Displaying all 2 publications

  1. Andreeva DV, Vedekhina TS, Gostev AS, Dezhenkova LG, Volodina YL, Markova AA, et al.
    Eur J Med Chem, 2024 Mar 15;268:116222.
    PMID: 38387333 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2024.116222
    G-quadruplex (G4) ligands attract considerable attention as potential anticancer therapeutics. In this study we proposed an original scheme for synthesis of azole-fused anthraquinones and prepared a series of G4 ligands carrying amino- or guanidinoalkylamino side chains. The heterocyclic core and structure of the terminal groups strongly affect on binding to G4-forming oligonucleotides, cellular accumulation and antitumor potency of compounds. In particular, thiadiazole- and selenadiazole- but not triazole-based ligands inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells (e.g. K562 leukemia) and stabilize primarily telomeric and c-MYC G4s. Anthraselenadiazole derivative 11a showed a good affinity to c-MYC G4 in vitro and down-regulated expression of c-MYC oncogene in cellular conditions. Further studies revealed that anthraselenadiazole 11a provoked cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in a dose- and time-dependent manner inhibiting K562 cells growth. Taken together, this work gives a valuable example that the closely related heterocycles may cause a significant difference in biological properties of G4 ligands.
  2. Ziganshin RH, Ivanova OM, Lomakin YA, Belogurov AA, Kovalchuk SI, Azarkin IV, et al.
    Mol Cell Proteomics, 2016 Jul;15(7):2366-78.
    PMID: 27143409 DOI: 10.1074/mcp.M115.056036
    Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP) - the main form of Guillain-Barre syndrome-is a rare and severe disorder of the peripheral nervous system with an unknown etiology. One of the hallmarks of the AIDP pathogenesis is a significantly elevated cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) protein level. In this paper CSF peptidome and proteome in AIDP were analyzed and compared with multiple sclerosis and control patients. A total protein concentration increase was shown to be because of even changes in all proteins rather than some specific response, supporting the hypothesis of protein leakage from blood through the blood-nerve barrier. The elevated CSF protein level in AIDP was complemented by activization of protein degradation and much higher peptidome diversity. Because of the studies of the acute motor axonal form, Guillain-Barre syndrome as a whole is thought to be associated with autoimmune response against neurospecific molecules. Thus, in AIDP, autoantibodies against cell adhesion proteins localized at Ranvier's nodes were suggested as possible targets in AIDP. Indeed, AIDP CSF peptidome analysis revealed cell adhesion proteins degradation, however no reliable dependence on the corresponding autoantibodies levels was found. Proteome analysis revealed overrepresentation of Gene Ontology groups related to responses to bacteria and virus infections, which were earlier suggested as possible AIDP triggers. Immunoglobulin blood serum analysis against most common neuronal viruses did not reveal any specific pathogen; however, AIDP patients were more immunopositive in average and often had polyinfections. Cytokine analysis of both AIDP CSF and blood did not show a systemic adaptive immune response or general inflammation, whereas innate immunity cytokines were up-regulated. To supplement the widely-accepted though still unproven autoimmunity-based AIDP mechanism we propose a hypothesis of the primary peripheral nervous system damaging initiated as an innate immunity-associated local inflammation following neurotropic viruses egress, whereas the autoantibody production might be an optional complementary secondary process.
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