The aim of the study was to ascertain if there was any difference in the levels of prorenin and active renin between pre-eclamptic and normotensive feto-placental tissues.
Hypertension complicates chronic pyelonephritis. Since arterial narrowing is common in the damaged kidney, activation of the renin-angiotensin system due to renal ischaemia has been suggested as a pathogenetic mechanism. We used an antiserum to human renin and an immunoperoxidase technique to study the anatomy of renin-containing cells (RCC) in 18 kidneys removed for pyeloneophritis. We independently assessed the degree of arterial narrowing and correlated these variables with the clinical findings. There was histological evidence of hyperplasia of RCC in 5 of the 6 hypertensive patients and in 7 of the 12 non-hypertensive cases. There was no difference in the apparent number or distribution of RCC between the hypertensive and the non-hypertensive cases. Also, the degree of arterial narrowing did not correlate with either the hyperplasia of RCC or the blood pressure of the patients. Our results do not support the hypothesis that narrowing of the intrarenal arteries is important in the pathogenesis of hypertension in pyelonephritis. In our cases, the renal veins were more severely damaged than the arteries and their lumina were often obliterated by organized thrombus. We suggest that such widespread obliteration of the renal venous tree could impair blood flow and contribute to the tissue damage in the pyelonephritic kidney.