Objective: Long-term use of ecstasy is known to be a risk factor for structural brain damage and psychosis. Most patients suffering from ADHD in childhood will not develop psychosis during adulthood but the risk is increased when there is concomitant significant drug use. However, it is difficult to distinguish between substance-induced psychoses with schizophrenic psychosis.
Method: We report a case of a patient with history of ADHD who was untreated, who later developed psychotic symptoms soon after initiation of ecstasy uses. The symptoms persisted despite in a ‘drug-free period’ and intensified while on the ecstasy.
Results: Present case helps to understand common neurobiological mechanism behind psychosis and brain atrophy, and risk factors such as ADHD and ecstasy abuse.
Conclusion: More research in this area is vital for management and further understanding on the importance of treating ADHD earlier and to be more vigilant in establishing the history of substance use.
Relaxation technique is a method, process, procedure or activity that helps a person to relax. There are several methods of relaxation techniques that can be used proven beneficial to improve the individual state of relaxation. Relaxation can be performed individually or in a group. With suitable technique of relaxation, it will improve quality of life as well as emotional and physical. This study aims to investigate the impact of three different relaxation techniques, namely Autogenic (AGR), Progressive Muscle (PMR) and Music Relaxation (MR) on mood states among Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA) athletes. Eighty UniSZA athletes aged between 18 to 25 years old were randomly assigned into four groups which were AGR, PMR, MR and control group. Each groups consisted of 20 subjects which were male and female athletes with multidiscipline of the sports involvement. The mood states were determined by Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS) during pre and post-intervention. The subjects in the three intervention groups received relaxation training twice a week for four weeks, 30 minutes per sessions. While, a control group not received any relaxation training during the intervention time. Repeated measure ANOVA conducted showed that the two parameters in BRUMS significantly changes in post-intervention such vigour (F=16.083, p<0.0001) and confusion (F=3.412, p=0.022). Other negative mood scores showed no significant changes such; (anger; F=2.235, p=0.091, depression; F=0.960, p=0.416, fatigue; F=0.724, p=0.540, tension; F=16.083, p=0.913).The results of Pairwise Comparison revealed that the three types of relaxation techniques (AGR, PMR and MR) effective to enhance vigour (positive mood) score among the adult subjects. In this study, PMR was the most effective relaxation technique followed by AGR and MR to regulate the mood state among adults.
Emotional maturity (EM) is defined as the ability of an individual to respond to situations, control emotions, and behave in an adult manner when dealing with others. EM is associated with adult learning skill, which is an important aspect of professional development as stated in the principles of andragogy. These principles are basically a characteristic feature of adult learning, which is defined as "the entire range of formal, non-formal, and informal learning activities that are undertaken by adults after an initial education and training, which result in the acquisition of new knowledge and skills". The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of EM on adult learning among Years I and II medical students of Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA). The study population included preclinical medical students of UniSZA from Years I and II of the academic session 2015/2016. The convenient sampling technique was used to select the sample. Data were collected using "EM scale" to evaluate emotional level and adult learning scale to assess the adult learning scores. Out of 120 questionnaires, only six response sheets were not complete and the remaining 114 (95%) were complete. Among the study participants, 23.7% (27) and 76.3% (87) were males and females, respectively. The data were then compiled and analyzed using SPSS Version 22. The Pearson's correlation method was used to find the significance of their association. The results revealed a significant correlation between EM and adult learning scores (r=0.40, p<0.001). Thus, the study result supports the prediction, and based on the current findings, it can be concluded that there is a significant correlation between EM and adult learning and it has an effect on the students. Medical faculty members should give more emphasis on these aspects to produce health professionals. Henceforward, researchers can expect with optimism that the country will create more rational medical doctors.