Displaying all 12 publications

  1. Mintara R, Pramual P
    Trop Biomed, 2023 Sep 01;40(3):363-369.
    PMID: 37897171 DOI: 10.47665/tb.40.3.014
    The biting midge Culicoides peregrinus Kieffer is a significant pest and vector species, and knowledge of its genetic diversity and genetic structure is critically important for designing an effective control program. However, such information is limited to only small sample-size DNA barcoding studies. Therefore, in this study, we used mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) to examine genetic structure and diversity of C. peregrinus from northeastern Thailand. In addition, we also inferred genetic relationships between C. peregrinus from Thailand and those reported from other countries across the geographic range of the species. Maximum intraspecific genetic divergence (3.83%) within Thai specimens was relatively high compared to other Culicoides species. Genetic structure analysis revealed that 71% (32 from 45) of population comparisons were highly significantly different. A high level of genetic structure among populations, even between those in close geographic proximity (22 km geographic distance) suggested that there has been little or no movement between local populations. This is possibly due to the ability to exploit diverse types of breeding site and a generalist feeding habit which enables C. peregrinus to complete its life cycle within cattle pens. Genetic relationships between Thai C. peregrinus and those reported from other countries revealed three genetically divergent lineages (A, B and C) associated with geographic origins. Specimens from Thailand + China formed lineage A, those from Australia formed lineage B and India + Bangladesh belonged to lineage C. These genetically divergent lineages also agree with morphological variation of the wing pale marking spots. Further investigation using independent genetic loci from nuclear genes will be very useful to resolve taxonomic status of these divergent lineages.
  2. Pramual P, Khamluea S, Butlun P, Promdungdee A
    Trop Biomed, 2023 Jun 01;40(2):188-193.
    PMID: 37650406 DOI: 10.47665/tb.40.2.010
    Culicoides Latreille biting midges are important blood feeding insects. Many species are pests and vectors of the disease causing agents including viruses, protozoa and filarial nematodes which can be transmitted to humans and other animals. However, knowledge of the role of Culicoides as vectors of filarial nematodes is limited, particular in Thailand, where at least 100 species of the genus Culicoides have been reported. In this study, a molecular approach using the 12S rRNA gene sequence was used to detecting the filarial nematode in four common biting midge species, C. actoni Smith, C. oxystoma Kieffer, C. peregrinus Kieffer and C. mahasarakhamense Pramual, Jomkumsing, Piraonapicha & Jumpato in animal shelters from northeastern Thailand. A total of 1,721 specimens were used for molecular screening. An unidentified Onchocercidae sp. was detected in a specimen of C. mahasarakhamense collected from Maha Sarakham province. This filarial species shows 93% sequence similarity with an unidentified Onchocercidae sp. isolated from Culex mosquitoes. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that Onchocercidae sp. from C. mahasarakhamense formed a clade with strong bootstrap support (100%) with filarial species detected in birds. Thus, it is very likely that the Onchocercidae sp. found in this study employes birds as vertebrate hosts which agrees with feeding behavior of C. mahasarakhamense which is known to feed on chicken. Further study is requiring to examine whether this biting midge species is a competent vector of this Onchocercidae sp.
  3. Jomkumsing P, Tangkawanit U, Wongpakam K, Pramual P
    Acta Trop, 2019 Aug;196:22-29.
    PMID: 31059708 DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2019.05.001
    Black flies (Simuliidae) are important biting insects and vectors of diseases agents of humans and livestock. Thus, understanding the taxonomy and biodiversity of these insects is crucial for control and management of these diseases. In this study, we used mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I sequences to examine genetic diversity of three human-biting and possible vector black fly taxa; the Simulium asakoae species-complex, S. chamlongi and S. nigrogilvum. High levels of genetic diversity (>3.5% intraspecific genetic divergence) were found in all three taxa. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that the S. asakoae complex can be divided into seven groups with the largest group consisting of specimens from Thailand, Malaysia and Myanmar. This group most likely represents true S. asakoae. The remaining haplotypes formed groups with conspecific haplotypes or with other closely related species. Among these groups, one including S. monglaense and another including S. myanmarense suggest that certain specimens identified as S. asakoae most likely belong to those species. Therefore, they constitute new locality records for Thailand and also represent new records of anthropophily. Members of S. chamlongi are not monophyletic as its clade also included S. hackeri. A median joining network revealed strong geographic associations of the haplotypes of S. nigrogilvum suggesting limitation of gene flow. Because this species occurs mainly in high elevation habitats, low land areas could present a barrier to gene flow.
  4. Pramual P, Bunchom N, Saijuntha W, Tada I, Suganuma N, Agatsuma T
    Trop Biomed, 2019 Dec 01;36(4):938-957.
    PMID: 33597465
    Genetic variation based on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and II (COII) sequences was investigated for three black fly nominal species, Simulium metallicum Bellardi complex, S. callidum Dyar and Shannon, and S. ochraceum Walker complex, which are vectors of human onchocerciasis from Guatemala. High levels of genetic diversity were found in S. metallicum complex and S. ochraceum complex with maximum intraspecific genetic divergences of 11.39% and 4.25%, respectively. Levels of genetic diversity of these nominal species are consistent with species status for both of them as they are cytologically complexes of species. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the S. metallicum complex from Guatemala divided into three distinct clades, two with members of this species from several Central and South American countries and another exclusively from Mexico. The Simulium ochraceum complex from Guatemala formed a clade with members of this species from Mexico and Costa Rica while those from Ecuador and Colombia formed another distinct clade. Very low diversity in S. callidum was found for both genes with maximum intraspecific genetic divergence of 0.68% for COI and 0.88% for COII. Low genetic diversity in S. callidum might be a consequence of the result being informative of only recent population history of the species.
  5. Ya'cob Z, Takaoka H, Pramual P, Low VL, Sofian-Azirun M
    Acta Trop, 2016 Jan;153:57-63.
    PMID: 26476394 DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2015.10.007
    To investigate the breeding habitat preference of black flies, a comprehensive black fly survey was conducted for the first time in Peninsular Malaysia. Preimaginal black flies (pupae and larvae) were collected manually from 180 stream points encompassing northern, southern, central and east coast of the Peninsular Malaysia. A total of 47 black fly species were recorded in this study. The predominant species were Simulium trangense (36.7%) and Simulium angulistylum (33.3%). Relatively common species were Simulium cheongi (29.4%), Simulium tani (25.6%), Simulium nobile (16.2%), Simulium sheilae (14.5%) and Simulium bishopi (10.6%). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of all stream variables revealed four PCs that accounted for 69.3% of the total intersite variance. Regression analysis revealed that high species richness is associated with larger, deeper, faster and higher discharge streams with larger streambed particles, more riparian vegetation and low pH (F=22.7, d.f.=1, 173; P<0.001). Relationship between species occurrence of seven common species (present in >10% of the sampling sites) was assessed. Forward logistic regression analysis indicated that four species were significantly related to the stream variables. S. nobile and S. tani prefer large, fast flowing streams with higher pH, large streambed particles and riparian trees. S. bishopi was commonly found at high elevation with cooler stream, low conductivity, higher conductivity and more riparian trees. In contrast, S. sheilae was negatively correlated with PC-2, thus, this species commonly found at low elevation, warmer stream with low conductivity and less riparian trees. The results of this study are consistent with previous studies from other geographic regions, which indicated that both physical and chemical stream conditions are the key factors for black fly ecology.
  6. Ya'cob Z, Takaoka H, Pramual P, Low VL, Sofian-Azirun M
    Parasit Vectors, 2016 Apr 19;9:219.
    PMID: 27094088 DOI: 10.1186/s13071-016-1492-7
    BACKGROUND: Preimaginal black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) are important components of the stream ecosystem. However, there has been limited research undertaken on the vertical distribution of preimaginal black flies and their associated ecological factors. Stream conditions are generally variable along the altitudinal gradient. Therefore, we conducted an in-depth entomological survey to investigate the simuliid distribution pattern along an altitudinal gradient in Peninsular Malaysia.

    METHODS: A total of 432 collections were performed in this study (24 samplings at each of 18 fixed-streams at monthly intervals) from February 2012 to January 2014. Larvae and pupae attached on aquatic substrates such as grasses, leaves and stems, twigs, plant roots and rocks were collected by hand using fine forceps. Stream depth (m), width (m), velocity (m/s), water temperature (°C), acidity (pH), conductivity (mS/cm) and dissolved oxygen (mg/L) were measured at the time of each collection.

    RESULTS: A total of 35 black fly species were recorded in the present study. The most frequently collected species were Simulium tani (31.7%) and S. whartoni (21.5%), while the relatively common species were Simulium sp. (nr. feuerborni) (16.2%), S. decuplum (15.5%), S. angulistylum (14.8%), S. bishopi (13.2%) and S. izuae (11.8%). Total estimated species richness ranged between 39.8 and 41.3, which yielded more than 80% of sampling efficiency. Six simuliid species were distributed below 500 m, whereas eight species were distributed above 1400 m. Simulium sp. (nr. feuerborni) and S. asakoae were found from middle to high altitudes (711-1813 m). Simulium whartoni, S. brevipar and S. bishopi were distributed widely from low to high altitudes (159-1813 m). Regression analysis between species richness and PCs revealed that the species richness was significantly associated with wider, deeper and faster streams at low altitude, normal water temperature (23-25 °C), low conductivity, higher discharge, more canopy cover and riparian vegetation and with larger streambed particles (F = 20.8, df = 1, 422, P

  7. Gomontean B, Wannasingha W, Jumpato W, Wongpakam K, Mintara R, Jaroenchaiwattanachote C, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2024 Dec 01;41(4):512-517.
    PMID: 39876509 DOI: 10.47665/tb.41.4.012
    The deer fly (Diptera, Tabanidae), Chrysops dispar Fabricius is a common and widespread pest and vector species transmitting pathogens to animals including economically significant livestock. However, there is only limited information on genetic diversity, which crucial for understanding disease epidemiology. In this study, we examined genetic diversity of C. dispar collected from northeastern Thailand and compared with Indian material, from where this species was originally described. A molecular approach was used to screen for trypanosome. High genetic diversity was found within Thai C. dispar specimens with maximum 3.10% intraspecific genetic divergence due to the existence of two cryptic genetic lineages. Because these lineages coexist geographically, this indicates some degree of isolation, or the early stage of speciation. Phylogenetic analyses between Thai and Indian C. dispar populations revealed that they are genetically clearly distinct with minimum genetic divergence of 2.59%. A molecular species delimitation analysis supported that they belong to different species. Molecular screening of trypanosomes revealed that 20 of 90 specimens were positive and 16 of these were successfully sequenced. Based on sequence similarity, all were belonging to Trypanosoma theileri complex detected in cattle, the first report of this parasite in C. dispar. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that they belonged to two lineages (TthI and TthII) of this protozoa, corresponding to the occurrence of this parasite found in cattle in Thailand.
  8. Pramual P, Thaijarern J, Sofian-Azirun M, Ya'cob Z, Hadi UK, Takaoka H
    J Med Entomol, 2015 Sep;52(5):829-36.
    PMID: 26336220 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjv080
    Simulium feuerborni Edwards is geographically widespread in Southeast Asia. Previous cytogenetic study in Thailand revealed that this species is a species complex composed of two cytoforms (A and B). In this study, we cytologically examined specimens obtained from the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, and Puncak, Java, Indonesia. The results revealed two additional cytoforms (C and D) of S. feuerborni. Specimens from Malaysia represent cytoform C, differentiated from other cytoforms by a fixed chromosome inversion on the long arm of chromosome III (IIIL-5). High frequencies of the B chromosome (33-83%) were also observed in this cytoform. Specimens from Indonesia represent the cytoform D. This cytoform is differentiated from others by a fixed chromosome inversion difference on the long arm of chromosome II (IIL-4). Mitochondrial DNA sequences support genetic differentiation among cytoforms A, B, and C. The pairwise F(ST) values among these cytoforms were highly significantly consistent with the divergent lineages of the cytoforms in a median-joining haplotype network. However, a lack of the sympatric populations prevented us from testing the species status of the cytoforms.
  9. Ya'cob Z, Mintara R, Belabut DM, Halim MRA, Pramual P
    Acta Trop, 2025 Feb 19;263:107564.
    PMID: 39984010 DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2025.107564
    Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) sequences were used to determine the genetic diversity and species identification efficacy of Culicoides from Malaysia. In total, 100 COI sequences were obtained from 13 morphologically identified species. Intraspecific genetic divergence varied from 0.48 % in C. parahumeralis to 14.88 % in C. palpifer. However, most (8 of 13) had low (<3 %) intraspecific genetic divergence. Identification of these species based on best match (BM) and best close match (BCM) methods revealed a high efficiency of the COI sequences with 100 % and 99 % success for BM and BCM, respectively. Identification in the BOLD database revealed that 10 species were successfully determined and agreed with morphological identifications. There remained three taxa which were ambiguous (C. jacobsoni) or had no species level identity match (C. palpifer and C. flavescens). Phylogenetic analyses found that all Malaysian specimens were clustered with conspecifics except C. palpifer. Specimens of this taxon separated into two divergent clades, one with members of a BIN (BOLD:ADT9601) of C. palpifer whereas the other formed a novel genetic lineage. Molecular species delimitation identified the morphologically identified species of the Malaysian Culicoides in the respective species. The exceptions were two divergent lineages found in C. palpifer because they were treated as two different taxa. Molecular identification of the host blood meal source revealed that all were from water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis).
  10. Izwan-Anas N, Ya'cob Z, Low VL, Lourdes EY, Teoh BT, Mansor MS, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2024 Sep 01;41(3):251-256.
    PMID: 39548777 DOI: 10.47665/tb.41.3.003
    Simulium asakoae Takaoka and Davies has been confirmed to bite humans and has been incriminated as a vector of blood protozoan parasites of the genera Leucocytozoon and Trypanosoma, as well as an unknown filarial parasite in Thailand. However, its attraction to humans has remained uninvestigated in Malaysia. Recently, 27 black flies were collected in Pahang, Malaysia, of which 25 were captured in CO2-baited Malaise traps and two were collected from humans during trapping activity. All specimens were morphologically identified as S. asakoae. Cytochrome c oxidase I sequences of the two specimens caught on humans showed 100% similarity with those of S. asakoae in the NCBI GenBank, confirming their morphological identity. Blood-meal analysis using a HAL·HARTM kit did not show the presence of domestic or wild animal DNA. However, human DNA was amplified from one engorged fly in the cytochrome b gene amplification assay, providing the first evidence of blood-feeding by S. asakoae in Malaysia.
  11. Low VL, Takaoka H, Pramual P, Adler PH, Ya'cob Z, Chen CD, et al.
    J Med Entomol, 2016 07;53(4):972-976.
    PMID: 27208009
    We access the molecular diversity of the black fly Simulium nobile De Mejiere, using the universal cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) barcoding gene, across its distributional range in Southeast Asia. Our phylogenetic analyses recovered three well-supported mitochondrial lineages of S. nobile, suggesting the presence of cryptic species. Lineage A is composed of a population from Sabah, East Malaysia (Borneo); lineage B represents the type population from Java, Indonesia; and lineage C includes populations from the mainland of Southeast Asia (Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand). The genetic variation of lineage C on the mainland is greater than that of lineages A and B on the islands of Borneo and Java. Our study highlights the value of a molecular approach in assessing species status of simuliids in geographically distinct regions.
  12. Low VL, Takaoka H, Pramual P, Adler PH, Ya'cob Z, Huang YT, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2016 Feb 03;6:20346.
    PMID: 26839292 DOI: 10.1038/srep20346
    Perspicuous assessments of taxonomic boundaries and discovery of cryptic taxa are of paramount importance in interpreting ecological and evolutionary phenomena among black flies (Simuliidae) and combating associated vector-borne diseases. Simulium tani Takaoka & Davies is the largest and perhaps the most taxonomically challenging species complex of black flies in the Oriental Region. We use a DNA sequence-based method to delineate currently recognized chromosomal and morphological taxa in the S. tani complex on the Southeast Asian mainland and Taiwan, while elucidating their phylogenetic relationships. A molecular approach using multiple genes, coupled with morphological and chromosomal data, supported recognition of cytoform K and morphoform 'b' as valid species; indicated that S. xuandei, cytoform L, and morphoform 'a' contain possible cryptic species; and suggested that cytoform B is in the early stages of reproductive isolation whereas lineage sorting is incomplete in cytoforms A, C, and G.
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