The present paper reviews the health problems of rural agricultural workers in Malaysia. As is common with most developing countries, the agricultural sector forms the pillar of the national economy in Malaysia, the major products being rubber, palm oil, rice and timber. Most of the agricultural workers, who form the largest occupational group in the country, live in the rural areas under poor socioeconomic and environmental conditions. Their general health problems include large families, substandard housing, overcrowding, lack of piped water supply and sanitary excreta disposal, malnutrition and prevalent diseases such as cholera, typhoid, dysentery and parasitic infections. The specific occupational health problems include infectious diseases, agricultural accidents, pesticide poisonings, physical hazards, keratitis nummularis and snake-bites. The organization of agricultural health services in developing countries is also discussed.
A descriptive study of 1,945 cancer cases discharged from the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, during the three-year period from 1972 to 1974, was carried out to analyse cancer patterns and frequency in the various age, sex and ethnic groups, The highest frequency of cancers occurred among the Chinese (68.8 percent) in excess of that expected from their utilization rate of the hospital (50.5 percent). The jive leading cancers in males were lung, liver, stomach, nasopharynx and rectum. In the females, the five leading cancers were cervix uteri, breast, stomach, lung and ovary. This was the pattern reflected among the Chinese, the patterns for the Malays and Indians were different. In addition, the Chinese constituted the highest proportions in most of the selected individual cancers analysed (including cancer of the nasopharynx, lung, liver, stomach, cervix, breast, rectum and colon). However, there was a high proportion of Indians in laryngeal and skin cancer. The age distribution of the patients showed that cancers of the oesophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, liver, lung, skin and bladder, were predominant in the older age groups (55 years and above). Carcinoma of the cervix uteri, ovary and breast were more common in the 45-54 years age group, while leukaemia, thyroid and nasopharyngeal carcinoma were more common in the younger age groups. Comparisons with other studies showed strikingly similar patterns to those found in Singapore, 1968-70.
A study was carried out by the Factories and Machinery Department of Malaysia to assess the problem ofoccupational exposure to inorganic lead in Malaysian battery workers. The eight factories studied were divided into two categories: large, multinational subsidiaries with good industrial hygiene measures and small, locally-owned companies with poor hygiene features. A total of 251 workers (221 males and 30 females) were included in the study. Personal air sampling showed that 47% of the samples in the small factories had lead-in-air levels exceeding 150 ug/m3, compared unth. 29% in the larger establishments. The highest air lead levels were found in the cutting, pasting/mixing and battery assembly sections. 86.7% ofthe female workers and 62.2% of the male workers in the smaller factories had blood lead concentrations above the proposed limits of 70 ug/100 ml (males) and 40 ug/100 ml (females). In contrast, only 7.6% of the male workers in the larger factories had blood lead levels exceeding the proposed limits. Three workers also had positive signs or symptoms on clinical examination. Legislation of specific regulations to protect the health of lead-exposed workers in Malaysia is currently being drafted by the government.