In addition to causing myiasis in humans, Megaselia spiracularis Schmitz has also been reported as a forensically important fly. In this study, we presented the morphology of all larval instars and puparium of M. spiracularis using scanning electron microscopy. The first instar larva was composed of 12 segments. Antennae and maxillary palp complex were visible. Two spiracular slits could be seen at the posterior spiracle. The branch of posterior spiracular hairs was approximately equal to the palm-formed base in length. Second and third larval instars were very similar to first instar, except for the presence of anterior spiracle. The labium of the second instar larva was triangular and ventrally curved, whereas it was a bilobed structure and the tip forked in the first instar. The bubble membrance comprised of ≈40 globules presented at the third instar larvae. Puparia showed a retracted cephalic region and a pair of pupal respiratory horns on the dorsum. A comparison of the morphological features between immature stages of M. spiracularis and M. scalaris, a forensically important fly indoors in Germany, Malaysia, and China, was discussed.
We propose to cascade the Shape-Preserving Piecewise Cubic Hermite model with the Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) interpolator; we call this technique the Shape-Preserving Piecewise Cubic Hermite Autoregressive Moving Average (SP2CHARMA) model. In a few test cases involving different images, this model is found to deliver an optimum solution for signal to noise ratio (SNR) estimation problems under different noise environments. The performance of the proposed estimator is compared with two existing methods: the autoregressive-based and autoregressive moving average estimators. Being more robust with noise, the SP2CHARMA estimator has efficiency that is significantly greater than those of the two methods.
The mixed Lagrange time-delay estimation autoregressive (MLTDEAR) model is proposed as a solution to estimate image noise variance. The only information available to the proposed estimator is a corrupted image and the nature of additive white noise. The image autocorrelation function is calculated and used to obtain the MLTDEAR model coefficients; the relationship between the MLTDEAR and linear prediction models is utilized to estimate the model coefficients. The forward-backward prediction is then used to obtain the predictor coefficients; the MLTDEAR model coefficients and prior samples of zero-offset autocorrelation values are next used to predict the power of the noise-free image. Furthermore, the fundamental performance limit of the signal and noise estimation, as derived from the Cramer-Rao inequality, is presented.
A new filter is developed for the enhancement of scanning electron microscope (SEM) images. A mixed Lagrange time delay estimation auto-regression (MLTDEAR)-based interpolator is used to provide an estimate of noise variance to a standard Wiener filter. A variety of images are captured and the performance of the filter is shown to surpass the conventional noise filters. As all the information required for processing is extracted from a single image, this method is not constrained by image registration requirements and thus can be applied in real-time in cases where specimen drift is presented in the SEM image.
Sexually mature males of Bactrocera papayae are strongly attracted to and consume methyl eugenol (ME). Upon consumption, ME is biotransformed to two phenylpropanoids, 2-allyl-4,5-dimethoxyphenol (DMP) and (E)-coniferyl alcohol (CF), that are transported in the hemolymph, sequestered and stored in the rectal glands, and subsequently released as sex and aggregation pheromones during courtship. To date, very little work on the ultrastructure and anatomy of the rectal gland has been done, and the accumulation of phenylpropanoids in the rectal glands of males has not been observed visually. Our objectives are to describe the anatomy and fine structures of the rectal glands of males and females and to observe the accumulation of autofluorescent compounds in the rectal glands of males. The rectal glands of males and females have four rectal papillae with each papilla attached to a rectal pad. The rectal pads protrude from the rectal gland as the only surfaces of the gland that are not surrounded by muscles. The rectal papillae of ME-fed males had oil droplets and autofluorescent compounds that were absent from those of ME-deprived males. The autofluorescent compounds accumulated in the rectal sac, which is an evagination that is not found in rectal glands of females. The accumulation of these compounds increased with time and reached maximum at a day post-ME feeding and decreased thereafter. This trend is similar to the accumulation pattern of phenylpropanoids, CF and DMP in the rectal gland.
Image processing is introduced to remove or reduce the noise and unwanted signal that deteriorate the quality of an image. Here, a single level two-dimensional wavelet transform is applied to the image in order to obtain the wavelet transform sub-band signal of an image. An estimation technique to predict the noise variance in an image is proposed, which is then fed into a Wiener filter to filter away the noise from the sub-band of the image. The proposed filter is called adaptive tuning piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation with Wiener filter in the wavelet domain. The performance of this filter is compared with four existing filters: median filter, Gaussian smoothing filter, two level wavelet transform with Wiener filter and adaptive noise Wiener filter. Based on the results, the adaptive tuning piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation with Wiener filter in wavelet domain has better performance than the other four methods.
Tannic acid (TA) is a phenolic compound that might act directly on osteoblast metabolism. The study was performed to investigate the effects of TA on the proliferation, mineralization, and morphology of human fetal osteoblast cells (hFOB 1.19). The cells were divided into TA-treated, untreated, and pamidronate-treated (control drug) groups. Half maximal effective concentration (EC50 ) values for TA and pamidronate were measured using MTT assay. The EC50 of hFOB 1.19 cells treated with TA was 2.94 M. This concentration was more effective compared to the pamidronate (15.27 M). Cell proliferation assay was performed to compare cell viability from Day 1 until Day 14. The morphology of hFOB 1.19 was observed via inverted microscope and scanning electron microscope. Calcium (Ca) and phosphate (P) were assessed using energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. Furthermore, the mineralization of hFOB 1.19 was determined by von Kossa staining (P depositions) and Alizarin Red S staining (Ca depositions). The number of cells treated with TA was significantly higher than the two control groups at Day 10 and Day 14. The morphology of cells treated with TA was uniformly fusiform-shaped with filopodia extensions. Besides, globular-like structures of deposited minerals were observed in the TA-treated group. In line with other findings, EDX spectrum analysis confirmed the presence of Ca and P. The cells treated with TA had significantly higher percentage of both minerals at Day 3 and Day 10 compared to the two control groups. In conclusion, TA enhances cell proliferation and causes cell morphology changes, as well as improved mineralization.
Plant diseases are accountable for economic losses in an agricultural country. The manual process of plant diseases diagnosis is a key challenge from last one decade; therefore, researchers in this area introduced automated systems. In this research work, automated system is proposed for citrus fruit diseases recognition using computer vision technique. The proposed method incorporates five fundamental steps such as preprocessing, disease segmentation, feature extraction and reduction, fusion, and classification. The noise is being removed followed by a contrast stretching procedure in the very first phase. Later, watershed method is applied to excerpt the infectious regions. The shape, texture, and color features are subsequently computed from these infection regions. In the fourth step, reduced features are fused using serial-based approach followed by a final step of classification using multiclass support vector machine. For dimensionality reduction, principal component analysis is utilized, which is a statistical procedure that enforces an orthogonal transformation on a set of observations. Three different image data sets (Citrus Image Gallery, Plant Village, and self-collected) are combined in this research to achieving a classification accuracy of 95.5%. From the stats, it is quite clear that our proposed method outperforms several existing methods with greater precision and accuracy.
Segmentation of objects from a noisy and complex image is still a challenging task that needs to be addressed. This article proposed a new method to detect and segment nuclei to determine whether they are malignant or not (determination of the region of interest, noise removal, enhance the image, candidate detection is employed on the centroid transform to evaluate the centroid of each object, the level set [LS] is applied to segment the nuclei). The proposed method consists of three main stages: preprocessing, seed detection, and segmentation. Preprocessing stage involves the preparation of the image conditions to ensure that they meet the segmentation requirements. Seed detection detects the seed point to be used in the segmentation stage, which refers to the process of segmenting the nuclei using the LS method. In this research work, 58 H&E breast cancer images from the UCSB Bio-Segmentation Benchmark dataset are evaluated. The proposed method reveals the high performance and accuracy in comparison to the techniques reported in literature. The experimental results are also harmonized with the ground truth images.
A conventional Michelson interferometer is modified and used to form the various types of interferometers. The basic system consists of a conventional Michelson interferometer with silicon-graphene-gold embedded between layers on the ports. When light from the monochromatic source is input into the system via the input port (silicon waveguide), the change in optical path difference (OPD) of light traveling in the stacked layers introduces the change in the optical phase, which affects to the electron mean free path within the gold layer, induces the change in the overall electron mobility can be seen by the interferometer output visibility. Further plasmonic waves are introduced on the graphene thin film and the electron mobility occurred within the gold layer, in which the light-electron energy conversion in terms of the electron mobility can be observed, the gold layer length is 100 nm. The measurement resolution in terms of the OPD of ∼ 50 nm is achieved. In applications, the outputs of the drop port device of the modified Michelson interferometer can be arranged by the different detectors, where the polarized light outputs, the photon outputs, the electron spin outputs can be obtained by the interference fringe visibility, mobility visibility and the spin up-down splitting output energies. The modified Michelson interferometer theory and the detection schemes are given in details.
With an increase in the advancement of digital imaging and computing power, computationally intelligent technologies are in high demand to be used in ophthalmology cure and treatment. In current research, Retina Image Analysis (RIA) is developed for optometrist at Eye Care Center in Management and Science University. This research aims to analyze the retina through vessel detection. The RIA assists in the analysis of the retinal images and specialists are served with various options like saving, processing and analyzing retinal images through its advanced interface layout. Additionally, RIA assists in the selection process of vessel segment; processing these vessels by calculating its diameter, standard deviation, length, and displaying detected vessel on the retina. The Agile Unified Process is adopted as the methodology in developing this research. To conclude, Retina Image Analysis might help the optometrist to get better understanding in analyzing the patient's retina. Finally, the Retina Image Analysis procedure is developed using MATLAB (R2011b). Promising results are attained that are comparable in the state of art.
Pollen micro-morphological features have proven to be helpful for the plant taxonomists in the identification and classification of plants. The utilization of this plantmayhelpfulin the areas of lignocellulosic conversion to biofuels and diversify application toward biomass. The current study was planned with the aim to evaluate the pollen features of complex Ranunculaceous flora of District Chitral, Northern Pakistan using both scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Light Microscope (LM) for their taxonomic importance. Pollens of 18 Ranunculaceous species belonging to 6 genera were collected from different localities of the research area. SEM and LM were used to examine both qualitative and quantitative micro-morphological features. Sculptring of the sexine include; Scabrate, psilate, echinate, verrucate, perforate gemmate, and reticulate and so forth. Shape of the pollens was sub-spheroidal, spheroidal, prolate, subprolate and oblate and so forth. Type of pollen was ranged from mono to tricolpate and tricolporate. Quantitative characters include length/width of the pollen, colpus, exine thickness, and P/E ratio. Based on these micro-morphological features a taxonomic key was prepared for the fast and correct identification. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT: Study of the pollen micro-morphological features of Ranunculaceous species by SEM and LM. Analysing both qualitative and quantitative characters of the pollens. Preparation of taxonomic key based on micro-morphological features for the correct and fast identification.
Climate change is the most realistic theory of this era. Sudden and drastic changes are happening on the earth and the survival of mankind is becoming questionable in the future. The plants play the key role in controlling the climate change. The study emphasizes on role of trees in the cop up or damaging the climate of this earth, whether they are medicinal trees or economically important trees. Due to the overgrazing and intense deforestation the climate is being affected hazardously. The global warming phenomenon is occurring due to the less availability of trees and more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In total 20 plants were collected from across the Pakistan on the basis of their abundance and their key roles. Out of which seeds of eight plants were scanned through scanning electron microscope for correct authentication and importance of these medicinally important trees in mitigating the climate change. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS: The role of forest sector in the climate's change mitigation. Medicinally and economically important tree species across Pakistan. By using SEM, Ultra seed sculpturing features as an authentication tool. To formulate some policies to stop or control deforestation.
The current study deals with the detailed morphology investigation of eight Cypsela species belonging to tribe Cichoreae. The different Cypsela types were described, explained, compared, and their taxonomic significance is discussed in detail. Light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) have been used to highlight quantitative and qualitative characters of underestudied species. Cypsela exhibit great diversity in macro and micromorphological features such as shape, color, length, width, anticlinal and periclinal wall patterns, surface patterns, epicuticular projections. Majority of Cypsela species were brownish in color and their size ranges from 2.16 to 3.98 mm in length and 1.16 to 0.82 mm in breadth. A great diversity in Cypsela shapes like oblanceolate to obovate, obovoid to cylindrical, obvate, narrowly lanceolate were observed. Most of the platelets having epicuticular projections were observed. The surface pattern on the cypsela surface varied from rugose papillate, verrucose papillate, and striated. On the basis of considerable variations observed, the present study can assist as useful constraints at various taxonomic levels. The aim of the present study is to provide a comprehensive description of the Cypsela morphology and to determine the extent to which these micro morphological data can be used as a taxonomic character to delineate various taxa belonging to the tribe Cichoreae.
To incorporate different concentrations of Al2O9Zr3 (1%, 5%, and 10%) nanoparticles (NP) into the ER adhesive and subsequently assess the impact of this addition on the degree of conversion, μTBS, and antimicrobial efficacy. The current research involved a wide-ranging examination that merged various investigative techniques, including the application of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for surface characterization of NP coupled with energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, μTBS testing, and microbial analysis. Teeth were divided into four groups based on the application of modified and unmodified three-step ER adhesive primer. Group 1 (0% Al2O9Zr3 NPs) Control, Group 2 (1% Al2O9Zr3 NPs), Group 3 (5% Al2O9Zr3 NPs), and Group 4 (10% Al2O9Zr3 NPs). EDX analysis of Al2O9Zr3 NPs was performed showing elemental distribution in synthesized NPs. Zirconium (Zr), Aluminum (Al), and Oxides (O2). After primer application, an assessment of the survival rate of Streptococcus mutans was completed. The FTIR spectra were analyzed to observe the characteristic peaks indicating the conversion of double bonds, both before and after the curing process, for the adhesive Etch and rinse containing 1,5,10 wt% Al2O9Zr3 NPs. μTBS and failure mode assessment were performed using a Universal Testing Machine (UTM) and stereomicroscope respectively. The μTBS and S.mutans survival rates comparison among different groups was performed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc (p = .05). Group 4 (10 wt% Al2O9Zr3 NPs + ER adhesive) specimens exhibited the minimum survival of S.mutans (0.11 ± 0.02 CFU/mL). Nonetheless, Group 1 (0 wt% Al2O9Zr3 NPs + ER adhesive) displayed the maximum surviving S.mutans (0.52 ± 0.08 CFU/mL). Moreover, Group 2 (1 wt% Al2O9Zr3 NPs + ER adhesive) (21.22 ± 0.73 MPa) samples displayed highest μTBS. However, the bond strength was weakest in Group 1 (0 wt% Al2O9Zr3 NPs + ER adhesive) (14.13 ± 0.32 MPa) study samples. The etch-and-rinse adhesive exhibited enhanced antibacterial activity and micro-tensile bond strength (μTBS) when 1% Al2O9Zr3 NPs was incorporated, as opposed to the control group. Nevertheless, the incorporation of Al2O9Zr3 NPs led to a decrease in DC. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS: 10 wt% Al2O9Zr3 NPs + ER adhesive specimens exhibited the minimum survival of S.mutans. 1 wt% Al2O9Zr3 NPs + ER adhesive samples displayed the most strong composite/CAD bond. The highest DC was observed in Group 1: 0 wt% Al2O9Zr3 NPs + ER adhesive.
To assess the interfacial adaptation and penetration depth of three different bioceramic-based sealers (CeraSeal, EndoSeal MTA, Nishika Canal Sealer BG) compared to an epoxy resin-based sealer (AH Plus) in oval root canals. Fourty extracted single-rooted mandibular premolar with oval canal were prepared and randomly allocated according to the obturation into; CeraSeal, EndoSeal MTA, Nishika Canal Sealer BG and AH Plus. The roots were sectioned at 3, 6 and 9 mm from the apex. The sealer adaptation and the penetration depth were evaluated under confocal laser scanning microscope. One-way ANOVA and Repeated measure ANOVA were used to statistically analyze the data. Nishika Canal Sealer BG showed significantly higher sealer adaptation than EndoSeal MTA (P
This study aimed to investigate the characterization of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs) produced from Cucurbita pepo L. (pumpkin seeds) and their selective cytotoxic effectiveness on human colon cancer cells (HCT 116) and African Green Monkey Kidney, Vero cells. The study also investigated the antioxidant activity of ZnONPs. The study also examined ZnONPs' antioxidant properties. This was motivated by the limited research on the comparative cytotoxic effects of ZnO NPs on normal and HCT116 cells. The ZnO NPs were characterized using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Transmission Electron Microscope/Selected Area Electron Diffraction (TEM/SAED), and Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy Dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX) for determination of chemical fingerprinting, heat stability, size, and morphology of the elements, respectively. Based on the results, ZnO NPs from pumpkins were found to be less than 5 μm and agglomerates in nature. Furthermore, the ZnO NPs fingerprinting and SEM-EDX element analysis were similar to previous literature, suggesting the sample was proven as ZnO NPs. The ZnO NPs also stable at a temperature of 380°C indicating that the green material is quite robust at 60-400°C. The cell viability of Vero cells and HCT 116 cell line were measured at two different time points (24 and 48 h) to assess the cytotoxicity effects of ZnO NP on these cells using AlamarBlue assay. Cytotoxic results have shown that ZnO NPs did not inhibit Vero cells but were slightly toxic to cancer cells, with a dose-response curve IC50 = ~409.7 μg/mL. This green synthesis of ZnO NPs was found to be non-toxic to normal cells but has a slight cytotoxicity effect on HCT 116 cells. A theoretical study used molecular docking to investigate nanoparticle interaction with cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2), exploring its mechanism in inhibiting CDK2's role in cancer. Further study should be carried out to determine suitable concentrations for cytotoxicity studies. Additionally, DPPH has a significant antioxidant capacity, with an IC50 of 142.857 μg/mL. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS: Pumpkin seed extracts facilitated a rapid, high-yielding, and environmentally friendly synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles. Spectrophotometric analysis was used to investigate the optical properties, scalability, size, shape, dispersity, and stability of ZnO NPs. The cytotoxicity of ZnO NPs on Vero and HCT 116 cells was assessed, showing no inhibition of Vero cells and cytotoxicity of cancer cells. The DPPH assay was also used to investigate the antioxidant potential of biogenic nanoparticles. A molecular docking study was performed to investigate the interaction of ZnO NPs with CDK2 and to explore the mechanism by which they inhibit CDK2's role in cancer.
Crustaceans possess a range of sensory organs crucial in sensory perception, communication, and various ecological functions. Understanding morphological and functional differences in antennae among species could validate taxonomic differentiation and ecological adaptations. The antennae morphology and ultrastructure of mud crab species within the Scylla genus are poorly understood, and their role in ecological adaptation and species differentiation remains unexplored. This study aimed to describe and compare the morphology and ultrastructure of antennae in Scylla olivacea, Scylla tranquebarica, and Scylla paramamosain. Antennae were carefully excised from each crab and subjected to morphological, morphometric, and ultrastructural analysis. The study revealed that the antennae of Scylla species exhibit similar overall morphology, with a series of segments that tapered toward the upper end. All species possess non-branched single setae on the upper end of each segment. The number of antennae segments varied between species, with S. paramamosain having significantly more segments than S. olivacea. Additionally, the length and width of antenna segments differed among the species, with S. tranquebarica having a rougher antenna surface compared to S. olivacea and S. paramamosain. Our findings suggest that Scylla's antennae are distinct between species, especially in the number of segments and setae size. Such difference might be related to ecological adaptation. The role of antennae in sensory perception and social behavioral cues in mud crabs warrants further investigation. This study serves as a foundational reference for future research on the taxonomy, ecological adaptation, and sensory behaviors in the Scylla genus. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS: Variations and similarities in morphology and ultrastructure of three Scylla species can be found in the antennae. Scylla paramamosain had significantly higher number of segments than Scylla olivacea in morphology feature. The antennae surface of Scylla tranquebarica was rougher than that of S. olivacea and S. paramamosain. Antennae of three Scylla species possess non-branched single setae.
The present exploration demonstrates the efficient, sustainable, cost-effective, and environment-friendly green approach for the synthesis of silver (Ag)-doped copper oxide (CuO) embedded with reduced graphene oxide (rGO) nanocomposite using the green one-pot method and the green deposition method. Leaf extracts of Ficus carica and Azadirachta indica were used for both methods as reducing and capping agents. The effect of methodology and plant extract was analyzed through different characterization techniques such as UV-visible spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), x-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The lowest band gap of 3.0 eV was observed for the Ag/CuO/rGO prepared by the green one-pot method using F. carica. The reduction of graphene oxide (GO) and the formation of metal oxide was confirmed through functional group detection using FT-IR. Calculation of thermodynamic parameters showed that all reactions involved were nonspontaneous and endothermic which shows the stability of nanocomposites. XRD studies revealed the crystallinity, phase purity and small average crystallite size of 32.67 nm. SEM images disclosed that the morphology of the nanocomposites was spherical with agglomeration and rough texture. The particle size of the nanocomposites calculated through HRTEM was found in agreement with the XRD results. The numerous properties of the synthesized nanocomposites enhanced their potential against the degradation of methylene blue, rhodamine B, and ciprofloxacin. The highest percentage degradation of Ag/CuO/rGO was found to be 97%, synthesized using the green one-pot method with F. carica against ciprofloxacin, which might be due to the lowest band gap, delayed electron-hole pair recombination, and large surface area available. The nanocomposites were also tested against the Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS: Facile synthesis of Ag/CuO/rGO nanocomposite using a green one-pot method and the green deposition method. The lowest band gap of 3.0 eV was observed for nanocomposite prepared by a green one-pot method using Ficus carica. Least average crystallite size of 32.67 nm was found for nanocomposite prepared by a green one-pot method using F. carica. Highest antibacterial and catalytic activity (97%) was obtained against ciprofloxacin with nanocomposite prepared through green one-pot method using F. carica. A mechanism of green synthesis is proposed.