A canal wall down mastoidectomy (CWDM) is an effective technique for eradication of advanced chronic otitis media or cholesteatomas. A retrospective study was conducted at a Malaysian Tertiary Medical Center between June 1996 to December 2003 to evaluate the outcome of Modified Radical Mastoidectomy(MRM), a form of CWDM for patients with chronic active otitis media (OM) with cholesteatoma, chronic mastoiditis or chronic active OM with cholesteatoma and mastoiditis. All new cases of MRM which fulfilled the selection criteria were reviewed. The main outcome measures were the hearing outcome and status of dry ear postoperatively. A total of 84 patients had undergone CWDM. However only 63 patients (26 male, 37 female) were included for analysis. The age of the patients ranged between 5 months to 72 years (mean, 31years). The majority of the patients (86%) were adults and 9 (14%) were children. The ossicular chain was eroded in 91% (57 cases). There were 33 patients (53%) who showed no improvement of Air Bone Gap (ABG) closure while 16 patients (25%) had a post-operative improvement. The presence or absence of stapes suprastructure was found to be the major factor in determining the amount of ABG (Chi squared test, P = 0.025 preoperatively and P = 0.031 postoperatively). A dry ear was achieved in 78% of patients with 3% recurrence rate. In conclusion, the study showed that a proper MRM gave high percentage of dry ear and this procedure did not worsen the hearing.
This study aims to determine the prevalence of hearing loss among newborns delivered at Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and to evaluate the usefulness of our hearing screening protocol.
The importance of universal newborn hearing screening (UNHS) in identifying hearing-impaired infants as early as possible is already well recognized. Transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE) have been established as a reliable method for UNHS in full term infants. This is a cross sectional study between April 2003--December 2005. Thirteen thousand five hundred and ninety eight (13,598) newborns were screened for hearing loss with portable otoacoustic emission (OAE) before discharge. The initial coverage rate during the 3 years study period was 85.9% (13,598) with 89.2% (3762), 79.0% (4480) and 90.3% (5356) for 2003, 2004 and 2005 respectively. The mean age when hearing loss was diagnosed using ABR were 3.56 months old, 3.08 months old, and 2.25 months old and 3.01 months old for 2003, 2004, 2005 respectively and it was statistically significant. The defaulter rate at the third stage during the 3 years study period was 35% (21), 15.2% (7) and 18.2% (2) for 2003, 2004 and 2005 respectively. This study showed significant improvement in initial referral rate, coverage rate and age of diagnosis. However, we need to improve on high defaulter rates.