Sera from 243 donors belonging to the four main ethnic groups in West Malaysia (Orang Asli, Malays, Chinese and Indians) were tested, using the indirect fluorescent antibody technique for the prevalence of antibodies to Sarcocystis. Almost 20% reacted positively at dilutions of 1:64 or higher and eight among the Orang Asli and Malays gave the highest titres of 1:256. Prevalence was highest in the Orang Asli and lowest in Chinese. 22 sera also reacted positively to Toxoplasma, whether due to polyparasitism or cross-reaction is, as yet, unknown.
Sarcocystis booliati n.sp. is described from the moonrat Echinosorex gymnurus (Mammalia, Insectivora) from West Malaysia. The cysts are very thin-walled, not visible to the naked eye, and have no trabeculae or cytophaneres. They are found in skeletal but not heart muscle. The zoites are small, 5-8 by 2-3 mum with a mean of 6.5 by 2.2 mum, in dry fixed smears. Octoplasma garnhami n.gen. n.sp., a parasite of undetermined taxonomic status but belonging to the Coccidiasina, Apicomplexa, is also described from the same host. Only schizononts and pseudocysts with typically 8 zoites, have so far been seen in monocytes of the spleen and liver. The zoites are large, 15 by 3 mum and have a distinct nucleolus even in dry-fixed smears.
Fluorescent antibodies were detected in 89% of 288 Orang Asli (Malaysian aborigines) with Plasmodium falciparum antigen and in 62% with P. brasilianum (for P. malariae) antigen. Blood films from 18 donors were positive for P. falciparum; 2 of them had mixed infection with P. vivax. Seven of the P. falciparum-positive blood films were from children in the 2- to 9-year age group. Of 17 sera from cord blood, 16 had significant levels of P. falciparum antibody and 14 of P. malariae antibody, the levels being the same as those of the mothers. None of these babies had congenital malaria. A higher percentage of male donors reacted to both antigens. There was an age dependent increase in the number positive and the maximum titers.
The ultrastructure of Sarcocystis sp. from the Malaysian house rat, Rattus rattus diardii, was studied with the electron microscope. The thin, uniformly-dense primary cyst wall had a row of vesicular invaginations which were also seen along the wall of the villi-like projections or cytophaneres. Within the villi were spherical bodies and hollow, curled structures. The ground substance beneath the primary cyst wall extended into the cyst as thin septa or trabeculae separating the tightly-packed zoites into compartments. Merozoites had a double-layered membrane, a conoid, 2 conoidal rings, 22 subpellicular microtubules, 6 rhoptries, 80-100 micronemes, scattered lipid droplets, and sac-like mitochrondrion, beside which was a Golgi apparatus. A micropore was occasionally seen at the anterior third of the zoite whereas the nucleus occupied the posterior third. Metrocytes were few in number and peripheral in location.
The first living patient with a Schistosoma japonicum-type infection who presented with the nephrotic syndrome is reported in detail. It is not clear whether the nephrotic syndrome was due to the schistosome infection or to the deposition of hepatitis B antigen and antibody complexes. This is the tenth case of schistosomiasis reported from aborigines in Malaysia and a sylvatic source of infection is suggested.
The first case of Sarcocystis infection is reported from West Malaysia. A cyst was seen as an incidental finding in a biopsy specimen from the larynx of the patient. The cyst and the cystozoites were of the small size with no evidence of cytophaneres or compartments.
The two species of Sarcocystis--S. levinei and S. fusiformis from the water buffalo, Bubalus bubalis, show some ultrastructural similarities in their cyst wall and zoites. The zoites of both species are of about the same size, banana-shaped and have 22 subpellicular microtubules, numerous micronemes, eight rhoptries, a micropore in the region of the micronemes, an elongated mitochondrion, and a nucleus. S. levinei has 200--300 micronemes and S. fusiformis has about 400. The sarcocysts of both species are trabeculated and their cyst walls have cytophaneres containing annulated fibrils and coarse, electron dense granules. The cytophaneres of S. levinei are sloping, with irregular, wavy outlines, whereas S. fusiformis has the cauliflower-type of cytophaneres. This difference in the appearance of the cytophaneres, together with the difference in size of the sarcocysts and their definitive hosts, further confirms that S. levinei and S. fusiformis are two distinct species in the water buffalo.
Light and electron microscopic studies and feeding experiments have confirmed the presence of two species of Sarcocystis in the water buffalo Bubalus bubalis. One is the already known species with large macroscopic sarcocysts, Sarcocystis fusiformia (Railliet, 1897) Bernard and Bauche, 1912 and the other is S. levinei n. sp. which is being described in detail. The sarcocysts of S. levinei are 0.9 x 0.1 mm and the zoites in them 17.8 x 4.2 micrometer. Ultrastructurally, the primary cyst wall shows sloping villi with irregular wavy outlines. Within the villi are coarse granules and annulated fibrils. Trabeculae are present. The sexual stages of S. levinei occur in the subepithelial tissue of the small intestine of the dog and sporocysts shed by this definitive host are 15-16 by 10 micrometer.
Adult worms of the rural strain of Wuchereria bancrofti in Peninsular Malaysia obtained from a successful experimental transmission in an immunosuppressed Macaca fascicularis are described for the first time. Although the worms, especially females, were slightly smaller, they were similar in morphology to those of the periodic and non-periodic W. bancrofti previously described.
The second case of Sarcocystis infection in man is reported from an aborigine girl. It was an incidental finding at autopsy and two cysts were seen in the muscle of the oropharyngeal region. The cysts and zoites were similar to those in the previous case reported from Malaysia.
The ultrastructure of the cyst wall and zoites of a species of Sarcocystis from the skeletal muscles of a naturally-infected Malaysian long-tailed monkey, Macaca fascicularis, is described in detail. The wavy, electron-dense primary cyst wall is thin (55 nm) and invaginated. Cytophaneres are absent. The ground substance contains electron-dense granules and bundles of parallel, fibrillar elements in some areas. Thin trabeculae are present. The zoites measure 1.2 X 4.7 microns and have an interior conoid, 22 subpellicular microtubules, 50-60 micronemes, 4-6 rhoptries, and a posteriorly situated nucleus. Some ultrastructural aspects of the cyst wall and the zoites of this parasite resemble those of Sarcocystis species of the moonrat, rhesus monkey, tamarin, and baboon. The light microscopic appearance of this species from M. fascicularis also bears some resemblance to that of parasites from the four cases of human Sarcocystis reported in Malaysia. The cyst in all these human cases were thin-walled, with no cytophaners. Although the final hosts of these species of Sarcocystis are not known, it is quite possible that man, monkeys, and perhaps the moonrat (an insectivore) may serve as common intermediate hosts for one or several species of Sarcocystis.