Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 78 in total

  1. Chie QT, Tam CL, Bonn G, Wong CP, Dang HM, Khairuddin R
    Front Psychiatry, 2015;6:65.
    PMID: 25999867 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00065
    In recent years, there have been increasing accounts of illegal substance abuse among university students and professional groups in Malaysia. This study looks at university students' perceptions about this phenomenon. Students from Malaysian universities were asked for their impressions about drug availability and abuse, as well as factors contributing to drug abuse and relapse. The questionnaire also inquired into their knowledge and views regarding government versus private rehabilitation centers, as well as their exposure to, and views about, school-based drug-prevention education. Participants were 460 university students from five Malaysian states: Penang, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Sabah, and Sarawak. Results showed gender differences in perceptions of relapse prevention strategies, as well as factors leading to drug abuse and relapse. Students also believed that drug education would be more effective if initiated between the ages of 11 and 12 years, which is slightly older than the common age of first exposure, and provided suggestions for improving existing programs. Implications of student perceptions for the improvement of current interventions and educational programs are discussed.
  2. Chen S, Lin Z, Tan KL, Chen R, Su W, Zhao H, et al.
    Front Psychiatry, 2020;11:564843.
    PMID: 33061920 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.564843
    Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) efficiently hydrolyzes acetylcholine (ACh) at high concentrations when acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is substrate-inhibited. Recent studies have shown that BChE also has a function that is independent of ACh, but it has not been fully explored. Low BChE expression is accompanied with higher stress-induced aggression and ghrelin levels in stress models, and BChE knockout mice exhibit cognitive and memory impairments. However, the role of BChE in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) remains unclear. In the present study, we investigated the role of BChE in contextual fear memory and its regulatory effect on the expression of factors related to the glutamate (Glu)-glutamine (Gln) cycle via knockdown studies. We used AAVs and lentiviruses to knockdown BChE expression in the mouse hippocampal CA1 region and C8D1A astrocytes. Our behavioral data from those mice injected with AAV-shBChE in the hippocampal CA1 region showed strengthened fear memory and increased dendritic spine density. Elevated Glu levels and glutamine synthetase (GS) enzyme activity were detected in contextual fear conditioned-BChE knockdown animals and astrocytes. We observed that an AAV-shBChE induced lowering of BChE expression in the hippocampus CA1 region enhanced contextual fear memory expression and promoted the astrocytic Glu-Gln cycle but did not elevate ACh-hydrolyzing activity. This study provides new insight into the regulatory role of BChE in cognition and suggests potential target for stress-related psychiatric disorder such as PTSD where patients experience fear after exposure to severe life-threatening traumatic events.
  3. Saw JA, Tam CL, Thanzami V, Bonn G
    Front Psychiatry, 2020;11:565896.
    PMID: 33408652 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.565896
    This study investigates the effectiveness of the school-based Shine Through Any Roadblocks (STAR) CBT intervention, by a screening conducted on 634 students from eight secondary schools in Malaysia. Participants (n = 85) who fulfilled the eligibility criteria were assigned randomly to either the intervention group (n = 42) or the assessment-only waitlist control group (n = 43). The intervention consisted of eight group-based sessions over a period of 2 months. Sessions were 60-min each and conducted according to the STAR module. Outcome measures (depressive symptoms and automatic negative thoughts) were administered at five intervals: baseline/pre-intervention, mid-intervention, post-intervention, 1-month after intervention, and 3-months after intervention. Results showed significant and lasting lower levels of depressive symptoms and automatic negative thoughts in the intervention group, indicating that the STAR intervention could be an effective means of reducing depressive symptomatology among adolescents. Clinical implications for the Malaysian secondary school context are further discussed.
  4. Wan Mohd Yunus WMA, Badri SKZ, Panatik SA, Mukhtar F
    Front Psychiatry, 2020;11:566221.
    PMID: 33664679 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.566221
    Background and Aims: Malaysia's first Movement Control Order (MCO) or "lockdown" was in place for 6 weeks to curb the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Consequently, all universities were forced to close temporarily with abrupt changes to teaching and learning activities. However, there has been a lack of consensus regarding students' actual psychological status and mental health during the MCO implementation. This study investigates the link, state, and differences of negative emotional symptoms, happiness, and work-life balance among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: This study recruited 1,005 university students across Malaysia. Data was collected online using Qualtrics to measure negative emotional symptoms (The Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale), happiness (The Oxford Happiness Inventory), and work-life balance (Work-Family Conflict Scale). All data was analyzed using SPSS version 25 and AMOS version 26 using T-test, ANOVA, logistic regression analyses, and path analysis method. Findings: Findings indicated that 22, 34.3, and 37.3% of the university students scored moderate to extremely severe levels of stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms, respectively. Half scored rather happy or very happy (50%) for happiness levels. Meanwhile, 50.4 and 39.4% scored high to very high levels of work-to-family and family-to-work conflict. Significant differences in stress, anxiety, depression, happiness, work-family conflict, and family-work conflict were recorded across different demographic factors. Happiness was found to be a protective factor with a lesser likelihood of experiencing severe stress (OR = 0.240, 95% CI: 0.180, 0.321), anxiety (OR = 0.336, 95% CI: 0.273, 0.414), and depression (OR = 0.121, 95% CI: 0.088, 0.165) with higher happiness levels. Higher score of work-to-family conflict contributes to greater odds of having severe levels of anxiety (OR = 1.453, 95% CI: 1.161, 1.818). While greater likelihood of developing severe stress (OR = 1.468, 95% CI: 1.109, 1.943) and severe anxiety (OR = 1.317, 95% CI: 1.059, 1.638) under increasing score of family-to-work conflict. Besides, happiness is found to negatively linked with lower negative emotional symptoms, while work-family conflict and family-work conflict are positively linked with higher negative emotional symptoms. Conclusion: Lockdown implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic appears to have a significant impact on university students' negative emotional symptoms, happiness, and work-life balance. Happiness was found to be a protective factor while the state of work-life balance is a risk factor that can predict students' negative emotional symptoms.
  5. Vicknasingam B, Mohd Salleh NA, Chooi WT, Singh D, Mohd Zaharim N, Kamarulzaman A, et al.
    Front Psychiatry, 2021;12:630730.
    PMID: 33854449 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.630730
    Background: Restrictive orders and temporary programmatic or ad hoc changes within healthcare and other supportive systems that were implemented in response to the COVID-19 epidemic in Malaysia may have created hindrances to accessing healthcare and/or receiving other supportive services for people who use drugs (PWUDs). Design: A primarily qualitative study has been conducted to evaluate how service providers and recipients were adapting and coping during the initial periods of the COVID-19 response. Settings: The study engaged several healthcare and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the peninsular states of Penang, Kelantan, Selangor, and Melaka. Participants: Medical personnel of methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) programs (n = 2) and HIV clinics (n = 3), staff of NGO services (n = 4), and MMT patients (n = 9) were interviewed using a semi-structured format. Results: Interviewed participants reported significant organizational, programmatic, and treatment protocols related changes implemented within the healthcare and support services in addition to nationally imposed Movement Control Orders (MCOs). Changes aimed to reduce patient flow and concentration at the on-site services locations, including less frequent in-person visits, increased use of telemedicine resources, and greater reliance on telecommunication methods to maintain contacts with patients and clients; changes in medication dispensing protocols, including increased take-home doses and relaxed rules for obtaining them, or delivery of medications to patients' homes or locations near their homes were reported by the majority of study participants. No significant rates of COVID-19 infections among PWUDs, including among those with HIV have been reported at the study sites. Conclusions: Although the reported changes presented new challenges for both services providers and recipients and resulted in some degree of initial disruption, generally, all participants reported successful implementation and high levels of compliance with the newly introduced restrictions, regulations, and protocols, resulting in relatively low rates of treatment disruption or discontinuation at the study sites.
  6. Samsuddin MF, Karim J, Salim AA
    Front Psychiatry, 2021;12:571027.
    PMID: 33868035 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.571027
    Introduction: Stress level among the caregivers is often related to caregivers' lack of knowledge and skill to care for the patients. A health education program to the caregivers is one of the important elements in increasing the knowledge and skills in managing patients at home. The specific objectives of this study were to determine caregiver's stress level in managing post total knee replacement (TKR) patients pre and post of a health education program. Materials and Methods: A clinical intervention trial design was conducted in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) with a sample size of 32 caregivers. A validated Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) questionnaire was used to measure the stress level pre and post of the health education program on the management of patients post-TKR surgery which was adopted from Fresno Surgical Hospital in California. Results: The findings showed that there was a significant difference between pre and post level of stress (p ≤ 0.001). Conclusion: This study revealed the positive outcome of the health education program. It reduced the stress level among the caregivers in caring for their relatives with post-TKR surgery.
  7. Singh D, Brown PN, Cinosi E, Corazza O, Henningfield JE, Garcia-Romeu A, et al.
    Front Psychiatry, 2020;11:574483.
    PMID: 33324252 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.574483
    Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa Korth., Rubiaceae) is native to and has traditional use in Southeast Asia. The number of kratom users outside of Southeast Asia has increased significantly in recent decades with use spreading to the Unites States (US) and Europe. Because of its reputed opioid-like psychoactive effects at higher doses, kratom has been regulated in several countries and is subject to an import ban by the US Food and Drug Administration. Nonetheless, in the US it is estimated that 10-15 million people consume kratom primarily for the self-treatment of pain, psychiatric disorders, to mitigate withdrawal from or dependence on opioids, and to self-treat opioid use disorder or other substance use disorders (SUDs). Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, a shortage in the supply of kratom products may place unexpected burdens on kratom users, potentially influencing some who use kratom for SUD self-treatment to regress to harmful drug use, hence increasing the likelihood of adverse outcomes, including overdose. Inadequate treatment, treatment barriers, and increases in the sales of adulterated kratom products on the internet or in convenience stores could exacerbate circumstances further. Although there are currently no verified indications of kratom scarcity, researchers and clinicians should be aware of and remain vigilant to this unanticipated possibility.
  8. Metastasio A, Prevete E, Singh D, Grundmann O, Prozialeck WC, Veltri C, et al.
    Front Psychiatry, 2020;11:594816.
    PMID: 33329145 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.594816
    Among the symptoms of COVID-19 fever, general malaise, pain and aches, myalgia, fatigue, and headache can affect the quality of life of patients, even after the end of the acute phase of the infection and can be long lasting. The current treatment of these symptoms, also because COVID-19 patients have been asked not to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), in particular ibuprofen are often unsatisfactory. Among the above mentioned symptoms malaise and fatigue seem the most difficult to treat. In this case report we describe the use of kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) by a patient with confirmed COVID-19 infection. What we observed was a fast and sustained relieve of the above mentioned symptoms.
  9. Sharif Nia H, Kaur H, Fomani FK, Rahmatpour P, Kaveh O, Pahlevan Sharif S, et al.
    Front Psychiatry, 2021;12:692498.
    PMID: 34408679 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.692498
    Objective: The aim of this study was to translate and evaluate the validity and reliability of the Impact of Events Scale-Revised (IES-R) among the Iranian general population during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Method: This study was methodological cross-sectional. It was conducted on an Iranian public population from April to July 2020 which was during the COVID-19 pandemic. Construct validity was determined through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with a total of 500 adults recruited via online data gathering. Reliability was checked through the average inter-item correlation (AIC), Cronbach's alpha, and McDonald's omega. Convergent and divergent validity was determined using Fornell and Larcker's approach. Results: The results showed that the Persian version of IES-R had three factors, including intrusion (six items), avoidance (seven items), and hyperarousal (five items), that explained 59.22% of the total variance of the IES-R. The CFA findings indicated that all goodness-of-fit indices confirmed the model fit. The Cronbach's alpha, McDonald's omega, composite reliability (CR), and maximal reliability were excellent, and the three factors have good convergent validity. Conclusion: The findings of this study indicated that the Persian version of the IES-R scale is efficient and useful to assess post-traumatic stress disorder among Iran general population in the COVID-19 outbreak.
  10. Nazali MIM, Razali S, Ariaratnam S, Ahmad Y, Nawawi H
    Front Psychiatry, 2021;12:705018.
    PMID: 34434129 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.705018
    Experiencing good quality of life (QOL) among university staff is extremely crucial to ensuring academic excellence; however, there are limited data on factors that contribute to QOL among university staff. This study aims to determine the level and the predictors for good QOL among university staff. The consenting participants were selected using a stratified sampling method. Participants who had fulfilled the selection criteria were provided with socio-demographic, medical illness, job factor, and family background questionnaires. QOL and psychological well-being (depression, anxiety, and stress) were assessed using the World Health Organization Quality of Life brief version (WHOQOL-BREF) and Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) questionnaires, respectively. A total of 278 staff (mean ± SD age: 38.84 ± 7.85 years, 44.2% males, 82.7% married) had participated in this study. This study found that participants had low QOL in the domains of physical health [P-QOL] (11.2%), psychological health [PSY-QOL] (9.7%), social relationships [SR-QOL] (19.1%), and environment [E-QOL] (14.4%). The predictors of P-QOL were depression, medical illness, and number of dependents, while those of PSY-QOL were work promotion, depression, medical illness, and number of dependents. Additionally, the predictors of SR-QOL were campus location, depression, and work promotion, while those of E-QOL were age, level of education, depression, work promotion, and medical illness. Depression significantly affected all domains of QOL. Younger participants without medical illness and those with tertiary level of education had increased odds of having good QOL. Participants having dependents without work promotion and employed in suburban areas had decreased odds of having good QOL. The relevant authority should be identified and then assist staff with difficulties to ensure the staff benefited from having a good QOL.
  11. Mohan SN, Mukhtar F, Jobson L
    Front Psychiatry, 2021;12:622077.
    PMID: 34177636 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.622077
    While culture and depression influence the way in which humans process emotion, these two areas of investigation are rarely combined. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the difference in facial emotion recognition among Malaysian Malays and Australians with a European heritage with and without depression. A total of 88 participants took part in this study (Malays n = 47, Australians n = 41). All participants were screened using The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Clinician Version (SCID-5-CV) to assess the Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) diagnosis and they also completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). This study consisted of the facial emotion recognition (FER) task whereby the participants were asked to look at facial images and determine the emotion depicted by each of the facial expressions. It was found that depression status and cultural group did not significantly influence overall FER accuracy. Malaysian participants without MDD and Australian participants with MDD performed quicker as compared to Australian participants without MDD on the FER task. Also, Malaysian participants more accurately recognized fear as compared to Australian participants. Future studies can focus on the extent of the influence and other aspects of culture and participant condition on facial emotion recognition.
  12. Nik Jaafar NR, Bahar N, Ibrahim N, Baharudin A, Wan Ismail WS, Sim ST, et al.
    Front Psychiatry, 2021;12:710790.
    PMID: 34484002 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.710790
    Overdependence on the internet is a grave concern that has enveloped Malaysian youths which could lead to a variety of sequelae. This narrative review aims to determine the definition of internet overdependence and its associated factors, as well as the potential preventive and treatment strategies for internet overdependence. From the literature, internet overdependence is regarded as a 3-factor model encompassing salience, self-control failure, and serious consequences. Sociodemographic factors such as age, gender, and ethnicity, as well as psychosocial factors such as depression, anxiety, stress, and loneliness, were found to be associated with internet overdependence among Malaysian youths. A multimodal treatment approach is recommended by the implementation of various types of treatments, integrating disciplines such as pharmacology, psychotherapy, and family counseling. Despite various terminologies being used and unclear conceptualization of its nomenclature, overdependence on the internet is prevalent among youths in Malaysia. Future research should go toward establishing a clear definition of its terminology and attaining more robust evidence on treatment strategies.
  13. Liang J, Kõlves K, Lew B, de Leo D, Yuan L, Abu Talib M, et al.
    Front Psychiatry, 2020;11:129.
    PMID: 32231596 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00129
    Background and Objective: Suicide is a leading cause of death in young people. Suicidal thoughts and behaviors can be triggered by life and study stresses; therefore, it is important to understand the role of coping strategies. The current study analyzed the link between different coping strategies and suicidality in university students in China. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 2,074 undergraduate students from China used a stratified-clustered-random sampling method (response rate 94.4%). The Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised Scale was used to identify suicidal risks, while the Brief COPE scale was used to measure different coping strategies. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were utilized to examine coping strategies and suicidality. Results: A negative association of some coping skills (active coping and positive reframing) with suicidality and a positive association of some other coping skills (self-distraction, substance abuse, behavioral disengagement, venting, and self-blame) with suicidality were observed after adjusting for sociodemographic and mental health variables. Conclusions: Training and supporting young people to identify and apply adaptive coping strategies to deal with life stress could help to reduce suicidal ideation and behavior.
  14. Chen IC, Teng G, Chen CJ, Lan TH, Liu HJ
    Front Psychiatry, 2019;10:944.
    PMID: 31998160 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00944
    Background: The intrinsic motivation behind the "need to complete" is more influential than external incentives. We introduced a novel progress-bar tool to motivate the completion of programs designed to treat stimulant and cannabis use disorders. We further examined the effectiveness of the progress bar's scoring approach in forecasting consistently negative urine tests. Methods: This study's participants included 568 patients with stimulant, amphetamine-type, and cannabis use disorders who were undergoing 12-month mandatory treatment programs at Taichung Veterans General Hospital in Taiwan. Patients were given scores of 1, -1, or 0 depending on whether they received negative, positive, or missing urinalysis reports, respectively. The autonomic progress bar generated weekly score totals. At the group level, scorei donated scores from all patients for a given week (i denoted the week). Scorei was standardized to adjusted scorei. We then conducted Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Model of time-series analyses for the adjusted scorei. Results: A total of 312 patients maintained treatment progress over the 12-month program. The autonomic score calculator totaled the shared achievements of these patients. The coefficients of the lag variables for mean (p), lag variables for residual error term (q), and number of orders for ensuring stationary (d) were estimated at p = 3, d = 4, and q = 7 for the first half of the treatment program, and were estimated at p = 2, d = 2, and q = 3 for the second half. Both models were stationary and tested as fit for prediction (p < 0.05). Sharply raised adjusted scores were predicted during the high-demand treatment phase. Discussion: This study's novel progress-bar tool effectively motivated treatment completion. It was also effective in forecasting continually negative urine tests. The tool's free open-source code makes it easy to implement among many substance-treatment services.
  15. Hassan R, Pike See C, Sreenivasan S, Mansor SM, Müller CP, Hassan Z
    Front Psychiatry, 2020;11:411.
    PMID: 32457670 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00411
    Background: Opiate addiction is a major health problem in many countries. A crucial component of the medical treatment is the management of highly aversive opiate withdrawal signs, which may otherwise lead to resumption of drug taking. In a medication-assisted treatment (MAT), methadone and buprenorphine have been implemented as substitution drugs. Despite MAT effectiveness, there are still limitations and side effects of using methadone and buprenorphine. Thus, other alternative therapies with less side effects, overdosing, and co-morbidities are desired. One of the potential pharmacotherapies may involve kratom's major indole alkaloid, mitragynine, since kratom (Mitragyna speciosa Korth.) preparations have been reported to alleviate opiate withdrawal signs in self-treatment in Malaysian opiate addicts.

    Methods: Based on the morphine withdrawal model, rats were morphine treated with increasing doses from 10 to 50 mg/kg twice daily over a period of 6 days. The treatment was discontinued on day 7 in order to induce a spontaneous morphine abstinence. The withdrawal signs were measured daily after 24 h of the last morphine administration over a period of 28 abstinence days. In rats that developed withdrawal signs, a drug replacement treatment was given using mitragynine, methadone, or buprenorphine and the global withdrawal score was evaluated.

    Results: The morphine withdrawal model induced profound withdrawal signs for 16 days. Mitragynine (5-30 mg/kg; i.p.) was able to attenuate acute withdrawal signs in morphine dependent rats. On the other hand, smaller doses of methadone (0.5-2 mg/kg; i.p.) and buprenorphine (0.4-1.6 mg/kg; i.p.) were necessary to mitigate these effects.

    Conclusions: These data suggest that mitragynine may be a potential drug candidate for opiate withdrawal treatment.

  16. Fong HX, Cornish K, Kirk H, Ilias K, Shaikh MF, Golden KJ
    Front Psychiatry, 2021;12:733905.
    PMID: 34721108 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.733905
    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns have adversely impacted children on the autism spectrum and their families, especially in Malaysia where this population is often marginalized. The current quantitative research aimed to investigate the impact of the Malaysian COVID-19 lockdown on the behavior and psychological distress of children formally diagnosed with an autism spectrum condition (ASC) as well as the psychological distress and well-being of their parents, in comparison with a typically developing (TD) control group. Methods: The children's ages ranged between 5 and 17 years. The sample included 72 ASC parent-child dyads and 62 TD parent-child dyads. The primary caregiver completed an online survey including the following: demographic and diagnostic information; ASC symptoms; children's inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, perceived stress, depression, and anxiety; parents' perceived stress, depression, anxiety, and well-being based on their experience pre- and mid-lockdown (March 18th to June 9th 2020) in Malaysia. Results: Among the ASC group, no significant pre- and mid-lockdown change was found in ASC symptoms (p > 0.05). There were no significant gender differences (boys/girls) in all the child scales. The 2 [diagnosis (ASC, TD)] × 2 [lockdown (pre-lockdown, mid-lockdown)] mixed-model ANOVAs revealed main effects of lockdown on children's attention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, anxiety, and parents' perceived stress, depression, and psychological well-being (p < 0.005). There was a main effect of diagnosis in all child and parent variables, except parents' perceived stress (p >0.005). However, there was no significant interaction effect between diagnosis and lockdown (p >0.005). All child behavior (inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity) and child psychological distress (anxiety, depression, and perceived stress) were significantly correlated in both the ASC and TD groups (p < 0.005). On the other hand, only some of the parent variables were significantly correlated with child variables (p < 0.0045) in the ASC group while none of the parent variables were significantly correlated with the child variables (p > 0.005) in the TD group. Conclusion: The results provide preliminary evidence indicating negative effects of the Malaysian lockdown on both children on the autism spectrum and TD children, as well as their parents. These quantitative results will be triangulated with the qualitative interview data to provide a holistic understanding of the impact of the pandemic, informing translational policy and practice recommendations.
  17. Suain Bon R, Ariaratnam S, Mat Saher Z, Mohamad M, Lee FS
    Front Psychiatry, 2021;12:669725.
    PMID: 34744807 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.669725
    Cognitive impairment is not only common but may also act as a precursor for dementia. Moreover, diabetes mellitus has been shown to promote the progression of dementia. This study aims to determine the prevalence of cognitive impairment and its associated risk factors among the elderly patients having type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This is a cross-sectional study involving 113 participants who were attending the physician clinic. The participants were selected using the universal sampling method. The tools included a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, and the Mini-International Neuropsychiatry Interview. Descriptive analysis was performed and followed by multiple logistic regression. The prevalence of cognitive impairment, depressive disorder, and anxiety disorder was 46.9, 10.6, and 2.7%, respectively. Indians (aOR = 4.90, 95% CI = 1.57-15.27) as well as participants who had completed their secondary (aOR = 0.34; 95% CI = 0.12-0.96) and tertiary (aOR = 0.05; 95% CI = 0.01-0.26) levels of education were significantly associated with cognitive impairment. The prevalence of cognitive impairment was high as well as significantly associated with the ethnicity and education levels of the elderly participants. Indeed both secondary and tertiary education decreased the odds ratio of developing cognitive impairment when compared with no formal and primary education. To determine and reduce the potential risk factors which contribute to cognitive impairment, an early diagnosis of T2DM is crucial. The early detection and treatment of T2DM as well as its associated risk factors are key factors in protecting against cognitive impairment.
  18. Nordin NM, Dahamat Azam N, Rosnon MR, Abu Talib M
    Front Psychiatry, 2022;13:1020947.
    PMID: 36419977 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.1020947
    Depression can cause negative consequences to workers' health and social functioning, such as poor work productivity, mental disorders, and suicide. Existing studies have argued that job stress is closely related to depression in many professions. Yet, information on how coping strategies play a significant role in the relationships among Malaysian anti-drug professionals is still scarce. Thus, the aim of this study was to examine to what extent coping strategies moderate the relationship between job stress and depression among Malaysian anti-drug professionals. A total of 3,356 National Antidrug Agency (NADA) officers aged between 21 and 59 years completed online self-report measures of depression, job stress, and job-related control coping and avoidant coping behaviors. The results showed that job stress was strongly correlated with depression, and both coping strategies were found to significantly moderate the correlations. The correlations between stress and depression were stronger among participants who had higher levels of avoidant coping or those who had lower levels of control coping. To conclude, this study highlights the importance of considering job stress and coping behaviors to understand anti-drug professionals' mental health during this challenging COVID-19 pandemic.
  19. Wahab S, Yong LL, Chieng WK, Yamil M, Sawal NA, Abdullah NQ, et al.
    Front Psychiatry, 2021;12:680393.
    PMID: 34819880 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.680393
    Background: Natural disasters may physically and psychologically affect individuals and their surrounding community. This study determines the prevalence of post-traumatic stress (PTS) symptoms and its association with maladaptive trauma-related cognition and resilience among adolescents post-earthquake. Materials and Methods: Data were collected, in this cross-sectional study, during an intervention program post-earthquake held in a state high school located at Lombok, Indonesia. The study sample engaged students 14-19 years of age using the purposive sampling method. The questionnaires used to measure PTS symptoms, maladaptive trauma-related cognition, and resilience were Children's Revised Impact of Event Scale-13 (CRIES-13), Child Post-Traumatic Cognitions Inventory (CPTCI), and Child and Youth Resilience Measure-Revised (CYRM-R), respectively. Results: The prevalence of PTS symptoms was 69.9%. Among the respondents, 61.37% were female and 56.48% had mothers with lower educational levels. Using multiple linear regression, the final predictors of PTS symptoms were excessive reactions (e.g., wailing loudly, miserable shrieking) of proxy during earthquake (β = 3.283, p = 0.005), maladaptive trauma-related cognition (β = 0.224, p = 0.002), and resilience (β = 0.192, p < 0.001) with female gender (β = 7.350, p < 0.001) as a control variable. Through simple linear regression, victims who witnessed injury or death during the earthquake (p = 0.003), had a proxy died during the earthquake (p = 0.01), and trapped victims or those who had difficulty escaping (p = 0.01) were identified to potentially predict the occurrence of PTS symptoms, warranting further study. Conclusion: The presence of excessive proxy reactions during the earthquake, maladaptive trauma-related cognition, and resilience in adolescents exposed to a natural disaster are worth targeting and prioritizing in future post-disaster interventions.
  20. Mohamed S, Ismail Z, Shuib N, Ali NF
    Front Psychiatry, 2021;12:789554.
    PMID: 34938215 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.789554
    Background: Medical students are not spared from the challenges related to the Covid-19 lockdown. The fear and uncertainties may lead to traumatic symptoms and test their resilience and sense of coping. Thus, this study aims to determine the prevalence of peri-traumatic distress symptoms and its association with the level of resilience and the coping strategies used during the lockdown among medical students. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional online questionnaire survey involving medical students from a public university in Malaysia. It was conducted during the COVID-19 lockdown or Movement Control Order (MCO) where the students were asked to fill in the COVID-19 Peri-traumatic Distress Index (CPDI), Brief COPE Inventory, and Connor Davidson Resilience Scale (CDRS-25). Results: A total of 282 clinical and 172 pre-clinical medical students were involved. Peri-traumatic distress symptoms were reported by 27% out of the total students. This study found that those who were having peritraumatic distress symptoms were from the pre-clinical years, had poor internet access, as well as lower resilience levels, and used more dysfunctional coping strategies. Pre-clinical medical students with difficult internet access were eight times more likely to have peritraumatic distress symptoms. Conclusions: Given the high level of peri-traumatic distress symptoms reported by medical students during the lockdown, it is vital to identify the vulnerable students, assess their needs and risks to mental health problems during this challenging time as the pandemic is still ongoing with countries going in and out of lockdown depending on the cases at the time. The university administration for each University in Malaysia will need to have a clear academic guideline and policy as well as providing improved infrastructure to minimize the distress faced by medical students.
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