Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 93 in total

  1. BangaSingh KK, Nisha M, Lau HY, Ravichandran M, Salleh MZ
    Microb Pathog, 2016 Feb;91:123-8.
    PMID: 26706344 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2015.12.004
    Virulence of Shigella is attributed to the genes presence in chromosome or in the megaplasmid. The apy gene which is located in the megaplasmid of Shigella species encodes for apyrase enzyme, a pathogenesis-associated enzyme causing mitochondrial damage and host cell death. In this study we constructed an apy mutant of Shigella flexneri by insertional activation using a kanamycin resistant gene cassette. The wild type apy gene of S. flexneri 2a was PCR amplified, cloned and mutated with insertion of kanamycin resistant gene cassette (aphA). The mutated construct (apy: aphA) was subcloned into a conjugative suicidal vector (pWM91) at the unique Sma1 and Sac1 sites. The mutation of the wild apy gene in the construct was confirmed by DNA sequencing. The mutated construct was introduced into wild type S. flexneri 2a by conjugation with Escherichia coli. After undergoing homologous recombination, the wild apy gene was deleted from the construct using the sucrose selection method. Non-functional activity of the apyrase enzyme in the constructed strain by colorimetric test indicated the successful mutation of the apyrase enzyme. This strain with mutated apy gene was evaluated for its protective efficacy using the guinea pig keratoconjunctivitis model. The strain was Sereny negative and it elicited a significant protection following challenge with wild S. flexneri strain. This apy mutant strain will form a base for the development of a vaccine target for shigellosis.
  2. Chung EL, Abdullah FF, Ibrahim HH, Marza AD, Zamri-Saad M, Haron AW, et al.
    Microb Pathog, 2016 Feb;91:141-54.
    PMID: 26706347 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2015.12.003
    Haemorrhagic septicaemia is a disease caused by Pasteurella multocida serotype B: 2 and E: 2. The organism causes acute, highly fatal septicaemic disease with high morbidity and mortality in cattle and more susceptible in buffaloes. Lipopolysaccharide can be found on the outer cell wall of the organism. Lipopolysaccharide is released during multiplication which leads to inflammatory reaction. It represents the endotoxin of P. multocida type B: 2 and responsible for toxicity in haemorrhagic septicaemia which plays an important role in the pathogenesis of the disease. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the clinical signs, blood parameters, gross post mortem lesions and histopathology changes caused by P. multocida type B:2 immunogen lipopolysaccharide infections initiated through intravenous and oral routes of infection. 9 buffalo heifers were divided equally into 3 treatment groups. Group 1 was inoculated orally with 10 ml of phosphate buffer saline (PBS); Group 2 and 3 were inoculated with 10 ml of lipopolysaccharide broth intravenously and orally respectively. For the clinical signs, there were significant differences (p < 0.05) in temperature between the control, intravenous and oral group. In hematology and biochemistry findings, there were significant differences (p < 0.05) in erythrocytes, haemoglobin, PCV, MCV, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, GGT and albumin between the control, intravenous and oral group. However, there were no significant differences (p > 0.05) in the MCHC, leukocytes, band neutrophils, basophils, thrombocytes, plasma protein, icterus index, total protein, globulin and A:G ratio between intravenous and oral group. For Group 2 buffaloes, there were gross lesions in the lung, trachea, heart, liver, spleen, and kidney. In contrast, lesions were only observed in the lung, trachea and liver of Group 3 buffaloes. There were significant differences (p < 0.05) in hemorrhage and congestion; necrosis and degeneration; and inflammatory cells infiltration between experimental groups and control group. However, there were no significant differences (p > 0.05) in edema lesion between groups. In conclusion, this study is a proof that oral route infection of P. multocida type B:2 immunogen lipopolysaccharide can be used to stimulate host cell responses where oral vaccine through feed could be developed in the near future.
  3. Sumathy V, Zakaria Z, Jothy SL, Gothai S, Vijayarathna S, Yoga Latha L, et al.
    Microb Pathog, 2014 Dec;77:7-12.
    PMID: 25457794 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2014.10.004
    Invasive aspergillosis (IA) in immunocompromised host is a major infectious disease leading to reduce the survival rate of world population. Aspergillus niger is a causative agent causing IA. Cassia surattensis plant is commonly used in rural areas to treat various types of disease. C. surattensis flower extract was evaluated against the systemic aspergillosis model in this study. Qualitative measurement of fungal burden suggested a reduction pattern in the colony forming unit (CFU) of lung, liver, spleen and kidney for the extract treated group. Galactomannan assay assessment showed a decrease of fungal load in the treatment and positive control group with galactomannan index (GMI) value of 1.27 and 0.25 on day 28 but the negative control group showed high level of galactomannan in the serum with GMI value of 3.58. Histopathology examinations of the tissues featured major architecture modifications in the tissues of negative control group. Tissue reparation and recovery from infection were detected in extract treated and positive control group. Time killing fungicidal study of A. niger revealed dependence of the concentration of C. surattensis flower extract.
  4. Chieng S, Mohamed R, Nathan S
    Microb Pathog, 2015 Feb;79:47-56.
    PMID: 25616255 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2015.01.006
    Burkholderia pseudomallei, the causative agent of melioidosis, is able to survive extreme environments and utilizes various virulence factors for survival and pathogenicity. To compete and survive within these different ecological niches, B. pseudomallei has evolved specialized pathways, including the Type VI secretion systems (T6SSs), that have a role in pathogenesis as well as interbacterial interactions. We examined the expression profile of B. pseudomallei T6SS six gene clusters during infection of U937 macrophage cells. T6SS-5 was robustly transcribed while the other five clusters were not significantly regulated proposing the utility of T6SS-5 as a potential biomarker of exposure to B. pseudomallei. Transcription of T6SS regulators VirAG and BprB was also not significant during infection when compared to bacteria grown in culture. Guided by these findings, three highly expressed T6SS genes, tssJ-4, hcp1 and tssE-5, were expressed as recombinant proteins and screened against melioidosis patient sera by western analysis and ELISA. Only Hcp1 was reactive by both types of analysis. The recombinant Hcp1 protein was further evaluated against a cohort of melioidosis patients (n = 32) and non-melioidosis individuals (n = 20) sera and the data clearly indicates a higher sensitivity (93.7%) and specificity (100%) for Hcp1 compared to bacterial lysate. The detection of anti-Hcp1 antibodies in patients' sera indicating the presence of B. pseudomallei highlights the potential of Hcp1 to be further developed as a serodiagnostic marker for melioidosis.
  5. Amerizadeh A, Idris ZM, Khoo BY, Kotresha D, Yunus MH, Karim IZ, et al.
    Microb Pathog, 2013 Jan;54:60-6.
    PMID: 23044055 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2012.09.006
    Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Chronically-infected individuals with a compromised immune system are at risk for reactivation of the disease. In-vivo induced antigen technology (IVIAT) is a promising method for the identification of antigens expressed in-vivo. The aim of the present study was to apply IVIAT to identify antigens which are expressed in-vivo during T. gondii infection using sera from individuals with chronic toxoplasmosis. Forty serum samples were pooled, pre-adsorped against three different preparations of antigens, from each in-vitro grown T. gondii and Escherichia coli XLBlue MRF', and then used to screen a T. gondii cDNA expression library. Sequencing of DNA inserts from positive clones showed eight open reading frames with high homology to T. gondii genes. Expression analysis using quantitative real-time PCR showed that SAG1-related sequence 3 (SRS3) and two hypothetical genes were up-regulated in-vivo relative to their expression levels in-vitro. These three proteins also showed high sensitivity and specificity when tested with individual serum samples. Five other proteins namely M16 domain peptidase, microneme protein, elongation factor 1-alpha, pre-mRNA-splicing factor and small nuclear ribonucleoprotein F had lower RNA expression in-vivo as compared to in-vitro. SRS3 and the two hypothetical proteins warrant further investigation into their roles in the pathogenesis of toxoplasmosis.
  6. Eslaminejad T, Zakaria M
    Microb Pathog, 2011 Nov;51(5):325-37.
    PMID: 21839160 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2011.07.007
    Roselle, or Jamaica sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa) is a popular vegetable in many tropical regions, cultivated for its leaves, seeds, stems and calyces which, the dried calyces are used to prepare tea, syrup, jams and jellies and as beverages. The main objectives of this study were to identify and characterise fungal pathogens associated with Roselle diseases based on their morphological and cultural characteristics and to determine the pathogenicity of four fungi infecting Roselle seedlings, namely Phoma exigua, Fusarium nygamai, Fusarium tgcq and Rhizoctonia solani in Penang. A total of 200 fungal isolates were obtained from 90 samples of symptomatic Roselle tissues. The isolates were identified based on cultural and morphological characteristics, as well as their pathogenicity. The fungal pathogen most frequently isolated was P. exigua (present in 45% of the samples), followed by F. nygamai (25%), Rhizoctonia solani (19%) and F. camptoceras (11%). Pathogenicity tests showed that P. exigua, F. nygamai, F. camptoceras and R. solani were able to infect both wounded and unwounded seedlings with different degrees of severity as indicated by the Disease severity (DS). R. solani was the most pathogenic fungus affecting both wounded and unwounded Roselle seedlings, followed by P. exigua that was highly pathogenic on wounded seedlings. F. nygamai was less pathogenic while the least pathogenic fungus was F. camptoceras, infecting only the unwounded seedlings but, surprisingly, not the wounded plants.
  7. Chan M, Cheong TG, Kurunathan S, Chandrika M, Ledon T, Fando R, et al.
    Microb Pathog, 2010 Nov;49(5):211-6.
    PMID: 20558271 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2010.06.001
    Cholera caused by the O139 serogroup still remains a public health concern in certain regions of the world and the existing O1 vaccines do not cross-protect cholera caused by this serogroup. An aminolevulinic acid (ALA) auxotroph vaccine candidate against the O139 serogroup, designated as VCUSM2, was recently developed. It was found to be immunogenic in animal model studies but showed mild reactogenic effects due to the presence of two intact copies of Vibrio cholerae toxin (CTX) genetic element. In the present study we have modified the ctx operon by systematic allelic replacement methodology to produce a mutant strain, designated as VCUSM14. This strain has two copies of chromosomally integrated and mutated ctxA gene, encoding immunogenic but not toxic cholera toxin A subunit (CT-A). The amino acids arginine and glutamic acid at position 7th and 112th, respectively, in CT-A of VCUSM14 were substituted with lysine (R7K) and glutamine (E112Q), respectively. Two copies of the ace and zot genes present in the ctx operon were also deleted. Cholera toxin-ELISA using GM1 ganglioside showed that the both wild type CT and mutated CT were recognized by anti-CT polyclonal antibodies. VCUSM14 produced comparatively less amount of antigenic cholera toxin when compared to the VCUSM2 and Bengal wild type strain. VCUSM14 did not elicit fluid accumulation when inoculated into rabbit ileal loops at doses of 10(6) and 10(8) CFU. The colonization efficiency of VCUSM14 was one log lower than the parent strain, VCUSM2, which can be attributed to the ALA auxotrophy and less invasive properties of VCUSM14. VCUSM14, thus a non-reactogenic auxotrophic vaccine candidate against infection by O139 V. cholerae.
  8. Vellasamy KM, Vasu C, Puthucheary SD, Vadivelu J
    Microb Pathog, 2009 Sep;47(3):111-7.
    PMID: 19524661 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2009.06.003
    To evaluate the potential role of extracellular proteins in the pathogenicity and virulence of Burkholderia pseudomallei, the activities of several enzymes in the culture filtrates of nine clinical and six environmental isolates were investigated in vitro and in vivo in ICR strain of mice. The production of protease, phosphatase, phospholipase C, superoxide dismutase, catalase and peroxidase were detected in the culture filtrates of all the 15 isolates at different time points of growth 4-24h. Over time, activity of each enzyme at each time point varied. Profile of secretion was similar among the 15 isolates irrespective of source, that is clinical or environmental. Catalase, phosphatase and phospholipase C were found to be increased in 60-100% of the isolates post-passage in mice. In vivo inoculation studies in ICR mice demonstrated a wide difference in their ability to cause bacteraemia, splenic or external abscesses and mortality rate ranged from few days to several weeks.
  9. Cheong TG, Chan M, Kurunathan S, Ali SA, ZiNing T, Zainuddin ZF, et al.
    Microb Pathog, 2010 Feb;48(2):85-90.
    PMID: 19900531 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2009.11.001
    Vibrio cholerae is a Gram-negative bacterium that causes diarrheal disease. V. cholerae O1 and O139 serogroups are toxigenic and are known to cause epidemic cholera. These serogroups produce cholera toxin and other accessory toxins such as accessory cholera enterotoxin, zonula occludens toxin, and multifunctional, autoprocessing repeat in toxin (MARTX). In the present study, we incorporated mutated rtxA and rtxC genes that encode MARTX toxin into the existing aminolevulinic acid (ALA) auxotrophic vaccine candidate VCUSM2 of V. cholerae O139 serogroup. The rtxC mutant was named VCUSM9 and the rtxC/rtxA mutant was named VCUSM10. VCUSM9 and VCUSM10 were able to colonize intestinal cells well, compared with the parent vaccine strain, and produced no fluid accumulation in a rabbit ileal loop model. Cell rounding and western blotting assays indicated that mutation of the rtxC gene alone (VCUSM9 strain) did not abolish MARTX toxicity. However mutation of both the rtxA and rtxC genes (VCUSM10) completely abolished MARTX toxicity. Thus we have produced a new, less reactogenic, auxotrophic rtxC/rtxA mutated vaccine candidate against O139 V. cholerae.
  10. Annas S, Zamri-Saad M, Jesse FF, Zunita Z
    Microb Pathog, 2015 Nov;88:94-102.
    PMID: 26298001 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2015.08.009
    Haemorrhagic septicaemia (HS) is an acute, septicaemic disease of cattle and buffalo of Asia and Africa caused by Pasteurella multocida B:2 or E:2. Buffaloes are believed to be more susceptible than cattle. In this study, 9 buffaloes of 8 months old were divided equally into 3 groups (Groups 1, 3, 5). Similarly, 9 cattle of 8 months old were equally divided into 3 groups (Groups 2, 4, 6). Animals of Groups 1 and 2 were inoculated with PBS while Groups 3 and 4 were inoculated subcutaneously with 10(5) cfu/ml of P. multocida B:2. Animals of Groups 5 and 6 were inoculated intranasally with the same inoculum. Both buffaloes and cattle that were inoculated subcutaneously succumbed to the infection at 16 h and 18 h, respectively. Two buffaloes that were inoculated intranasally (Group 5) succumbed at 68 h while the remaining cattle and buffaloes survived the 72-h study period. Endotoxin was detected in the blood of infected cattle (Group 4) and buffaloes (Groups 3 and 5) prior to the detection of P. multocida B:2 in the blood. The endotoxin was detected in the blood of buffaloes of Group 3 and cattle of Group 4 at 0.5 h post-inoculation while buffaloes of Group 5 and cattle of Group 6 at 1.5 h. On the other hand, bacteraemia was detected at 2.5 h in buffaloes of Group 3 and cattle of Group 4 and at 12 h in buffaloes of Group 5 and cattle of Group 6. Affected cattle and buffaloes showed lesions typical of haemorrhagic septicaemia. These included congestion and haemorrhages in the organs of respiratory, gastrointestinal and urinary tracts with evidence of acute inflammatory reactions. The severity of gross and histopathology lesions in cattle and buffalo calves that succumbed to the infection showed insignificant (p > 0.05) difference. However, inoculated buffalo and cattle that survived the infection showed significantly (p < 0.05) less severe gross and histopathological changes than those that succumbed. In general, cattle are more resistant to intranasal infection by P. multocida B:2 than buffaloes.
  11. Yousuf FA, Rafiq S, Siddiqui R, Khan NA
    Microb Pathog, 2016 Apr;93:145-51.
    PMID: 26867478 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2016.02.002
    The completion of Escherichia coli K1 genome has identified several genomic islands that are present in meningitis-causing E. coli RS218 but absent in the non-pathogenic E. coli MG1655. In this study, the role of various genomic islands in E. coli K1 interactions with intestinal epithelial cells (Caco-2) and kidney epithelial cells (MA104) was determined. Using association assays, invasion assays, and intracellular survival assays, the findings revealed that the genomic island deletion mutants of RS218 related to P fimbriae, S fimbriae, F17-like fimbriae, non-fimbrial adhesins, Hek and hemagglutinin, protein secretion system (T1SS for hemolysin; T2SS; T5SS for antigen 43), Iro system and hmu system), invasins (CNF1, IbeA), toxins (α-hemolysin), K1 capsule biosynthesis, metabolism (d-serine catabolism, dihydroxyacetone, glycerol, and glyoxylate metabolism), prophage genes, showed reduced interactions with both cell types. Next, we determined the role of various genomic islands in E. coli K1 resistance to serum. When exposed to the normal human serum, the viability of the genomic island deletion mutants related to adhesins such as S fimbriae, P fimbriae, F17-like fimbriae, non-fimbrial adhesins, Hek and hemagglutinin, antigen 43 and T5SS for antigen 43, T2SS, and T1SS for hemolysin, Iro system and hmu system, prophage genes, metabolism (sugar metabolism and d-serine catabolism), K1 capsule biosynthesis, and invasins such as CNF1 was affected, suggesting their role in bacteremia. The characterization of these genomic islands should reveal mechanisms of E. coli K1 pathogenicity that could be of value as therapeutic targets.
  12. Marza AD, Jesse FF, Ahmed IM, Teik Chung EL, Ibrahim HH, Zamri-Saad M, et al.
    Microb Pathog, 2016 Apr;93:111-9.
    PMID: 26850845 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2016.01.025
    Haemorrhagic septicaemia (HS) is an acute, fatal, septicaemic disease of cattle and buffaloes caused by one of two specific serotypes of Pasteurella multocida B:2 and E:2 in Asian and African, respectively. It is well known that HS affect mainly the respiratory and digestive tracts. However, involvement of the nervous system in pathogenesis of HS has been reported in previous studies without details. In this study, nine buffalo calves of 8 months old were distributed into three groups. Animals of Group 1 and 2 were inoculated orally and subcutaneously with 10 ml of 1 × 10(12) cfu/ml of P. multocida B:2, respectively, while animals of Group 3 were inoculated orally with 10 ml of phosphate buffer saline as a control. All calves in Group 1 and Group 3 were euthanised after 504 h (21 day) post-infection, while calves in Group 2 had to euthanise after 12 h post-infection as they develop sever clinical signs of HS. Significant differences were found in Group 2 in the mean scores of clinical signs, gross and histopathological changes which mainly affect different anatomic regions of the nervous system. In addition, successful bacterial isolation of P. multocida B:2 were obtained from different sites of the nervous system. On the other hand, less sever, clinical, gross and histopathological changes were found in Group 1. These results provide for the first time strong evidence of involving of the nervous system in pathogenesis of HS, especially in the peracute stage of the disease.
  13. Baig AM, Khan NA
    Microb Pathog, 2015 Nov;88:48-51.
    PMID: 26276705 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2015.08.005
    Granulomatous amoebic encephalitis due to Acanthamoeba is a chronic disease that almost always results in death. Hematogenous spread is a pre-requisite followed by amoebae invasion of the blood-brain barrier to enter the central nervous system. Given the systemic nature of this infection, a significant latent period of several months before the appearance of clinical manifestations is puzzling. Based on reported cases, here we propose pathogenetic mechanisms that explain the above described latency of the disease.
  14. Umer M, Jesse FFA, Mohammed Saleh WM, Chung ELT, Haron AW, Saharee AA, et al.
    Microb Pathog, 2020 Dec;149:104539.
    PMID: 33007431 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2020.104539
    Caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis is characterized by the development of abscesses, mainly in superficial and internal lymph nodes, visceral and reproductive organs in small ruminants. This study aims to examine the histopathological changes in reproductive organs of goats immunized with killed vaccine of C. pseudotuberculosis. In this study, twenty four (24) clinically healthy bucks and does were divided into four groups A, B, C and D. Animals in groups A and B were immunized with 0.5 and 1% formalin killed vaccine, respectively; followed by a booster dose. After the booster dose of immunization, groups A, B and C were challenged with C. pseudotuberculosis at 106 cfu/ml. Goats in group D were immunize and unchallenged and left as control group. All C. pseudotuberculosis infected animals were euthanized humanely 12 weeks post-challenged. Tissue samples such as testes, epididymis, spermatic cord, penis, pituitary gland, mammary gland, vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tube and ovaries were collected for histopathology study. Microscopic examination of all tissues (testes, seminiferous tubules, spermatic cord, penile tissues and the pituitary gland) in the male reproductive organs of the bucks that were inoculated with 2 ml of 0.5% and 1.0% of C. pseudotuberculosis killed vaccine showed normal (animals inoculated with 1.0%) to mild (animals inoculated with 0.5%) histopathological changes when compared with those from group C which showed varying degrees of histopathological changes (p 
  15. Mohd-Lila MA, Yee LK, Cen LS, Bala JA, Balakrishnan KN, Allaudin ZN, et al.
    Microb Pathog, 2019 Sep;134:103572.
    PMID: 31163251 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2019.103572
    The common physical and chemical methods for controlling rat pest are less than satisfactory and inhumane. Immunocontraception approach has been considered more humane and it can be accomplished by inducing the relevant host immune response that block further development of reproductive gametes. ZP3 proteins are known to play very important role during sperm-ovum fertilization. It is a self-antigen and only localized in female ovaries. Therefore, an immunization with ZP3 protein elsewhere will induce a generalize host immune response against ZP3 protein. This study employed rat ZP3 (rZP3) gene prepared from its cDNA of Rattus rattus diardii. It was delivered and expressed in vivo by naked plamid DNA (DrZP3) or recombinant ZP3-Adenovirus (Ad-rZP3). Expression studies in vitro with DrZP3 or Ad-ZP3 showed rZP3 proteins were successfully expressed in Vero cells. Hyperimmune serum against rZP3 that were prepared by immunizing several rats with purified rZP3-pichia yeast fusion protein showed it blocked sperms from binding DrZP3-transfected Vero cells. Female Sprague Dawley rats immunized with DrZP3 demonstrated a long-term effect for significant reduction of fertility up to 92.6%. Ovaries from rats immunized with DrZP3 were severely atrophied with disappearance of primordial follicles from ovarian cortex with an increased in the amount of oocyte-free cell clusters. Female rats immunized with Ad-rZP3 demonstrated 27% reduction of fertility. The infertility induced by Ad-rZP3 is comparatively low and ineffective. This could be due to a strong host immune response that suppresses the recombinant virus itself resulted in minimum rZP3 protein presentation to the host immune system. As a result, low antibody titers produced against rZP3 is insufficient to block oocytes from maturity and fertilization. Therefore, immunization with DrZP3 for immunocontraception is more effective than Ad-rZP3 recombinant adenovirus. It is proposed to explore further on the use of adenovirus or other alternative viruses to deliver ZP3 protein and for the development of enhanced expression of rZP3 in target host.
  16. Odhah MN, Abdullah Jesse FF, Teik Chung EL, Mahmood Z, Haron AW, Mohd Lila MA, et al.
    Microb Pathog, 2019 Oct;135:103628.
    PMID: 31325572 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2019.103628
    Caseous lymphadenitis is an infectious disease of almost all animals, particularly small ruminants that are caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. The organism causes the formation of suppurative abscesses in superficial and visceral lymph nodes and in visceral organs. This current study was designed to elucidate the clinicopathological responses and PCR detection of the aetiological agent in the vital organs of goats challenged with C. pseudotuberculosis and its immunogenic mycolic acid extract. A total of twelve clinically healthy crossbred Boer female goats were divided into three groups: A, B, and C (four goats per group). Group A was inoculated intradermally with 2 ml of sterile phosphate buffered saline (PBS) pH 7 as a control group. Group B was inoculated intradermally with 2 ml of mycolic acid extract (1 g/ml), while group C was inoculated intradermally with 2 ml of 10⁹ colony-forming unit (cfu) of live C. pseudotuberculosis. The experimental animals were observed for clinical responses for 90 days post-inoculation and the clinical signs were scored according to the severity. The clinical signs observed in this study were temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, rumen motility, enlargement of lymph nodes, and body condition score. The experimental animals were euthanised and tissue samples from different anatomical regions of the vital organs were collected in 10% buffered formalin, processed, sectioned, and stained with H&E. Results of both C. pseudotuberculosis and mycolic acid treated groups indicated a significant difference (p 
  17. Osman AY, Kadir AA, Jesse FF, Saharee AA
    Microb Pathog, 2019 Nov;136:103669.
    PMID: 31445124 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2019.103669
    Brucella melitensis is one of the leading zoonotic pathogens with significant economic implications in animal industry worldwide. Lipopolysaccharide, however, remains by far the major virulence with substantial role in diseases pathogenesis. Nonetheless, the effect of B. melitensis and its lipopolysaccharide on immunopathophysiological aspects largely remains an enigma. This study examines the effect of B.melitensis and its lipopolysaccharide on immunopathophysiological parameters following experimental infection using mouse model. Eighty four (n = 84) mice, BALB/c, both sexes with equal gender distribution and 6-8 weeks-old were randomly assigned into three groups. Group 1-2 (n = 72) were orally inoculated with 0.4 mL containing 109 CFU/mL of B. melitensis and its LPS, respectively. Group 3 (n = 12) was challenged orally with phosphate buffered saline and served as a control group. Animals were observed for clinical signs, haematological and histopathological analysis for a period of 24 days post-infection. We hereby report that B.melitensis infected group demonstrated significant clinical signs and histopathological changes than LPS infected group. However, both infected groups showed elevated levels of interleukins (IL-1β and IL-6) and antibody levels (IgM and IgG) with varying degrees of predominance in LPS infected group than B. melitensis infected group. For hormone analysis, low levels of progesterone, estradiol and testosterone were observed in both B. melitensis and LPS groups throughout the study period. Moreover, in B. melitensis infected group, the organism was re-isolated from the organs and tissues of gastrointestinal, respiratory and reproductive systems thereby confirming the infection and transmission dynamics. This report is the first detailed investigation comparing the infection progression and host responses in relation to the immunopathophysiological aspects in a mouse model after oral inoculation with B. melitensis and its lipopolysaccharide.
  18. Kang TL, Velappan RD, Kabir N, Mohamad J, Rashid NN, Ismail S
    Microb Pathog, 2019 Mar;128:90-96.
    PMID: 30584901 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2018.12.042
    Haemorrhagic septicaemia (HS) is a well-known high fatality septicaemic disease happening among bovines. The disease is caused by the Pasteurella multocida serotype B:2 bacteria. P. multocida B:2 has high mortality and morbidity rates and is spread through the intranasal and oral routes in bovines. In this study, our aim was to investigate the efficacy of the recombinant protein vaccine, ABA392/pET30a via intranasal inoculation by targeting the mucosal immunity. The constructed recombinant protein vaccine ABA392/pET30a was subjected to an animal study using Sprague Dawley rats. The study was divided into two parts: active and passive immunization studies. Both studies were carried out through the determination of immunogenicity (using Total White Blood Cell (TWBC) Count with Indirect ELISA) and histopathogenicity, analyzing (Bronchus Associated Lymphoid Tissue (BALT) formation) in lungs. As a result, the IgA and IgG development of both tested groups: group 1 (50μg/mL protein vaccine) and group 2 (100μg/mL protein vaccine) showed equivalent with the positive control group 4 (formalin-killed P. multocida B:2). However, there was a significant difference when compared with the negative control group 3 (normal saline). These results demonstrate that both the protein vaccine at the concentration 50μg/mL and 100μg/mL have the same efficacy as the commercially available positive control vaccine. From the studies, higher concentration of protein vaccine at 100μg/mL showed higher development of both IgA and IgG compared to 50μg/mL protein vaccine. Higher and rapid development of IgA compared to IgG showed that mucosal immunity has been induced through the intranasal administration of the protein vaccine. In addition, leucocytosis was observed at each dose of vaccination showed that the protein vaccine is capable to induce the immune responses of the host. Histopathogenicity studies of the vaccinated groups showed more BALT formation and no severe lesions after challenge compared to the negative control group. Besides, no inflammatory onsite or anaphylactic responses were observed after the intranasal inoculation which proved to be safer and provided longer lasting immunity. Therefore, recombinant protein vaccine ABA392/pET30a could be a potential candidate for intranasal administration which can provoke mucosal immunity against HS disease.
  19. Jatuponwiphat T, Chumnanpuen P, Othman S, E-Kobon T, Vongsangnak W
    Microb Pathog, 2019 Feb;127:257-266.
    PMID: 30550841 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2018.12.013
    Pasteurella multocida causes respiratory infectious diseases in a multitude of birds and mammals. A number of virulence-associated genes were reported across different strains of P. multocida, including those involved in the iron transport and metabolism. Comparative iron-associated genes of P. multocida among different animal hosts towards their interaction networks have not been fully revealed. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the iron-associated genes from core- and pan-genomes of fourteen P. multocida strains and to construct iron-associated protein interaction networks using genome-scale network analysis which might be associated with the virulence. Results showed that these fourteen strains had 1587 genes in the core-genome and 3400 genes constituting their pan-genome. Out of these, 2651 genes associated with iron transport and metabolism were selected to construct the protein interaction networks and 361 genes were incorporated into the iron-associated protein interaction network (iPIN) consisting of nine different iron-associated functional modules. After comparing with the virulence factor database (VFDB), 21 virulence-associated proteins were determined and 11 of these belonged to the heme biosynthesis module. From this study, the core heme biosynthesis module and the core outer membrane hemoglobin receptor HgbA were proposed as candidate targets to design novel antibiotics and vaccines for preventing pasteurellosis across the serotypes or animal hosts for enhanced precision agriculture to ensure sustainability in food security.
  20. Odeyemi OA, Abdullah Sani N
    Microb Pathog, 2019 Nov;136:103665.
    PMID: 31404630 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2019.103665
    This study aimed to investigate antibiotic resistance and putative virulence factors among Cronobacter sakazakii isolated from powdered infant formula and other sources. The following 9 cultures (CR1-9) were collected from our culture collection: C. sakazakii and 3 Cronobacter species: C. sakazakii ATCC® 29544™, C. muytjensii ATCC® 51329™, C. turicensis E866 were used in this study. Isolates were subjected to antibiotic susceptibility and the following virulence factors (protease, DNase, haemolysin, gelatinase, motility and biofilm formation) using phenotypic methods. All the bacteria were able to form biofilm on agar at 37 °C and were resistant to ampicillin, erythromycin, fosfomycin and sulphamethoxazole. It was observed from this study that tested strains formed weak and strong biofilm with violet dry and rough (rdar), brown dry and rough (bdar), red mucoid and smooth (rmas) colony morphotypes on Congo red agar. Rdar expresses curli and fimbriae, while bdar expresses curli. Both biofilm colony morphotypes are commonly found in Enterobacteriaceae including Salmonella species. This study also reveals a new colony morphotypes in Cronobacter species. Conclusively, there was correlation between putative virulence factors and antibiotic resistance among the tested bacteria. Further study on virulence and antibiotic resistance genes is hereby encouraged.
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