Minyak pati Goniothalamus ridleyi daripada sampel segar dan kering bahagian kulit batang, kayu, buah, akar dan
daun telah diekstrak menggunakan hidro penyulingan. Minyak pati tersebut telah dianalisis menggunakan kromatografi
gas (KG) kapilari dan kromatografi gas-spektrometer jisim (KG-SJ). Komposisi sebatian kimia dalam minyak pati telah
dikenal pasti secara perbandingan data spektrum jisim sampel dengan spektrum jisim yang ada dalam rujukan Wiley,
perbandingan pengiraan indeks penahanan dengan nilai kepustakaan dan ko-kromatografi bagi sesetengah sebatian
dengan sebatian autentik pada turus kapilari DB-5. Sebanyak 50 sebatian telah dikenal pasti dan mewakili 89.5% minyak
pati kulit batang segar G. ridleyi. Minyak pati daripada kulit batang segar kaya dengan sebatian linalool (15.2%) dan
sitronellal (10.9%). Sejumlah 47 sebatian telah dikenal pasti dan mewakili 90.1% jumlah minyak pati kayu segar yang
menunjukkan kehadiran sebatian utama β-eudesmol (27.1%) dan γ-eudesmol (20.8%). Sementara itu, minyak pati
daripada bahagian buah menunjukkan kehadiran 49 sebatian serta mewakili 89.8% jumlah minyak pati. Sebatian utama
dalam minyak pati buah adalah β-kubebena (20.7%) dan elemol (20.2%). Sebatian utama dalam sampel segar adalah
sama dengan sebatian utama dalam sampel kering, kecuali bahagian sampel kering didapati kaya dengan sebatiansebatian
seperti β-karyofilena, limonena, β-selinena, viridifloral, α-kopaena dan cyperena.
Phytochemical studies were conducted on the stem bark, stem, root and fruit of Goniothalamus ridleyi (Annonaceae)
collected at Post Brooke, Gua Musang, Kelantan, Malaysia. Extraction using organic solvent followed by extensive
purification using standard procedure afforded an epoxystyryllactone, 5-acetoxyisogoniothalamin oxide (1) from the
stem bark and fruit; a styryllactone, 5-acetoxygoniothalamin (2) and a styrylpyrone, dehydrogoniothalamin (3) from
the stem and root; a styryllactone, 5-hydroxygoniothalamin (4) from the root and styrylpyrone as well as goniothalamin
(5) from the fruit. These compounds were characterized using spectroscopic techniques.
Oil palm or Elaeis guineens is a rich natural source of phenolic with flavonoid as the main constituents. These phenolics are potent antioxidants that can be used in the food industry, cosmetics and others. Therefore, the study was aimed to determine the effect of solvents which were methanol, ethyl acetate and hexane also different plant parts which were leaves, frond and fresh fruit bunch toward antioxidant activity (AOA), total phenolic content (TPC) and total flavonoid
content (TFC). The antioxidant was analysed using the DPPH method, TPC by Ciocalteu assay and TFC by aluminium chloride colorimetric assay. The result from ANOVA indicated that there was a difference (P < 0.05) in the extracting ability of each solvent and different plant parts for AOA, TPC and TFC. Generally, the result suggested that methanol give the highest antioxidant
activity, TPC and TFC compared to ethyl acetate and hexane. Therefore, the solvent used should be selected properly to allow for a high level of extraction efficiency.