Awake craniotomy is a brain surgery in patients who are kept awake when it is indicated for certain intracranial pathologies. The anaesthetic management strategy is very important to achieve the goals of the surgery. We describe a series of our first four cases performed under a combination of scalp block and conscious sedation. Scalp block was performed using a mixture of ropivacaine 0.7% and adrenaline 5 5µg/ ml administered to the nerves that innervate the scalp. Conscious sedation was achieved with a combination of two recently available drugs in our country, dexmedetomidine (selective α 2-agonist) and remifentanil (ultra-short acting opioid). Remifentanil was delivered in a target controlled infusion (TCI) mode.
Inadvertent perioperative hypothermia (IPH) is a common problem, despite advancements in a variety of warming systems. The use of a resistive heating blanket (RHB) is a common but costly approach to patient warming. We have introduced the use of a heat-band in our centre as a cost-effective alternative to the RHB for patient warming. The efficacy of the heat-band in preventing IPH during laparotomy for gynaecological surgeries was compared with that of the RHB.