Displaying all 2 publications

  1. Mehmood OU, Bibi S, Jamil DF, Uddin S, Roslan R, Akhir MKM
    Sci Rep, 2021 10 14;11(1):20379.
    PMID: 34650140 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-99499-z
    The current work analyzes the effects of concentric ballooned catheterization and heat transfer on the hybrid nano blood flow through diseased arterial segment having both stenosis and aneurysm along its boundary. A fractional second-grade fluid model is considered which describes the non-Newtonian characteristics of the blood. Governing equations are linearized under mild stenosis and mild aneurysm assumptions. Precise articulations for various important flow characteristics such as heat transfer, hemodynamic velocity, wall shear stress, and resistance impedance are attained. Graphical portrayals for the impact of the significant parameters on the flow attributes have been devised. The streamlines of blood flow have been examined as well. The present finding is useful for drug conveyance system and biomedicines.
  2. Uddin S, Mehmood OU, Mohamad M, Roslan R, Khan I, Mohamed A
    Heliyon, 2023 Feb;9(2):e13210.
    PMID: 36814629 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e13210
    In this paper, we studied the effect of a magnetic field on the non-isothermal second-grade fluid confined in a vertically oscillating cylinder. The flow solution is magnetized using the perpendicular magnetic field. The resultant fluid flow is due to the oscillating boundary motion and buoyancy force. Here, the MHD flow is modeled using the Caputo-Fabrizio non-integer derivative approach. The exact solution of the governing continuity, momentum and energy equations is obtained by means of Laplace and finite Hankel transforms. The commercial simulation software, Mathematica is used for calculating the roots of the Bessel function. The effects of dimensionless parameters such as Grashof and Prandtl numbers, magnetic field and fractional parameters on the second-grade fluid flow are analyzed. Heat transfer is high at a small Prandtl number. Velocity correlates positively with Grashof number and magnetic field, and negatively with Prandtl number. The heat and mass transfer results obtained from both conventional and fractional models are compared as well.
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