METHODS: In the multi-centre controlled attenuation parameter (CAP)-Asia study, we collected clinical data and lifestyle habit data of NAFLD patients from Singapore, mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia. Physical activity was assessed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire.
RESULTS: A total of 555 patients were included in the final analysis (mean age 54.5 ± 11.2 years, 54.1% men and median liver stiffness 6.7 kPa). More patients from mainland China (27.4%) and Taipei (25.0%) were smokers. Modest drinking was more common in Taiwan (25.0%) and Hong Kong (18.2%); only 1.3% had binge drinking. Majority of patients drank coffee (64.0%) and tea (80.2%), with varying amounts and durations in different regions. Soft drinks consumption was most common in Singapore (62.2%) and Malaysia (57.7%). Only 29.7% of patients met the Physical Activity Guidelines Recommendations, with no major differences across regions. Patients with liver stiffness <10 kPa were more likely to report any vigorous activity, and sitting time was an independent factor associated with high CAP. Tea and coffee consumption were independently associated with high CAP and liver stiffness, respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: Despite some heterogeneity, unhealthy lifestyle and physical inactivity are common across Asian regions. Patients with liver stiffness <10 kPa were more likely to report any vigorous activity. Healthcare providers may use the comparative data to identify areas of deficiency.
METHODS: In 35,815 patients from the VISION cohort study and 9219 patients from the POISE-2 trial who were ≥45 yr old and underwent nonurgent inpatient noncardiac surgery, we examined (by age and sex) the association between continuous nonlinear preoperative estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and the composite of myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery, nonfatal cardiac arrest, or death owing to a cardiac cause within 30 days after surgery. We estimated contributions of predictive information, C-statistic, and net benefit from eGFR and other common patient and surgical characteristics to large multivariable models.
RESULTS: The primary composite occurred in 4725 (13.2%) patients in VISION and 1903 (20.6%) in POISE-2; in both studies cardiac events had a strong, graded association with lower preoperative eGFR that was attenuated by older age (Pinteraction<0.001 for VISION; Pinteraction=0.008 for POISE-2). For eGFR of 30 compared with 90 ml min-1 1.73 m-2, relative risk was 1.49 (95% confidence interval 1.26-1.78) at age 80 yr but 4.50 (2.84-7.13) at age 50 yr in female patients in VISION. This differed modestly (but not meaningfully) in men in VISION (Pinteraction=0.02) but not in POISE-2 (Pinteraction=0.79). eGFR contributed the most predictive information and mean net benefit of all predictors in both studies, most C-statistic in VISION, and third most C-statistic in POISE-2.
CONCLUSIONS: Continuous preoperative eGFR is among the best cardiac risk predictors in noncardiac surgery of the large set examined. Along with its interaction with age, preoperative eGFR would improve risk calculators.
METHODS: In this international, prospective cohort study of 15,065 patients aged 45 yr or older who underwent in-patient noncardiac surgery, troponin T was measured during the first 3 postoperative days. Patients with a troponin T level of 0.04 ng/ml or greater (elevated "abnormal" laboratory threshold) were assessed for ischemic features (i.e., ischemic symptoms and electrocardiography findings). Patients adjudicated as having a nonischemic troponin elevation (e.g., sepsis) were excluded. To establish diagnostic criteria for MINS, the authors used Cox regression analyses in which the dependent variable was 30-day mortality (260 deaths) and independent variables included preoperative variables, perioperative complications, and potential MINS diagnostic criteria.
RESULTS: An elevated troponin after noncardiac surgery, irrespective of the presence of an ischemic feature, independently predicted 30-day mortality. Therefore, the authors' diagnostic criterion for MINS was a peak troponin T level of 0.03 ng/ml or greater judged due to myocardial ischemia. MINS was an independent predictor of 30-day mortality (adjusted hazard ratio, 3.87; 95% CI, 2.96-5.08) and had the highest population-attributable risk (34.0%, 95% CI, 26.6-41.5) of the perioperative complications. Twelve hundred patients (8.0%) suffered MINS, and 58.2% of these patients would not have fulfilled the universal definition of myocardial infarction. Only 15.8% of patients with MINS experienced an ischemic symptom.
CONCLUSION: Among adults undergoing noncardiac surgery, MINS is common and associated with substantial mortality.