Displaying all 10 publications

  1. Omar H, Lim CR, Chao S, Lee MM, Bong CW, Ooi EJ, et al.
    J Clin Gastroenterol, 2015 Feb;49(2):150-7.
    PMID: 25569223 DOI: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000000112
    Up to 25% of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients eventually develop hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), a disease with poor prognosis unless detected early. This study identifies a blood-based RNA biomarker panel for early HCC detection in CHB.
  2. Ling KL, Ooi CJ, Luman W, Cheong WK, Choen FS, Ng HS
    J Clin Gastroenterol, 2002 Aug;35(2):144-8.
    PMID: 12172359
    Ulcerative colitis (UC) is rare in Asia. Singapore is an ethnically heterogeneous city-state with a population made up of Chinese (77%), Indians (7.5%), and Malays (14%). This study describes and compares the characteristics of Chinese, Malay, and Indian patients with UC.
  3. Leddin D, Armstrong D, Raja Ali RA, Barkun A, Butt AS, Chen Y, et al.
    J Clin Gastroenterol, 2020 9 11;54(10):833-840.
    PMID: 32909973 DOI: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000001411
    Performance of endoscopic procedures is associated with a risk of infection from COVID-19. This risk can be reduced by the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). However, shortage of PPE has emerged as an important issue in managing the pandemic in both traditionally high and low-resource areas. A group of clinicians and researchers from thirteen countries representing low, middle, and high-income areas has developed recommendations for optimal utilization of PPE before, during, and after gastrointestinal endoscopy with particular reference to low-resource situations. We determined that there is limited flexibility with regard to the utilization of PPE between ideal and low-resource settings. Some compromises are possible, especially with regard to PPE use, during endoscopic procedures. We have, therefore, also stressed the need to prevent transmission of COVID-19 by measures other than PPE and to conserve PPE by reduction of patient volume, limiting procedures to urgent or emergent, and reducing the number of staff and trainees involved in procedures. This guidance aims to optimize utilization of PPE and protection of health care providers.
  4. Yun KE, Chang Y, Rampal S, Zhang Y, Cho J, Jung HS, et al.
    J Clin Gastroenterol, 2018 07;52(6):508-514.
    PMID: 28471937 DOI: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000000824
    GOALS: Because of shared risk factors between clinically manifest cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer, we hypothesized the coexistence of subclinical atherosclerosis measured by coronary artery calcium (CAC) and colorectal adenoma (CRA) and that these 2 processes would also share common risk factors.

    BACKGROUND: No study has directly compared the risk factors associated with subclinical coronary atherosclerosis and CRA.

    STUDY: This was a cross-sectional study using multinomial logistic regression analysis of 4859 adults who participated in a health screening examination (2010 to 2011; analysis 2014 to 2015). CAC scores were categorized as 0, 1 to 100, or >100. Colonoscopy results were categorized as absent, low-risk, or high-risk CRA.

    RESULTS: The prevalence of CAC>0, CAC 1 to 100 and >100 was 13.0%, 11.0%, and 2.0%, respectively. The prevalence of any CRA, low-risk CRA, and high-risk CRA was 15.1%, 13.0%, and 2.1%, respectively. The adjusted odds ratios (95% confidence interval) for CAC>0 comparing participants with low-risk and high-risk CRA with those without any CRA were 1.35 (1.06-1.71) and 2.09 (1.29-3.39), respectively. Similarly, the adjusted odds ratios (95% confidence interval) for any CRA comparing participants with CAC 1 to 100 and CAC>100 with those with no CAC were 1.26 (1.00-1.6) and 2.07 (1.31-3.26), respectively. Age, smoking, diabetes, and family history of CRC were significantly associated with both conditions.

    CONCLUSIONS: We observed a graded association between CAC and CRA in apparently healthy individuals. The coexistence of both conditions further emphasizes the need for more evidence of comprehensive approaches to screening and the need to consider the impact of the high risk of coexisting disease in individuals with CAC or CRA, instead of piecemeal approaches restricted to the detection of each disease independently.

  5. Goh KL
    J Clin Gastroenterol, 2017 Jul;51(6):479-485.
    PMID: 28591070 DOI: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000000847
    Colorectal cancer (CRC), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease are considered important emerging diseases in the Asia Pacific (AP) region. The incidence rate of CRC is the highest among gastrointestinal cancers in the region surpassing that of gastric cancer. However, population CRC screening is limited by availability of adequate health resources and financing. GERD is a highly prevalent disease in AP with the prevalence of GERD symptoms and reflux esophagitis reported to be increasing. The usage of proton pump inhibitors has also been reported to be high. The incidence and prevalence of IBD is not as high as in the west but is now an increasingly recognizable disease in the AP region. Being a complicated disease, IBD will pose a huge financial burden with the increasing use of expensive biological drugs. In tandem with the exponential increase in obesity and diabetes mellitus in AP, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease will become the most important liver disease in the region in the coming years. These emerging diseases reflect the continued fast-paced socioeconomic development in the region with marked lifestyle changes and increasing affluence.
  6. Ho SH, Uedo N, Aso A, Shimizu S, Saito Y, Yao K, et al.
    J Clin Gastroenterol, 2018 04;52(4):295-306.
    PMID: 29210900 DOI: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000000960
    Endoscopy imaging of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract has evolved tremendously over the last few decades. Key milestones in the development of endoscopy imaging include the use of various dyes for chromoendoscopy, the application of optical magnification in endoscopy, the introduction of high-definition image capturing and display technology and the application of altered illuminating light to achieve vascular and surface enhancement. Aims of this review paper are to summarize the development and evolution of modern endoscopy imaging and in particular, imaged-enhanced endoscopy (IEE), to promote appropriate usage, and to guide future development of good endoscopy practice. A search of PubMed database was performed to identify articles related to IEE of the GI tract. Where appropriate, landmark trials and high-quality meta-analyses and systematic reviews were used in the discussion. In this review, the developments and evolutions in endoscopy imaging and in particular, IEE, were summarized into discernible eras and the literature evidence with regard to the strengths and weaknesses in term of their detection and characterization capability in each of these eras were discussed. It is in the authors' opinion that IEE is capable of fairly good detection and accurate characterization of various GI lesions but such benefits may not be readily reaped by those who are new in the field of luminal endoscopy. Exposure and training in making confident diagnoses using these endoscopy imaging technologies are required in tandem with these new developments in order to fully embrace and adopt the benefits.
  7. Makharia G, Gibson PR, Bai JC, Karakan T, Lee YY, Collins L, et al.
    J Clin Gastroenterol, 2022 Jan 01;56(1):1-15.
    PMID: 34860201 DOI: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000001588
  8. Aliaga Ramos J, Pedrosa MS, Yoshida N, Abdul Rani R, Arantes VN
    J Clin Gastroenterol, 2023 Jan 01;57(1):74-81.
    PMID: 33883515 DOI: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000001541
    BACKGROUND: The standard of practice when a superficial lesion was identified during upper GI endoscopy is to take an endoscopic forceps biopsy (EFB) of the lesion. The histopathologic findings then will determine the management plan. Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) enables en-bloc resection for early neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract and provides an adequate specimen that permits a more reliable histopathologic assessment. The objective of this study was to determine the rate of histopathologic discrepancy between EFB and specimens resected by ESD, and to identify the predisposing risk factors for this discordance.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a retrospective study, enrolling patients with superficial gastric neoplasms that underwent EFB followed by ESD. We divided cases to concordant or discordant group according to the histopathologic diagnosis of EFB and ESD specimens. We also analyzed the features that may have influenced the occurrence of histopathologic discordance and the association between discordant samples of adenocarcinoma and neoplastic invasion to deeper layers.

    RESULTS: A total of 115 gastric ESD procedures were performed with 84 patients meeting the inclusion criteria. Histopathologic discordance between EFB and ESD specimens were observed in 35.8% of cases (30/84 lesions). The univariant-bivariant analysis and multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that histologic discordance was closely related to the size of the lesions ( P =0.028).

    CONCLUSION: Histopathologic discrepancy between EFB and ESD specimens may occur in approximately one-third of cases, particularly for lesions over 20 mm, which may lead to crucial delays in gastric cancer precise diagnosis and treatment.

  9. Tahiri M, Goh KL, Abbas Z, Epstein D, Min-Hu C, Mulder CJJ, et al.
    J Clin Gastroenterol, 2023 Aug 01;57(7):643-650.
    PMID: 37428083 DOI: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000001819
  10. Leddin D, Omary MB, Veitch A, Metz G, Amrani N, Aabakken L, et al.
    J Clin Gastroenterol, 2021 10 8;55(10):823-829.
    PMID: 34617932 DOI: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000001619
    Climate change has been described as the greatest public health threat of the 21st century. It has significant implications for digestive health. A multinational team with representation from all continents, excluding Antarctica and covering 18 countries, has formulated a commentary which outlines both the implications for digestive health and ways in which this challenge can be faced.
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