Displaying all 6 publications

  1. Sher F, Hanif K, Rafey A, Khalid U, Zafar A, Ameen M, et al.
    J Environ Manage, 2021 Jan 15;278(Pt 2):111302.
    PMID: 33152547 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111302
    The water reservoirs are getting polluted due to increasing amounts of micropollutants such as pharmaceuticals, organic polymers and suspended solids. Powdered activated carbon (PAC) has been proved to be a promising solution for the purification of water without having harmful impacts on the environment. Parameters such as PAC dosing, wastewater hardness, the effect of coagulant and flocculant were evaluated in a batch scale study. These parameters were further applied on a pilot plant scale for the performance evaluation of PAC based removal of micropollutants concerning the contact time and PAC dosing with main focus on recirculation of PAC sludge. The obtained optimum dose was 10-20 mg/L providing 84.40-91.30% removal efficiency of suspended solid micropollutants (MPs) and this efficiency increased to 88.90-93.00% along with coagulant which further raised by the addition of polymer and recirculation process at batch scale. On pilot plant scale, the concentration in contact reactor and PAC removal effectiveness of dissolved air flotation, lamella separator and sedimentation tank were compared. Constant optimisation resulted in a concentration ranging from 2.70 to 3.40 g/L at dosing of PAC 10 mg/L, coagulant 2.00 mg/L and polymer 0.50 mg/L. PAC doses of 10-20 mg/L with 15-30 min contact time proved best for above 70-80% elimination. The recirculation system has also proved an efficient technique because the PAC's adsorption capacity was practically completely used. Small PAC dosages yielded high micropollutants elimination.
  2. Abu Hassan MH, Sher F, Fareed B, Ali U, Zafar A, Bilal M, et al.
    Ind Eng Chem Res, 2021 Aug 04;60(30):11346-11356.
    PMID: 34475634 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.1c01174
    An increase in temperature of up to 2 °C occurs when the amount of CO2 reaches a range of 450 ppm. The permanent use of mineral oil is closely related to CO2 emissions. Maintaining the sustainability of fossil fuels and eliminating and reducing CO2 emissions is possible through carbon capture and storage (CCS) processes. One of the best ways to maintain CCS is hydrate-based gas separation. Selected type T1-5 (0.01 mol % sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) + 5.60 mol % tetrahydrofuran (THF), with the help of this silica gel promotion was strongly stimulated. A pressure of 36.5 bar of CO2 is needed in H2O to investigate the CO2 hydrate formation. Therefore, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether (EGME at 0.10 mol %) along with SDS (0.01 mol %) labeled as T1A-2 was used as an alternative to THF at the comparable working parameters in which CO2 uptake of 5.45 mmol of CO2/g of H2O was obtained. Additionally, it was found that with an increase in tetra-n-butyl ammonium bromide (TBAB) supplementation of CO2, the hydrate and operating capacity of the process increased. When the bed height was reduced from 3 cm to 2 cm with 0.1 mol % TBAB and 0.01% SDS (labelled as T3-2) in fixed bed reactor (FBR), the outcomes demonstrated a slight expansion in gas supply to 1.54 mmol of CO2/g of H2O at working states of 283 K and 70 bar. The gas selectivity experiment by using the high-pressure volume analysis through hydrate formation was performed in which the highest CO2 uptake for the employment of silica contacts with water in fuel gas mixture was observed in the non-IGCC conditions. Thus, two types of reactor configurations are being proposed for changing the process from batch to continuous with the employment of macroporous silica contacts with new consolidated promoters to improve the formation of CO2 hydrate in the IGCC conditions. Later, much work should be possible on this with an assortment of promoters and specific performance parameters. It was reported in previous work that the repeatability of equilibrium moisture content and gas uptake attained for the sample prepared by the highest rates of stirring was the greatest with the CIs of ±0.34 wt % and ±0.19 mmol of CO2/g of H2O respectively. This was due to the amount of water occluded inside silica gel pores was not an issue or in other words, vigorous stirring increased the spreadability. The variation of pore size to improve the process can be considered for future work.
  3. Altındaş C, Sher F, Smječanin N, Lima EC, Rashid T, Hai IU, et al.
    Environ Res, 2023 Jan 01;216(Pt 1):114479.
    PMID: 36208784 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.114479
    A feasible and cost-effective process for utilization of toluene and heavy reformate is the conversion of its streams by transalkylation reaction into highly valuable xylenes. The process is usually catalysed by zeolites and the challenges to overcome in transalkylation of heavy reformate with toluene over zeolites are their selectivity, activity, long-term stability, and coke formation. Current study aimed to investigate xylenes production by transalkylation reaction on the synthesized metal-doped zeolite catalysts and to characterize prepared catalysts by FTIR, SEM, EDS and BET analysis. Toluene/heavy reformate modelled mixture was utilized as a feed. For the first time Beta and ZSM-5 catalysts with 10% (w/w) cerium and 0.1% (w/w) palladium were synthesized by calcination and wet impregnation method. Catalytic tests were performed by continuous-flow gas/solid catalytic fixed bed reactor at atmospheric pressure, 2 h-1 and 5 h-1 and 250, 300, 350 and 400 °C. Experimental results revealed that the highest heavy reformate conversion (98.94%) and toluene conversion (9.82%) were obtained over H-ZSM-5, at 400 °C and 2 h-1 WHSV. The highest xylene selectivity (11.53) was achieved over H-ZSM-5, and the highest p-xylene percentage (62.40%), using Ce-ZSM-5 catalyst. ZSM-5 catalysts showed more resistance to coke deposition than Beta zeolites. The present study delivers novel approach and catalysts, which have immense potential for developing safer and inexpensive transalkylation process in industry.
  4. Rashid T, Sher F, Jusoh M, Joya TA, Zhang S, Rasheed T, et al.
    Environ Res, 2023 Mar 01;220:115160.
    PMID: 36580987 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.115160
    Humic acid (HA) is a complex organic compound made up of small molecules. A variety of raw materials are used to manufacture HA, due to which the structure and composition of HA vary widely. In this study, nitric acid oxidation of two coal samples from Lakhra (Pakistan) was followed by HA extraction using 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5% KOH solutions. The impact of different operating parameters such as; the effect of KOH concentrations, KOH-coal proportion, extraction time and pH range influencing the HA extraction efficiency was optimally investigated. Commercial HA applications possess numerous challenges, including valuable applications and sub-optimal extraction techniques. A significant limitation of conventional experimental methods is that they can only investigate one component at a time. It is necessary to improve the current processing conditions, this can only be achieved by modelling and optimization of the process conditions to meet market demands. A comprehensive evaluation and prediction of HA extraction using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) are also being reported for the first time in this study. The maximum HA extraction efficiency of 89.32% and 87.04% for coal samples 1 and 2 respectively was achieved with the lowest possible pH of 1.09 (coal sample 1) and 1(coal sample 2), which is remarkably lower as compared to those reported in the literature for conventional alkaline extraction process. The model was evaluated for two coal samples through the coefficient of determination (R2), Root Means Square Error (RMSE), and Mean Average Error (MEE). The results of RSM for coal sample 1 (R2 = 0.9795, RMSE = 4.784) and coal sample 2 (R2 = 0.9758, RMSE = 4.907) showed that the model is well suited for HA extraction efficiency predictions. The derived humic acid from lignite coal was analyzed using elemental analysis, UV-Visible spectrophotometry and Fourier-transformed infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy techniques. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was applied to analyze the morphological modifications of the extracted HA after treatment with 3.5% KOH solution. For agricultural objectives, such as soil enrichment, enhancing plant growth conditions, and creating green energy solutions, this acquired HA can be made bioactive. This study not only establishes a basis for research into the optimized extraction of HA from lignite coal, but it also creates a new avenue for the efficient and clean use of lignite.
  5. Azizan MT, Aqsha A, Ameen M, Syuhada A, Klaus H, Abidin SZ, et al.
    PMID: 33110738 DOI: 10.1007/s13399-020-01081-6
    The catalytic steam reforming of oxygenated hydrocarbons has been holding an interest in scientific societies for the past two decades. The hydrogen production from steam reforming of glycerol, ethanol and other oxygenates such as ethylene glycol and propylene glycol are more suitable choice not just because it can be produced from renewable sources, but it also helps to decrease the transportation fuel price and making it more competitive. In addition, hydrogen itself is a green fuel for the transportation sector. The studies on the production of hydrogen from various reforming technologies revealed a remarkable impact on the environmental and socio-economic issues. Researchers became more focused on glycerol steam reforming (GSR), ethanol steam reforming (ESR) and other oxygenates to investigate the catalyst suitability, their kinetics and challenges for the sustainability of the oil and gas production. In the present work, the authors critically addressed the challenges and strategies for hydrogen production via GSR, ESR and other oxygenates reforming process. This review covers extensively thermodynamic parametric analysis, catalysts developments, kinetics and advancement in the operational process for glycerol, ethanol and few other oxygenates. This detailed investigation only highlights the steam reforming process (SRP) of these oxygenates at the laboratory experimental stage. It was found that from this review, there are many technical issues, which lead to economic challenges. The issues are yet to be addressed and thus, these particular applications require faster accelerations at the pilot scale, taking into the consideration of the current pandemic and economic issues, for a safer and greener environment. Graphical abstract.
  6. Qureshi S, Stojanović GM, Simić M, Jeoti V, Lashari N, Sher F
    Materials (Basel), 2021 Dec 17;14(24).
    PMID: 34947407 DOI: 10.3390/ma14247813
    Wearable sensors have become part of our daily life for health monitoring. The detection of moisture content is critical for many applications. In the present research, textile-based embroidered sensors were developed that can be integrated with a bandage for wound management purposes. The sensor comprised an interdigitated electrode embroidered on a cotton substrate with silver-tech 150 and HC 12 threads, respectively, that have silver coated continuous filaments and 100% polyamide with silver-plated yarn. The said sensor is a capacitive sensor with some leakage. The change in the dielectric constant of the substrate as a result of moisture affects the value of capacitance and, thus, the admittance of the sensor. The moisture sensor's operation is verified by measuring its admittance at 1 MHz and the change in moisture level (1-50) µL. It is observed that the sensitivity of both sensors is comparable. The identically fabricated sensors show similar response and sensitivity while wash test shows the stability of sensor after washing. The developed sensor is also able to detect the moisture caused by both artificial sweat and blood serum, which will be of value in developing new sensors tomorrow for smart wound-dressing applications.
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