Displaying all 2 publications

  1. Venny, Gan S, Ng HK
    Sci Total Environ, 2012 Mar 1;419:240-9.
    PMID: 22285087 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2011.12.053
    This work focuses on the remediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-contaminated soil using modified Fenton (MF) treatment coupled with a novel chelating agent (CA), a more effective technique among currently available technologies. The performance of MF treatment to promote PAH oxidation in artificially contaminated soil was investigated in a packed column with a hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) delivery system simulating in-situ soil flushing which is more representative of field conditions. The effectiveness of process parameters H(2)O(2)/soil, Fe(3+)/soil, CA/soil weight ratios and reaction time were studied using a 2(4) three level factorial design experiments. An optimised operating condition of the MF treatment was observed at H(2)O(2)/soil 0.05, Fe(3+)/soil 0.025, CA/soil 0.04 and 3h reaction time with 79.42% and 68.08% PAH removals attainable for the upper and lower parts of the soil column respectively. The effects of natural attenuation and biostimulation process as post-treatment in the remediation of the PAH-contaminated soil were also studied. In all cases, 3-aromatic ring PAH (phenanthrene) was more readily degraded than 4-aromatic ring PAH (fluoranthene) regardless of the bioremediation approach. The results revealed that both natural attenuation and biostimulation could offer remarkable enhancement of up to 6.34% and 9.38% in PAH removals respectively after 8 weeks of incubation period. Overall, the results demonstrated that combined inorganic CA-enhanced MF treatment and bioremediation serves as a suitable strategy to enhance soil quality particularly to remediate soils heavily contaminated with mixtures of PAHs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diphosphates/chemistry*
  2. Gikonyo EW, Zaharah AR, Hanafi MM, Anuar AR
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2011;11:1421-41.
    PMID: 21805012 DOI: 10.1100/tsw.2011.131
    Soil phosphorus (P) release capability could be assessed through the degree of P saturation (DPS). Our main objective was to determine DPS and, hence, P threshold DPS values of an Ultisol treated with triple superphosphate (TSP), Gafsa phosphate rocks (GPR), or Christmas Island phosphate rocks (CIPR), plus or minus manure. P release was determined by the iron oxide-impregnated paper strip (strip P), while DPS was determined from ammonium oxalate-extractable aluminum (Al), iron (Fe), and P. Soils were sampled from a closed incubation study involving soils treated with TSP, GPR, and CIPR at 0-400 mg P kg-1, and a field study where soils were fertilized with the same P sources at 100-300 kg P ha-1 plus or minus manure. The DPS was significantly influenced by P source x P rate, P source x manure (incubated soils), and by P source x P rate x time (field-sampled soils). Incubated soil results indicated that both initial P and total strip P were related to DPS by exponential functions: initial strip P = 1.38exp0.18DPS, R2 = 0.82** and total strip P = 8.01exp0.13DPS, R2 = 0.65**. Initial strip P was linearly related to total P; total P = 2.45, initial P + 8.41, R2 = 0.85**. The threshold DPS value established was about 22% (incubated soil). Field soils had lower DPS values <12% and strip P was related to initial DPS and average DPS in exponential functions: strip P = 2.6exp0.44DPS, R2 = 0.77** and strip P = 1.1DPS2 ¨C 2.4DPS + 6.2, R2 = 0.58**, respectively. The threshold values were both approximately equal to 8% and P release was 11-14 mg P kg-1. Results are evident that DPS can be used to predict P release, but the threshold values are environmentally sensitive; hence, recommendations should be based on field trials.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diphosphates/chemistry
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