Displaying all 3 publications

  1. Parvizpour S, Razmara J, Shamsir MS, Illias RM, Abdul Murad AM
    J Biomol Struct Dyn, 2017 06;35(8):1685-1692.
    PMID: 27206405 DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2016.1191043
    Matched MeSH terms: Cellulases/chemistry*
  2. Parvizpour S, Razmara J, Jomah AF, Shamsir MS, Illias RM
    J Mol Model, 2015 Mar;21(3):63.
    PMID: 25721655 DOI: 10.1007/s00894-015-2617-1
    Here, we present a novel psychrophilic β-glucanase from Glaciozyma antarctica PI12 yeast that has been structurally modeled and analyzed in detail. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to model a psychrophilic laminarinase from yeast. Because of the low sequence identity (<40%), a threading method was applied to predict a 3D structure of the enzyme using the MODELLER9v12 program. The results of a comparative study using other mesophilic, thermophilic, and hyperthermophilic laminarinases indicated several amino acid substitutions on the surface of psychrophilic laminarinase that totally increased the flexibility of its structure for efficient catalytic reactions at low temperatures. Whereas several structural factors in the overall structure can explain the weak thermal stability, this research suggests that the psychrophilic adaptation and catalytic activity at low temperatures were achieved through existence of longer loops and shorter or broken helices and strands, an increase in the number of aromatic and hydrophobic residues, a reduction in the number of hydrogen bonds and salt bridges, a higher total solvent accessible surface area, and an increase in the exposure of the hydrophobic side chains to the solvent. The results of comparative molecular dynamics simulation and principal component analysis confirmed the above strategies adopted by psychrophilic laminarinase to increase its catalytic efficiency and structural flexibility to be active at cold temperature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cellulases/chemistry*
  3. Rahnama N, Foo HL, Abdul Rahman NA, Ariff A, Md Shah UK
    BMC Biotechnol, 2014;14:103.
    PMID: 25496491 DOI: 10.1186/s12896-014-0103-y
    Rice straw has shown to be a promising agricultural by-product in the bioconversion of biomass to value-added products. Hydrolysis of cellulose, a main constituent of lignocellulosic biomass, is a requirement for fermentable sugar production and its subsequent bioconversion to biofuels such as biobutanol. The high cost of commercial enzymes is a major impediment to the industrial application of cellulases. Therefore, the use of local microbial enzymes has been suggested. Trichoderma harzianum strains are potential CMCase and β-glucosidase producers. However, few researches have been reported on cellulase production by T. harzianum and the subsequent use of the crude cellulase for cellulose enzymatic hydrolysis. For cellulose hydrolysis to be efficiently performed, the presence of the whole set of cellulase components including exoglucanase, endoglucanase, and β-glucosidase at a considerable concentration is required. Biomass recalcitrance is also a bottleneck in the bioconversion of agricultural residues to value-added products. An effective pretreatment could be of central significance in the bioconversion of biomass to biofuels.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cellulases/chemistry*
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