Displaying all 6 publications

  1. Gammie AJ, Lopez JB, Scott S
    Clin Chem Lab Med, 2023 Mar 28;61(4):634-637.
    PMID: 36343330 DOI: 10.1515/cclm-2022-1052
    Clinical laboratories are significant contributors to the environmental burden of the planet. They have been slow to address the issues with a few exceptions, but it is highly encouraging to see the current impetus and ambition in this direction. This paper describes some of these initiatives and provides the rationale as to why clinical laboratories should become sustainable. It also describes the economic and intangible benefits that labs will accrue in achieving sustainability.
  2. Alharthi MS, Scott S, Hughes C, Bond C, Hatah E, Bryant L, et al.
    Int J Pharm Pract, 2024 Mar 06;32(2):180-185.
    PMID: 38387608 DOI: 10.1093/ijpp/riae002
    BACKGROUND: Medication review (MR) is the systematic assessment of a patient's medications for safety and effectiveness by a healthcare professional. The language used to describe MR activity, such as stopped medicine and increased dose, should be consistent across studies to assist researchers compare how different services operate and identify their mechanism of impact.

    AIM: To develop an international taxonomy of standardized terms and activity definitions related to medication reviews.

    METHOD: This was a three-stage Delphi-based consensus study with international medication review experts. A systematic review provided MR activity terms for the survey. Experts rated their consensus on each activity term and its definition on a Likert scale and provided written feedback. The consensus was 75% panel agreement. At each stage, consensus elements were retained, and feedback was used to revise definitions.

    RESULTS: Seven experts were recruited for the study (response rate 15.2%) from four countries: the United Kingdom (n = 4), New Zealand (n = 1), Australia (n = 1), and Malaysia (n = 1). The following terms achieved consensus: the term Medication as a descriptor for MR terms; discontinue medication, start medication, dose increase, dose decrease, dosage form change, and medication safety and efficacy monitor to describe MR activity; Educate to describe the delivery of healthcare professionals and patients/carers education.

    CONCLUSION: Standardized medication review activity terms and definitions have been selected for universal adoption in all future MR research to facilitate a meaningful comparison of process evaluations within different settings.

  3. Fong MWK, Stephens E, Brockington A, Jayabal J, Scott S, Zhang T, et al.
    Epilepsia, 2024 Apr 18.
    PMID: 38634858 DOI: 10.1111/epi.17975
    OBJECTIVE: Determination of the real-world performance of a health care system in the treatment of status epilepticus (SE).

    METHODS: Prospective, multicenter population-based study of SE in Auckland, New Zealand (NZ) over 1 year, with data recorded in the EpiNet database. Focus on treatment patterns and determinants of SE duration and 30-day mortality. The incidence, etiology, ethnic discrepancies, and seizure characteristics of this cohort have been published previously.

    RESULTS: A total of 365 patients were included in this treatment cohort; 326 patients (89.3%) were brought to hospital because of SE, whereas 39 patients (10.7%) developed SE during a hospital admission for another reason. Overall, 190 (52.1%) had a known history of epilepsy and 254 (70.0%) presented with SE with prominent motor activity. The mean Status Epilepticus Severity Score (STESS) was 2.15 and the mean SE duration of all patients was 44 min. SE self-terminated without any treatment in 84 patients (22.7%). Earlier administration of appropriately dosed benzodiazepine in the pre-hospital setting was a major determinant of SE duration. Univariate analysis demonstrated that mortality was significantly higher in older patients, patients with longer durations of SE, higher STESS, and patients who developed SE in hospital, but these did not maintain significance with multivariate analysis. There was no difference in the performance of the health care system in the treatment of SE across ethnic groups.

    SIGNIFICANCE: When SE was defined as 10 continuous minutes of seizure, overall mortality was lower than expected and many patients had self-limited presentations for which no treatment was required. Although there were disparities in the incidence of SE across ethnic groups there was no difference in treatment or outcome. The finding highlights the benefit of a health care system designed to deliver universal health care.

  4. Zhang T, Ajamain AWH, Donnelly J, Brockington A, Jayabal J, Scott S, et al.
    Seizure, 2024 Jul 21;121:17-22.
    PMID: 39053336 DOI: 10.1016/j.seizure.2024.07.015
    PURPOSE: To document the 2-year mortality and seizure recurrence rate of a prospective cohort of patients identified with status epilepticus (SE).

    METHODS: Patients presenting to any hospital in the Auckland region between April 6 2015, and April 5 2016, with a seizure lasting 10 min or longer were identified. Follow up was at 2 years post index SE episode via telephone calls and detailed review of clinical notes.

    RESULTS: We identified 367 patients with SE over the course of one year. 335/367 (91.3 %) were successfully followed up at the 2-year mark. Two-year all-cause mortality was 50/335 (14.9 %), and 49/267 (18.4 %) when febrile SE was excluded. Two-year seizure recurrence was 197/335 (58.8 %). On univariate analyses, children (preschoolers 2 to < 5 years and children 5 to < 15 years), Asian ethnicity, SE duration <30 mins and acute (febrile) aetiology were associated with lower mortality, while older age >60 and progressive causes were associated with higher mortality on both univariate and multivariate analyses. Age < 2 years and acute aetiology were associated with lower seizure recurrence, while non convulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) with coma and a history of epilepsy were associated with higher seizure recurrence. On multivariate analyses, a history of epilepsy, as well as having both acute and remote causes were associated with higher seizure recurrence.

    CONCLUSIONS: All-cause mortality in both the paediatric and adult populations at 2 years was lower than most previous reports. Older age, SE duration ≥30 mins and progressive aetiologies were associated with the highest 2-year mortality, while febrile SE had the lowest mortality. A history of epilepsy, NCSE with coma, and having both acute and remote causes were associated with higher seizure recurrence at 2 years. Future studies should focus on functional measures of outcome and long-term quality of life.

  5. Bergin PS, Brockington A, Jayabal J, Scott S, Litchfield R, Roberts L, et al.
    Epilepsia, 2018 10;59 Suppl 2:144-149.
    PMID: 30159885 DOI: 10.1111/epi.14478
    The EpiNet project has been commenced to facilitate investigator-led collaborative research in epilepsy. A new Web-based data collection tool has been developed within EpiNet to record comprehensive data regarding status epilepticus and has been used for a study of status epilepticus in Auckland, New Zealand. All patients aged >4 weeks who presented to any of the five public hospitals and the major private hospital within Auckland city (population = 1.61 million) with an episode of status epilepticus between April 6, 2015 and April 5, 2016 were identified using multiple overlapping sources of information. For this study, status epilepticus was defined as any seizure exceeding 10 minutes in duration, or repeated seizures lasting >10 minutes without recovery between seizures. Patients who had either convulsive or nonconvulsive status epilepticus were included. Episodes of status epilepticus were classified according to the 2015 International League Against Epilepsy ILAE status epilepticus classification. A total of 477 episodes in 367 patients were considered as definite or probable status epilepticus; 285 episodes (62%) lasted >30 minutes, which is the duration that has previously been used for epidemiological studies of status epilepticus.
  6. Bergin PS, Brockington A, Jayabal J, Scott S, Litchfield R, Roberts L, et al.
    Epilepsia, 2019 08;60(8):1552-1564.
    PMID: 31260104 DOI: 10.1111/epi.16277
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence, etiology, and outcome of status epilepticus (SE) in Auckland, New Zealand, using the latest International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) SE semiological classification.

    METHODS: We prospectively identified patients presenting to the public or major private hospitals in Auckland (population = 1.61 million) between April 6, 2015 and April 5, 2016 with a seizure lasting 10 minutes or longer, with retrospective review to confirm completeness of data capture. Information was recorded in the EpiNet database.

    RESULTS: A total of 477 episodes of SE occurred in 367 patients. Fifty-one percent of patients were aged <15 years. SE with prominent motor symptoms comprised 81% of episodes (387/477). Eighty-four episodes (18%) were nonconvulsive SE. Four hundred fifty episodes occurred in 345 patients who were resident in Auckland. The age-adjusted incidence of 10-minute SE episodes and patients was 29.25 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 27.34-31.27) and 22.22 (95% CI = 20.57-23.99)/100 000/year, respectively. SE lasted 30 minutes or longer in 250 (56%) episodes; age-adjusted incidence was 15.95 (95% CI = 14.56-17.45) SE episodes/100 000/year and 12.92 (95% CI = 11.67-14.27) patients/100 000/year. Age-adjusted incidence (10-minute SE) was 25.54 (95% CI = 23.06-28.24) patients/100 000/year for males and 19.07 (95% CI = 16.91-21.46) patients/100 000/year for females. The age-adjusted incidence of 10-minute SE was higher in Māori (29.31 [95% CI = 23.52-37.14]/100 000/year) and Pacific Islanders (26.55 [95% CI = 22.05-31.99]/100 000/year) than in patients of European (19.13 [95% CI = 17.09-21.37]/100 000/year) or Asian/other descent (17.76 [95% CI = 14.73-21.38]/100 000/year). Seventeen of 367 patients in the study died within 30 days of the episode of SE; 30-day mortality was 4.6%.

    SIGNIFICANCE: In this population-based study, incidence and mortality of SE in Auckland lie in the lower range when compared to North America and Europe. For pragmatic reasons, we only included convulsive SE if episodes lasted 10 minutes or longer, although the 2015 ILAE SE classification was otherwise practical and easy to use.

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