The jungle habitat of the Temuan aborigines harbors a variety of infectious diseases, the most notable being malaria. Our study of 15 genetic systems in the Temuan revealed substantial polymorphism and within-population genetic diversity. The polymorphisms for Hb beta, G6PD, and El are of interest in regard to genetic adaptation to malaria. Among the polymorphisms investigated we conclude that G6PD deficiency and elliptocytosis are likely to have malaria-resistant effects as evidenced by their low association with malarial parasitemia or their higher frequency in adults than in children. These findings suggest that the malarial habitat of the Temuans is livable in the long range sense for them because of the cluster of malaria-resistant alleles in their gene pool (G6PD)-, El, and possibly, but not tested here because of its low frequency, Hb beta E). The same condition probably holds for the Semai, the nearest aborigine neighbors of the Temuan (although the Semai have not been tested for malarial parasitemia and for these polymorphisms simultaneously), since the Semai have substantial Hb betaE, G6PD-, and El. The Temuan have a cultural identity system of rituals, beliefs, and certain aspects of language which effectively isolates them genetically from Malays and other nonaborigines. This system hinders the dilution of the malaria-resistant alleles of the Temuan gene pool with the malaria-susceptible alleles of the nonaborigine gene pools.
The Land and Sea Dayaks of Sarawak were surveyed for several erythrocyte enzymes. The gene frequency of 6PGDC in 132 Land Dayaks and 127 Sea Dayaks were 0.045 and 0.047, respectively. The gene frequency of PGM1-1 IN 285 Land Dayks and 240 Sea Dayaks were 0.716 and 0.779, respectively. The ADA2 gene frequency in 283 Land Dayaks and 188 Sea Dayaks were 0.154 and 0.090. ADA 5-1 was found once in the Land Dayaks and once in the Sea Dayaks. AK 2-1 was found once in 221 Sea Dayaks but not in any of 270 Land Dayaks. No PHI, LDH or CA variants were found among the Land or Sea Dayaks.
A population genetic study was undertaken to provide gene frequency data on the additional blood genetic markers in the Semai and to estimate the genetic relations between the Semai and their neighboring and linguistically related populations by genetic distance and principal components analyses. Altogether 10 polymorphic and 7 monomorphic blood genetic markers (plasma proteins and red cell enzymes) were studied in a group of 349 Senoi Semai from 11 aboriginal settlements (villages) in the Pahang State of western Malaysia. Both the red cell glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (PGD) loci reveal the presence of polymorphic frequencies of a nondeficient slow allele at the G6PD locus and a fast allele at the PGD locus. The Semai are characterized by high prevalences of ahaptoglobinemia and G6PD deficiency, high frequencies of HP*1, HB*E, RH*R1, ACP*C, GLO1*1, PGM1*2+, and GC*1F and corresponding low frequencies of ABO*A, HbCoSp, HB*B0, TF*D, CHI, and GC*2. Genetic distance analyses by both cluster and principal components models were performed between the Semai and 14 other populations (Malay; Javanese; Khmer; Veddah; Tamils of Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and India; Sinhalese; Oraon; Toda and Irula of India; Chinese; Japanese; Koreans) on the basis of 30 alleles at 7 polymorphic loci. A more detailed analysis using 53 alleles at 13 polymorphic loci with 10 populations was carried out. Both analyses give genetic evidence of a close relationship between the Semai and the Khmer of Cambodia. Furthermore, the Semai are more closely related to the Javanese than to their close neighbors--the Malay, Chinese, and Tamil Indians. There is no evidence for close genetic relationship between the Semai and the Veddah or other Indian tribes. The evidence fits well with the linguistic relationship of the Semai with the Mon-Khmer branch of the Austro-Asiatic language family.
Samples from 378 Chinese and 259 Malay blood donors in Singapore have been studied for electrophoretic variants in 13 red cell enzyme systems and for abnormal haemoglobins. Variants were detected in 8 of the enzyme systems, and the frequencies were polymorphic for acid phosphatase, 6 phosphogluconate dehydrogenase phosphoglucomutase (locus 1) among both Chinese and Malays, and for adenylate kinase also among Malays. Rare variants were detected in the phosphohexose, NADH diaphorase and lactate dehydrogenase systems. A new GPGD phenotype and three new LDH phenotypes have been described. Electrophoretic variants of haemoglobin were more frequent among Malays than among Chinese.
Four red cell enzyme systems were studied in Malaysian mothers and their newborn belonging to three racial groups, the Malays, Indians and Chinese. No significant heterogeneity was observed in the distribution of phosphoglucomutase (PGM1), adenosine deaminase (ADA), 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD) and acid phosphatase (AP) phenotypes between mothers and their newborn of the three groups. Pooled mother and child acid phosphatase data show a significant heterogeneity between the Malays and Chinese, and between the Malays and Indians. This is comparable to previous studies conducted. For the placental phosphoglucomutase (PGM3) system, a significant heterogeneity was observed between the Chinese and Malays only. No significant heterogeneity was detected in the distribution of PGM1, ADA and 6PGD phenotypes among Malays, Chinese and Indians.