Pre-natal diagnosis of intra-abdominal pregnancy is difficult. Ultrasound has been the frontline modality to date; however, it gives a diagnostic error of 50-90% and its use is disappointing. In recent years, MRI has emerged as an appealing imaging modality. With its good soft tissue contrast and non-ionizing property, it acts as a means of definitive non-invasive assessment before surgical intervention when ultrasound is inconclusive.
Small bowel phytobezoars are rare and almost always obstructive. There have been previously reported cases of phytobezoars in the literature, however there are few reports on radiological findings for small bowel bezoars. Barium studies characteristically show an intraluminal filling defect of variable size that is not fixed to the bowel wall with barium filling the interstices giving a mottled appearance. On CT scan, the presence of a round or ovoid intraluminal mass with a 'mottled gas' pattern is believed to be pathognomonic. Since features on CT scans are characteristics and physical findings are of little assistance in the diagnosis of bezoar, the diagnostic value of CT needs to be emphasised.