This study reports the vision status of a presbyopic patient who has undergone a corneal inlay procedure. The study
hopes to provide optometrists more insight on the procedure and the co-management involved in such a patient. The
patient, a 48 years-old Chinese woman with presbyopia underwent the corneal inlay procedure three years ago.
She had the inlay implanted in the non-dominant eye to aid near vision i.e. her left eye. The pre and post-operative
evaluations include distance and near visual acuity, fundoscopy, tonometry, Schirmer’s test, slit lamp evaluation, corneal
topography and corneal pachymetry. Near visual acuity for the left eye improved from N14 to N5 immediately after
the procedure. Even after 3 years of post-operative followup, the patient was still able to maintain her near vision. In
conclusion, the corneal inlay procedure helped to improve near vision of this presbyopic patient. Optometrist plays
a very important role in the co-management of such patients alongside with the ophthalmologist in terms of visual
functional assessments pre and post-surgery, counseling of the procedure and managing patients’ expectations.
Growing application of radiatioUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysian sources and lack of awareness among workers in practicing protective measures imply
an increased risk of radiation exposure to eye. This study determined the status of colour vision and its association with
working duration amongst staff working with radiation in a university hospital. A total of 55 employees (28 exposed (RS)
and 27 not directly exposed to radiation (NRS)) were recruited and 30 employees were used as controls. Visual acuity (VA)
was measured using Snellen chart. Colour vision assessments were conducted using Ishihara plates, D15 panel and FM
100 hues and the results were analysed using one way ANOVA. The subjects’ age ranged between 29 and 44 years old.
Mean VA for all subjects was 6/6. More than 50% of the subjects has colour defects, 3.45% of RS failed D15, 37.93%
failed FM 100 hue, 7.4% of NRS failed D15 and 55.56% failed FM 100 hue. Significant difference was found in the total
error scores between RS (77.10 ± 6.05) and NRS (84.89 ± 7.76) with the controls (41.47 ± 3.10) [ANOVA F(2,83)=16.084,
p=0.00]. There was no association between working duration and severity of colour defect [r(104)= -0.123, p>0.05].
This study concludes that majority of the studied subjects has color deficiency but not significantly correlated with their
working duration. Protective measures need to be taken to improve the situation.