Dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) originate from the embryonic neural crest and have neurogenic potential. The present study investigated the roles of the forward and reverse EphrinB2 signalling pathways during DPSC neurogenesis. Treatment of DPSCs with recombinant EphrinB2-Fc protein over 7 days in a neural induction culture resulted in significant downregulation of the following neural markers: βIII-Tubulin, neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), nestin, neurogenin 2 (NGN2), neurofilament medium polypeptide and Musashi1. Immunocytochemistry revealed that EphrinB2-Fc-treated DPSCs exhibited more rounded morphologies with fewer neurite outgrowths as well as reduced protein expression of βIII-tubulin and NGN2. Treatment of DPSCs with a peptide inhibitor specific to the EphB4 receptor significantly upregulated expression of the neural markers microtubule-associated protein 2, Musashi1, NGN2 and neuron-specific enolase, whereas treatment with a peptide inhibitor specific to the EphB2 receptor exerted negligible effects on neurogenesis. Transgenic expression of EphrinB2 in DPSCs resulted in significant upregulation of Musashi1 and NCAM gene expression, while treatment of DPSCs with recombinant EphB4-Fc protein led to significant upregulation of only Musashi1. Thus, it may be concluded that stimulation of forward EphrinB2-EphB4 signalling markedly inhibited neurogenesis in DPSCs, whereas suppression of this forward signalling pathway with peptide inhibitor specific to EphB4 promoted neurogenesis. Meanwhile, stimulation of reverse EphB4-EphrinB2 signalling only marginally enhanced the neural differentiation of DPSCs. The present findings indicate the potential application of peptide or small molecule inhibitors of EphrinB2 forward signalling in neural tissue engineering with DPSCs.
Injury to a peripheral nerve leads to degeneration of the segment distal to the site of lesion, a process referred to as Wallerian degeneration. During Wallerian degeneration, axons and myelin sheaths undergo degeneration and are phagocytosed by macrophages and Schwann cells. The Schwann cells proliferate and the endoneurial tubes persist, together the whole structure is known as the band of Büngner. Within few hours, the damaged axons in the proximal stump initiate a regeneration response, with formation of new growth cones. During Wallerian degeneration, neurotrophins, neural cell adhesion molecules, cytokines and other soluble factors are upregulated to facilitate regeneration. The recovery of the target in mammals is often variable, but almost never complete. In humans, scar tissue forms at the site of lesion and this often results in poor recovery of the target. The major events underlying this regenerative process is highlighted and discussed in this review.
Wallerian degeneration is a complicated process whereby axons and myelin sheaths undergo degeneration, and eventually are phagocytosed by macrophages and Schwann cells following nerve damage. Schwann cells proliferate and the endoneural tubes persist. In addition, neurotrophins, neural cell adhesion molecules, cytokines and other soluble factors are upregulated to facilitate regeneration. The important role of cellular components, neurotrophins, and extracellular matrix components, including cell surface molecules involved in this regenerative process, is highlighted and discussed in this review.