Pregnancy after treatment of choriocarcinoma with cerebral metastases is uncommon. We treated a patient successfully with less-toxic chemotherapeutic agents than those advocated by others together with whole brain irradiation. She subsequently had two uneventful pregnancies.
Patients at high risk of recurrence or metastases following radical surgery for Stage 1B and 2A cervical carcinoma include those with pelvic node metastases, lymphatic or vascular space permeation in the cervix by tumour cells, large size of the primary tumour, involvement of the full thickness of the cervix and parametrial spread. We report the initial results of adjuvant chemotherapy using a combination of cisplatinum, bleomycin and vinblastine in 22 patients who had undergone Wertheim radical hysterectomy and were thought to be at high risk of developing recurrence. The mean duration of follow-up was 23 months. All are alive after follow-up ranging from 13 to 43 months. Three patients developed recurrences--one in the pelvis, another at the posterior aspect of the urethral meatus and the third developed pulmonary secondaries at 20 to 23 months after surgery. Toxicity from the chemotherapy was acceptable.
During a 14-year period, 397 radical hysterectomies and pelvic lymphadenectomies were performed for early invasive carcinoma of the cervix. Twenty-one patients were in stage IA2 with lymphatic/vascular channel permeation (5.2%), 340 in stage IB (85.6%) and 34 in early stage 2A disease (8.5%). Eighteen patients (4.5%) were pregnant. Adenocarcinoma comprised 26.9% of cases. The mean operative time was 4.14 h; the intraoperative blood loss was less than 1.51 in 77.3% patients. There was no operative mortality; one patient died 3 weeks after surgery from clostridium difficile enterocilitis. Eleven patients (2.7%) developed venous thrombosis; severe lymphedema occurred in four (1%). The incidence of uretero-vaginal fistula was 0.2% and that of vesico-vaginal fistula 0.5%. Ovarian metastases were noted in 4.3% of cases with adenocarcinoma. Sixty-six patients had positive nodes (16.6%). Five-year survival in patients with more than 2 positive nodes was 68%. The use of adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with 'high risk' factors resulted in survival rates approaching those without risk factors. Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy was used in 10 patients with large bulky tumors; the results were favorable. Recurrences occurred in 47 patients (11.8%); 36 patients have died (9.1%). Age did not appear to influence survival. The overall 5-year survival was 92.2%.
Of 36 cases of choriocarcinoma treated at the University Hospital Kuala Lumpur during 1980-84 inclusive, 6 patients were found to have cerebral metastases. Intrathecal methotrexate and combination chemotherapy were started in all cases, with monitoring of tumor growth by serial beta-HCG assays and CT scanning of brain and lung. Chemotherapy was reduced because of severe toxicity in 2 patients, one of whom received radiotherapy to the brain. Four patients (66%) have now been in remission for 2.5-6 years. Two did not respond to therapy and died. The factors involved in therapy and response are discussed.
Five patients illustrate various aspects of obstetrical defibrination in West Malaysia, resulting from exaggeration of changes in fibrinolytic-coagulation equilibrium that occur at delivery. Hypofibrinogenaemia and fibrinolysis may occur in association or either feature predominate. These patients are from a population in which a variety of genetic and environmental factors may interact, e.g. abnormal haemoglobins, cold agglutinins, viral and other infections, introducing additional complications.
Pregnancy was associated with cardiac disease in 0.94% of pregnancies. 0.66% with rheumatic lesions and 0.25'\'0 with congenital lesions. The Malays had a higher incidence than the Chinese and Indians. Most of the cardiac pregnancies were in patients between 20-30 years of age and gravida 1 to 4. Nevertheless. still about 30% of cardiac pregnancies were in patients 30 years and over in age and 20% in patient gravida 5 and above. Rheumatic lesions predominated. involving mainly the mitral valve. of which the major lesion was mitral stenosis. PDA. ASD and VSD were the major congenital lesions. Major antepartum matemal complications included arrhythmias. heart failure, anemia and pre-eclampsia. Of the arrhythmias. atrial fibrillation and sinus tachycardia occurred most commonly. A high incidence of prophylactic forceps and vacuum deliveries
was evident. There was one matemal death. The majority of infants were bom alive and well.
2a 2b dihomo 15(S) 15 methyl PGF2 alpha methyl ester (dihomo 15 me PGF2 alpha) in intramuscular doses of 0.5 mg 8 hourly was used in 631 patients with abnormal intrauterine pregnancy comprising 282 cases of intrauterine fetal death, 233 cases of missed abortion, 34 and 82 cases respectively anencephalic and molar pregnancies. The study was carried out as a collaborative project between the University Departments of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Singapore (Singapore), Medan (Indonesia) and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) during the period June 1974 and November 1979. Six hundred patients (95.1%) aborted or delivered in a mean time of 11.3 hours (S.D. +/- 7.0) with an average of 1.8 injections of the prostaglandin analogue per patient. Side effects included vomiting (23.6%; mean 0.45 episodes per patient), diarrhoea (44.4%; mean 1.00 episode per patient), cold and shivering (11.9%) and pyrexia (12.4%). One patient sustained a cervical laceration which did not require repair. There were no complications.