Influenza is an important health hazard among Hajj pilgrims. For the last ten years, pilgrims are being recommended to take influenza vaccine before attending Hajj. Vaccination coverage has increased in recent years, but whether there has been any change in the prevalence of influenza-like illness (ILI) is not known. In this analysis, we examined the changes in the rate of ILI against seasonal influenza vaccine uptake among Hajj pilgrims over the last decade.
The genus Agaricus includes more than 500 species mostly containing the edible and cultivated species worldwide. As part of the ongoing studies on the biodiversity of genus Agaricus in Pakistan, our objective was to focus on A. sect. Minores which is the largest section of the genus. In the first phylogenetic analyses based on the ITS region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA, our sample included specimens of 97 named species, 27 unnamed species, and 31 specimens (29 newly generated sequences in this study) from subtropical climate zones of Pakistan that likely belong to this section based on their morphology. The 31 specimens grouped into five distinct, well-supported clades corresponding to five species: A. glabriusculus already known from Pakistan and India, A. robustulus first recorded from Pakistan and briefly described here but already known from Bénin, Malaysia, China, and Thailand, and three possibly endemic new species described in detail A. badiosquamulosus sp. nov., A. dunensis sp. nov., and A. violaceopunctatus sp. nov. The sixth species currently known in Pakistan, including A. latiumbonatus also found in Thailand, were included in a multigene tree based on ITS, LSU, and Tef-1α sequence data. They all belong to a large pantropical paraphyletic group while most temperate species belong to a distinct clade, which includes about half of the species of the section. The current study aims to propose three novel species of genus Agaricus based on comprehensive morphological as well as molecular phylogenetic evidences from Pakistan.