Displaying all 6 publications

  1. Choong ML, Sethi SK, Koay ES
    Hum Biol, 1999 Jun;71(3):381-97.
    PMID: 10380374
    We determined the allelic (X+/X-, M+/M-, and E+/E-) distribution frequencies of the XbaI, MspI, and EcoRI restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in the apolipoprotein B gene in a control group of 374 healthy Chinese, Malays, and Indians and in a hyperlipidemic cohort of 131 Chinese patients. Covariability between the RFLPs and serum lipid, lipoprotein, and apolipoprotein concentrations was also studied. We found a lower frequency (average 0.0829) of the X+ allele and higher frequencies of the E+ (average 0.9452) and M+ (average 0.9772) alleles in our study population compared with frequencies reported in other populations. The 3 polymorphic sites did not contribute to significant variations in lipid levels (p > 0.1 in all cases). Also, there was no significant variation in genotype frequencies between the control subjects and the hyperlipidemic subjects. Despite their relative close proximity within the APOB gene sequence, the 3 polymorphic sites did not show any significant linkage disequilibrium. However, the presence of the X+ cutting site was in linkage disequilibrium with the Del allele of the 5' insertion-deletion polymorphism and the E-allele was in linkage disequilibrium with the 3' VNTR located near the 3' end of the coding region of the APOB gene.
  2. Choong ML, Koay ES, Khaw MC, Aw TC
    Hum Hered, 1999 Jan;49(1):31-40.
    PMID: 9858855
    The allele frequencies for the apolipoprotein B (apo B) 5'-Ins/Del and 3'-VNTR polymorphisms varied significantly (p < 0.01) among Singaporeans of Chinese, Malay and Indian descent. We calculated the unbiased expected heterozygosities for the 5'-Ins/Del polymorphism as 0.3357, 0.1984 and 0.2418, and for the 3'-VNTR as 0.5980, 0.5260 and 0.6749, respectively, in the Chinese, Malays and Indians. Compared to heterozygosities reported for other populations, the Singaporeans differed from most Caucasians in having significantly lower values but were closely related to other non-Caucasians. Thirteen alleles, with a bimodal distribution, were observed at the 3'-VNTR polymorphic locus; the alleles occurring most frequently among the Chinese and Malays were of 35 or 53 repeats, and among the Indians, of 37 or 47 repeats. The Del allele was associated with elevated serum cholesterol (p = 0.023), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) (p = 0.001) in the Chinese, and apo B (p = 0.007) in the Indians. Likewise, the larger 3'-VNTR alleles (> 41 repeats) were associated with raised cholesterol (p = 0.018), LDL-C (p = 0.025), and triglyceride (p = 0.001) in the Chinese. The two polymorphisms were not in significant linkage disequilibrium (D = -0.0029, p = 0.494) in the three ethnic groups.
  3. Loh KC, Koay ES, Khaw MC, Emmanuel SC, Young WF
    J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2000 Aug;85(8):2854-9.
    PMID: 10946893
    Recent studies using the ratio of plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC) to PRA as the screening test for primary aldosteronism in hypertensive populations suggested that the prevalence may be as high as 5-15%, with well over half of the subjects having normal serum potassium concentrations. Despite an increasing clinical awareness of this entity, many clinicians are reluctant to consider routine screening for primary aldosteronism in essential hypertensive patients because there are few community-based prevalence studies of primary aldosteronism in different populations. Furthermore, genetic and environmental differences may affect the prevalence and presentation of primary aldosteronism in distinct populations. This study was designed to determine the prevalence of primary aldosteronism in the predominantly Chinese population in Singapore. Three hundred and fifty unselected adult hypertensive patients attending two primary care clinics had random ambulatory measurements for PAC (nanograms per dL) and PRA (nanograms per mL/h). Serum urea, creatinine, and electrolyte measurements were obtained simultaneously. Subjects with renal insufficiency (serum creatinine, >140 micromol/L) and those treated with glucocorticoids or spironolactone were excluded. Screening was considered positive if the PAC: PRA ratio was more than 20 and the PAC was more than 15 ng/dL (>416 pmol/L). Primary aldosteronism was confirmed with the determination of PAC after 2 L saline administered iv over 4 h. Adrenal computed tomographic (CT) scans were performed in biochemically confirmed cases of primary aldosteronism. Further localization with adrenal vein sampling was carried out in selected patients with equivocal findings on adrenal CT scan. Sixty-three (18%) of the 350 hypertensive patients (215 women and 135 men; age range, 23-75 yr) were screened positive for primary aldosteronism. Only 13 of these 63 subjects (21%) were hypokalemic (serum potassium, <3.5 mmol/L). Confirmatory studies were carried out in 56 (89%) of the subjects with a positive PAC:PRA ratio. Using a PAC above 10 ng/dL (>277 pmol/L) after saline infusion as the diagnostic cut-off, 16 of the 56 patients had biochemically confirmed primary aldosteronism. Hypokalemia was found in 6 of the 16 patients (37.5%) with primary aldosteronism. Subtype evaluation with adrenal CT scan and adrenal vein sampling indicated that half of the patients with primary aldosteronism may have had potentially curable unilateral adrenal adenoma. Our data suggest that primary aldosteronism occurs in at least 5% of the adult Asian hypertensive population, and approximately half of these individuals may have potentially curable, unilateral, aldosterone-producing adrenal adenoma. Our findings also confirm the poor predictive value of hypokalemia in both the diagnosis and the exclusion of primary aldosteronism.
  4. Choong ML, Koay ES, Khoo KL, Khaw MC, Sethi SK
    Clin Chem, 1997 Jun;43(6 Pt 1):916-23.
    PMID: 9191540
    The Arg-to-Trp substitution at codon 3500 in the apolipoprotein (apo) B-100 gene is established as a cause of familial defective apo B-100 (FDB), a functional mutation, resulting in reduced LDL receptor binding and manifest hypercholesterolemia. In a search for similar mutations in 163 Malaysians, we screened the putative receptor-binding region (codons 3456-3553) of the apo B-100 gene by PCR amplification and denaturing gradient-gel electrophoresis. Four single-base mutations were detected and confirmed by DNA sequencing. Two females, a Chinese and a Malay, had the same CGG3500-->TGG mutation, resulting in an Arg3500-to-Trp substitution. This is the second published report of such an independent mutation involving the same codon as the established Arg3500-to-Gln mutation. The two other mutations detected, CTT3517-->CTG and GCC3527-->GCT, resulted in degenerate codons with no amino acid substitutions. All four mutations were associated with a unique apo B haplotype, different from those found in Caucasian FDB patients but concurring with that previously reported for two other Asians with FDB.
  5. Lam TT, Tang JW, Lai FY, Zaraket H, Dbaibo G, Bialasiewicz S, et al.
    J Infect, 2019 10;79(4):373-382.
    PMID: 31323249 DOI: 10.1016/j.jinf.2019.07.008
    OBJECTIVES: To improve our understanding of the global epidemiology of common respiratory viruses by analysing their contemporaneous incidence at multiple sites.

    METHODS: 2010-2015 incidence data for influenza A (IAV), influenza B (IBV), respiratory syncytial (RSV) and parainfluenza (PIV) virus infections were collected from 18 sites (14 countries), consisting of local (n = 6), regional (n = 9) and national (n = 3) laboratories using molecular diagnostic methods. Each site submitted monthly virus incidence data, together with details of their patient populations tested and diagnostic assays used.

    RESULTS: For the Northern Hemisphere temperate countries, the IAV, IBV and RSV incidence peaks were 2-6 months out of phase with those in the Southern Hemisphere, with IAV having a sharp out-of-phase difference at 6 months, whereas IBV and RSV showed more variable out-of-phase differences of 2-6 months. The tropical sites Singapore and Kuala Lumpur showed fluctuating incidence of these viruses throughout the year, whereas subtropical sites such as Hong Kong, Brisbane and Sydney showed distinctive biannual peaks for IAV but not for RSV and PIV.

    CONCLUSIONS: There was a notable pattern of synchrony of IAV, IBV and RSV incidence peaks globally, and within countries with multiple sampling sites (Canada, UK, Australia), despite significant distances between these sites.

  6. Song Y, Gong YN, Chen KF, Smith DK, Zaraket H, Bialasiewicz S, et al.
    J Infect, 2025 Feb 26;90(4):106451.
    PMID: 40021020 DOI: 10.1016/j.jinf.2025.106451
    OBJECTIVES: Human parainfluenza viruses (hPIV) are a common cause of acute respiratory infections, especially in children under five years and the elderly. hPIV can be subclassified as types 1-4: these showed various seasonality patterns worldwide, and it is unclear how climatic factors might consistently explain their global epidemiology.

    METHODS: This study collected time-series incidence data from the literature and hPIV surveillance programs worldwide (47 locations). Wavelet analysis and circular statistics were used to detect the seasonality and the months of peak incidence for each hPIV type. Relationships between climatic drivers and incidence peaks were assessed using a generalized estimating equation.

    RESULTS: The average positive rate of hPIV among patients with respiratory symptoms was 5.6% and ranged between 0.69-3.48% for different types. In the northern temperate region, the median peak incidence months for hPIV1, hPIV2, and hPIV4 were from September to October, while for hPIV3, it was in late May. Seasonal peaks of hPIV3 were associated with higher monthly temperatures and lower diurnal temperatures range throughout the year; hPIV4 peaks appeared to correlate with lower monthly temperatures and higher precipitation throughout the year. Different hPIV types exhibit different patterns of global epidemiology and transmission.

    CONCLUSIONS: Climate drivers may play a role in hPIV transmission. More comprehensive and coherent surveillance of hPIV types would enable more in-depth analyses and inform the timing of preventive measures.

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