Economic integration in the form of Belt and Road Initiative project opens many opportunities and hazards, especially of the participating nations' environment. The current study attempted to empirically test the economic and energy usage (renewable and non-renewable) impact on some selected countries of belt and road projects. For this purpose, the panel data set of twenty-four emerging economies of belt and road projects was selected from 1995 to 2014. The autoregressive distributed lags technique of econometric applied to determine the effect of renewable and non-renewable energy, GDP and GDP2 for EKC, and gross fixed capital formation on carbon emission in the selected countries of Belt and Road Initiative project. The outcomes of this study confirm the existence of EKC in these underlined countries. Here, fossil fuel-based energy consumption is a source of environmental degradation, while renewable and clean energy usage can help sustain environmental conditions without affecting economic growth progress. Capital fixed formation in these economies can enhance economic growth and help to sustainable environmental conditions in the belt and road countries. Thus, based on these empirical outcomes, this study suggests economic and financial assistance in green renewable energy sources and clean technological innovation to enhance economic benefits of Belt and Road Initiative project without compromising the environmental conditions of the region.
History records show that pandemics and threats have always given new directions to the thinking, working, and learning styles. This article attempts to thoroughly document the positive core of coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) and its impact on global social psychology, ecological stability, and development. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to test the hypotheses and comprehend the objectives of the study. The findings of the study reveals that the path coefficients for the variables health consciousness, naturalism, financial impact and self-development, sustainability, compassion, gregariousness, sympathy, and cooperation demonstrate that the factors have a positive and significant effect on COVID-19 prevention. Moreover, the content analysis was conducted on recently published reports, blog content, newspapers, and social media. The pieces of evidence from history have been cited to justify the perspective. Furthermore, to appraise the opinions of professionals of different walks of life, an online survey was conducted, and results were discussed with expert medical professionals. Outcomes establish that the pandemics give birth to creativity, instigate innovations, prompt inventions, establish human ties, and foster altruistic elements of compassion and emotionalism.