Displaying all 5 publications

  1. Ong YS, Saiful Yazan L, Ng WK, Noordin MM, Sapuan S, Foo JB, et al.
    Int J Nanomedicine, 2016 11 09;11:5905-5915.
    PMID: 27877037
    BACKGROUND: Thymoquinone (TQ), the predominant active lipophilic component in Nigella sativa seed oil, has a variety of pharmacological properties such as anticancer activities. However, translation of TQ to clinical phase is still not possible due to its hydrophobic properties. This problem can be solved by encapsulating it in nanoformulations to enhance its pharmacological properties. In our previous study, TQ has been successfully encapsulated in a nanostructured lipid carrier (hereinafter referred to as TQNLC) with excellent physiochemical properties such as high encapsulation efficiency, high drug-loading capacity, particle diameter less than 100 nm, and stability up to 2 years. In vitro studies also proved that TQNLC exhibited antiproliferative activity toward breast and cervical cancer cell lines. However, no toxicity profile related to this formulation has been reported. In this study, we determine and compare the in vivo toxicity of both TQNLC and TQ.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The in vivo toxicity (acute and subacute toxicity) study was carried out by oral administration of TQNLC and TQ to BALB/c mice. Animal survival, body weight, organ weight-to-body weight ratio, hematological profile, biochemistry profile, and histopathological changes were analyzed.

    RESULTS: In acute toxicity, TQ that is loaded in nanostructured lipid carrier (NLC) was found to be less toxic than pure TQ. It can be concluded that encapsulation of TQ in lipid carrier minimizes the toxicity of the compound. In the subacute toxicity study, oral administration of 100 mg/kg of TQNLC and TQ did not cause mortality to either male or female but resulted in toxicity to the liver. It is postulated that long-term consumption of TQNLC and TQ may cause toxicity to the liver but not to the extent of altering the functions of the organ. For both treatments, the no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) was found to be 10 mg/kg/d for mice in both sexes.

    CONCLUSION: For long-term oral consumption, TQ and TQNLC at a dose of 10 mg/kg is safe in mice and does not exert any toxic effect. The results provide safety information of TQNLC, which would further help researchers in clinical use.

  2. Bala JA, Balakrishnan KN, Abdullah AA, Mohamed R, Haron AW, Jesse FFA, et al.
    Microb Pathog, 2018 Jul;120:55-63.
    PMID: 29709684 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2018.04.057
    Orf disease is known to be enzootic among small ruminants in Asia, Africa, and some other parts of the world. The disease caused by orf virus is highly contagious among small ruminant species. Unfortunately, it has been neglected for decades because of the general belief that it only causes a self-limiting disease. On the other hand, in the past it has been reported to cause huge cumulative financial losses in livestock farming. Orf disease is characterized by localized proliferative and persistent skin nodule lesions that can be classified into three forms: generalized, labial and mammary or genitals. It can manifest as benign or malignant types. The later type of orf can remain persistent, often fatal and usually causes a serious outbreak among small ruminant population. Morbidity and mortality rates of orf are higher especially in newly infected kids and lambs. Application of antibiotics together with antipyretic and/or analgesic is highly recommended as a supportive disease management strategy for prevention of subsequent secondary microbial invasion. The presence of various exotic orf virus strains of different origin has been reported in many countries mostly due to poorly controlled cross-border virus transmission. There have been several efforts to develop orf virus vaccines and it was with variable success. The use of conventional vaccines to control orf is a debatable topic due to the concern of short term immunity development. Following re-infection in previously vaccinated animals, it is uncommon to observe the farms involved to experience rapid virus spread and disease outbreak. Meanwhile, cases of zoonosis from infected animals to animal handler are not uncommon. Despite failures to contain the spread of orf virus by the use of conventional vaccines, vaccination of animals with live orf virus is still considered as one of the best choice. The review herein described pertinent issues with regard to the development and use of potential effective vaccines as a control measure against orf virus infection.
  3. Pham TH, Lila MAM, Rahaman NYA, Lai HLT, Nguyen LT, Do KV, et al.
    BMC Vet Res, 2020 May 06;16(1):128.
    PMID: 32375821 DOI: 10.1186/s12917-020-02345-z
    BACKGROUND: In view of the current swine fever outbreak and the government aspiration to increase the goat population, a need arises to control and prevent outbreaks of goat pox. Despite North Vietnam facing sporadic cases of goat pox, this most recent outbreak had the highest recorded morbidity, mortality and case fatality rate. Thus, owing to the likelihood of a widespread recurrence of goat pox infection, an analysis of that outbreak was done based on selected signalment, management and disease pattern (signs and pathology) parameters. This includes examination of animals, inspection of facilities, tissue sampling and analysis for confirmation of goatpox along with questionaires.

    RESULTS: It was found that the susceptible age group were between 3 and 6 months old kids while higher infection rate occurred in those under the free-range rearing system. The clinical signs of pyrexia, anorexia, nasal discharge and lesions of pocks were not restricted to the skin but have extended into the lung and intestine. The pathogen had been confirmed in positive cases via PCR as goat pox with prevalence of 79.69%.

    CONCLUSIONS: The epidemiology of the current goat pox outbreak in North Vietnam denotes a significant prevalence which may affect the industry. This signals the importance of identifying the salient clinical signs and post mortem lesions of goat pox at the field level in order to achieve an effective control of the disease.

  4. Abubakar AA, Ibrahim SM, Ali AK, Handool KO, Khan MS, Noordin Mustapha M, et al.
    Animal Model Exp Med, 2019 Mar;2(1):34-43.
    PMID: 31016285 DOI: 10.1002/ame2.12051
    BACKGROUND: Chondrocytes in the growth plate (GP) undergo increases in volume during different cascades of cell differentiation during longitudinal bone growth. The volume increase is reported to be the most significant variable in understanding the mechanism of long bone growth.

    METHODS: Forty-five postnatal Sprague-Dawley rat pups, 7-15 days old were divided into nine age groups (P7-P15). Five pups were allocated to each group. The rats were sacrificed and tibia and metatarsal bones were harvested. Bone lengths were measured after 0, 24, 48, and 72 hours of ex vivo incubation. Histology of bones was carried out, and GP lengths and chondrocyte densities were determined.

    RESULTS: There were significant differences in bone length among the age groups after 0 and 72 hours of incubation. Histological sectioning was possible in metatarsal bone from all age groups, and in tibia from 7- to 13-day-old rats. No significant differences in tibia and metatarsal GP lengths were seen among different age groups at 0 and 72 hours of incubation. Significant differences in chondrocyte densities along the epiphyseal GP of the bones between 0 and 72 hours of incubation were observed in most of the age groups.

    CONCLUSION: Ex vivo growth of tibia and metatarsal bones of rats aged 7-15 days old is possible, with percentage growth rates of 23.87 ± 0.80% and 40.38 ± 0.95% measured in tibia and metatarsal bone, respectively. Histological sectioning of bones was carried out without the need for decalcification in P7-P13 tibia and P7-P15 metatarsal bone. Increases in chondrocyte density along the GP influence overall bone elongation.

  5. Pham TH, Rahaman NYA, Lila MAM, Lai HLT, Nguyen LT, Van Nguyen G, et al.
    BMC Vet Res, 2021 Mar 08;17(1):115.
    PMID: 33685458 DOI: 10.1186/s12917-021-02777-1
    BACKGROUND: After a decade of silence, an outbreak of the contagious and Asian endemic disease, goat pox re-emerged in North Vietnam affecting more than 1800 heads with a mortality rate of 6.5%. The inevitable impact of goat pox on hide quality, breeding, chevon and milk production has resulted in a significant economic losses to the developing goat industry of Vietnam. In the act of establishing an effective control of this devastating disease, tracing the source of re-emergence via a phylogenetic study was carried out to reveal their genetic relatedness. Either skin scab or papule from the six affected provinces were collected, cultured into Vero cells followed by restricted enzyme digestion of targeted P32 gene DNA encoding. The P32 gene was then cloned and transformed into E.coli competent cells for further sequencing.

    RESULTS: The isolated sequence is deposited into GenBank under Accession No. MN317561/VNUAGTP1. The phylogenetic tree revealed high similarity of nucleotide and amino acid sequences to references goat pox strains accounting for 99.6 and 99.3, respectively. The Vietnamese strain is clustered together with currently circulating goat pox virus in China, India and Pakistan which suggested the origin of South China.

    CONCLUSIONS: This Vietnam isolate is clustered together with other Asian goat pox strains indicating the dissemination of a common goat pox virus within this continent.

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