Displaying all 3 publications

  1. Bahadar A, Kanthasamy R, Sait HH, Zwawi M, Algarni M, Ayodele BV, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2022 Jan;287(Pt 1):132052.
    PMID: 34478965 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.132052
    The thermochemical processes such as gasification and co-gasification of biomass and coal are promising route for producing hydrogen-rich syngas. However, the process is characterized with complex reactions that pose a tremendous challenge in terms of controlling the process variables. This challenge can be overcome using appropriate machine learning algorithm to model the nonlinear complex relationship between the predictors and the targeted response. Hence, this study aimed to employ various machine learning algorithms such as regression models, support vector machine regression (SVM), gaussian processing regression (GPR), and artificial neural networks (ANN) for modeling hydrogen-rich syngas production by gasification and co-gasification of biomass and coal. A total of 12 machine learning algorithms which comprises the regression models, SVM, GPR, and ANN were configured, trained using 124 datasets. The performances of the algorithms were evaluated using the coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square error (RMSE), mean square error (MSE), and mean absolute error (MAE). In all cases, the ANN algorithms offer superior performances and displayed robust predictions of the hydrogen-rich syngas from the co-gasification processes. The R2 of both the Levenberg-Marquardt- and Bayesian Regularization-trained ANN obtained from the prediction of the hydrogen-rich syngas was found to be within 0.857-0.998 with low prediction errors. The sensitivity analysis to determine the effect of the process parameters on the model output revealed that all the parameters showed a varying level of influence. In most of the processes, the gasification temperature was found to have the most significant influence on the model output.
  2. Abioye KJ, Harun NY, Sufian S, Yusuf M, Jagaba AH, Waqas S, et al.
    Environ Res, 2024 Apr 01;246:118027.
    PMID: 38159670 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2023.118027
    The study explores co-gasification of palm oil decanter cake and alum sludge, investigating the correlation between input variables and syngas production. Operating variables, including temperature (700-900 °C), air flow rate (10-30 mL/min), and particle size (0.25-2 mm), were optimized to maximize syngas production using air as the gasification agent in a fixed bed horizontal tube furnace reactor. Response Surface Methodology with the Box-Behnken design was used employed for optimization. Fourier Transformed Infra-Red (FTIR) and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopic (FESEM) analyses were used to analyze the char residue. The results showed that temperature and particle size have positive effects, while air flow rate has a negative effect on the syngas yield. The optimal CO + H2 composition of 39.48 vol% was achieved at 900 °C, 10 mL/min air flow rate, and 2 mm particle size. FTIR analysis confirmed the absence of C─Cl bonds and the emergence of Si─O bonds in the optimized char residue, distinguishing it from the raw sample. FESEM analysis revealed a rich porous structure in the optimized char residue, with the presence of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and aluminosilicates. These findings provide valuable insights for sustainable energy production from biomass wastes.
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