Displaying all 9 publications

  1. Elango S, Jayakumar CR
    J Laryngol Otol, 1990 Jan;104(1):41-2.
    PMID: 2313176 DOI: 10.1017/s0022215100111752
    Recent reports have dispelled the previously held concept that head and neck cancer rarely metastases beyond the cervical lymph nodes. Nasopharyngeal cancer has been reported to have a higher incidence of distant metastases compared to other head and neck cancers, the common sites being bone, lung and liver. A case of nasopharyngeal carcinoma presenting as obstructive jaundice because of secondaries at the porta hepatis is presented here.
  2. Wong LW, Jayakumar CR
    Singapore Med J, 1997 Oct;38(10):444-6.
    PMID: 9529959
    A case of germinoma originating in the basal ganglia and thalamus is presented. This tumour most commonly originates during childhood and adolescence, at pineal and suprasellar regions. In the early stages, the diagnosis of germinoma in the basal ganglion and thalamus is difficult because of its rarity and non-specific findings. The computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings though non-diagnostic, are discussed here. A few differential diagnoses had been discussed with radiological abnormality. Open biopsy done in this case proved to be two-cell pattern germinoma. Early detection of the tumour is desirable, since this tumour is highly sensitive to radio and chemotherapy and is potentially curable. Our patient was treated with combined chemotherapy and the response was well and no residual tumour or recurrence was seen on the repeated imaging modality, however his neurological deficits remained unchanged.
  3. Sherazi ZA, Jayakumar CR
    Singapore Med J, 1992 Oct;33(5):496-9.
    PMID: 1455277
    To assess the importance of Computed Tomography(CT) in the evaluation of retinoblastoma, we reviewed thirteen cases of retinoblastoma which presented at Hospital University Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia, from August 1986 to June 1991. High resolution computed tomography of the orbits was performed in all patients prior to therapy. Nine patients (69%) had unilateral and four (31%) had bilateral retinoblastoma. The interesting features were the remarkably high incidence in the right eye (89%) as compared to the left eye (11%) in unilateral retinoblastoma, and overall predominance of the male population (male to female ratio was 2:1). Computed tomography detected intraocular calcification in 82% of the tumourous eyes. All patients presented at late stages when tumours were of large size. The presence of calcification was not related to the size of the tumour. CT detected calcification in a suspected retinoblastoma with a high degree of accuracy. Computed tomographic evidence of intraocular calcification in children under 3 years of age is highly suggestive of retinoblastoma.
  4. Ross IN, Jayakumar CR
    Singapore Med J, 1987 Aug;28(4):314-7.
    PMID: 3423798
    We determined the prevalence of cholelithiasis, by ultrasound in 728 Asian subjects and calculated the annual incidence of disease amongst the gallstone carriers. The prevalence of asymptomatic cholelithiasis in the age group> 29 years, was 11.8% (95% confidence interval: 7.2-16.4%) in males and 13.7% (8.4-19.0%) in females. The median diameter of the stones 10mm (range 4-17) did not differ from that of symptomatic stones - 12.5mm (3·21). The odds of having cholelithiasis increased by 5% each year of life (p 29 years) developing symptoms leading to a hospltal-based investigation was estimated as only 1/1000, whilst the annual cholecystectomy rate was 6/100,000. The chance of a carrier having a cholecystectomy in Malaysia was approximately 5 times less than the chance in the United Kingdom. We conclude that asymptomatic gallstones are common In Malaysians, but the risk of disease is low. The low cholecystectomy rate may be the result of a conservative approach to cholelithiasis due to limited surgical resources.
  5. Chandrasekaran S, Baba AA, Othman N, Jayakumar CR
    Chemotherapy, 1994 Sep-Oct;40(5):357-61.
    PMID: 7956460
    The frustration and disappointment in managing advanced cancers of the nose and paranasal sinuses are well known. We report a case of a successful treatment of such a tumour in a 37-year-old soldier, using a combination of therapy including surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Each mode of treatment is discussed.
  6. Lai FM, Jayakumar CR, Saw L, Kumar G
    Singapore Med J, 1996 Apr;37(2):226-8.
    PMID: 8942272
    Primary tumours of the liver are uncommon in childhood. Of these, more than two-thirds are malignant. As such, benign hepatic tumours are often not considered in the differential diagnosis of a hepatic mass in childhood. We report a case of hepatic mesenchymal hamartoma, a rare benign tumour, in a 10-month-old infant. This tumour is characterised by an admixture of ductal structures within a copious loose connective tissue stroma. Only approximately 160 cases had been reported in the literature. Awareness of the ultrasound (U/S) and computed tomography (CT) features, although not diagnostic, is helpful in distinguishing it from the more common malignant tumours. A correct preoperative diagnosis is important as surgical excision is often curative.
  7. Ross IN, Nair S, Jayakumar CR
    Singapore Med J, 1985 Jun;26(3):271-8.
    PMID: 4048988
    The results of 2449 investigations of the upper gastrointestinal tract were analysed to determine the incidence of disease. Abnormalities were detected in 53% of patients who had endoscopy, but were found in only 24% of patients who had barium studies (p <= 0.001). Altogether 916 patients had abnormal findings. Duodenal ulcer accounted for 42% of cases, gastric ulcer 16% and gastric cancer 9%. The prevalence of perforated ulcer was 13%. The annual incidence/1000 in males and females (>14 years) were respectively, for duodenal ulcer 1.66 and 0.42, for gastric ulcer 0.57 and 0.25, for perforated ulcer 0.36 and 0.05, and for gastric cancer 0.29 and 0.14. Most types of gastro-duodenal disease were less common in Malays than expected (p = <0.001). However oesophageal cancer and varices were more common in Indians compared to Malays and Chinese (p = <0.001). This study showed that the pallern of perforating ulcers was not the same as that of non-peforating ulcers, suggesting a differing pathogenesis. Identification of the factors causing a different prevalence of disease between the three ethnic groups would help in the understanding of the causes of upper gastrointestinal disease.
  8. Ramasamy SP, Chandrasekaran S, Jayakumar CR, Mallick AS
    Singapore Med J, 1992 Apr;33(2):196-7.
    PMID: 1621130
    A 27-year-old gravida two para one mother delivered a term male baby by caesarean section. The baby was referred for enlarged head. This neonate with large head was found to have Porencephalic cyst with dilated Triventricular system. There was a posterior fossa cyst communicating with fourth ventricle. A diagnosis of Dandy Walker Cyst with Porencephaly was made. Ventriculo-Peritoneal shunt was done on the ninth day of life. The baby had an uneventful postoperative period and was subsequently discharged.
  9. Quah BS, Selladurai BM, Jayakumar CR, Mahendra Raj S
    Singapore Med J, 1993 Apr;34(2):172-4.
    PMID: 8266164
    A 10-year-old girl with mild aortic regurgitation presented with cerebral infarction. Two-dimensional echocardiography showed vegetations on the septal wall of the left ventricular outflow tract without involvement of the aortic valve itself. After successful antibiotic treatment the patient developed an intra-cranial haemorrhage due to rupture of a large intracranial mycotic aneurysm. Consent for surgical treatment of the mycotic aneurysm was not obtained. Twelve months later repeat angiography showed that the aneurysm had undergone spontaneous obliteration.
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