Displaying publications 141 - 160 of 2034 in total

  1. Pryor RJ
    Popul Geogr, 1981 Jul-Dec;3(1-2):57-68.
    PMID: 12179069
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Control; Population Dynamics*
  2. Dorall RF
    Asian Migr, 1988 May-Jun;1(3):88-93.
    PMID: 12281348
    This article surveys the arrivals of Muslim refugees from countries in Southeast Asia who have not only come to Malaysia for political refuge, but who have also stayed on, in many instances integrating into the local Muslim community. The author concludes that Burmese, Thai, and Filipino Muslim refugee-cum-migrants, and the estimated 500,000 illegal Indonesian migrant workers in East and Peninsular Malaysia make the presence of economic migrants in Malaysia's towns and rural sectors a far more pressing concern to Malaysians than that posed by the arrival of genuine political refugees. Only the Indonesians present in Malaysia are consistently termed by all parties as illegal migrants and some of them have been subjected to well-publicized deportation by the Malaysian immigration authorities. Sympathy for fellow-Muslims in distress explains Malaysia's open-door policy to Muslim refugees. The Koran specifically enjoins Muslims to assist Muslim refugees who have been persecuted by others. However, the necessity to maintain regional political and military alliances, principally as a bulwark against Communism, and the Malay--Non-Malay, Muslim--Non-Muslim dichotomy in Malaysia which almost evenly divides Malaysia's 16 million population into mutually antagonistic halves, results in any overt public policy in favor of Malays and Muslims to be immediately denounced by the other half of the population as a move against the Non-Malays and Non-Muslims. Without political and media attention, the refugees live wherever they can find work, as do hundreds of thousands of mainly Indonesian illegal migrant workers. They surreptitiously get their children admitted to public schools, and through bribery, can even get Malaysian identification papers. Malaysia is a relatively tranquil haven for Malaysia's Muslim refugees compared to their homelands, but their continued stay remains dependent on the ever-present struggle for more equitable sharing of political and economic power between the different ethnic groups in Malaysia. At present, it is deemed inopportune to discuss publicly the issue of Muslim refugees in Malaysia. To do so would be to invite strong emotional responses from Malaysian Muslim groups objecting to refugee repatriation to what they see as continued persecution in Southeast Asia's non-Muslim countries, and from non-Muslim Malaysians who see in their continued presence a possible long-term demographic threat. Furthermore, the presence of Muslim evacuees granted refugee status brings painful memories as to why non-Muslim refugees principally from Indochina were denied such a similar privilege.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Characteristics*; Population Dynamics
  3. Kan SP, Guyatt HL, Bundy DA
    Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1989 11 1;83(6):817-20.
    PMID: 2617652
    This study compares levels of geohelminth infection in children living in rural estates and urban slum areas of Malaysia. The statistical characteristics of geohelminth infection in 1499 children from birth up to 15 years of age, living in rural estates, were analysed according to age, sex and ethnic origin and compared with the same statistics for 1574 slum-dwelling children of similar age groups and ethnic origins. The prevalence and intensity of ascariasis and trichuriasis were significantly higher among children from the urban slums. Slum-dwelling ethnic Indians and Malays had higher levels of infection with Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura than their rural counterparts, but the infection status of the ethnic Chinese in the 2 areas was similar. Hookworm infection was similar in both areas, indicating that hookworm infection is neither necessarily nor solely a rural disease. These results suggest that urban slum children are at greater risk of ascariasis and trichuriasis than their rural counterparts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population/statistics & numerical data*; Urban Population/statistics & numerical data*
  4. Karim WJ
    Soc Sci Med, 1984;18(2):159-66.
    PMID: 6701560
    This paper attempts to analyse professional rivalry and dissonance amongst traditional Malay midwives (bidan kampung) in the Northwest areas of Peninsular Malaysia. It elucidates how techniques of symbolic and ritual communication are carefully monitored by these female specialists, to develop regular clientele and professional credibility over time. However, since an integral element of Malay midwifery is protection from and mastery over mystical forces in nature and evil spirits harboured by witches, a midwife is also an exorcist with skills rather similar to the Malay bomoh (traditional medical practitioner, usually male) except that her range of knowledge of witchcraft is limited to diagnostic and curative rituals of spirit-possession, in infants and children, young unmarried women and pregnant mothers. Within a restricted population area, professional rivalries and competition amongst midwives regularly surface in oblique attacks of witchcraft accusations where the accused strives to maintain her credibility while her accuser gradually wins over her clientele. Significantly, codes of professionalism in traditional Malay midwifery are not only determined by skill and experience, but also religiousness (faith in Islam), benevolence, virtue, diligence and a sense of equality and fair-play in the practice of the trade. These qualities are seemingly lacking in witches who are conceived to be anti-Islamic, uncompromising, manevolent and destructive. Thus, government midwives who threaten the popularity of traditional midwives by being particularly active in their work or supervising and controlling midwives in an authoritarian way, are also labelled as witches. Generally, while midwifery and witchcraft reflect two forms of knowledge that are structurally opposed, in ideology and morality, they exist within the same sphere of ritual and symbolic communication where the practitioners aided by their clients, shift from one state of dissonance to another in an attempt to regulate behaviour.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population
  5. Abd Aziz Bin Abdullah W
    PMID: 12280072
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Dynamics*; Urban Population
  6. Tishuk EA
    PMID: 14661406
    The medical-and-demographic processes as a starting point for the planning of means and resources for the short- and average-term future are forecasted in the paper on the basis of long-term peculiarities of the natural-science data and with respect for the social-and-economic crisis now underway in the country.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Dynamics*; Population Growth*
  7. Siva V
    PMID: 12309491
    PIP: A deworming/family planning project funded by JOICFP was successfully initiated in Kerling Estate, Kuala Kubu Bahru, Malaysia. Rapport between estate management, workers, and the National Family Planning Board helped establish the project. A recent Gotong-Royong or community self-help project had encouraged enthusiasm among workers to clean up the estate. Mothers were exhorted to plan their families and devote attention to the health and welfare of the children. The need for parents to understand the causes of infestation and educate their children to wear slippers or shoes and develop good toilet habits was emphasized by Dr. Nor Laily Aziz. Continuing National Family Planning Board and Government support was pledged.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Characteristics; Rural Population*
  8. Hirschman C
    Demography, 1976 Nov;13(4):445-61.
    PMID: 992169
    The pace of urbanization in Peninsular Malaysia was slower in the most recent intercensal interval, 1957 to 1970, than in the previous period, 1947 to 1957. Most of the small change in the rural-urban balance from 1957 to 1970 appears due to the growth of towns into the urban classification rather than to a redistribution of population into the previous urban settlements. A number of towns in Peninsular Malaysia do show exceptional growth from 1957 to 1970, but there seems to be no clear relationship between a city's size and its subsequent growth. The rural areas on the outskirts of the largest cities do show rapid growth, especially the periphery of the capital city. It appears that neither the classic model of urbanization based upon Western experience nor the over-urbanization thesis explain the urbanization process in Peninsular Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Growth
  9. Fix AG
    Ann. Hum. Genet., 1974 Jan;37(3):327-32.
    PMID: 4812953
    Matched MeSH terms: Population
  10. Wong YA, Mukari SZS, Harithasan D, Mazlan R
    Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 2019 Sep;124:79-84.
    PMID: 31174022 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2019.05.040
    OBJECTIVES: Maternal knowledge and attitude towards childhood hearing loss play an important role in determining the success of early diagnosis and intervention of hearing loss programs in children. This study aimed to 1) assess the knowledge and attitude of childhood hearing loss among mothers, 2) compare knowledge and attitude of childhood hearing loss in urban and rural mothers, 3) investigate the relationship between knowledge and attitude on childhood hearing loss, and 4) identify socio-demographic factors that influence mothers' knowledge and attitude on childhood hearing loss.

    METHOD: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 362 mothers and mothers-to-be (mean age: 31.9 ± 4.9 years, range: 20-48 years old) recruited from Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur and two health clinics in Lenggeng, Negeri Sembilan and Beranang, Selangor representing the urban and rural areas respectively. All participants were interviewed in person using a newly developed and reliable questionnaire that tested their knowledge and attitude on childhood hearing loss.

    RESULTS: Generally, the majority of mothers had a moderate level of knowledge and positive attitude towards childhood hearing loss. Urban mothers had a significantly higher knowledge than those of the rural area (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population*; Urban Population*
  11. Kamil MA
    Family Physician, 1994;6:12-14.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population
  12. Khan AQ, Ahmad I, Alayachi HS, M Noorani MS, Khaliq A
    Math Biosci Eng, 2020 09 09;17(5):5944-5960.
    PMID: 33120584 DOI: 10.3934/mbe.2020317
    We explore the local dynamics, flip bifurcation, chaos control and existence of periodic point of the predator-prey model with Allee effect on the prey population in the interior of $\mathbb{R}^*{_+^2}$. Nu-merical simulations not only exhibit our results with the theoretical analysis but also show the complex dynamical behaviors, such as the period-2, 8, 11, 17, 20 and 22 orbits. Further, maximum Lyapunov exponents as well as fractal dimensions are also computed numerically to show the presence of chaotic behavior in the model under consideration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Dynamics
  13. Radhamany D, Das KS, Azeez PA, Wen L, Sreekala LK
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2016 Aug;27(2):127-34.
    PMID: 27688856 DOI: 10.21315/tlsr2016.27.2.10
    The house sparrow (Passer domesticus) is a widely distributed bird species found throughout the world. Being a species which has close association with humans, they chiefly nest on man-made structures. Here we describe the materials used by the house sparrow for making nests along an urban to rural gradient. For the current study, we selected the Coimbatore to Anaikatty road (State Highway-164), a 27 km inter-state highway, which traverses along an urban core to rural outstretch of Coimbatore. Of the 30 nests observed, 15 nests were from the rural, 8 were from the suburban, and 7 were from the urban areas. The nests had two distinct layers, specifically the structural layer and the inner lining. In the current study, we identified 11 plant species, 2 types of animal matter, and 6 types of anthropogenic matter, including plastic pieces and fine rope. The amount of anthropogenic materials in the nest formation varied along the gradients. The usage of anthropogenic materials was high in urban areas (p<0.05) whereas it did not differ at the sub-urban regions (p>0.05). A gradual decrease in the usage of plant matter towards the urban area was noticed (p<0.05). This study explicitly documents the links between nest material usage along an urban to rural gradient, in a human associated bird.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population
  14. Ganasegeran K, Jamil MFA, Ch'ng ASH, Looi I, Peariasamy KM
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2021 Sep 18;18(18).
    PMID: 34574790 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18189866
    The rapid transmission of highly contagious infectious diseases within communities can yield potential hotspots or clusters across geographies. For COVID-19, the impact of population density on transmission models demonstrates mixed findings. This study aims to determine the correlations between population density, clusters, and COVID-19 incidence across districts and regions in Malaysia. This countrywide ecological study was conducted between 22 January 2021 and 4 February 2021 involving 51,476 active COVID-19 cases during Malaysia's third wave of the pandemic, prior to the reimplementation of lockdowns. Population data from multiple sources was aggregated and spatial analytics were performed to visualize distributional choropleths of COVID-19 cases in relation to population density. Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to synthesize dendrograms to demarcate potential clusters against population density. Region-wise correlations and simple linear regression models were deduced to observe the strength of the correlations and the propagation effects of COVID-19 infections relative to population density. Distributional heats in choropleths and cluster analysis showed that districts with a high number of inhabitants and a high population density had a greater number of cases in proportion to the population in that area. The Central region had the strongest correlation between COVID-19 cases and population density (r = 0.912; 95% CI 0.911, 0.913; p < 0.001). The propagation effect and the spread of disease was greater in urbanized districts or cities. Population density is an important factor for the spread of COVID-19 in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Density
  15. Nor Bin Abdul-ghani M
    Dev Forum, 1979 Dec;9(2):61-70.
    PMID: 12336534
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Characteristics; Population Dynamics*
  16. Chen PC
    Med J Malaya, 1969 Mar;23(3):159-69.
    PMID: 4240067
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population
  17. Jones GW, Sidh MS
    Dev Forum, 1979 Dec;9(2):1-21.
    PMID: 12336532
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Characteristics; Population Dynamics*
  18. Saw SH
    Demography, 1967 Jun;4(2):641-56.
    PMID: 21318676 DOI: 10.2307/2060305
    During the early postwar years up to 1957, the three main races in Malaya - Malays, Chinese, and Indians - experienced some differences in their levels of fertility. The lowest fertility was recorded among the Malays, with Chinese and Indian fertility about 5 percent and 10 percent higher, respectively. The comparatively low fertility of the Malays was owing to the exceptionally high rate of divorce, which meant unstable marriages and shorter periods of exposure to the risk of childbearing.A fairly well-defined pattern of state differences in fertility levels is found to exist in Malaya. Briefly, fertility was on the high side in the northern states of Johore, Malacca, and Negri Sembilan, and on the low side in the northern states of Penanq, Kelantan, Perlis, Kedah, and Trengganu, with the central states of Perak, Selangor, and Pahang in the intermediate position.The usual rural-urban fertility differentials are seen to prevail in Malaya as a whole and in the smaller units at state levels. Finally, the three main races registered higher fertility in rural areas, and the greatest gap between rural and urban rates prevailed among the Chinese.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population
  19. Batres C, Kannan M, Perrett DI
    Hum Nat, 2017 Sep;28(3):344-354.
    PMID: 28516361 DOI: 10.1007/s12110-017-9289-8
    Previous studies have found that individuals from rural areas in Malaysia and in El Salvador prefer heavier women than individuals from urban areas. Several explanations have been proposed to explain these differences in weight preferences but no study has explored familiarity as a possible explanation. We therefore sought to investigate participants' face preferences while also examining the facial characteristics of the actual participants. Our results showed that participants from rural areas preferred heavier-looking female faces than participants from urban areas. We also found that the female faces from the rural areas were rated as looking heavier than the female faces from the urban areas. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that familiarity may be contributing to the differences found in face preferences between rural and urban areas given that people from rural and urban areas are exposed to different faces.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population*; Urban Population*
  20. Balakrishnan S, Hussein HB
    PMID: 585738
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population
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