In addition to vision, light information is used to regulate a range of animal physiology. Such nonimage-forming functions of light are mediated by nonvisual photoreceptors expressed in distinct neurons in the retina and the brain in most vertebrates. A nonvisual photoreceptor vertebrate ancient long opsin (VAL-opsin) possesses two functional isoforms in the zebrafish, encoded by valopa and valopb, which has received little attention. To delineate the neurochemical identities of valop cells and to test for colocalization of the valop isoforms, we used in situ hybridization to characterize the expression of the valop genes along with that of neurotransmitters and a neuropeptide known to be present at the sites of valop expression. Double labeling showed that the thalamic valop population coexpresses valopa and valopb. All the thalamic valop cells overlapped with a GABAergic cell mass that continues from the anterior nucleus to the intercalated thalamic nucleus. A novel valopa cell population found in the superior raphe was serotonergic in nature. A valopb cell population in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus was identified as containing thyrotropin-releasing hormone. Valopb cells localized in the hindbrain intermediate reticular formation were noncholinergic in nature (nonmotorneurons). Thus, the presence of valop cell populations in different brain regions with coexpression of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides and the colocalization of valop isoforms in the thalamic cell population indicate regulatory and functional complexity of VAL-opsin in the brain of the zebrafish.
Biological impacts of light beyond vision, i.e., non-visual functions of light, signify the need to better understand light detection (or photoreception) systems in vertebrates. Photopigments, which comprise light-absorbing chromophores bound to a variety of G-protein coupled receptor opsins, are responsible for visual and non-visual photoreception. Non-visual opsin photopigments in the retina of mammals and extra-retinal tissues of non-mammals play an important role in non-image-forming functions of light, e.g., biological rhythms and seasonal reproduction. This review highlights the role of opsin photoreceptors in the deep brain, which could involve conserved neurochemical systems that control different time- and light-dependent physiologies in in non-mammalian vertebrates including teleost fish.
Zebrafish possess two isoforms of vertebrate ancient long (VAL)-opsin, val-opsinA (valopa) and val-opsinB (valopb), which probably mediate non-visual responses to light. To understand the diurnal and light-sensitive regulation of the valop genes in different cell groups, the current study used real-time quantitative PCR to examine the diurnal changes of valopa and b mRNA levels in different brain areas of adult male zebrafish. Furthermore, effects of the extended exposure to light or dark condition, luminous levels and the treatment with a melatonin receptor agonist or antagonist on valop transcription were examined. In the thalamus, valop mRNA levels showed significant diurnal changes; valopa peaked in the evening, while valopb peaked in the morning. The diurnal change of valopa mRNA levels occurred independent of light conditions, whereas that of valopb mRNA levels were regulated by light. A melatonin receptor agonist or antagonist did not affect the changes of valop mRNA levels. In contrast, the midbrain and hindbrain showed arrhythmic valop mRNA levels under light and dark cycles. The differential diurnal regulation of the valopa and b genes in the thalamus and the arrhythmic expression in the midbrain and hindbrain suggest involvement of deep brain VAL-opsin in time- and light-dependent physiology. We show diurnal expression changes of vertebrate ancient long (VAL) opsin genes (valopa and valopb), depending on brain area, time of day and light condition, in the adult male zebrafish. Differential regulation of the valop genes in the thalamus and arrhythmic expression in the midbrain and hindbrain suggest their involvement in time- and light-dependent physiology to adjust to environmental changes.
Non-rod non-cone photopigments in the eyes and the brain can directly mediate non-visual functions of light in non-mammals. This was supported by our recent findings on vertebrate ancient long (VAL)-opsin photopigments encoded by the val-opsinA (valopa) and val-opsinB (valopb) genes in zebrafish. However, the physiological functions of valop isoforms remain unknown. Here, we generated valop-mutant zebrafish using CRISPR/Cas genome editing, and examined the phenotypes of loss-of-function mutants. F0 mosaic mutations and germline transmission were confirmed via targeted insertions and/or deletions in the valopa or valopb gene in F1 mutants. Based on in silico analysis, frameshift mutations converted VAL-opsin proteins to non-functional truncated forms with pre-mature stop codons. Most F1 eggs or embryos from F0 female valopa/b mutants showed either no or only partial chorion elevation, and the eggs or embryos died within 26 hour-post-fertilization. However, most F1 embryos from F0 male valopa mutant developed but hatched late compared to wild-type embryos, which hatched at 4 day-post-fertilization. Late-hatched F1 offspring included wild-type and mutants, indicating the parental effects of valop knockout. This study shows valop gene knockout affects chorion formation and embryonic hatching in the zebrafish.