Displaying 1 publication

  1. Khattak, M. A., Mohd Ali, N. S., Zainal Abidin, N. H., Azhar, N. S., Omar, M. H.
    Most conventional power plants require a turbine as conversion system from various
    working fluid like water, gas, steam and wind into mechanical energy that will be used to generate
    electricity. In future, the forecast energy usage is higher and thus, to compensate this, the power plant
    needs high efficiency of turbine to extract maximum quantity of energy from the working fluid.
    Therefore, various improvements on turbine technology has been done and studied. There are four
    common type of turbine which is hydraulic turbine, gas turbine, wind turbine and steam turbine that
    will reviewed in this paper. Each turbine was differentiating based on their working fluid and different
    type of turbine has their own efficiency. There is some parameter that affects the turbine efficiency like
    the turbine component, the characteristic of working fluid, materials used, cooling invention and many
    more. There is also some future development in progress to enhance the turbine efficiency and thus
    increase the amount of electricity produce. The aims for this review paper is to find out the common
    type of turbine used in power plant as different power plant needs different type of turbine. About 46
    published studies (1939-2016) are reviewed in this paper. By reviewing others research studies
    worldwide, this review paper can be taken as a guideline in future regarding to common type of turbines
    used in power plant. Copyright © 2016 Penerbit Akademia Baru - All rights reserved.
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