Intrapericardial teratoma is a germ-cell tumor that typically arises from the base of the heart. This rare cardiac tumour is the second most common tumor diagnosed in fetuses and newborn. Although benign, it can be massive in size causing direct compression on the heart and associated with significant pericardial effusion resulting life-threatening complications such as cardiac tamponade, heart failure, foetal hydrops, and sudden death. Early antenatal diagnosis and surgical intervention improve the survival. We present a case of immature intrapericardial teratoma diagnosed at 25 weeks of gestation but required multiple foetal pericardiocentesis and premature delivery due to massive pericardial effusion. The importance of multidisciplinary team approach to ensure successful management was highlighted in this case report.
A post-dated intra-uterine growth retarded male Malay baby was born to a 30-year-old mother gravida II by Caesarean section. Her previous pregnancy ended in still-birth. The baby was severely asphyxiated at birth. He was intubated and immediately admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. He had anasarca, anaemia, purpura and firm, massive hepatosplenomegaly. X-rays revealed ascites and bilateral metaphysiitis of the long bones. The haemoglobin level was 5.0 gm/dl and PCV 18.3%. Coombs' test was negative. Prothrombin time (PT) and partial thromboplastin time (PTT) were prolonged. The baby and mother were positive for Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) and the treponema pallidum haemagglutination assay (TPHA) tests. The baby was actively resuscitated but expired at three and a half hours of life due to overwhelming sepsis associated with severe anaemia and disseminated intravascular coagulation.