Displaying all 10 publications

  1. Ravanfar SA, Orbovic V, Moradpour M, Abdul Aziz M, Karan R, Wallace S, et al.
    Biotechnol Genet Eng Rev, 2017 Apr;33(1):1-25.
    PMID: 28460558 DOI: 10.1080/02648725.2017.1309821
    Development of in vitro plant regeneration method from Brassica explants via organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis is influenced by many factors such as culture environment, culture medium composition, explant sources, and genotypes which are reviewed in this study. An efficient in vitro regeneration system to allow genetic transformation of Brassica is a crucial tool for improving its economical value. Methods to optimize transformation protocols for the efficient introduction of desirable traits, and a comparative analysis of these methods are also reviewed. Hence, binary vectors, selectable marker genes, minimum inhibitory concentration of selection agents, reporter marker genes, preculture media, Agrobacterium concentration and regeneration ability of putative transformants for improvement of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Brassica are discussed.
  2. Usman MG, Rafii MY, Martini MY, Yusuff OA, Ismail MR, Miah G
    Biotechnol Genet Eng Rev, 2017 Apr;33(1):26-39.
    PMID: 28649918 DOI: 10.1080/02648725.2017.1340546
    Studying the strategies of improving abiotic stress tolerance is quite imperative and research under this field will increase our understanding of response mechanisms to abiotic stress such as heat. The Hsp70 is an essential regulator of protein having the tendency to maintain internal cell stability like proper folding protein and breakdown of unfolded proteins. Hsp70 holds together protein substrates to help in movement, regulation, and prevent aggregation under physical and or chemical pressure. However, this review reports the molecular mechanism of heat shock protein 70 kDa (Hsp70) action and its structural and functional analysis, research progress on the interaction of Hsp70 with other proteins and their interaction mechanisms as well as the involvement of Hsp70 in abiotic stress responses as an adaptive defense mechanism.
  3. Lawson T, Mayes S, Lycett GW, Chin CF
    Biotechnol Genet Eng Rev, 2018 Oct;34(2):181-197.
    PMID: 29902948 DOI: 10.1080/02648725.2018.1482092
    Fruit ripening is a complex developmental process that involves the synthesis and modification of the cell wall leading up to the formation of an edible fruit. During the period of fruit ripening, new cell wall polymers and enzymes are synthesized and trafficked to the apoplast. Vesicle trafficking has been shown to play a key role in facilitating the synthesis and modification of cell walls in fruits. Through reverse genetics and gene expression studies, the importance of Rab guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases) as integral regulators of vesicle trafficking to the cell wall has been revealed. It has been a decade since a rich literature on the involvement of Rab GTPase in ripening was published. Therefore, this review sets out to summarize the progress in studies on the pivotal roles of Rab GTPases in fruit development and sheds light on new approaches that could be adopted in the fields of postharvest biology and fruit-ripening research.
  4. Sasmita AO
    Biotechnol Genet Eng Rev, 2019 Apr;35(1):26-45.
    PMID: 30317930 DOI: 10.1080/02648725.2018.1523521
    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia and has affected millions of individuals worldwide. The hallmarks of AD include the amyloid beta plaque deposits, tau neurofibrillary tangles, altered neuronal signaling, alongside decline in memory and cognitive functions. Conventional drug therapies do exist, such as donepezil or aducanumab, but these drugs mostly focus on halting AD progression instead of causing a reversal within the disease. In an effort to ameliorate and ultimately cure AD, researchers have delved into viral-mediated gene therapy to fix this disease from its root molecular causes. To date, adeno-associated virus and lentiviral vectors have remained the most vastly studied among other viral vectors to combat AD. These vectors could be employed alongside various genetic materials based on the types of processes we want to alter to yield a positive effect, such as disruption of amyloidogenic pathway, neuroprotection and lipid metabolism pathways. Recent studies and trials were reviewed in this article, highlighting their clinical significance, differences and limitations between each method. By learning from the different combinations and possibilities of viral-mediated gene transfer, researchers would then get a step closer in ameliorating symptoms and possibly in curing AD.
  5. Alhaji SY, Ngai SC, Abdullah S
    Biotechnol Genet Eng Rev, 2019 Apr;35(1):1-25.
    PMID: 30514178 DOI: 10.1080/02648725.2018.1551594
    DNA methylation and histone modifications are vital in maintaining genomic stability and modulating cellular functions in mammalian cells. These two epigenetic modifications are the most common gene regulatory systems known to spatially control gene expression. Transgene silencing by these two mechanisms is a major challenge to achieving effective gene therapy for many genetic conditions. The implications of transgene silencing caused by epigenetic modifications have been extensively studied and reported in numerous gene delivery studies. This review highlights instances of transgene silencing by DNA methylation and histone modification with specific focus on the role of these two epigenetic effects on the repression of transgene expression in mammalian cells from integrative and non-integrative based gene delivery systems in the context of gene therapy. It also discusses the prospects of achieving an effective and sustained transgene expression for future gene therapy applications.
  6. Kam MYY, Yap WSP
    Biotechnol Genet Eng Rev, 2020 Apr;36(1):1-31.
    PMID: 32308142 DOI: 10.1080/02648725.2020.1749818
    Artemisinin (ART) is an antimalarial compound that possesses a variety of novel biological activities. Due to the low abundance of ART in natural sources, agricultural supply has been erratic, and prices are highly volatile. While heterologous biosynthesis and semi-synthesis are advantageous in certain aspects, these approaches remained disadvantageous in terms of productivity and cost-effectiveness. Therefore, further improvement in ART production calls for approaches that should supplement the agricultural production gap, while reducing production costs and stabilising supply. The present review offers a discussion on the elicitation of plants and/or in vitro cultures as an economically feasible yield enhancement strategy to address the global problem of access to affordable ART. Deemed critical for the manipulation of biosynthetic potential, the mechanism of ART biosynthesis is reviewed. It includes a discussion on the current biotechnological solutions to ART production, focusing on semi-synthesis and elicitation. A brief commentary on the possible aspects that influence elicitation efficiency and how oxidative stress modulates ART synthesis is also presented. Based on the critical analysis of current literature, a hypothesis is put forward to explain the possible involvement of enzymes in assisting the final non-enzymatic transformation step leading to ART formation. This review highlights the critical factors limiting the success of elicitor-induced modulation of ART metabolism, that will help inform strategies for future improvement of ART production. Additionally, new avenues for future research based on the proposed hypothesis will lead to exciting perspectives in this research area and continue to enhance our understanding of this intricate metabolic process.
  7. Chattopadhyay I, Lu W, Manikam R, Malarvili MB, Ambati RR, Gundamaraju R
    Biotechnol Genet Eng Rev, 2023 Apr;39(1):85-117.
    PMID: 35861776 DOI: 10.1080/02648725.2022.2102877
    Oral microbial ecosystems are vital in maintaining the health of the oral cavity and the entire body. Oral microbiota is associated with the progression of oral diseases such as dental caries, periodontal diseases, head and neck cancer, and several systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, adverse pregnancy outcomes, diabetes, lung infection, colorectal cancer, and pancreatic cancer. Buccal mucosa, tongue dorsum, hard palate, saliva, palatine tonsils, throat, keratinized gingiva, supra-gingival plaque, subgingival plaque, dentures, and lips are microbial habitats of the oral cavity. Porphyromonas gingivalis may have a role in the development of periodontal diseases, oral cancer, diabetes, and atherosclerotic disease. Fusobacterium nucleatum showed a higher abundance in periodontal diseases, oral and colon cancer, adverse pregnancy outcomes, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. The higher abundance of Prevotella intermedia is typical in periodontal diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, and adverse pregnancy outcome. S. salivarius displayed higher abundance in both dental caries and OSCC. Oral bacteria may influence systemic diseases through inflammation by releasing pro inflammatory cytokines. Identification of oral bacteria using culture-dependent approaches and next-generation sequencing-based metagenomic approaches is believed to significantly identify the therapeutic targets and non-invasive diagnostic indicators in different human diseases. Oral bacteria in saliva could be exploited as a non-invasive diagnostic indicator for the early detection of oral and systemic disorders. Other therapeutic approaches such as the use of probiotics, green tea polyphenol, cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) therapy, antimicrobial photodynamic therapy, and antimicrobial peptides are used to inhibit the growth of biofilm formation by oral bacteria.
  8. Gundamaraju R, Wu J, William JNG, Lu W, Jha NK, Ramasamy S, et al.
    Biotechnol Genet Eng Rev, 2023 Apr;39(1):143-165.
    PMID: 35904341 DOI: 10.1080/02648725.2022.2106002
    Glioblastoma (GBM) is presented with a poor prognosis. The endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS) has been implicated as a major contributor to disease progression and chemoresistance in GBM. Triggering ERS by chemical agents or genetic modulations is identified as some of the reasons for regulating gene expression and the pathogenesis of GBM. ERS initiates unfolded protein response (UPR), an integrated system useful in restoring homeostasis or inducing apoptosis. Modulation of UPR might have positive outcomes in GBM treatment as UPR inducers have been shown to alter cell survival and migration. In the current review, we have utilized GSE7806, a publicly available dataset from Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), to evaluate the genes expressed during 6.5 hr and 18 hr, which can be comparable to the early and late-onset of the disease. Subsequently, we have elucidated the prognosis and survival information whilst the expression of these genes in the GBM was noted in previous studies. This is the first of its kind review summarizing the most recent gene information correlating UPR and GBM.
  9. Xia M, Wang J, Bi D, He C, Mao H, Liu X, et al.
    PMID: 36683283 DOI: 10.1080/02648725.2023.2168910
    Job burnout is an occupational hazard induced by prolonged exposure to excessive work-related stress -a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity. Knowledge jobs involve many health-promoting features, but stress and burnout may be caused by the rapid increase in the knowledge intensity of work, new job demands, and emerging new professional subcultures emphasizing the excessive commitment to work. Although there are studies on job burnout and predictors among nurses worldwide, evidence specific to Chinese nurses is lacking. The purpose of this review is to synthesize current research on predictors related to burnout affecting Chinese nurses. We searched the Chinese databases including National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), WanFang, China Science and Technology Journal Database, and Chinese Biological Medical Database (CBM); and international databases including Cochrane Library, PubMed, EMBASE, and Web of Science published up to 30th August 2022. The 125 studies identified assessed a range of predictors of job burnout. The results showed good working relationships and internally controlled individuals were found to be predictive of job burnout. Moreover, numerous predictors produced contradictory data. There are still challenges with how to systematically operationalize such a complicated phenomenon to effectively prevent or reduce job burnout.
  10. Markandan K, Tiong YW, Sankaran R, Subramanian S, Markandan UD, Chaudhary V, et al.
    PMID: 36243900 DOI: 10.1080/02648725.2022.2127070
    Infectious outbreaks are the foremost global public health concern, challenging the current healthcare system, which claims millions of lives annually. The most crucial way to control an infectious outbreak is by early detection through point-of-care (POC) diagnostics. POC diagnostics are highly advantageous owing to the prompt diagnosis, which is economical, simple and highly efficient with remote access capabilities. In particular, utilization of nanomaterials to architect POC devices has enabled highly integrated and portable (compact) devices with enhanced efficiency. As such, this review will detail the factors influencing the emergence of infectious diseases and methods for fast and accurate detection, thus elucidating the underlying factors of these infections. Furthermore, it comprehensively highlights the importance of different nanomaterials in POCs to detect nucleic acid, whole pathogens, proteins and antibody detection systems. Finally, we summarize findings reported on nanomaterials based on advanced POCs such as lab-on-chip, lab-on-disc-devices, point-of-action and hospital-on-chip. To this end, we discuss the challenges, potential solutions, prospects of integrating internet-of-things, artificial intelligence, 5G communications and data clouding to achieve intelligent POCs.
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