amongst the 15 PFGE profiles obtained. Ribotpye E2a amongst five clinical and two environmental O1 strains, were from one location and had previously been reported in Indonesia and the Philippines, thus demonstrating strong evidence that these strains may have been imported into Malaysia. Among Vibrio cholerae O139 strains, 91.7% were of ribotype A1a similar to the original O139, while two others were of ribotype A1b and one of A1e, corresponding to ribotypes 1, 2 and 3 of Dalsgaard and colleagues' scheme for O139 strains. PFGE analysis demonstrated that 89% of ribotype A1a could be differentiated into three PFGE genotypes which were very closely related. The eight non-O1/non-O139 serogroup strains were heterogeneous in both ribotype and PFGE patterns.
  18. Viegas CM
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2006;18(2):51-5.
    PMID: 16883971 DOI: 10.1177/10105395060180020901
    University Malaysia Sabah campus moved to its present site in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia in 1999. A health centre was included in the development plans and a two-storey building was constructed to provide the facility for in-patient and out-patient care. Clinical catchments include 10,000 students, 1000 academic and support staff. The medical faculty was inaugurated in 2003, and it was given the responsibility to establish and run the facility for students and staff of the University. This paper describes the development of the facility from merely a physical structure to what is now a comprehensive, functional outpatient service catering for student healthcare, screening, preventive medicine and health promotional activities. Currently, these services are provided by the faculty members of the Medical School. The incorporation of the medical student teaching and collaborative research adds intangible value to the facility. Future plans for expansion include specialist medical services.
  19. Tay HL, Raja Latifah RJ, Razak IA
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2006;18(2):33-41.
    PMID: 16883968 DOI: 10.1177/10105395060180020601
    The Oral Health Division, Ministry of Health in Malaysia piloted clinical pathways (cpath) in primary care in early 2003. This study investigated the knowledge, perception of cpaths and barriers faced by the clinicians involved in the pilot project. Self-administered questionnaires were sent to the clinicians (n=191). Dentists (67.9%) and dental nurses (70.6%) had good overall knowledge of cpaths. The majority of the clinicians (67.9% to 95.6%) perceived cpath positively in all areas. Only 9.2% of dentists encountered difficulties in using cpath forms compared to 28.4% of dental nurses. A higher proportion of dental nurses (73.5%) compared to dentists (64.8%) were willing to continue using cpath. The majority of dentists (76.7%) and dental nurses (73.1%) were willing to participate in future development of cpaths. Overall, there was evidence of managerial support for the pilot project. A follow-up of the pilot project was somewhat lacking as less than half (43.3%) of the clinicians reported that the state coordinator obtained feedback from them. The findings auger well for the future implementation of cpath should the Oral Health Division decide to adopt cpath routinely in the public oral health care service.
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